[namq_10_a10] Gross value added and income A*10 industry breakdowns
Updated by provider on November 5, 2024 (10:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [Q] Quarterly
[unit] Unit of measure
- [CLV05_MEUR] Chain linked volumes (2005), million euro
- [CLV05_MNAC] Chain linked volumes (2005), million units of national currency
- [CLV10_MEUR] Chain linked volumes (2010), million euro
- [CLV10_MNAC] Chain linked volumes (2010), million units of national currency
- [CLV15_MEUR] Chain linked volumes (2015), million euro
- [CLV15_MNAC] Chain linked volumes (2015), million units of national currency
- [CLV20_MEUR] Chain linked volumes (2020), million euro
- [CLV20_MNAC] Chain linked volumes (2020), million units of national currency
- [CLV_I05] Chain linked volumes, index 2005=100
- [CLV_I10] Chain linked volumes, index 2010=100
- [CLV_I15] Chain linked volumes, index 2015=100
- [CLV_I20] Chain linked volumes, index 2020=100
- [CLV_PCH_PRE] Chain linked volumes, percentage change on previous period
- [CLV_PCH_SM] Chain linked volumes, percentage change compared to same period in previous year
- [CON_PPCH_PRE] Contribution to GDP growth, percentage point change on previous period
- [CON_PPCH_SM] Contribution to GDP growth, percentage point change compared to same period in previous year
- [CP_MEUR] Current prices, million euro
- [CP_MNAC] Current prices, million units of national currency
- [PC_GDP] Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
- [PC_TOT] Percentage of total
- [PD05_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), 2005=100, euro
- [PD05_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), 2005=100, national currency
- [PD10_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), 2010=100, euro
- [PD10_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), 2010=100, national currency
- [PD15_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), 2015=100, euro
- [PD15_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), 2015=100, national currency
- [PD20_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), 2020=100, euro
- [PD20_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), 2020=100, national currency
- [PD_PCH_PRE_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, euro
- [PD_PCH_PRE_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change on previous period, national currency
- [PD_PCH_SM_EUR] Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change compared to same period in previous year, euro
- [PD_PCH_SM_NAC] Price index (implicit deflator), percentage change compared to same period in previous year, national currency
- [PYP_MEUR] Previous year prices, million euro
