[met_bd_en2] Employer business demography by NACE Rev. 2activity and metropolitan regions
Updated by provider on December 12, 2022 (6:55 PM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [NR] Number
[indic_sb] Economical indicator for structural business statistics
- [V11910] Population of active enterprises in t - number
- [V11920] Births of enterprises in t - number
- [V11930] Deaths of enterprises in t - number
- [V11943] Enterprises newly born in t-3 having survived to t - number
- [V16910] Persons employed in the population of active enterprises in t - number
- [V16911] Employees in the population of active enterprises in t - number
- [V16920] Persons employed in the population of births in t - number
- [V16921] Employees in the population of births in t - number
- [V16930] Persons employed in the population of deaths in t - number
- [V16931] Employees in the population of deaths in t - number
- [V16943] Persons employed in the population of enterprises newly born in t-3 having survived to t - number
- [V16953] Persons employed in the year of birth in the population of enterprises newly born in t-3 having survived to t - number
- [V97010] Net business population growth - percentage
- [V97015] Business churn: birth rate + death rate - percentage
- [V97020] Birth rate: number of enterprise births in the reference period (t) divided by the number of enterprises active in t - percentage
- [V97030] Death rate: number of enterprise deaths in the reference period (t) divided by the number of enterprises active in t - percentage
- [V97043] Survival rate 3: number of enterprises in the reference period (t) newly born in t-3 having survived to t divided by the number of enterprise births in t-3 - percentage
- [V97053] 3 year old enterprises' share of the business population - percentage
- [V97120] Employment share of enterprise births: number of persons employed in the reference period (t) among enterprises newly born in t divided by the number of persons employed in t among the stock of enterprises active in t - percentage
- [V97121] Average size of newly born enterprises: number of persons employed in the reference period (t) among enterprises newly born in t divided by the number of enterprises newly born in t - number
- [V97122] New enterprise paid employment rate: number of employees in the reference period (t) among enterprises newly born in t divided by the number of persons employed in t among enterprises newly born in t - percentage
- [V97130] Employment share of enterprise deaths: number of persons employed in the reference period (t) among enterprise deaths divided by the number of persons employed in t among the stock of active enterprises in t - percentage
- [V97131] Average employment in enterprise deaths: number of persons employed in the reference period (t) among enterprise deaths in t divided by the number of enterprise deaths in t - number
- [V97143] Three-year old enterprises employment growth rate: number of persons employed in the reference period (t) among enterprises newly born in t-3 having survived to t divided by the number of persons employed in t-3 by the same enterprises, expressed as a percentage growth rate - percentage
- [V97153] Employment share of 3 year old enterprises: Number of persons employed in enterprises newly born in t-3 having survived to t, divided by the number of persons employed in the population of active enterprises in t - percentage
[nace_r2] Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2)
- [B-E] Industry (except construction)
- [B-S_X_K642] Industry, construction and services except insurance activities of holding companies
- [F] Construction
- [G] Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- [H] Transportation and storage
- [I] Accommodation and food service activities
- [J] Information and communication
- [K_L_X_K642] Financial and insurance activities; real estate activities except activities of holding companies
