[gov_10q_ggnfa] Quarterly non-financial accounts for general government
Updated by provider on October 22, 2024 (9:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [Q] Quarterly
[unit] Unit of measure
- [MIO_EUR] Million euro
- [MIO_NAC] Million units of national currency
- [PC_GDP] Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
[s_adj] Seasonal adjustment
- [NSA] Unadjusted data (i.e. neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data)
- [SA] Seasonally adjusted data, not calendar adjusted data
- [SCA] Seasonally and calendar adjusted data
- [TC] Trend cycle data
[sector] Sector
- [S13] General government
- [S1311] Central government
- [S1312] State government
- [S1313] Local government
- [S1314] Social security funds
- [S212] Institutions of the EU
[na_item] National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- [B1G] Value added, gross
- [B8G] Saving, gross
- [B9] Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-)
- [D1PAY] Compensation of employees, expenditure
- [D211REC] Value added type taxes (VAT), revenue
- [D21REC] Taxes on products, revenue
- [D29PAY] Other taxes on production, expenditure
- [D29REC] Other taxes on production, revenue
- [D2REC] Taxes on production and imports, revenue
- [D2_D5_D91_D61_M_D995] Total receipts from taxes and social contributions (including imputed social contributions) after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D31PAY] Subsidies on products, expenditure
- [D39PAY] Other subsidies on production, expenditure
- [D39REC] Other subsidies on production, revenue
- [D3PAY] Subsidies, expenditure
- [D41PAY] Interest, expenditure
- [D41REC] Interest, revenue
- [D42_TO_D45PAY] Other property income, expenditure
- [D42_TO_D45REC] Other property income, revenue
- [D4PAY] Property income, expenditure
- [D4REC] Property income, revenue
- [D51REC] Taxes on income, revenue
- [D59REC] Other current taxes, revenue
- [D5PAY] Current taxes on income, wealth, etc., expenditure
- [D5REC] Current taxes on income, wealth, etc., revenue
- [D611REC] Employers' actual social contributions, revenue
- [D613REC] Households' actual social contributions, revenue
- [D61REC] Net social contributions, revenue
- [D62PAY] Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, expenditure
- [D62_D632PAY] Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production, expenditure
- [D632PAY] Social transfers in kind, purchased market production, expenditure
- [D7PAY] Other current transfers, expenditure
- [D7REC] Other current transfers, revenue
- [D8] Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
- [D91REC] Capital taxes, revenue
- [D92PAY] Investment grants, expenditure
