[isoc_ec_ib20] Internet purchases by individuals (2020 onwards)
Updated by provider on June 12, 2024 (9:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
[ind_type] Individual type
- [CB_EU_FOR] Individuals who are born in another EU Member State
- [CB_EXT_EU] Individuals who are born in non-EU country
- [CB_FOR] Individuals who are foreign-born
- [CB_NAT] Individuals who are native-born
- [CC_EU_FOR] Nationals of another EU-Member State
- [CC_EXT_EU] Nationals of non-EU country
- [CC_FOR] Non-nationals
- [CC_NAT] Nationals
- [DIS_LTD] Disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
- [DIS_LTD_SEV] Disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
- [DIS_NONE] Disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
- [DIS_SEV] Disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
- [EMPL_UNE] Individuals in the labour force (employed and unemployed)
- [EMP_A] Persons aged 16-74 working in agriculture, forestry or fishing
- [EMP_B] Persons aged 16-74 working in mining or quarrying
- [EMP_C] Persons aged 16-74 working in manufacturing
- [EMP_CON_PRM] Working with a permanent job or under contract of unlimited duration
- [EMP_CON_TMP] Working with a temporary job or under contract of limited duration
- [EMP_D] Persons aged 16-74 working in electricity, gas, steam or air conditioning supply
- [EMP_E] Persons aged 16-74 working in water supply; sewerage, waste management or remediation activities
- [EMP_F] Persons aged 16-74 working in the construction
- [EMP_G] Persons aged 16-74 working in wholesale or retail trade, or in the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- [EMP_H] Persons aged 16-74 working in transportation and storage
- [EMP_I] Persons aged 16-74 working in accommodation or food service activities
- [EMP_J] Persons aged 16-74 working in information and communication
- [EMP_K] Persons aged 16-74 working in financial or insurance activities
- [EMP_L] Persons aged 16-74 working in real estate activities
- [EMP_M] Persons aged 16-74 working in professional, scientific or technical activities
- [EMP_N] Persons aged 16-74 working in administrative or support service activities
- [EMP_O] Persons aged 16-74 working in public administration, defence or compulsory social security
- [EMP_P] Persons aged 16-74 working in education
- [EMP_Q] Persons aged 16-74 working in human health or social work activities
- [EMP_R] Persons aged 16-74 working in arts, entertainment or recreation
- [EMP_S] Persons aged 16-74 working in other service activities
- [EMP_WKT_FT] Employees working full time
- [EMP_WKT_PT] Employees working part time
- [F_DIS_LTD] Females with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
- [F_DIS_LTD_SEV] Females with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
- [F_DIS_NONE] Females with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
- [F_DIS_SEV] Females with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
- [F_I0_2] Females with low formal education
- [F_I3_4] Females with medium formal education
- [F_I5_8] Females with high formal education
- [F_Y16_24] Females, 16 to 24 years old
- [F_Y16_74] Females, 16 to 74 years old
- [F_Y25_34] Females, 25 to 34 years old
- [F_Y25_54] Females 25 to 54 years old
- [F_Y25_64] Females, 25 to 64 years old
- [F_Y35_44] Females 35 to 44 years old
- [F_Y45_54] Females 45 to 54 years old
- [F_Y55_64] Females 55 to 64 years old
- [F_Y55_74] Females 55 to 74 years old
- [F_Y65_74] Females 65 to 74 years old
- [HHI_Q1] Individual living in a household with income in first quartile
- [HHI_Q2] Individual living in a household with income in second quartile
- [HHI_Q3] Individual living in a household with income in third quartile
- [HHI_Q4] Individual living in a household with income in fourth quartile
- [I0_2] Individuals with no or low formal education
- [I3_4] Individuals with medium formal education
- [I5_8] Individuals with high formal education