- [M_N] Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities
- [P_Q] Education; human health and social work activities
- [R_S] Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities
[metroreg] Metropolitan regions
- [AT] Austria
- [AT001MC] Wien
- [AT002M] Graz
- [AT003M] Linz
- [AT004M] Salzburg
- [AT005M] Innsbruck
- [AT_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Austria
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BG001MC] Sofia
- [BG002M] Plovdiv
- [BG003M] Varna
- [BG004M] Burgas
- [BG_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CH001M] Zürich
- [CH002M] Genève
- [CH004MC] Bern
- [CH005M] Lausanne
- [CH006M] St. Gallen
- [CH007M] Lucerne
- [CH_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Switzerland
- [CZ] Czechia
- [CZ001MC] Praha
- [CZ002M] Brno
- [CZ003M] Ostrava
- [CZ004M] Plzen
- [CZ007M] Liberec
- [CZ_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Czech Republic
- [DK] Denmark
- [DK001MC] København
- [DK002M] Århus
- [DK003M] Odense
- [DK004M] Aalborg
- [DK_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [EE001MC] Tallinn
- [EE_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [ES001MC] Madrid
- [ES002M] Barcelona
- [ES003M] Valencia
- [ES004M] Sevilla
- [ES005M] Zaragoza
- [ES006M] Málaga - Marbella
- [ES007M] Murcia - Cartagena
- [ES008M] Las Palmas
- [ES009M] Valladolid
- [ES010M] Palma de Mallorca
- [ES012M] Vitoria/Gasteiz
- [ES013M] Oviedo - Gijón
- [ES014M] Pamplona/Iruña
- [ES015M] Santander
- [ES019M] Bilbao
- [ES020M] Córdoba
- [ES021M] Alicante/Alacant - Elche/Elx
- [ES022M] Vigo
- [ES025M] Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- [ES026M] A Coruña
- [ES501M] Granada
- [ES510M] Guipúzcoa
- [ES522M] Cádiz
- [ES_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FI001MC] Helsinki
- [FI002M] Tampere
- [FI003M] Turku
- [FI_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Finland
- [FR] France
- [FR001MC] Paris
- [FR003M] Lyon
- [FR004M] Toulouse
- [FR006M] Strasbourg
- [FR007M] Bordeaux
- [FR008M] Nantes
- [FR009M] Lille - Dunkerque - Valenciennes
- [FR010M] Montpellier
- [FR011M] Saint-Etienne
- [FR013M] Rennes
- [FR014M] Amiens
- [FR015M] Rouen
- [FR016M] Nancy
- [FR018M] Reims
- [FR019M] Orléans
- [FR020M] Dijon
- [FR021M] Poitiers
- [FR022M] Clermont-Ferrand
- [FR023M] Caen
- [FR024M] Limoges
- [FR025M] Besançon
- [FR026M] Grenoble
- [FR030M] Fort-de-France
- [FR035M] Tours
- [FR036M] Angers
- [FR037M] Brest
- [FR038M] Le Mans
- [FR040M] Mulhouse
- [FR043M] Perpignan
- [FR044M] Nimes
- [FR045M] Pau
- [FR048M] Annecy (FR) / Genève (CH)
- [FR203M] Marseille
- [FR205M] Nice
- [FR520M] Les Abymes
- [FR_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HR001MC] Zagreb
- [HR005M] Split
- [HR_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [HU001MC] Budapest
- [HU002M] Miskolc
- [HU004M] Pécs
- [HU005M] Debrecen
- [HU009M] Székesfehérvár
- [HU_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Hungary
- [IT] Italy
- [IT001MC] Roma
- [IT002M] Milano
- [IT003M] Napoli
- [IT004M] Torino
- [IT005M] Palermo
- [IT006M] Genova
- [IT007M] Firenze
- [IT008M] Bari
- [IT009M] Bologna
- [IT010M] Catania
- [IT011M] Venezia
- [IT012M] Verona
- [IT016M] Perugia
- [IT022M] Taranto
- [IT027M] Cagliari
- [IT028M] Padova
- [IT029M] Brescia
- [IT501M] Messina
- [IT502M] Prato
- [IT503M] Parma
- [IT505M] Reggio nell Emilia
- [IT511M] Bergamo
- [IT_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LT001MC] Vilnius
- [LT002M] Kaunas
- [LT_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Lithuania
- [LV] Latvia
- [LV001MC] Riga
- [LV_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [MT001MC] Valletta
- [MT_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NL001M] s' Gravenhage
- [NL002MC] Amsterdam
- [NL003M] Rotterdam
- [NL004M] Utrecht
- [NL005M] Eindhoven
- [NL006M] Tilburg
- [NL007M] Groningen
- [NL008M] Enschede
- [NL009M] Arnhem - Nijmegen
- [NL012M] Breda
- [NL015M] Leeuwarden
- [NL507M] Leiden