- [D92_D99REC] Investment grants and other capital transfers, revenue
- [D995] Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected
- [D9PAY] Capital transfers, expenditure
- [D9REC] Capital transfers, revenue
- [NP] Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
- [OP5ANP] Gross capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
- [P1] Output
- [P11_P12_P131] Market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market output
- [P2] Intermediate consumption
- [P3] Final consumption expenditure
- [P31] Individual consumption expenditure
- [P32] Collective consumption expenditure
- [P5] Gross capital formation
- [P51C] Consumption of fixed capital
- [P51G] Gross fixed capital formation
- [P52_P53] Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables
- [TE] Total general government expenditure
- [TR] Total general government revenue
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (3)
Seasonal adjustment [s_adj] (4)
Sector [sector] (6)
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item] (53)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (33)
This dataset has 14,937 series:
- from
- 2001-Q1=7,259.6
- to
- 2024-Q2=18,321.5
- min:
- 7,259.6
- max:
- 18,321.5
- avg:
- 11,453.071
- σ:
- 2,578.68
- from
- 1995-Q1=7,515.8
- to
- 2024-Q2=23,450.2
- min:
- 7,157.4
- max:
- 23,450.2
- avg:
- 13,047.894
- σ:
- 4,211.827
- from
- 1999-Q1=398.9
- to
- 2024-Q2=3,497.9
- min:
- 398.9
- max:
- 4,165.4
- avg:
- 1,336.16
- σ:
- 775.221
- from
- 1999-Q1=1,931.6
- to
- 2024-Q2=10,796.9
- min:
- 1,931.6
- max:
- 11,511.9
- avg:
- 5,633.857
- σ:
- 2,419.941
- from
- 1999-Q1=7,750.5
- to
- 2024-Q2=16,395.7
- min:
- 7,750.5
- max:
- 16,395.7
- avg:
- 11,819.058
- σ:
- 2,195.11
- from
- 2002-Q1=215.3
- to
- 2024-Q2=1,538.8
- min:
- 208.7
- max:
- 1,585
- avg:
- 699.666
- σ:
- 338.439
- from
- 1999-Q1=4,062.6
- to
- 2024-Q2=8,015
- min:
- 4,062.6
- max:
- 11,050
- avg:
- 7,205.614
- σ:
- 1,288.632
- from
- 1995-Q1=13,831.8
- to
- 2024-Q2=54,878
- min:
- 13,831.8
- max:
- 55,060
- avg:
- 31,983.286
- σ:
- 10,595.369
- from
- 1999-Q1=5,058
- to
- 2024-Q2=11,821
- min:
- 5,058
- max:
- 11,954
- avg:
- 8,285.343
- σ:
- 1,774.021
- from
- 2000-Q1=60,936.9
- to
- 2024-Q2=119,810.7
- min:
- 60,936.9
- max:
- 121,115
- avg:
- 88,114.108
- σ:
- 15,339.128
