[hlth_cd_mro] Causes of death – death by country of residence and occurrence, monthly data
Updated by provider on March 25, 2024 (10:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [M] Monthly
[unit] Unit of measure
- [NR] Number
[sex] Sex
- [F] Females
- [M] Males
- [T] Total
[age] Age class
- [TOTAL] Total
- [Y_GE65] 65 years or over
- [Y_LT65] Less than 65 years
[icd10] International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10 2010)
- [A-R_V-Y] All causes of death (A00-Y89) excluding S00-T98
- [A15-A19_B90] Tuberculosis
- [ACC] Accidents (V01-X59, Y85, Y86)
- [ACC_OTH] Other accidents (W20-W64, W75-X39, X50-X59, Y86)
- [A_B] Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99)
- [A_B_OTH] Other infectious and parasitic diseases (remainder of A00-B99)
- [B15-B19_B942] Viral hepatitis and sequelae of viral hepatitis
- [B180-B182] Chronic viral hepatitis B and C
- [B20-B24] Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
- [C] Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97)
- [C00-C14] Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity, pharynx
- [C00-D48] Neoplasms
- [C15] Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus
- [C16] Malignant neoplasm of stomach
- [C18-C21] Malignant neoplasm of colon, rectosigmoid junction, rectum, anus and anal canal
- [C22] Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts
- [C25] Malignant neoplasm of pancreas
- [C32] Malignant neoplasm of larynx
- [C33_C34] Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung
- [C43] Malignant melanoma of skin
- [C50] Malignant neoplasm of breast
- [C53] Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
- [C54_C55] Malignant neoplasm of other parts of uterus
- [C56] Malignant neoplasm of ovary
- [C61] Malignant neoplasm of prostate
- [C64] Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis
- [C67] Malignant neoplasm of bladder
- [C70-C72] Malignant neoplasm of brain and central nervous system
- [C73] Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
- [C81-C86] Hodgkin disease and lymphomas
- [C88_C90_C96] Other malignant neoplasm of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue
- [C91-C95] Leukaemia
- [C_OTH] Other malignant neoplasms (remainder of C00-C97)
- [D00-D48] Non-malignant neoplasms (benign and uncertain)
- [D50-D89] Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
- [E] Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90)
- [E10-E14] Diabetes mellitus
- [E_OTH] Other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (remainder of E00-E90)
- [F] Mental and behavioural disorders (F00-F99)
- [F01_F03] Dementia
- [F10] Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol
- [F_OTH] Other mental and behavioural disorders (remainder of F00-F99)
- [G20] Parkinson disease
- [G30] Alzheimer disease
- [G_H] Diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs (G00-H95)
- [G_H_OTH] Other diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs (remainder of G00-H95)
- [I] Diseases of the circulatory system (I00-I99)
- [I20-I25] Ischaemic heart diseases
- [I20_I23-I25] Other ischaemic heart diseases
- [I21_I22] Acute myocardial infarction including subsequent myocardial infarction
- [I30-I51] Other heart diseases
- [I60-I69] Cerebrovascular diseases
- [I_OTH] Other diseases of the circulatory system (remainder of I00-I99)
- [J] Diseases of the respiratory system (J00-J99)
- [J09-J11] Influenza (including swine flu)
- [J12-J18] Pneumonia
- [J40-J44_J47] Other lower respiratory diseases
- [J40-J47] Chronic lower respiratory diseases