- [IND_BROAD] Individuals living in a household with broadband access
- [IND_BROADX] Individuals living in a household with Internet access but with no broadband access
- [IND_DCH] Individuals living in a household with children
- [IND_DEG1] Individuals living in cities
- [IND_DEG2] Individuals living in towns and suburbs
- [IND_DEG3] Individuals living in rural areas
- [IND_NO_DCH] Individuals living in a household without children
- [IND_TOTAL] All Individuals
- [ISCO0_5] Non-manual including the armed forces
- [ISCO6_9] Manual
- [ISCO_ICT] ICT professionals
- [ISCO_ICTX] Non ICT professionals
- [M_DIS_LTD] Males with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
- [M_DIS_LTD_SEV] Males with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
- [M_DIS_NONE] Males with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
- [M_DIS_SEV] Males with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
- [M_I0_2] Males with low formal education
- [M_I3_4] Males with medium formal education
- [M_I5_8] Males with high formal education
- [M_Y16_24] Males, 16 to 24 years old
- [M_Y16_74] Males, 16 to 74 years old
- [M_Y25_34] Males, 25 to 34 years old
- [M_Y25_54] Males 25 to 54 years old
- [M_Y25_64] Males, 25 to 64 years old
- [M_Y35_44] Males 35 to 44 years old
- [M_Y45_54] Males 45 to 54 years old
- [M_Y55_64] Males 55 to 64 years old
- [M_Y55_74] Males 55 to 74 years old
- [M_Y65_74] Males 65 to 74 years old
- [RETIR_OTHER] Individuals who are retired or not in the labour force (excluding students)
- [SAL] Employees
- [SAL_SELF_FAM] Employees, self-employed, family workers
- [SELF_FAM] Self-employed, family workers
- [STUD] Students
- [UNE] Unemployed
- [Y0_15] Individuals, 15 years old or less
- [Y16_24] Individuals, 16 to 24 years old
- [Y16_24HI] Individuals aged 16-24 with high formal education
- [Y16_24LO] Individuals aged 16-24 with low education
- [Y16_24ME] Individuals aged 16-24 with medium formal education
- [Y16_24_DIS_LTD] Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
- [Y16_24_DIS_LTD_SEV] Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
- [Y16_24_DIS_NONE] Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
- [Y16_24_DIS_SEV] Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
- [Y25_34] Individuals, 25 to 34 years old
- [Y25_54] Individuals, 25 to 54 years old
- [Y25_54HI] Individuals aged 25 to 54 with high formal education
- [Y25_54LO] Individuals aged 25 to 54 with low formal education
- [Y25_54ME] Individuals aged 25 to 54 with medium formal education
- [Y25_54_DIS_LTD] Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
- [Y25_54_DIS_LTD_SEV] Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
- [Y25_54_DIS_NONE] Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
- [Y25_54_DIS_SEV] Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
- [Y25_64] Individuals, 25 to 64 years old
- [Y25_64HI] Individuals aged 25 to 64 with high formal education
- [Y25_64LO] Individuals aged 25 to 64 with low formal education
- [Y25_64ME] Individuals aged 25 to 64 with medium formal education
- [Y25_64_EMPL_UNE] Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are in the labour force (employed and unemployed)
- [Y25_64_RETIROTH] Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are retired or not in the labour force (excluding students)
- [Y25_64_SALSELFFAM] Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are employees, self-employed or family workers
- [Y25_64_UNE] Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are unemployed
- [Y35_44] Individuals, 35 to 44 years old
- [Y45_54] Individuals, 45 to 54 years old
- [Y55_64] Individuals, 55 to 64 years old
- [Y55_74] Individuals, 55 to 74 years old
- [Y55_74HI] Individuals aged 55 to 74 with high formal education
- [Y55_74LO] Individuals aged 55 to 74 with low formal education
- [Y55_74ME] Individuals aged 55 to 74 with medium formal education
- [Y55_74_DIS_LTD] Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