Series code | 1995-Q1 | 1995-Q2 | 1995-Q3 | 1995-Q4 | 1996-Q1 | 1996-Q2 | 1996-Q3 | 1996-Q4 | 1997-Q1 | 1997-Q2 | 1997-Q3 | 1997-Q4 | 1998-Q1 | 1998-Q2 | 1998-Q3 | 1998-Q4 | 1999-Q1 | 1999-Q2 | 1999-Q3 | 1999-Q4 | 2000-Q1 | 2000-Q2 | 2000-Q3 | 2000-Q4 | 2001-Q1 | 2001-Q2 | 2001-Q3 | 2001-Q4 | 2002-Q1 | 2002-Q2 | 2002-Q3 | 2002-Q4 | 2003-Q1 | 2003-Q2 | 2003-Q3 | 2003-Q4 | 2004-Q1 | 2004-Q2 | 2004-Q3 | 2004-Q4 | 2005-Q1 | 2005-Q2 | 2005-Q3 | 2005-Q4 | 2006-Q1 | 2006-Q2 | 2006-Q3 | 2006-Q4 | 2007-Q1 | 2007-Q2 | 2007-Q3 | 2007-Q4 | 2008-Q1 | 2008-Q2 | 2008-Q3 | 2008-Q4 | 2009-Q1 | 2009-Q2 | 2009-Q3 | 2009-Q4 | 2010-Q1 | 2010-Q2 | 2010-Q3 | 2010-Q4 | 2011-Q1 | 2011-Q2 | 2011-Q3 | 2011-Q4 | 2012-Q1 | 2012-Q2 | 2012-Q3 | 2012-Q4 | 2013-Q1 | 2013-Q2 | 2013-Q3 | 2013-Q4 | 2014-Q1 | 2014-Q2 | 2014-Q3 | 2014-Q4 | 2015-Q1 | 2015-Q2 | 2015-Q3 | 2015-Q4 | 2016-Q1 | 2016-Q2 | 2016-Q3 | 2016-Q4 | 2017-Q1 | 2017-Q2 | 2017-Q3 | 2017-Q4 | 2018-Q1 | 2018-Q2 | 2018-Q3 | 2018-Q4 | 2019-Q1 | 2019-Q2 | 2019-Q3 | 2019-Q4 | 2020-Q1 | 2020-Q2 | 2020-Q3 | 2020-Q4 | 2021-Q1 | 2021-Q2 | 2021-Q3 | 2021-Q4 | 2022-Q1 | 2022-Q2 | 2022-Q3 | 2022-Q4 | 2023-Q1 | 2023-Q2 | 2023-Q3 | 2023-Q4 | 2024-Q1 | 2024-Q2 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.AT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7259.6 | 7852.6 | 7506.9 | 8124.7 | 7390.6 | 7928.7 | 7723.7 | 8120.4 | 7763.3 | 8168.5 | 7779.1 | 8188.9 | 8045.9 | 8362.9 | 7953 | 8569.7 | 8554.6 | 9226.9 | 8722.3 | 9304.1 | 8923.4 | 9562.5 | 8982.9 | 9752.4 | 9146.8 | 9934.3 | 9316.3 | 10127.6 | 9560.4 | 10476.2 | 9833.8 | 10665.1 | 10045.7 | 10888.2 | 10255.1 | 11069 | 10269.7 | 11131 | 10424.9 | 11284.7 | 10495.1 | 11308.6 | 10726.4 | 11343.4 | 10729.5 | 11665.5 | 10865.9 | 11814.7 | 10876.7 | 11836.5 | 11027.6 | 11909.1 | 11025.4 | 12057.2 | 11239.9 | 12235.4 | 11537.9 | 12468.3 | 11621.1 | 12649.8 | 11803.9 | 12833.9 | 11955.6 | 13094.1 | 12103 | 13206.2 | 12253.5 | 13455.7 | 12432.6 | 13574.5 | 12661.3 | 13869.9 | 12818.6 | 14143 | 13126.2 | 14449 | 13205.8 | 14253.2 | 13565.9 | 14781.5 | 13659.2 | 15002.3 | 14136.6 | 15357.3 | 14319 | 15859.4 | 14754.4 | 16091.7 | 15410.3 | 17025.3 | 15760.5 | 17271.4 | 16402 | 18321.5 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.BE] | 7515.8 | 7732.1 | 7196 | 7843.1 | 7697.8 | 7764.9 | 7350.7 | 7488 | 7933.8 | 7636.4 | 7157.4 | 7547.2 | 8078.8 | 7831.7 | 7414 | 7751 | 8369.7 | 8132 | 7741.4 | 8340 | 8559.2 | 8495.9 | 7979.9 | 8809.1 | 8625 | 8823.6 | 8459.4 | 9357 | 9336.4 | 9607.5 | 8892.3 | 9787.1 | 9628.4 | 9781.8 | 9381.5 | 10368.4 | 9972.2 | 10135 | 9501.9 | 10640.6 | 10423.2 | 10639.3 | 10109.8 | 11297.9 | 10918.7 | 11261.5 | 10570.3 | 11776.9 | 11453.8 | 11782.9 | 11013.3 | 12203.6 | 11897.5 | 12318.6 | 11691.6 | 13111.4 | 12565.8 | 12822.2 | 12045.4 | 13441.4 | 12936 | 13165.1 | 12400.3 | 13974.8 | 13410.2 | 13687.1 | 13073.2 | 14512.7 | 13855.9 | 14426.6 | 13537.5 | 15118.7 | 14420.9 | 14811.4 | 13950.2 | 15450.1 | 15024.9 | 15390.3 | 14403.7 | 16051 | 15014.7 | 15745.7 | 14366 | 16142.2 | 15286.1 | 15947.2 | 14875.1 | 16689.6 | 15761 | 16467.7 | 15295.4 | 17223.9 | 16238.3 | 17016.5 | 15564 | 17836.5 | 16726.9 | 17704.3 | 16119.7 | 18223.2 | 17066 | 18149 | 16561.1 | 18881.8 | 18106.1 | 18826.6 | 17099.8 | 19630 | 18977.5 | 20710.8 | 19100.3 | 21862.7 | 21221 | 22571.7 | 20457.1 | 23094.7 | 22031.4 | 23450.2 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.BG] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 398.9 | 444.7 | 482.7 | 642.5 | 452.7 | 465.5 | 485.1 | 639.1 | 435.7 | 468.1 | 469.7 | 573.9 | 474.8 | 523.5 | 527.7 | 697.4 | 502.6 | 579.3 | 587.5 | 811.1 | 463.1 | 652.8 | 670.2 | 870.6 | 621.5 | 685 | 693 | 831.9 | 671.3 | 732 | 738.2 | 915.8 | 915.1 | 778.2 | 811.6 | 1066.8 | 899.5 | 975.5 | 1021.9 | 1333.8 | 1043.9 | 1139.3 | 1107 | 1283.6 | 1106.2 | 1115.3 | 1095.9 | 1281.9 | 1110.4 | 1174.7 | 1159.4 | 1332.1 | 1138.7 | 1186.1 | 1162.8 | 1340.5 | 1206.4 | 1266 | 1242.3 | 1421.9 | 1234.2 | 1317.8 | 1260.6 | 1435.2 | 1298.5 | 1360 | 1313.2 | 1589.1 | 1283 | 1356.3 | 1360.7 | 1678.7 | 1455.2 | 1554.5 | 1523.4 | 1740.9 | 1505.9 | 1500.8 | 1626.4 | 2199.3 | 1732.3 | 1916.1 | 1835.6 | 2232 | 1820.5 | 1861.1 | 1797.8 | 2821.6 | 2201.4 | 2335.2 | 2324.4 | 2820.2 | 2305.4 | 2573.5 | 2689.7 | 3316.3 | 2596.7 | 2646.8 | 2969.2 | 4165.4 | 3310.8 | 3497.9 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.CZ] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1931.6 | 2091 | 2015.7 | 2312.2 | 2080.3 | 2309.3 | 2153.4 | 2399.7 | 2257.7 | 2531.6 | 2492.5 | 2846 | 2715.5 | 3166.1 | 2987.7 | 3284.6 | 3056.9 | 3334.1 | 3033.2 | 3420.2 | 3085.8 | 3319.4 | 3260.9 | 3717.7 | 3597.1 | 3712 | 3735 | 4105 | 3981 | 4144.2 | 4121.8 | 4536.2 | 4331.1 | 4407.7 | 4454.1 | 4926.9 | 4954 | 5213.6 | 5398.8 | 5607.4 | 4773.1 | 5081.9 | 5315.4 | 5663.2 | 5212.7 | 5381.4 | 5437.7 | 5862.9 | 5556.6 | 5585.1 | 5565.6 | 5674.3 | 5510.8 | 5451.6 | 5495.8 | 5758.9 | 5455.8 | 5426.2 | 5422.3 | 5533 | 5171.1 | 5221.3 | 5191.1 | 5581.1 | 5355.8 | 5488.7 | 5556.6 | 5935.9 | 5669.4 | 5731.2 | 5762.4 | 6247 | 6011.2 | 6197.7 | 6390.7 | 7212.8 | 7105.1 | 7104.1 | 7153.4 | 7648.9 | 7616.8 | 7723.1 | 7761 | 8491.9 | 8123.1 | 7704.4 | 8154.9 | 9278 | 8410.1 | 9281.3 | 9001.1 | 9934.5 | 9451.8 | 9669.6 | 9854.8 | 11038.3 | 10639.8 | 10941.4 | 10772.9 | 11511.9 | 10567 | 10796.9 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.DK] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7750.5 | 8015.9 | 8099.5 | 8035.9 | 8055.4 | 8253.3 | 8297 | 8321.2 | 8333 | 8628.5 | 8766.4 | 8802 | 8886 | 9095.9 | 9128.6 | 9022.5 | 9072.8 | 9345.6 | 9380.7 | 9377.7 | 9485.6 | 9729.1 | 9725.5 | 9561.4 | 9693.5 | 9878 | 9900.3 | 9933.3 | 10058 | 10333.3 | 10251.3 | 