- [PYP_MNAC] Previous year prices, million units of national currency
[s_adj] Seasonal adjustment
- [CA] Calendar adjusted data, not seasonally adjusted data
- [NSA] Unadjusted data (i.e. neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data)
- [SA] Seasonally adjusted data, not calendar adjusted data
- [SCA] Seasonally and calendar adjusted data
[nace_r2] Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2)
- [A] Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [B-E] Industry (except construction)
- [C] Manufacturing
- [F] Construction
- [G-I] Wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food service activities
- [J] Information and communication
- [K] Financial and insurance activities
- [L] Real estate activities
- [M_N] Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities
- [O-Q] Public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities
- [R-U] Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; activities of household and extra-territorial organizations and bodies
- [TOTAL] Total - all NACE activities
[na_item] National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- [B1G] Value added, gross
- [D1] Compensation of employees
- [D11] Wages and salaries
- [D12] Employers' social contributions
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AL] Albania
- [AT] Austria
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA] Euro area (EA11-1999, EA12-2001, EA13-2007, EA15-2008, EA16-2009, EA17-2011, EA18-2014, EA19-2015, EA20-2023)
- [EA12] Euro area - 12 countries (2001-2006)
- [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MK] North Macedonia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [UK] United Kingdom
- [XK] Kosovo*
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (34)
Seasonal adjustment [s_adj] (4)
Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2) [nace_r2] (12)
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item] (4)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (42)
This dataset has 46,539 series:
- from
- 1995-Q1=621.9
- to
- 2024-Q2=1,260.1
- min:
- 578.2
- max:
- 1,390
- avg:
- 855.336
- σ:
- 171.645
- from
- 1990-Q1=748.3
- to
- 2024-Q2=716
- min:
- 592.3
- max:
- 794.4
- avg:
- 718.188
- σ:
- 35.87
- from
- 1995-Q1=100.2
- to
- 2024-Q2=58.4
- min:
- 52.9
- max:
- 119.1
- avg:
- 84.155
- σ:
- 18.554
- from
- 1996-Q1=456.4
- to
- 2024-Q2=482.8
- min:
- 282.1
- max:
- 1,123.1
- avg:
- 531.418
- σ:
- 210.123
- from
- 1990-Q1=883
- to
- 2024-Q2=1,216
- min:
- 809.7
- max:
- 1,330.1
- avg:
- 1,024.184
- σ:
- 118.128
- from
- 1980-Q1=4,374.8
- to
- 2024-Q3=7,017.5
- min:
- 4,112
- max:
- 8,339
- avg:
- 6,521.808
- σ:
- 1,038.16
