[tec00110] Goods and services, imports and exports
Updated by provider on October 19, 2024 (9:00 AM).
Exports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (sales, barter, and gifts) from residents to non-residents. Imports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (purchases, barter, and gifts) from non-residents to residents. Imports and exports of goods occur when economic ownership of goods changes between residents and non-residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers.
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [CP_MEUR] Current prices, million euro
[na_item] National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- [P6] Exports of goods and services
- [P7] Imports of goods and services
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AL] Albania
- [AT] Austria
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MK] North Macedonia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [UK] United Kingdom
- [XK] Kosovo*
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item] (2)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (41)
This dataset has 82 series:
- from
- 2012=2,773.9
- to
- 2023=8,422.1
- min:
- 2,773.9
- max:
- 8,422.1
- avg:
- 4,098.675
- σ:
- 1,713.183
- from
- 2012=171,988.8
- to
- 2023=281,402.2
- min:
- 171,988.8
- max:
- 281,402.2
- avg:
- 209,150.317
- σ:
- 35,934.098
- from
- 2012=4,337.4
- to
- 2023=11,044
- min:
- 4,337.4
- max:
- 11,224.9
- avg:
- 6,880.267
- σ:
- 2,247.345
- from
- 2012=310,537.9
- to
- 2023=501,887.2
- min:
- 310,537.9
- max:
- 536,875.6
- avg:
- 384,931.008
- σ:
- 72,350.834
- from
- 2012=25,499.5
- to
- 2023=58,611.2
- min:
- 25,499.5
- max:
- 60,238
- avg:
- 37,509.708
- σ:
- 11,095.31
- from
- 2012=361,939.8
- to
- 2023=616,311.5
- min:
- 358,057.7
- max:
- 616,311.5
- avg:
- 441,210.592
- σ:
- 81,242.99
- from
- 2012=10,776.7
- to
- 2023=30,405.7
- min:
- 10,776.7
- max:
- 30,405.7
- avg:
- 17,492.458
- σ:
- 6,644.455
- from
- 2012=122,991.2
- to
- 2023=218,912.4
- min:
- 121,283.9
- max:
- 218,912.4
- avg:
- 156,605.85
- σ:
- 29,951.885
- from
- 2012=1,194,889
- to
- 2023=1,816,627
- min:
- 1,194,757
- max:
- 1,816,627
- avg:
- 1,432,940.833
- σ:
- 202,813.698
- from
- 2012=140,071
- to
- 2023=255,820.5
- min:
- 140,071
- max:
- 269,713.3
- avg:
- 179,051.808
- σ:
- 41,352.861
Series code | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.AL] | 2773.9 | 2783.3 | 2812.4 | 2798.8 | 3106.4 | 3649.2 | 4050.1 | 4305.7 | 3015.8 | 4745.6 | 6720.8 | 8422.1 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.AT] | 171988.8 | 173089.6 | 177786.4 | 182659 | 187305.6 | 199536.7 | 213470.1 | 221183.5 | 196484 | 227300.5 | 277597.4 | 281402.2 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.BA] | 4337.4 | 4620 | 4754.5 | 5193.9 | 5556.6 | 6556.9 | 7286.1 | 7325.9 | 6142.1 | 8520.9 | 11224.9 | 11044 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.BE] | 310537.9 | 311397.3 | 321522.8 | 323611.6 | 341137.5 | 369998.5 | 383597.8 | 397783.1 | 367276.2 | 453546.6 | 536875.6 | 501887.2 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.BG] | 25499.5 | 27153.5 | 27772.8 | 29212.8 | 31133.6 | 35171.2 | 36914.8 | 39349 | 34933.5 | 44126.6 | 60238 | 58611.2 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.CH] | 361939.8 | 383207.6 | 358057.7 | 399271 | 415449.3 | 408558.3 | 414521.5 | 431553.9 | 417097.1 | 490150.7 | 598408.7 | 616311.5 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.CY] | 10776.7 | 11058.1 | 11530.2 | 12564 | 13401.7 | 14998 | 16249.2 | 17728.2 | 17820 | 23306.5 | 30071.2 | 30405.7 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.CZ] | 122991.2 | 121283.9 | 129341.3 | 136443.2 | 139927.9 | 152835.4 | 161431 | 165459.2 | 149284.6 | 173561.8 | 207798.3 | 218912.4 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.DE] | 1194889 | 1194757 | 1244335 | 1314624 | 1330343 | 1409925 | 1461915 | 1498305 | 1351188 | 1568289 | 1810093 | 1816627 |
[A.CP_MEUR.P6.DK] | 140071 | 142536.7 | 145657.1 | 151922.7 | 151700.4 | 162913.6 | 171529.8 | 181889.9 | 171780.2 | 203086.5 | 269713.3 | 255820.5 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 82