10315.3 | 10443.5 | 10603.2 | 10631.8 | 10822.5 | 10787.8 | 10980.6 | 11344.5 | 11565 | 11502.5 | 11865.6 | 12043.4 | 11892.9 | 12149.3 | 12362.8 | 12326.7 | 12273.2 | 12165.6 | 12271.3 | 12142.4 | 12019.2 | 12273.1 | 12340.7 | 12266.7 | 12417.2 | 12304.9 | 12329.4 | 12381.3 | 12529.6 | 12648.3 | 12569.5 | 12516.2 | 12612.5 | 12826.5 | 12781.4 | 12764.7 | 12672.7 | 12877 | 13007.3 | 12874.9 | 12850.2 | 12924.6 | 13040 | 13136.3 | 13358.8 | 13358 | 13416.6 | 13421.9 | 13413.9 | 13564.5 | 13656.8 | 13651.1 | 13886.3 | 13919.6 | 13913.1 | 13920.4 | 14229.1 | 14336.2 | 14784.6 | 14445.1 | 15093.9 | 14865.7 | 15221.7 | 14937.2 | 15363.9 | 15380.2 | 15769 | 15379.1 | 15594.4 | 15595.3 | 16395.7 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.EE] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 215.3 | 272.5 | 208.7 | 275.8 | 235.7 | 303.7 | 229.8 | 301.9 | 269.6 | 319.6 | 264 | 338.8 | 304.8 | 352.5 | 302.4 | 387.3 | 342.9 | 397.9 | 340.6 | 437.6 | 407.1 | 476.2 | 427.9 | 542.1 | 503.9 | 576 | 501.4 | 613.3 | 522.3 | 564.9 | 491.2 | 530.3 | 506.6 | 540.4 | 486.5 | 532.8 | 525.4 | 563.9 | 519.4 | 580 | 547.2 | 591.2 | 538.2 | 615.3 | 591.7 | 642.5 | 599.1 | 685.9 | 639.8 | 688 | 642.4 | 731.4 | 692.4 | 738.2 | 689.8 | 786.9 | 729.3 | 777.2 | 716.2 | 829.6 | 764.7 | 825 | 770.6 | 912.1 | 828.7 | 889.9 | 848.1 | 995.4 | 925.3 | 993.1 | 939.2 | 1081.2 | 985.8 | 1027.9 | 1002.6 | 1139 | 1049.3 | 1106.7 | 1068.9 | 1214.4 | 1149.4 | 1242.6 | 1191.3 | 1357.1 | 1315.2 | 1432.6 | 1375.1 | 1585 | 1429.6 | 1538.8 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.EL] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 4062.6 | 4566.6 | 4571.3 | 5061.6 | 4275.4 | 4794.9 | 4797.8 | 5312.4 | 4320 | 5092 | 5094 | 5825 | 4892 | 5644 | 5647 | 6381 | 5317 | 5838 | 6274 | 6726 | 6087 | 6751 | 7149 | 7537 | 6335 | 7270 | 7121 | 7882 | 6888 | 7826 | 7355 | 8327 | 7471 | 8175 | 7816 | 9149 | 7866 | 8936 | 8806 | 9799 | 8500 | 9885 | 9494 | 11050 | 8669 | 9074 | 8717 | 9799 | 7880 | 8537 | 8451 | 9135 | 7622 | 8047 | 7932 | 8463 | 7297 | 7479 | 7089 | 7313 | 6938 | 7111 | 7065 | 7713 | 6945 | 7028 | 7030 | 7336 | 6835 | 7025 | 7081 | 7182 | 6853 | 6982 | 7105 | 7261 | 7015 | 7068 | 7130 | 7237 | 6932 | 7274 | 7142 | 7196 | 7051 | 7220 | 7212 | 7383 | 7122 | 7287 | 7292 | 7557 | 7301 | 7462 | 7456 | 7732 | 7567 | 7776 | 7734 | 7989 | 7861 | 8015 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.ES] | 13831.8 | 16270.2 | 14436.7 | 17279.3 | 15160.3 | 17653 | 15355.9 | 17871.2 | 15122.6 | 17618.2 | 15321.8 | 18137.9 | 15620.8 | 18069.9 | 15875.3 | 19290.9 | 16870 | 19549 | 16841 | 19982 | 17654 | 20465 | 18369 | 21734 | 18739 | 21853 | 19293 | 