- from
- 1995-Q1=471.6
- to
- 2020-Q1=568
- min:
- 441.4
- max:
- 1,399.8
- avg:
- 748.782
- σ:
- 226.597
- from
- 1996-Q1=2,356.4
- to
- 2024-Q2=5,608
- min:
- 2,173.9
- max:
- 11,757.5
- avg:
- 7,504.878
- σ:
- 3,561.046
- from
- 1995-Q1=131
- to
- 2024-Q2=254.4
- min:
- 107.2
- max:
- 682.9
- avg:
- 245.154
- σ:
- 156.526
- from
- 1995-Q1=41.4
- to
- 2024-Q2=25.7
- min:
- 21
- max:
- 61.3
- avg:
- 31.466
- σ:
- 9.526
Series code | 1980-Q1 | 1980-Q2 | 1980-Q3 | 1980-Q4 | 1981-Q1 | 1981-Q2 | 1981-Q3 | 1981-Q4 | 1982-Q1 | 1982-Q2 | 1982-Q3 | 1982-Q4 | 1983-Q1 | 1983-Q2 | 1983-Q3 | 1983-Q4 | 1984-Q1 | 1984-Q2 | 1984-Q3 | 1984-Q4 | 1985-Q1 | 1985-Q2 | 1985-Q3 | 1985-Q4 | 1986-Q1 | 1986-Q2 | 1986-Q3 | 1986-Q4 | 1987-Q1 | 1987-Q2 | 1987-Q3 | 1987-Q4 | 1988-Q1 | 1988-Q2 | 1988-Q3 | 1988-Q4 | 1989-Q1 | 1989-Q2 | 1989-Q3 | 1989-Q4 | 1990-Q1 | 1990-Q2 | 1990-Q3 | 1990-Q4 | 1991-Q1 | 1991-Q2 | 1991-Q3 | 1991-Q4 | 1992-Q1 | 1992-Q2 | 1992-Q3 | 1992-Q4 | 1993-Q1 | 1993-Q2 | 1993-Q3 | 1993-Q4 | 1994-Q1 | 1994-Q2 | 1994-Q3 | 1994-Q4 | 1995-Q1 | 1995-Q2 | 1995-Q3 | 1995-Q4 | 1996-Q1 | 1996-Q2 | 1996-Q3 | 1996-Q4 | 1997-Q1 | 1997-Q2 | 1997-Q3 | 1997-Q4 | 1998-Q1 | 1998-Q2 | 1998-Q3 | 1998-Q4 | 1999-Q1 | 1999-Q2 | 1999-Q3 | 1999-Q4 | 2000-Q1 | 2000-Q2 | 2000-Q3 | 2000-Q4 | 2001-Q1 | 2001-Q2 | 2001-Q3 | 2001-Q4 | 2002-Q1 | 2002-Q2 | 2002-Q3 | 2002-Q4 | 2003-Q1 | 2003-Q2 | 2003-Q3 | 2003-Q4 | 2004-Q1 | 2004-Q2 | 2004-Q3 | 2004-Q4 | 2005-Q1 | 2005-Q2 | 2005-Q3 | 2005-Q4 | 2006-Q1 | 2006-Q2 | 2006-Q3 | 2006-Q4 | 2007-Q1 | 2007-Q2 | 2007-Q3 | 2007-Q4 | 2008-Q1 | 2008-Q2 | 2008-Q3 | 2008-Q4 | 2009-Q1 | 2009-Q2 | 2009-Q3 | 2009-Q4 | 2010-Q1 | 2010-Q2 | 2010-Q3 | 2010-Q4 | 2011-Q1 | 2011-Q2 | 2011-Q3 | 2011-Q4 | 2012-Q1 | 2012-Q2 | 2012-Q3 | 2012-Q4 | 2013-Q1 | 2013-Q2 | 2013-Q3 | 2013-Q4 | 2014-Q1 | 2014-Q2 | 2014-Q3 | 2014-Q4 | 2015-Q1 | 2015-Q2 | 2015-Q3 | 2015-Q4 | 2016-Q1 | 2016-Q2 | 2016-Q3 | 2016-Q4 | 2017-Q1 | 2017-Q2 | 2017-Q3 | 2017-Q4 | 2018-Q1 | 2018-Q2 | 2018-Q3 | 2018-Q4 | 2019-Q1 | 2019-Q2 | 2019-Q3 | 2019-Q4 | 2020-Q1 | 2020-Q2 | 2020-Q3 | 2020-Q4 | 2021-Q1 | 2021-Q2 | 2021-Q3 | 2021-Q4 | 2022-Q1 | 2022-Q2 | 2022-Q3 | 2022-Q4 | 2023-Q1 | 2023-Q2 | 2023-Q3 | 2023-Q4 | 2024-Q1 | 2024-Q2 | 2024-Q3 |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.AT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 621.9 | 991.7 | 795.8 | 594.1 | 619.8 | 953.3 | 778.9 | 578.2 | 619.8 | 963.7 | 789 | 615.3 | 646.2 | 997.8 | 831.9 | 655 | 685 | 1042.5 | 870.7 | 661.3 | 682.3 | 1025 | 846.1 | 646.3 | 676.6 | 1008.3 | 818.1 | 629.8 | 669 | 977.4 | 808.5 | 618.8 | 665 | 935.6 | 794.7 | 628.9 | 691.3 | 1003.2 | 873.4 | 686.5 | 685.9 | 985 | 847.7 | 