- [Y55_74_DIS_LTD_SEV] Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
- [Y55_74_DIS_NONE] Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
- [Y55_74_DIS_SEV] Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
- [Y65_74] Individuals, 65 to 74 years old
- [Y75_MAX] Individuals, 75 years old or more
[indic_is] Information society indicator
- [I_B3_12] Last online purchase: between 3 and 12 months ago
- [I_BF_1_2] Frequency of online purchases in the last 3 months: 1 or 2 times
- [I_BF_3-5] Frequency of online purchases in the last 3 months: 3 to 5 times
- [I_BF_6-10] Frequency of online purchases in the last 3 months: 6 to 10 times
- [I_BF_GT10] Frequency of online purchases in the last 3 months: more than 10 times
- [I_BF_HI] Frequency of online purchases in the last 3 months: 6 times or more
- [I_BGT3] Last online purchase: more than 3 months ago
- [I_BLT12] Last online purchase: in the 12 months
- [I_BOTS] Online purchases (3 months): other services than mentioned
- [I_BUMT12] Last online purchase: more than a year ago
- [I_BUMT12X] Last online purchase: more than a year ago or never
- [I_BUX] Last online purchase: never
- [I_BUY3] Last online purchase: in the last 3 months
[unit] Unit of measure
- [PC_IND] Percentage of individuals
- [PC_IND_BUY3] Percentage of individuals who purchased online in the last 3 months
- [PC_IND_ILT12] Percentage of individuals who used internet within the last year
- [PC_IND_IU3] Percentage of individuals who used internet in the last 3 months
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AL] Albania
- [AT] Austria
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA] Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015, EA20-2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MK] North Macedonia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [UK] United Kingdom
- [XK] Kosovo*
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Individual type [ind_type] (134)
Information society indicator [indic_is] (13)
Unit of measure [unit] (4)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (40)
This dataset has 138,017 series:
- from
- 2020=11.73
- to
- 2023=9.27
- min:
- 9.27
- max:
- 11.73
- avg:
- 10.273
- σ:
- 0.9
- from
- 2020=13.22
- to
- 2020=13.22
- min:
- 13.22
- max:
- 13.22
- avg:
- 13.22
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2020=10.72
- to
- 2023=12.05
- min:
- 9.55
- max:
- 12.05
- avg:
- 10.478
- σ:
- 1.022
- from
- 2020=16.51
- to
- 2023=24.58
- min:
- 16.51
- max:
- 24.58
- avg:
- 20.545
- σ:
- 4.035
- from
- 2020=20.9
- to
- 2023=4.47
- min:
- 4.47
- max:
- 20.9
- avg:
- 10.985
- σ:
- 6.195
- from
- 2020=9.21
- to
- 2023=2.92
- min:
- 2.92
- max:
- 13.58
- avg:
- 8.758
- σ:
- 3.803
- from
- 2020=9.34
- to
- 2023=10.84
- min:
- 6.93
- max:
- 10.84
- avg:
- 9.165
- σ:
- 1.412
- from
- 2020=10.01
- to
- 2023=9.8
- min:
- 9.8
- max:
- 14.65
- avg:
- 11.087
- σ:
- 2.058
- from
- 2020=11.56
- to
- 2022=10.23
- min:
- 8.52
- max:
- 11.56
- avg:
- 10.103
- σ:
- 1.244
Series code | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.AL] | NA | - | - | - |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.AT] | 11.73 | 10.1 | 9.99 | 9.27 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.BA] | 13.22 | - | - | - |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.BE] | 10.72 | 9.59 | 9.55 | 12.05 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.BG] | 16.51 | NA | NA | 24.58 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.CY] | 20.9 | 7.42 | 11.15 | 4.47 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.CZ] | 9.21 | 13.58 | 9.32 | 2.92 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.DE] | 9.34 | 6.93 | 9.55 | 10.84 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.DK] | 10.01 | 9.89 | 14.65 | 9.8 |
[A.CB_EU_FOR.I_B3_12.PC_IND.EA] | 11.56 | 8.52 | 10.23 | - |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 138,017