[ilc_scp20] Persons participating in formal/informal voluntary activities or active citizenship by income quintile, household composition and degree of urbanisation
Updated by provider on April 22, 2024 (9:00 PM).
[freq] Time frequency
[acl00] Classification of activities for time use
- [AC41A] Formal voluntary activities
- [AC42A] Informal voluntary activities
- [AC43A] Active citizenship
[quant_inc] Income quantile
[deg_urb] Degree of urbanisation
- [DEG1] Cities
- [DEG2] Towns and suburbs
- [DEG3] Rural areas
- [TOTAL] Total
[hhcomp] Household composition
[unit] Unit of measure
- [PC] Percentage
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [UK] United Kingdom
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (0)
Classification of activities for time use [acl00] (3)
Income quantile [quant_inc] (0)
Degree of urbanisation [deg_urb] (4)
Household composition [hhcomp] (0)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (33)
This dataset has 18,648 series:
Showing results 1 - 10 / 18,648