687.2 | 702.6 | 973.4 | 833.5 | 677 | 742.7 | 1074.5 | 901 | 717.5 | 791.3 | 1142.5 | 976.2 | 782.2 | 779.9 | 1082.3 | 890.4 | 698.8 | 753.4 | 940.8 | 837.5 | 720.5 | 809.3 | 1128.2 | 981.6 | 827.2 | 783.8 | 1055.5 | 880.2 | 740.8 | 735 | 983.5 | 866.7 | 758.9 | 796.8 | 1034.6 | 896.9 | 743.3 | 779 | 1059.2 | 908.2 | 789.8 | 816.6 | 1090.4 | 947.2 | 771 | 833.6 | 1127 | 996.1 | 887.1 | 863 | 1187.2 | 993.3 | 862.3 | 772.7 | 1217.7 | 997.9 | 757.7 | 756.2 | 1151.7 | 901 | 700.2 | 747.9 | 1266.6 | 978.4 | 700.7 | 787.4 | 1390 | 1063.4 | 727.9 | 762.4 | 1319.5 | 1039.1 | 733.9 | 743.4 | 1260.1 | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.CH] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 748.3 | 757.3 | 760.3 | 758.4 | 751 | 747.2 | 748.7 | 755.3 | 768.7 | 775.1 | 774.9 | 771.1 | 760.1 | 749 | 734.8 | 719.6 | 702.2 | 692.3 | 690 | 694.1 | 712.3 | 712.8 | 713.5 | 713.2 | 710.3 | 709.2 | 708.5 | 708.4 | 709.8 | 709.8 | 710.1 | 711.9 | 714.9 | 717.7 | 720.6 | 723.6 | 727.3 | 732.8 | 739.2 | 747 | 755.8 | 757.8 | 751.8 | 734.6 | 703.3 | 688.7 | 685.7 | 696.9 | 723.4 | 729.9 | 716.6 | 681.2 | 616.3 | 592.3 | 596.4 | 625.5 | 681.7 | 715.2 | 730.6 | 728.8 | 708.4 | 693.3 | 681.8 | 670.4 | 657.6 | 653.1 | 657.9 | 668.4 | 690.4 | 702.3 | 707.6 | 706 | 696.8 | 694.8 | 700.5 | 711.8 | 729.7 | 739.5 | 739.8 | 729.2 | 708.4 | 700.6 | 705.4 | 724.1 | 760 | 781.7 | 794.4 | 792.4 | 778.3 | 762.7 | 746.6 | 725.9 | 699.7 | 692 | 700 | 723.5 | 768.4 | 789.7 | 791.4 | 774.5 | 731.6 | 705.9 | 695.1 | 696.8 | 712.6 | 718.5 | 716.9 | 707.9 | 689.1 | 683 | 688.9 | 705.7 | 736.8 | 754.1 | 759.2 | 752.4 | 734.4 | 723 | 716.4 | 714.2 | 724.2 | 722.3 | 713.9 | 696.9 | 662.9 | 653.6 | 659.6 | 678.4 | 715.4 | 738.5 | 748.2 | 746 | 732.4 | 723.9 | 719.1 | 716.8 | 716.6 | 716 | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.CY] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 100.2 | 99.2 | 107.1 | 104.9 | 108.2 | 107.1 | 110.3 | 100.6 | 93 | 86.7 | 90.5 | 88.5 | 96.5 | 99.2 | 107.4 | 104.8 | 108.3 | 106.2 | 110.1 | 104.1 | 102.3 | 102.4 | 108.7 | 104.8 | 106.5 | 111.2 | 115.4 | 113.2 | 117 | 118 | 119.1 | 111.6 | 110.7 | 105 | 107.4 | 104.4 | 112.5 | 111.5 | 110.8 | 105.3 | 104.3 | 103.6 | 102.9 | 101 | 93.7 | 92.9 | 89.3 | 87.2 | 84.8 | 85.6 | 84.7 | 85 | 79.9 | 78.5 | 78.2 | 75.8 | 71.7 | 72.7 | 71 | 70.6 | 72.8 | 76.5 | 78.4 | 80.1 | 81.6 | 83.4 | 80 | 77.9 | 78.1 | 80.2 | 76 | 73.9 | 74.6 | 75.5 | 72.4 | 70.6 | 63.6 | 63.8 | 62.2 | 59.8 | 60.1 | 63.7 | 66 | 67 | 71.9 | 76.1 | 76.4 | 74.8 | 71.4 | 71.4 | 68.8 | 67.1 | 67 | 67.8 | 67.9 | 68.9 | 71.5 | 73.3 | 72.5 | 71 | 70.5 | 72.5 | 70.3 | 68.7 | 68.8 | 70.8 | 66.5 | 62.2 | 57.8 | 57.5 | 54 | 52.9 | 54 | 57.4 | 56.5 | 56.1 | 55.3 | 58.4 | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.CZ] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 456.4 | 383.2 | 810.8 | 490 | 395.5 | 385.7 | 721.6 | 461.6 | 405.3 | 411.7 | 792.6 | 422.1 | 373.8 | 401.3 | 835.4 | 441.4 | 376 | 414.6 | 839.9 | 456.8 | 406.3 | 452.7 | 808.6 | 427.1 | 396.3 | 427.7 | 768.8 | 417.2 | 399.9 | 453.3 | 800.5 | 399.1 | 443.3 | 511.1 | 918.3 | 433.4 | 506.9 | 627.7 | 915.6 | 468.7 | 505.8 | 582.9 | 844.5 | 399.3 | 351.7 | 444.1 | 692.4 | 307.6 | 345.6 | 431.9 | 709.2 | 328.9 | 451 | 556.8 | 905.8 | 442.2 | 364 | 431.2 | 799.4 | 300 | 331.2 | 382 | 767.3 | 282.1 | 352.2 | 436.4 | 827.2 | 296.6 | 364 | 417.8 | 807.3 | 293.4 | 363.5 | 442.4 | 885.8 | 323.5 | 411.7 | 490.5 | 951.9 | 342.9 | 417.6 | 509.4 | 1022.5 | 361.1 | 418.6 | 482.2 | 951.9 | 365.7 | 431.6 | 486.9 | 992.4 | 381.8 | 445.1 | 501.7 | 1048.3 | 403.8 | 480 | 539.3 | 1123.1 | 421.8 | 428.3 | 461 | 966 | 358.7 | 422.6 | 490.1 | 986.2 | 343.5 | 415.2 | 491.9 | 975.8 | 338.1 | 414.5 | 482.8 | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.FI] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 883 | 1030.7 | 1056.1 | 889.1 | 907.4 | 1026.6 | 947.2 | 809.7 | 844.3 | 886.1 | 933.9 | 889.1 | 875.9 | 980.8 | 1037.8 | 958.4 | 846.3 | 929.9 | 1022.5 | 1103 | 811.7 | 993 | 1081.6 | 951.2 | 875.9 | 909.5 | 938 | 917.6 | 901.3 | 1004.2 | 1046 | 960.4 | 854.5 | 897.3 | 894.2 | 871.8 | 811.7 | 867.7 | 919.7 | 926.8 | 879.9 | 944.1 | 1014.4 | 984.8 | 908.5 | 926.8 | 983.8 | 930.9 | 904.4 | 913.6 | 982.8 | 946.1 | 883 | 895.2 | 928.8 | 912.5 | 871.8 | 877.9 | 927.8 | 911.5 | 920.7 | 901.3 | 984.8 | 945.1 | 936 | 941.1 | 972.6 | 978.7 | 955.3 | 1003.2 | 1087.7 | 1043.9 | 1007.3 | 987.9 | 1059.2 | 1042.9 | 1111.1 | 989.9 | 1132.5 | 1159 | 1087.7 | 1061.2 | 1089.8 | 1084.7 | 1060.2 | 1050 | 1068.4 | 1082.6 | 1001.1 | 1018.5 | 1011.3 | 1012.3 | 986.9 | 992 | 1028.6 | 1047 | 1070.4 | 1028.6 | 1107.1 | 1079.6 | 1105 | 1049 | 1129.5 | 1127.4 | 1146.8 | 1084.7 | 1091.8 | 1089.8 | 1096.9 | 1059.2 | 1140.7 | 1162.1 | 1092.8 | 1067.3 | 1098.9 | 1135.6 | 1177.3 | 1129.5 | 1316.9 | 1278.2 | 1124.4 | 1178.4 | 1292.4 | 1273.1 | 1171.2 | 1145.8 | 1262.9 | 1234.4 | 1224.2 | 1225.2 | 1330.1 | 1302.6 | 1157 | 1170.2 | 1209.9 | 1132.5 | 1159 | 1216 | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.FR] | 4374.8 | 4505.7 | 4302.2 | 4198.8 | 4112 | 4322.1 | 4283 | 4484.8 | 4811.3 | 5206.9 | 5091.3 | 4996 | 4798.5 | 4801.3 | 4551.2 | 4611.3 | 4710.7 | 5014.2 | 4909.8 | 5053.7 | 5107.9 | 5341.8 | 5204.4 | 5204.4 | 5164.7 | 5308.2 | 5153.7 | 5257.4 | 5303.1 | 5528.2 | 5361.8 | 5359.3 | 5308.2 | 5385.8 | 5228.1 | 5286 | 5318.9 | 5553.5 | 5474 | 5747.2 | 5928.7 | 6146.4 | 5847.2 | 5686.7 | 5391 | 5315.7 | 5198 | 5494.8 | 5916.3 | 6264.7 | 6194.4 | 6188.2 | 5990.1 | 5831.1 | 5618.2 | 5667.9 | 5711.9 | 5824 | 5772.6 | 5937.6 | 5916.7 | 6094.6 | 6034.8 | 6265.4 | 6381.2 | 6545.6 | 6470.8 | 6548.5 | 6505.6 | 6534 | 6419.1 | 6513 | 6584.9 | 6698.1 | 6653.3 | 6850.5 | 6968.1 | 7056.1 | 7006.8 | 7116.9 | 7149.8 | 7124.3 | 6926 | 6857.9 | 6738 | 6798.7 | 6757 | 7051.7 | 7347.2 | 7466.6 | 7167.1 | 6823.4 | 6209.7 | 5961.2 | 5862.8 | 6334.8 | 6971.8 | 7469.8 | 7552.1 | 7564 | 7252 | 6999 | 6766.9 | 6866.7 | 6960.9 | 7030.2 | 6992.5 | 7076.2 | 7011.2 | 6975.5 | 6858.9 | 7004.6 | 7142 | 7193.2 | 7209.7 | 7445.4 | 7662.9 | 7793.5 | 7679.6 | 7661.2 | 7501.5 | 7430.9 | 7363.5 | 7581.5 | 7798.8 | 7897.1 | 7800.9 | 7707.9 | 7455.5 | 7236.3 | 6941.2 | 6892.6 | 6854.4 | 6898.7 | 6969.9 | 7290.8 | 7699.8 | 8036.5 | 8147.2 | 8308.4 | 8339 | 8257.2 | 7924 | 7628.8 | 7237.5 | 6966.5 | 6816.8 | 6978.3 | 7267.5 | 7525.5 | 7637.3 | 7806.3 | 7875.3 | 7897.1 | 7783.6 | 7814.3 | 7804.7 | 7755.5 | 7567.9 | 7499.2 | 7376 | 7209.5 | 7000.8 | 6884.5 | 6781.8 | 6733.9 | 6717.9 | 6859.4 | 7041.5 | 7191 | 7305.1 | 7522.3 | 7640.2 | 7722 | 7612.2 | 7509.2 | 7356 | 7185.5 | 7017.5 |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.HU] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 471.6 | 651.4 | 818.1 | 597.1 | 504.5 | 664.3 | 806.5 | 679.5 | 455.9 | 669.1 | 823.8 | 595.3 | 441.7 | 672.9 | 892.9 | 652.6 | 460.9 | 618.2 | 943.1 | 710.5 | 447.9 | 601.1 | 813.4 | 593.6 | 469.9 | 687.1 | 942.5 | 676.2 | 463.5 | 573.4 | 738.5 | 561.5 | 447.7 | 592 | 779.3 | 577.3 | 559.6 | 895.6 | 1251.6 | 890.1 | 614.8 | 825 | 1079.2 | 870.8 | 557.4 | 785.8 | 1068.9 | 762 | 494.6 | 618.1 | 831.3 | 594.1 | 594.6 | 928.4 | 1399.8 | 1001.3 | 550.5 | 775.4 | 1254.4 | 911.4 | 441.4 | 599 | 957.6 | 715.7 | 508.2 | 695 | 1118.6 | 831.3 | 473.8 | 560.5 | 821 | 617.4 | 457.8 | 657.3 | 1001.3 | 711.4 | 494 | 779.7 | 1167.4 | 809.2 | 543.4 | 760.4 | 1121.9 | 818 | 559.2 | 878.2 | 1295.3 | 918.5 | 534.1 | 801.7 | 1232.9 | 837.2 | 559.1 | 832.7 | 1275.1 | 903.6 | 571.5 | 827.3 | 1249.4 | 912.4 | 568 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.IT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 2356.4 | 5737.5 | 10807.9 | 9934.9 | 2629.6 | 5822.2 | 10451.7 | 10600.6 | 2710.3 | 6207.5 | 11233.6 | 10115.9 | 2748.9 | 6250.6 | 11509 | 11445.5 | 3009.8 | 6553.9 | 11685.6 | 10966.1 | 2672.6 | 6099.3 | 11360.3 | 11169.6 | 2554.9 | 5953.8 | 10762.2 | 10556 | 2649.8 | 5674.5 | 10066.1 | 10276.3 | 2734 | 6242.2 | 11287.7 | 11757.5 | 2385.4 | 5838.6 | 11191.5 | 11016.5 | 