- [NL511M] Zwolle
- [NL_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Netherlands
- [PL] Poland
- [PL001MC] Warszawa
- [PL002M] Lódz
- [PL003M] Kraków
- [PL004M] Wroclaw
- [PL005M] Poznan
- [PL006M] Gdansk
- [PL007M] Szczecin
- [PL008M] Bydgoszcz - Torún
- [PL009M] Lublin
- [PL010M] Katowice
- [PL011M] Bialystok
- [PL012M] Kielce
- [PL014M] Olsztyn
- [PL015M] Rzeszów
- [PL016M] Opole
- [PL024M] Czestochowa
- [PL025M] Radom
- [PL506M] Bielsko-Biala
- [PL514M] Tarnów
- [PL_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [PT001MC] Lisboa
- [PT002M] Porto
- [PT005M] Coimbra
- [PT_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RO001MC] Bucuresti
- [RO002M] Cluj-Napoca
- [RO003M] Timisoara
- [RO004M] Craiova
- [RO501M] Constanta
- [RO502M] Iasi
- [RO503M] Galati
- [RO504M] Brasov
- [RO505M] Ploiesti
- [RO_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SE001MC] Stockholm
- [SE002M] Göteborg
- [SE003M] Malmö
- [SE006M] Uppsala
- [SE_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Sweden
- [SK] Slovakia
- [SK001MC] Bratislava
- [SK002M] Kosice
- [SK_NM] Non-metropolitan regions in Slovakia
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Economical indicator for structural business statistics [indic_sb] (25)
Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2) [nace_r2] (11)
Metropolitan regions [metroreg] (211)
This dataset has 56,913 series:
- from
- 2008=22,336
- to
- 2020=19,844
- min:
- 19,844
- max:
- 22,719
- avg:
- 21,336.769
- σ:
- 1,024.758
- from
- 2008=4,434
- to
- 2020=3,739
- min:
- 3,739
- max:
- 4,434
- avg:
- 4,104
- σ:
- 243.836
- from
- 2008=1,420
- to
- 2020=1,332
- min:
- 1,332
- max:
- 1,451
- avg:
- 1,389.462
- σ:
- 38.941
- from
- 2008=2,069
- to
- 2020=1,838
- min:
- 1,838
- max:
- 2,133
- avg:
- 1,981.538
- σ:
- 108.158
- from
- 2008=1,123
- to
- 2020=1,000
- min:
- 1,000
- max:
- 1,165
- avg:
- 1,086.538
- σ:
- 57.491
- from
- 2008=674
- to
- 2020=631
- min:
- 631
- max:
- 720
- avg:
- 667.923
- σ:
- 29.663
- from
- 2008=12,616
- to
- 2020=11,304
- min:
- 11,304
- max:
- 12,879
- avg:
- 12,107.308
- σ:
- 556.905
- from
- 2011=23,410
- to
- 2020=21,206
- min:
- 21,206
- max:
- 24,612
- avg:
- 23,493.9
- σ:
- 916.434
- from
- 2011=5,176
- to
- 2020=4,757
- min:
- 4,757
- max:
- 5,441
- avg:
- 5,204.9
- σ:
- 183.367
- from
- 2011=2,894
- to
- 2020=2,739
- min:
- 2,739
- max:
- 3,118
- avg:
- 2,965.6
- σ:
- 114.613
Series code | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.AT] | 22336 | 22493 | 22679 | 22719 | 22562 | 21275 | 20978 | 20797 | 20621 | 20496 | 20423 | 20155 | 19844 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.AT001MC] | 4434 | 4415 | 4400 | 4392 | 4335 | 4068 | 4015 | 3968 | 3960 | 3910 | 3897 | 3819 | 3739 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.AT002M] | 1420 | 1437 | 1430 | 1444 | 1451 | 1362 | 1358 | 1356 | 1369 | 1373 | 1373 | 1358 | 1332 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.AT003M] | 2069 | 2101 | 2110 | 2121 | 2133 | 1989 | 1948 | 1962 | 1902 | 1858 | 1872 | 1857 | 1838 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.AT004M] | 1123 | 1141 | 1165 | 1163 | 1163 | 1102 | 1070 | 1070 | 1050 | 1033 | 1031 | 1014 | 1000 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.AT005M] | 674 | 698 | 710 | 720 | 707 | 657 | 645 | 637 | 653 | 648 | 665 | 638 | 631 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.AT_NM] | 12616 | 12701 | 12864 | 12879 | 12773 | 12097 | 11942 | 11804 | 11687 | 11674 | 11585 | 11469 | 11304 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.BG] | - | - | - | 23410 | 23388 | 23716 | 24108 | 24612 | 23936 | 24041 | 23919 | 22603 | 21206 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.BG001MC] | - | - | - | 5176 | 5133 | 5209 | 5287 | 5441 | 5335 | 5353 | 5295 | 5063 | 4757 |
[A.NR.V11910.B-E.BG002M] | - | - | - | 2894 | 2887 | 2917 | 3027 | 3118 | 3020 | 3087 | 3086 | 2881 | 2739 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 56,913