[gov_10a_taxag] Main national accounts tax aggregates
Updated by provider on October 31, 2024 (10:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [MIO_EUR] Million euro
- [MIO_NAC] Million units of national currency
- [PC_GDP] Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
- [PC_TOT] Percentage of total
[sector] Sector
- [S13] General government
- [S1311] Central government
- [S1312] State government
- [S1313] Local government
- [S1314] Social security funds
- [S13_S212] General government; institutions of the EU
- [S212] Institutions of the EU
[na_item] National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- [D2] Taxes on production and imports
- [D21] Taxes on products
- [D211] Value added type taxes (VAT)
- [D212] Taxes and duties on imports excluding VAT
- [D2121] Import duties
- [D2122] Taxes on imports excluding VAT and import duties
- [D2122A] Levies on imported agricultural products
- [D2122B] Monetary compensatory amounts on imports
- [D2122C] Excise duties
- [D2122D] General sales taxes
- [D2122E] Taxes on specific services
- [D2122F] Profits of import monopolies
- [D214] Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes
- [D214A] Excise duties and consumption taxes
- [D214B] Stamp taxes
- [D214C] Taxes on financial and capital transactions
- [D214D] Car registration taxes
- [D214E] Taxes on entertainment
- [D214F] Taxes on lotteries, gambling and betting
- [D214G] Taxes on insurance premiums
- [D214H] Other taxes on specific services
- [D214I] General sales or turnover taxes
- [D214J] Profits of fiscal monopolies
- [D214K] Export duties and monetary compensatory amounts on exports
- [D214L] Other taxes on products n.e.c.
- [D29] Other taxes on production
- [D29A] Taxes on land, buildings and other structures
- [D29B] Taxes on the use of fixed assets
- [D29C] Total wage bill and payroll taxes
- [D29D] Taxes on international transactions
- [D29E] Business and professional licences
- [D29F] Taxes on pollution
- [D29G] Under-compensation of VAT (flat rate system)
- [D29H] Other taxes on production n.e.c.
- [D2_D5_D91] Total tax receipts
- [D2_D5_D91_D61_M_D611V_D612_M_M_D613V_D614_M_D995] Total receipts from taxes and compulsory social contributions after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D2_D5_D91_D61_M_D612_M_D614_M_D995] Total receipts from taxes and social contributions after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D2_D5_D91_D61_M_D995] Total receipts from taxes and social contributions (including imputed social contributions) after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D5] Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
- [D51] Taxes on income
- [D51A] Taxes on individual or household income
- [D51A_C1] Taxes on individual or household income including holding gains
- [D51B] Taxes on the income or profits of corporations
- [D51B_C2] Taxes on the income or profits of corporations including holding gains
- [D51C] Taxes on holding gains
- [D51C1] Taxes on individual or household holding gains
- [D51C2] Taxes on holding gains of corporations
- [D51C3] Other taxes on holding gains
- [D51D] Taxes on winnings from lottery or gambling
- [D51E] Other taxes on income n.e.c.
- [D59] Other current taxes
- [D59A] Current taxes on capital
- [D59B] Poll taxes
- [D59C] Expenditure taxes
- [D59D] Payments by households for licences
- [D59E] Taxes on international transactions
- [D59F] Other current taxes n.e.c.
- [D61] Net social contributions
- [D611] Employers' actual social contributions
- [D6111] Employers' actual pension contributions
- [D6112] Employers' actual non-pension contributions
- [D611C] Compulsory employers' actual social contributions
- [D611V] Voluntary employers' actual social contributions
- [D612] Employers' imputed social contributions
- [D6121] Employers' imputed pension contributions
- [D6122] Employers' imputed non-pension contributions
- [D613] Households' actual social contributions
- [D6131] Households' actual pension contributions
- [D6132] Households' actual non-pension contributions
- [D613C] Compulsory households' actual social contributions
- [D613CE] Compulsory employees' actual social contributions
- [D613CN] Compulsory actual social contributions by the non-employed
- [D613CS] Compulsory actual social contributions by the self-employed
- [D613V] Voluntary households' actual social contributions
- [D614] Households' social contributions supplements
- [D6141] Households' pension contributions supplements
- [D6142] Households' non-pension contributions supplements
- [D61SC] Social insurance scheme service charges
- [D91] Capital taxes
- [D91A] Taxes on capital transfers
- [D91B] Capital levies
- [D91C] Other capital taxes n.e.c.