2278.5 | 5820.9 | 10988.7 | 11114.7 | 2469.1 | 6058.4 | 10986.5 | 11017.3 | 2530.5 | 6205.2 | 11184.1 | 11254.1 | 2330.3 | 5972.4 | 11321 | 11232.7 | 2394.7 | 6001.6 | 11196 | 11340.7 | 2356.5 | 5990.9 | 11320.9 | 11504.3 | 2337.9 | 6007.3 | 10749.9 | 10841.9 | 2414.5 | 5891.8 | 10950.8 | 11059.1 | 2543.6 | 5930.1 | 10911.2 | 10285 | 2517.8 | 5976.8 | 11258.3 | 11320.1 | 2769.8 | 6240.6 | 11284.7 | 10676.1 | 2582.8 | 5949.4 | 10694 | 10506.6 | 2759.7 | 6016.2 | 11102.5 | 10724 | 2641.1 | 5912.6 | 10793.7 | 10640.5 | 2203.8 | 5377.9 | 10689.4 | 10466.3 | 2414 | 5628.5 | 10407.9 | 10207.9 | 2615.5 | 5684.9 | 10618.5 | 10502.9 | 2173.9 | 5489.9 | 10445.8 | 10274.7 | 2559.6 | 5608 | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.LT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 131 | 190.4 | 377.3 | 211.4 | 140.6 | 196.1 | 466.9 | 206.3 | 145.1 | 212.2 | 499.5 | 215.8 | 140.1 | 205.1 | 443.5 | 210.9 | 134.6 | 180.6 | 359.2 | 167.6 | 139.7 | 185.5 | 393.6 | 159.7 | 132.4 | 168.7 | 365 | 154.7 | 138.6 | 166.7 | 408.2 | 155.2 | 143.7 | 182.1 | 442.7 | 149.8 | 148.5 | 187.6 | 405.8 | 143.7 | 151.1 | 197.9 | 405.3 | 148.6 | 140.1 | 185.7 | 336.4 | 140.8 | 146.5 | 200.6 | 414.7 | 142.2 | 148 | 208.3 | 448.9 | 118.2 | 107.2 | 199.3 | 519.5 | 110.9 | 116.3 | 214.3 | 432.2 | 115.5 | 117 | 214.5 | 487.1 | 117.7 | 117.6 | 220.1 | 585.5 | 126.5 | 113.5 | 218.3 | 567 | 118.6 | 119.1 | 227 | 598.1 | 118.8 | 118.8 | 232.6 | 653.2 | 111.8 | 119.8 | 237.3 | 598.8 | 116 | 119 | 237.8 | 598.5 | 124.2 | 114.4 | 234.7 | 497.6 | 115.6 | 123.1 | 239.6 | 560 | 141.5 | 140.2 | 272 | 682.9 | 156.5 | 126.4 | 242.3 | 624.9 | 152.6 | 134 | 253.5 | 616.9 | 124.1 | 121.9 | 239.7 | 618.3 | 118.9 | 133.4 | 254.4 | - |
[Q.CLV05_MEUR.CA.A.B1G.LU] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 41.4 | 47.7 | 48.6 | 47.7 | 46.2 | 46.1 | 45.9 | 44.3 | 38.2 | 39.9 | 39.7 | 40.5 | 42.9 | 45.9 | 46.1 | 46.5 | 61.3 | 56.4 | 44.7 | 45.5 | 37.1 | 35.3 | 51.3 | 56.1 | 38.2 | 31 | 38.4 | 42.6 | 58.3 | 55.9 | 48.3 | 41.1 | 26.5 | 26.3 | 30.2 | 37.2 | 30.3 | 35.5 | 36.1 | 35.1 | 28.7 | 27.4 | 26.1 | 25.7 | 25.9 | 27.7 | 28.8 | 30.4 | 28.9 | 31.4 | 30.1 | 30.7 | 25.7 | 25.5 | 25.8 | 25.2 | 25 | 26.1 | 26.1 | 26.2 | 28.9 | 30.5 | 29.9 | 29.6 | 21 | 22.6 | 22.4 | 25.2 | 26.6 | 27.7 | 26.7 | 26.7 | 21.5 | 22.7 | 21.5 | 23.4 | 23.4 | 26.3 | 25.8 | 26.2 | 25.8 | 26.1 | 24.9 | 26.6 | 24.2 | 26.2 | 25.6 | 27 | 22.5 | 24.2 | 23.9 | 25.2 | 26.1 | 27.3 | 27 | 27.2 | 23.6 | 25.2 | 25 | 25.9 | 22.2 | 21.9 | 23.6 | 23.8 | 23.5 | 24.9 | 25.1 | 24.7 | 25.7 | 25.7 | 24.5 | 23.6 | 25.7 | 25.7 | 25 | 24.6 | 25.3 | 25.7 | - |
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