- [J45_J46] Asthma and status asthmaticus
- [J_OTH] Other diseases of the respiratory system (remainder of J00-J99)
- [K] Diseases of the digestive system (K00-K93)
- [K25-K28] Ulcer of stomach, duodenum and jejunum
- [K70_K73_K74] Chronic liver disease
- [K72-K75] Chronic liver disease (excluding alcoholic and toxic liver disease)
- [K_OTH] Other diseases of the digestive system (remainder of K00-K93)
- [L] Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00-L99)
- [M] Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99)
- [M_OTH] Other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (remainder of M00-M99)
- [N] Diseases of the genitourinary system (N00-N99)
- [N00-N29] Diseases of kidney and ureter
- [N_OTH] Other diseases of the genitourinary system (remainder of N00-N99)
- [O] Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O99)
- [P] Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96)
- [Q] Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)
- [R] Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)
- [R95] Sudden infant death syndrome
- [R96-R99] Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality
- [RHEUM_ARTHRO] Rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis (M05-M06,M15-M19)
- [R_OTH] Other symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings (remainder of R00-R99)
- [TOXICO] Drug dependence, toxicomania (F11-F16, F18-F19)
- [U071] COVID-19, virus identified
- [U072] COVID-19, virus not identified
- [U_COV19_OTH] COVID-19, other
- [V01-Y89] External causes of morbidity and mortality (V01-Y89)
- [V01-Y89_OTH] Other external causes of morbidity and mortality (remainder of V01-Y89)
- [V_Y85] Transport accidents (V01-V99, Y85)
- [W00-W19] Falls
- [W65-W74] Accidental drowning and submersion
- [X40-X49] Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances
- [X60-X84_Y870] Intentional self-harm
- [X85-Y09_Y871] Assault
- [Y10-Y34_Y872] Event of undetermined intent
[resid] Place of residence
- [TOT_IN] All deaths reported in the country
- [TOT_RESID] All deaths of residents in or outside their home country
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [FX] Metropolitan France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [MT] Malta
- [NO] Norway
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Sex [sex] (3)
Age class [age] (3)
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10 2010) [icd10] (92)
Place of residence [resid] (2)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (26)
This dataset has 41,055 series:
- from
- 2019-01=3,942
- to
- 2021-12=4,553
- min:
- 3,193
- max:
- 5,297
- avg:
- 3,721.194
- σ:
- 479.091
- from
- 2019-01=5,331
- to
- 2021-12=5,527
- min:
- 4,002
- max:
- 8,219
- avg:
- 4,882.611
- σ:
- 857.758
- from
- 2019-01=5,704
- to
- 2021-12=6,773
- min:
- 3,539
- max:
- 8,223
- avg:
- 5,004.111
- σ:
- 1,311.474
- from
- 2019-01=332
- to
- 2021-12=328
- min:
- 177
- max:
- 358
- avg:
- 263.639
- σ:
- 44.583
- from
- 2019-01=5,215
- to
- 2021-12=6,752
- min:
- 4,203
- max:
- 7,623
- avg:
- 5,117.722
- σ:
- 1,055.539
- from
- 2019-01=2,464
- to
- 2021-12=2,703
- min:
- 2,043
- max:
- 2,703
- avg:
- 2,252.25
- σ:
- 166.425
- from
- 2019-01=789
- to
- 2021-12=903
- min:
- 625
- max:
- 929
- avg:
- 723.611
- σ:
- 83.631
- from
- 2019-01=6,575
- to
- 2021-12=7,086
- min:
- 4,537
- max:
- 7,086
- avg:
- 5,479.694
- σ:
- 637.673
- from
- 2019-01=22,338
- to
- 2021-12=20,789
- min:
- 14,507
- max:
- 31,788
- avg:
- 18,596.278
- σ:
- 3,468.533
- from
- 2019-01=2,558
- to
- 2021-12=2,710
- min:
- 2,007
- max:
- 2,710
- avg:
- 2,300.333
- σ:
- 159.889
Series code | 2019-01 | 2019-02 | 2019-03 | 2019-04 | 2019-05 | 2019-06 | 2019-07 | 2019-08 | 2019-09 | 2019-10 | 2019-11 | 2019-12 | 2020-01 | 2020-02 | 2020-03 | 2020-04 | 2020-05 | 2020-06 | 2020-07 | 2020-08 | 2020-09 | 2020-10 | 2020-11 | 2020-12 | 2021-01 | 2021-02 | 2021-03 | 2021-04 | 2021-05 | 2021-06 | 2021-07 | 2021-08 | 2021-09 | 2021-10 | 2021-11 | 2021-12 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.AT] | 3942 | 3733 | 3965 | 3532 | 3364 | 3253 | 3372 | 3301 | 3261 | 3568 | 3480 | 3683 | 4116 | 3709 | 4013 | 3693 | 3288 | 3193 | 3282 | 3406 | 3372 | 3791 | 4839 | 5297 | 4562 | 3573 | 3680 | 3605 | 3437 | 3479 | 3348 | 3489 | 3536 | 3815 | 4433 | 4553 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.BE] | 5331 | 5130 | 5150 | 4429 | 4551 | 4194 | 4421 | 4246 | 4061 | 4498 | 4573 | 4980 | 5171 | 4779 | 5807 | 8219 | 4924 | 4150 | 4050 | 5119 | 4113 | 5239 | 7070 | 6075 | 5359 | 4541 | 4651 | 4526 | 4458 | 4002 | 4340 | 4053 | 4094 | 4910 | 5033 | 5527 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.BG] | 5704 | 4396 | 4550 | 4189 | 4233 | 4088 | 3941 | 3940 | 3539 | 4126 | 4208 | 4417 | 4753 | 4489 | 4344 | 4056 | 4030 | 3929 | 4200 | 4121 | 3857 | 4631 | 7834 | 7833 | 5319 | 4643 | 6704 | 7257 | 5167 | 4339 | 4304 | 4830 | 5535 | 7646 | 8223 | 6773 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.CY] | 332 | 273 | 285 | 265 | 266 | 177 | 231 | 241 | 207 | 222 | 216 | 270 | 343 | 288 | 285 | 261 | 286 | 194 | 238 | 204 | 206 | 234 | 237 | 307 | 330 | 265 | 293 | 303 | 240 | 214 | 320 | 358 | 249 | 261 | 262 | 328 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.CZ] | 5215 | 4811 | 4836 | 4456 | 4382 | 4322 | 4426 | 4361 | 4223 | 4665 | 4507 | 4848 | 4956 | 4807 | 5026 | 4495 | 4309 | 4318 | 4396 | 4587 | 4546 | 6858 | 7623 | 6853 | 7486 | 6342 | 7572 | 5453 | 4543 | 4203 | 4224 | 4218 | 4392 | 4963 | 6264 | 6752 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.DK] | 2464 | 2279 | 2298 | 2274 | 2189 | 2120 | 2053 | 2077 | 2087 | 2095 | 2170 | 2355 | 2345 | 2142 | 2361 | 2325 | 2144 | 2043 | 2122 | 2119 | 2104 | 2119 | 2228 | 2595 | 2667 | 2129 | 2164 | 2123 | 2275 | 2161 | 2262 | 2342 | 2272 | 2459 | 2416 | 2703 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.EE] | 789 | 695 | 727 | 625 | 650 | 647 | 673 | 651 | 625 | 655 | 647 | 684 | 700 | 720 | 747 | 699 | 651 | 641 | 670 | 657 | 688 | 679 | 674 | 773 | 865 | 798 | 929 | 840 | 738 | 727 | 715 | 694 | 720 | 827 | 927 | 903 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.EL] | 6575 | 5378 | 5436 | 5048 | 4927 | 5075 | 4960 | 5114 | 4537 | 4613 | 4853 | 5371 | 6370 | 5571 | 5744 | 4963 | 4889 | 4704 | 5208 | 5446 | 4757 | 4790 | 6065 | 6361 | 5701 | 4910 | 5947 | 5903 | 5588 | 5436 | 6143 | 6784 | 5338 | 5480 | 6198 | 7086 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.ES] | 22338 | 18728 | 18238 | 16699 | 16660 | 15576 | 16668 | 15590 | 14507 | 16054 | 16892 | 18070 | 21514 | 18212 | 27583 | 31788 | 17597 | 15317 | 17407 | 18159 | 16749 | 19096 | 20480 | 20210 | 25250 | 19294 | 17429 | 16787 | 16556 | 15984 | 17281 | 18737 | 15943 | 16953 | 18331 | 20789 |
[M.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.TOT_IN.FI] | 2558 | 2200 | 2471 | 2206 | 2144 | 2007 | 2080 | 2091 | 2184 | 2300 | 2170 | 2430 | 2301 | 2236 | 2406 | 2492 | 2334 | 2170 | 2098 | 2144 | 2239 | 2324 | 2273 | 2494 | 2492 | 2236 | 2344 | 2152 | 2254 | 2153 | 2294 | 2364 | 2396 | 2529 | 2536 | 2710 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 41,055