[M.AVG.NAC.DKK] Monthly – Average – National currency – Danish krone
Updated on DBnomics on November 5, 2024 (1:27 PM)
- from
- 2023-11=7.458
- to
- 2024-10=7.459
- min:
- 7.455
- max:
- 7.461
- avg:
- 7.459
- σ:
- 0.002
Loading chart
Period | Value | [OBS_FLAG] |
2023-11 | 7.4581 | |
2023-12 | 7.4556 | |
2024-01 | 7.4572 | |
2024-02 | 7.455 | |
2024-03 | 7.4566 | |
2024-04 | 7.4596 | |
2024-05 | 7.4606 | |
2024-06 | 7.4592 | |
2024-07 | 7.4606 | |
2024-08 | 7.4614 | |
2024-09 | 7.46 | |
2024-10 | 7.4593 |
Dimension | Dimension value |
[freq] Time frequency | [M] Monthly |
[statinfo] Statistical information | [AVG] Average |
[unit] Unit of measure | [NAC] National currency |
[currency] Currency | [DKK] Danish krone |