- [D995] Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995A] Taxes on products assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995B] Other taxes on production assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995C] Taxes on income assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995D] Other current taxes assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995E] Employers'actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995F] Households'actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995FE] Employees'actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995FN] Actual social contributions by non-employed persons assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995FS] Actual social contributions by self-employed persons assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D995G] Capital taxes assessed but unlikely to be collected
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (4)
Sector [sector] (7)
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item] (93)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (33)
This dataset has 82,874 series:
- from
- 1995=26,897.6
- to
- 2023=65,393.8
- min:
- 26,897.6
- max:
- 65,393.8
- avg:
- 42,619.541
- σ:
- 10,687.336
- from
- 1995=27,098
- to
- 2023=73,354.8
- min:
- 27,098
- max:
- 73,354.8
- avg:
- 47,052.631
- σ:
- 13,204.851
- from
- 1995=1,211.6
- to
- 2023=13,814.1
- min:
- 878.7
- max:
- 13,818.6
- avg:
- 5,561.217
- σ:
- 3,513.133
- from
- 1995=14,645.8
- to
- 2023=42,599.6
- min:
- 14,308.7
- max:
- 42,599.6
- avg:
- 26,383.583
- σ:
- 8,478.477
- from
- 1995=865.6
- to
- 2023=4,442.2
- min:
- 865.6
- max:
- 4,442.2
- avg:
- 2,420.855
- σ:
- 957.282
- from
- 1995=5,193.1
- to
- 2023=33,568
- min:
- 5,193.1
- max:
- 33,568
- avg:
- 16,389.179
- σ:
- 8,165.233
- from
- 1995=205,470
- to
- 2023=424,310
- min:
- 199,755.1
- max:
- 431,742
- avg:
- 297,634.655
- σ:
- 71,803.654
- from
- 1995=23,050.4
- to
- 2023=52,062.6
- min:
- 23,050.4
- max:
- 54,383.2
- avg:
- 39,183.414
- σ:
- 8,681.065
- from
- 1995=695,296.9
- to
- 2023=1,786,937.6
- min:
- 695,296.9
- max:
- 1,786,937.6
- avg:
- 1,211,376.155
- σ:
- 303,140.471
- from
- 1995=698,744.9
- to
- 2023=1,801,931.7
- min:
- 698,744.9
- max:
- 1,801,931.7
- avg:
- 1,219,229.486
- σ:
- 305,871.859
Series code | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.AT] | 26897.6 | 27895.6 | 28522.8 | 29414.8 | 30965.2 | 31563.9 | 32470.8 | 33658.8 | 34120.2 | 35223.9 | 36145.4 | 37042.4 | 39103.7 | 40717.2 | 41196.8 | 42474.3 | 44690.5 | 46730.2 | 47407.6 | 48419.1 | 50038.6 | 52028.5 | 52868.4 | 54048.2 | 55728.9 | 52393.1 | 57214.7 | 61591.7 | 65393.8 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.BE] | 27098 | 28185.7 | 28861.5 | 29926.7 | 32155.5 | 33536.1 | 33646.3 | 34795.2 | 36187.9 | 38464 | 40376.1 | 42374.7 | 44379.1 | 45406.9 | 44931.2 | 47814.8 | 49852.2 | 52624.9 | 53468 | 54200.2 | 