[nama_10_co3_p3] Final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose (COICOP 3 digit)
Updated by provider on September 7, 2024 (9:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [CLV05_MEUR] Chain linked volumes (2005), million euro
- [CLV05_MNAC] Chain linked volumes (2005), million units of national currency
- [CLV10_MEUR] Chain linked volumes (2010), million euro
- [CLV10_MNAC] Chain linked volumes (2010), million units of national currency
- [CLV15_MEUR] Chain linked volumes (2015), million euro
- [CLV15_MNAC] Chain linked volumes (2015), million units of national currency
- [CLV_I10] Chain linked volumes, index 2010=100
- [CLV_I15] Chain linked volumes, index 2015=100
- [CLV_PCH_PRE] Chain linked volumes, percentage change on previous period
- [CP_EUR_HAB] Current prices, euro per capita
- [CP_MEUR] Current prices, million euro
- [CP_MNAC] Current prices, million units of national currency
- [CP_NAC_HAB] Current prices, units of national currency per capita
- [PC_GDP] Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
- [PC_TOT] Percentage of total
- [PD10_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), 2010=100, euro
- [PD10_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), 2010=100, national currency
- [PD15_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), 2015=100, euro
- [PD15_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), 2015=100, national currency
- [PD_PCH_PRE_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, euro
- [PD_PCH_PRE_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, national currency
- [PYP_MEUR] Previous year prices, million euro
- [PYP_MNAC] Previous year prices, million units of national currency
[coicop] Classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP)
- [CP01] Food and non-alcoholic beverages
- [CP011] Food
- [CP012] Non-alcoholic beverages
- [CP02] Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics
- [CP021] Alcoholic beverages
- [CP022] Tobacco
- [CP023] Narcotics
- [CP03] Clothing and footwear
- [CP031] Clothing
- [CP032] Footwear
- [CP04] Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels
- [CP041] Actual rentals for housing
- [CP042] Imputed rentals for housing
- [CP043] Maintenance and repair of the dwelling
- [CP044] Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling
- [CP045] Electricity, gas and other fuels
- [CP05] Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance
- [CP051] Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings
- [CP052] Household textiles
- [CP053] Household appliances
- [CP054] Glassware, tableware and household utensils
- [CP055] Tools and equipment for house and garden
- [CP056] Goods and services for routine household maintenance
- [CP06] Health
- [CP061] Medical products, appliances and equipment
- [CP062] Out-patient services
- [CP063] Hospital services
- [CP07] Transport
- [CP071] Purchase of vehicles
- [CP072] Operation of personal transport equipment
- [CP073] Transport services
- [CP08] Communications
- [CP081] Postal services
- [CP082] Telephone and telefax equipment
- [CP083] Telephone and telefax services
- [CP09] Recreation and culture
- [CP091] Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
- [CP092] Other major durables for recreation and culture
- [CP093] Other recreational items and equipment, gardens and pets
- [CP094] Recreational and cultural services
- [CP095] Newspapers, books and stationery
- [CP096] Package holidays
- [CP10] Education
- [CP101] Pre-primary and primary education
- [CP102] Secondary education
- [CP103] Post-secondary non-tertiary education
- [CP104] Tertiary education
- [CP105] Education not definable by level
- [CP11] Restaurants and hotels
- [CP111] Catering services
- [CP112] Accommodation services
- [CP12] Miscellaneous goods and services
- [CP121] Personal care
- [CP122] Prostitution
- [CP122_127] Prostitution; other services n.e.c.
- [CP123] Personal effects n.e.c.
- [CP124] Social protection
- [CP125] Insurance
- [CP126] Financial services n.e.c.
- [CP127] Other services n.e.c.
- [TOTAL] Total
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AL] Albania
- [AT] Austria
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA] Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015, EA20-2023)
- [EA12] Euro area - 12 countries (2001-2006)
- [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU15] European Union - 15 countries (1995-2004)
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [EU28] European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MK] North Macedonia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [UK] United Kingdom
- [XK] Kosovo*
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (23)
Classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP) [coicop] (61)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (45)
This dataset has 55,640 series:
- from
- 1995=14032.1
- to
- 2022=14032.1
- min:
- 12,637.6
- max:
- 14,972.5
- avg:
- 13,584.507
- σ:
- 565.591
- from
- 2000=3154
- to
- 2022=3154
- min:
- 1,986.4
- max:
- 3,154
- avg:
- 2,768.422
- σ:
- 277.904
- from
- 1995=21775
- to
- 2022=21775
- min:
- 18,575.2
- max:
- 22,811.9
- avg:
- 20,067.429
- σ:
- 1,226.528
- from
- 1995=4268.8
- to
- 2022=4268.8
- min:
- 1,778.9
- max:
- 4,854.3
- avg:
- 3,661.396
- σ:
- 683.546
- from
- 1995=23142.6
- to
- 2021=23142.6
- min:
- 15,146.5
- max:
- 23,142.6
- avg:
- 18,058.774
- σ:
- 2,182.429
- from
- 1995=1723.6
- to
- 2022=1723.6
- min:
- 1,228.3
- max:
- 1,723.6
- avg:
- 1,354.379
- σ:
- 113.881
- from
- 1995=10110.5
- to
- 2022=10110.5
- min:
- 5,953.4
- max:
- 10,957.5
- avg:
- 8,547.325
- σ:
- 1,283.567
- from
- 1995=135488.4
- to
- 2022=135488.4
- min:
- 120,026.9
- max:
- 141,464
- avg:
- 128,940.421
- σ:
- 5,883.669
- from
- 1975=12935.6
- to
- 2022=12935.6
- min:
- 7,935.2
- max:
- 13,682.4
- avg:
- 10,240.731
- σ:
- 1,363.229
- from
- 1995=604446.8
- to
- 2022=604446.8
- min:
- 504,034.3
- max:
- 627,645
- avg:
- 567,549.514
- σ:
- 33,619.569
Series code | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.AT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 12637.6 | 12773.3 | 12826.1 | 12696.2 | 12756.3 | 12964.8 | 13011.1 | 13121.1 | 13124.3 | 13476.9 | 13783.2 | 13859.8 | 13950 | 13756.4 | 13728.4 | 13872.3 | 13735.4 | 13680.5 | 13738.3 | 13674.1 | 13783.6 | 13737.8 | 13869.5 | 14124.1 | 14180.7 | 14972.5 | 14499.8 | 14032.1 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.BA] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1986.4 | 2144.2 | 2340.7 | 2537.9 | 2658.6 | 2782.3 | 2836.1 | 2865.6 | 2974.6 | 2840.4 | 2771.4 | 2745.2 | 2767.3 | 2767.6 | 2815.4 | 2850 | 2869.6 | 2872.4 | 2909.6 | 3025.3 | 3023 | 3136.1 | 3154 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.BE] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 18975.1 | 18942.4 | 18711.7 | 18575.2 | 18791.8 | 18871.5 | 18953.4 | 19369.4 | 19924.4 | 20074.3 | 19913.7 | 19104.4 | 18881.7 | 19127.4 | 19509.9 | 19804.5 | 19543 | 19953 | 19978 | 20478 | 20930.5 | 21224.9 | 21487.9 | 21678.6 | 22090.9 | 22405.5 | 22811.9 | 21775 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.BG] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 4854.3 | 4360 | 1778.9 | 2082.7 | 2494.6 | 2902.9 | 3155.2 | 3354.5 | 3471.7 | 3768.2 | 3694.1 | 3414.3 | 4128.1 | 3860.9 | 3636.5 | 3828 | 3753.5 | 3698.2 | 3394.9 | 3598.6 | 3796.5 | 3937.2 | 4020.8 | 4232.4 | 4196.6 | 4325.9 | 4510.8 | 4268.8 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.CH] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 15164.1 | 15146.5 | 15229.7 | 15365.3 | 15696.4 | 15924.9 | 16457.6 | 16287 | 16397.6 | 16358.2 | 16827.9 | 17265.5 | 17540.9 | 18079.9 | 18450.8 | 18452.4 | 18941.4 | 18815.5 | 19171.6 | 19460.9 | 19758.8 | 19954.1 | 20195.9 | 20424.1 | 20829.1 | 22248.2 | 23142.6 | - |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.CY] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1282.7 | 1228.3 | 1260.3 | 1232.5 | 1289.4 | 1389.2 | 1415.1 | 1362.3 | 1297.9 | 1341.1 | 1379.3 | 1368.9 | 1371.1 | 1425.1 | 1246.2 | 1234.5 | 1252.5 | 1276 | 1260 | 1291 | 1315.2 | 1352.1 | 1388.7 | 1389.1 | 1427.4 | 1481.6 | 1641.5 | 1723.6 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.CZ] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5953.4 | 6334.4 | 6551.4 | 6783.9 | 7282.3 | 7442.5 | 7507.6 | 7794.1 | 8035.1 | 8050.3 | 8248.1 | 8460.7 | 8681.1 | 8566.5 | 8714.9 | 8711.8 | 8675.4 | 8697.1 | 8653.3 | 8996.7 | 9418.2 | 9820.9 | 9921 | 10104.8 | 10361.3 | 10490.3 | 10957.5 | 10110.5 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.DE] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 123382.5 | 123253.4 | 122337.1 | 122737.2 | 125344.2 | 129332.2 | 129461.3 | 127318.9 | 124724.7 | 131758.6 | 134998 | 133217 | 131926.3 | 126944.6 | 127215.6 | 124582.8 | 121782.1 | 120982 | 120026.9 | 124931.2 | 129061.2 | 132119.9 | 132468.4 | 134662.4 | 137372.7 | 141438.2 | 141464 | 135488.4 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.DK] | 7935.2 | 8298.6 | 8261.2 | 8546.6 | 8592.2 | 8685.5 | 8849.3 | 8794.9 | 8782.4 | 8852.1 | 8780.5 | 9070 | 9023 | 9017.8 | 9151.5 | 9138.8 | 9250.6 | 9487.1 | 9473.8 | 9772.9 | 10084.3 | 10166.1 | 10468.1 | 10573.7 | 10398.9 | 10557.6 | 10531.4 | 10560.2 | 10433.2 | 10734.7 | 10884.8 | 11048.2 | 10999.7 | 10940.1 | 10730.1 | 10972.3 | 10870.1 | 10937.7 | 11036.5 | 11323.3 | 11440.5 | 11795.6 | 12002.8 | 12331.1 | 12366.4 | 12985.7 | 13682.4 | 12935.6 |
[A.CLV05_MEUR.CP01.EA] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 504034.3 | 505334.9 | 508980.8 | 512551.9 | 520314 | 535188.1 | 553889.3 | 554590 | 556081.8 | 566743.8 | 576309.3 | 578268 | 583044.3 | 573506.1 | 573237.7 | 575453 | 572992.1 | 566959 | 562389.8 | 572088 | 584232.8 | 591010.9 | 595930.4 | 601934.4 | 607613.1 | 627645 | 626616.8 | 604446.8 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 55,640