Financial accounts: counterpart information - quarterly data [nasq_10_f_cp]

Documentation on provider website

Updated by provider on April 26, 2024 (9:35 AM)

Time frequency [freq]
Unit of measure [unit]
Counterpart sector [sector2]
Sector [sector]
Stock or flow [stk_flow]
Financial position [finpos]
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]

This dataset has no series.

Dimension codes and labels
[freq] Time frequency
    [unit] Unit of measure
      [sector2] Counterpart sector
        [sector] Sector
          [stk_flow] Stock or flow
            [finpos] Financial position
              [na_item] National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
                [geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
                  Technical links