55113.1 | 57789 | 59555.2 | 61619.1 | 63654 | 59326.9 | 66882.1 | 68947.1 | 73354.8 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.BG] | 1211.6 | 878.7 | 953.6 | 1682.1 | 1668.3 | 1969.3 | 2089.1 | 2160.6 | 2656.1 | 3316.8 | 3862.3 | 4553.6 | 5171.7 | 6221.1 | 5290.6 | 5267.7 | 5722.9 | 6053.2 | 6424.7 | 6424.5 | 6988 | 7512.4 | 8038.5 | 8290 | 9396.4 | 9278.8 | 10560 | 13818.6 | 13814.1 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.CH] | 14645.8 | 14488.3 | 14308.7 | 15884 | 17435.7 | 19635.2 | 20150.1 | 20071.4 | 19648.4 | 20104.9 | 20415.8 | 21031.8 | 20960.6 | 22427.8 | 23078 | 26498.1 | 30180.4 | 30848.2 | 30512.4 | 31072.6 | 35557.1 | 34739.2 | 35051 | 33593.3 | 35023.1 | 36031.6 | 37650.9 | 41479.9 | 42599.6 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.CY] | 865.6 | 875.7 | 866.8 | 982.7 | 1016.7 | 1283.9 | 1427.3 | 1502.9 | 1882.9 | 2126 | 2301 | 2581.2 | 3043.8 | 3159.3 | 2687 | 2808.2 | 2742.2 | 2758.2 | 2527.4 | 2652.9 | 2696.1 | 2828.5 | 3040.2 | 3278 | 3398.9 | 2945.7 | 3449.4 | 4034.1 | 4442.2 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.CZ] | 5193.1 | 5935.4 | 5846.8 | 6104.2 | 6580.8 | 7018.9 | 7659 | 8760.5 | 9023.7 | 10461.4 | 11806.5 | 12764.6 | 14591.4 | 16724.8 | 16076.2 | 17455.7 | 19566.3 | 19953.8 | 20080.8 | 18633.2 | 20598.5 | 21707.5 | 23788.4 | 25240.7 | 26803 | 24620.4 | 27497.5 | 31225.1 | 33568 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.DE] | 205470 | 202402.3 | 199755.1 | 206708.6 | 223572 | 229381 | 233418 | 235394 | 240978 | 239835 | 242581 | 252846 | 278208 | 283315 | 286922 | 287084 | 309270 | 315623 | 325968 | 337783 | 349818 | 359160 | 371778 | 381400 | 394384 | 371274 | 411025 | 431742 | 424310 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.DK] | 23050.4 | 24635.2 | 25715.4 | 28300.1 | 29658 | 29658.2 | 30901.6 | 32314.1 | 32660.3 | 34555.3 | 37025.4 | 38994.7 | 40722.9 | 39730.2 | 37799.4 | 39321.6 | 40458.5 | 41601.4 | 42481.8 | 43225.2 | 44445.9 | 45733.1 | 46859.1 | 48317.6 | 48833.1 | 49820.2 | 53054.5 | 54383.2 | 52062.6 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.EA19] | 695296.9 | 731961.2 | 757398.4 | 824702.8 | 875370.3 | 907454.9 | 932742.1 | 966449.3 | 994878.4 | 1038459.1 | 1089111.7 | 1154750.2 | 1213575.3 | 1198663.3 | 1154697.1 | 1201025.5 | 1253294.3 | 1290516.7 | 1319683.7 | 1369005.8 | 1404929.4 | 1437136.1 | 1490388.2 | 1542759.7 | 1599578.5 | 1491985.4 | 1649245.9 | 1757910.7 | 1786937.6 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.D2.EA20] | 698744.9 | 735654.7 | 761400.5 | 829338.8 | 879742.8 | 912206.6 | 937840.8 | 972143.1 | 1000878.4 | 1044769.5 | 1095922.1 | 1162320.3 | 1221720.9 | 1207571.4 | 1162672.8 | 1209209.6 | 1261281.1 | 1298751.3 | 1328089.9 | 1377294.9 | 1413759.6 | 1446448.5 | 1500310.4 | 1553476.5 | 1610927.9 | 1501724.6 | 1660666.1 | 1770855.4 | 1801931.7 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 82,874