23122 | 19753 | 23169 | 20663 | 24345 | 21610 | 24981 | 22111 | 26097 | 23030 | 26710 | 24008 | 28229 | 24491 | 29124 | 25532 | 30556 | 26368 | 31497 | 27461 | 33261 | 28570 | 34390 | 29940 | 36676 | 31322 | 38054 | 32669 | 39974 | 33168 | 40729 | 34727 | 41970 | 33987 | 41549 | 34807 | 41209 | 33887 | 40835 | 34716 | 41131 | 33683 | 39678 | 33743 | 35386 | 32981 | 38004 | 33253 | 38842 | 32909 | 37902 | 33509 | 38956 | 33898 | 38852 | 33925 | 40674 | 33905 | 39971 | 34682 | 40966 | 34477 | 39819 | 35540 | 41962 | 35075 | 40780 | 36971 | 43775 | 37057 | 43413 | 38288 | 45488 | 38209 | 44558 | 39862 | 47849 | 40557 | 47679 | 41928 | 49508 | 42628 | 49342 | 43995 | 53185 | 45006 | 52630 | 46639 | 55060 | 47458 | 54878 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.FI] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5058 | 5085 | 5289 | 5285 | 5265 | 5368 | 5555 | 5541 | 5492 | 5643 | 5791 | 5842 | 5765 | 5953 | 6072 | 6110 | 6006 | 6256 | 6297 | 6346 | 6303 | 6467 | 6512 | 6654 | 6569 | 6826 | 6854 | 6919 | 6844 | 6990 | 7087 | 7192 | 7132 | 7257 | 7274 | 7717 | 7591 | 7830 | 7828 | 8053 | 7979 | 8035 | 8054 | 8171 | 8144 | 8198 | 8193 | 8527 | 8386 | 8656 | 8664 | 8773 | 8973 | 8998 | 8903 | 9021 | 9112 | 9327 | 9175 | 9219 | 9184 | 9317 | 9283 | 9310 | 9216 | 9339 | 9198 | 9327 | 9209 | 9291 | 9125 | 9083 | 8871 | 9178 | 9071 | 9081 | 9010 | 9395 | 9347 | 9565 | 9537 | 9811 | 9648 | 9823 | 9662 | 9958 | 9810 | 10018 | 9702 | 10418 | 10686 | 10525 | 10342 | 10701 | 11036 | 11207 | 10854 | 11786 | 11734 | 11954 | 11246 | 11821 |
[Q.MIO_EUR.NSA.S13.B1G.FR] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 60936.9 | 61483.6 | 61875.8 | 63234.9 | 62891.3 | 63649.1 | 64026.8 | 65026.1 | 65359.2 | 65924.1 | 66690.8 | 68239.1 | 68635.8 | 67471.8 | 69251 | 71062.3 | 71075.5 | 69728 | 71107 | 72424.7 | 73650.7 | 72782.4 | 73658.8 | 75814.2 | 74684.9 | 76013.3 | 75429.4 | 78488.9 | 77193.5 | 78880.9 | 78109.1 | 81409.1 | 79617.2 | 81327 | 81028.2 | 84258.4 | 82512.2 | 83736.5 | 83507.5 | 87328.5 | 85115.8 | 85893.4 | 85217.5 | 88430.1 | 87557.8 | 88470 | 87361.2 | 90959 | 89124.7 | 89790.4 | 88755.2 | 93065.8 | 90558 | 91589.4 | 91448.7 | 95158.3 | 92295.1 | 93313.8 | 92556.9 | 96232 | 93144.2 | 94247.7 | 92736.8 | 96441.9 | 92330.9 | 95677.3 | 93669.1 | 98154.9 | 95874.6 | 97393.9 | 96165 | 100312.2 | 97425.3 | 98280.3 | 97199 | 101487.1 | 98738.9 | 100210 | 99049.9 | 103047.2 | 100101 | 102712.1 | 100525.1 | 105425.1 | 103601.3 | 105154.3 | 104846.8 | 108953.2 | 107707.8 | 110054.9 | 111838.1 | 115973.8 | 113796.9 | 115433.8 | 115178.6 | 121115 | 118950.3 | 119810.7 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 14,937