[tgs00024] Population density by NUTS 2 region
Updated by provider on April 19, 2023 (10:06 AM).
The ratio between the annual average population and the land area of the region. The land area concept (excluding inland waters) should be used wherever available; if not available then the total area, including inland waters (area of lakes and rivers) is used.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [PER_KM2] Persons per square kilometre
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AL01] Veri
- [AL02] Qender
- [AL03] Jug
- [AT11] Burgenland (AT)
- [AT12] Niederösterreich
- [AT13] Wien
- [AT21] Kärnten
- [AT22] Steiermark
- [AT31] Oberösterreich
- [AT32] Salzburg
- [AT33] Tirol
- [AT34] Vorarlberg
- [BE10] Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
- [BE21] Prov. Antwerpen
- [BE22] Prov. Limburg (BE)
- [BE23] Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen
- [BE24] Prov. Vlaams-Brabant
- [BE25] Prov. West-Vlaanderen
- [BE31] Prov. Brabant wallon
- [BE32] Prov. Hainaut
- [BE33] Prov. Liège
- [BE34] Prov. Luxembourg (BE)
- [BE35] Prov. Namur
- [BG31] Severozapaden
- [BG32] Severen tsentralen
- [BG33] Severoiztochen
- [BG34] Yugoiztochen
- [BG41] Yugozapaden
- [BG42] Yuzhen tsentralen
- [CH01] Région lémanique
- [CH02] Espace Mittelland
- [CH03] Nordwestschweiz
- [CH04] Zürich
- [CH05] Ostschweiz
- [CH06] Zentralschweiz
- [CH07] Ticino
- [CY00] Kypros
- [CZ01] Praha
- [CZ02] Strední Cechy
- [CZ03] Jihozápad
- [CZ04] Severozápad
- [CZ05] Severovýchod
- [CZ06] Jihovýchod
- [CZ07] Strední Morava
- [CZ08] Moravskoslezsko
- [DE11] Stuttgart
- [DE12] Karlsruhe
- [DE13] Freiburg
- [DE14] Tübingen
- [DE21] Oberbayern
- [DE22] Niederbayern
- [DE23] Oberpfalz
- [DE24] Oberfranken
- [DE25] Mittelfranken
- [DE26] Unterfranken
- [DE27] Schwaben
- [DE30] Berlin
- [DE40] Brandenburg
- [DE50] Bremen
- [DE60] Hamburg
- [DE71] Darmstadt
- [DE72] Gießen
- [DE73] Kassel
- [DE80] Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- [DE91] Braunschweig
- [DE92] Hannover
- [DE93] Lüneburg
- [DE94] Weser-Ems
- [DEA1] Düsseldorf
- [DEA2] Köln
- [DEA3] Münster
- [DEA4] Detmold
- [DEA5] Arnsberg
- [DEB1] Koblenz
- [DEB2] Trier
- [DEB3] Rheinhessen-Pfalz
- [DEC0] Saarland
- [DED2] Dresden
- [DED4] Chemnitz
- [DED5] Leipzig
- [DEE0] Sachsen-Anhalt
- [DEF0] Schleswig-Holstein
- [DEG0] Thüringen
- [DK01] Hovedstaden
- [DK02] Sjælland
- [DK03] Syddanmark
- [DK04] Midtjylland
- [DK05] Nordjylland
- [EE00] Eesti
- [EL30] Attiki
- [EL41] Voreio Aigaio
- [EL42] Notio Aigaio
- [EL43] Kriti
- [EL51] Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki
- [EL52] Kentriki Makedonia
- [EL53] Dytiki Makedonia
- [EL54] Ipeiros
- [EL61] Thessalia
- [EL62] Ionia Nisia
- [EL63] Dytiki Ellada
- [EL64] Sterea Ellada
- [EL65] Peloponnisos
- [ES11] Galicia
- [ES12] Principado de Asturias
- [ES13] Cantabria
- [ES21] País Vasco
- [ES22] Comunidad Foral de Navarra
- [ES23] La Rioja
- [ES24] Aragón
- [ES30] Comunidad de Madrid
- [ES41] Castilla y León
- [ES42] Castilla-la Mancha
- [ES43] Extremadura
- [ES51] Cataluña
- [ES52] Comunitat Valenciana
- [ES53] Illes Balears
- [ES61] Andalucía
- [ES62] Región de Murcia
- [ES63] Ciudad de Ceuta
- [ES64] Ciudad de Melilla
- [ES70] Canarias
- [FI19] Länsi-Suomi
- [FI1B] Helsinki-Uusimaa
- [FI1C] Etelä-Suomi
- [FI1D] Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
- [FI20] Åland
- [FR10] Île de France
- [FRB0] Centre - Val de Loire
- [FRC1] Bourgogne
- [FRC2] Franche-Comté
- [FRD1] Basse-Normandie
- [FRD2] Haute-Normandie
- [FRE1] Nord-Pas-de-Calais
- [FRE2] Picardie
- [FRF1] Alsace
- [FRF2] Champagne-Ardenne
- [FRF3] Lorraine
- [FRG0] Pays-de-la-Loire
- [FRH0] Bretagne
- [FRI1] Aquitaine
- [FRI2] Limousin
- [FRI3] Poitou-Charentes
- [FRJ1] Languedoc-Roussillon
- [FRJ2] Midi-Pyrénées
- [FRK1] Auvergne
- [FRK2] Rhône-Alpes
- [FRL0] Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- [FRM0] Corse
- [FRY1] Guadeloupe
- [FRY2] Martinique
- [FRY3] Guyane
- [FRY4] La Réunion
- [FRY5] Mayotte
- [HR02] Panonska Hrvatska
- [HR03] Jadranska Hrvatska
- [HR04] Kontinentalna Hrvatska (NUTS 2016)
- [HU11] Budapest
- [HU12] Pest
- [HU21] Közép-Dunántúl
- [HU22] Nyugat-Dunántúl
- [HU23] Dél-Dunántúl
- [HU31] Észak-Magyarország
- [HU32] Észak-Alföld
- [HU33] Dél-Alföld
- [IE04] Northern and Western
- [IE05] Southern
- [IE06] Eastern and Midland
- [IS00] Ísland
- [ITC1] Piemonte
- [ITC2] Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
- [ITC3] Liguria
- [ITC4] Lombardia
- [ITF1] Abruzzo
- [ITF2] Molise
- [ITF3] Campania
- [ITF4] Puglia
- [ITF5] Basilicata
- [ITF6] Calabria
- [ITG1] Sicilia
- [ITG2] Sardegna
- [ITH1] Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
- [ITH2] Provincia Autonoma di Trento
- [ITH3] Veneto
- [ITH4] Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- [ITH5] Emilia-Romagna
- [ITI1] Toscana
- [ITI2] Umbria
- [ITI3] Marche
- [ITI4] Lazio
- [LI00] Liechtenstein
- [LT01] Sostines regionas
- [LT02] Vidurio ir vakaru Lietuvos regionas
- [LU00] Luxembourg
- [LV00] Latvija
- [ME00] Crna Gora
- [MK00] Severna Makedonija
- [MT00] Malta
- [NL11] Groningen
- [NL12] Friesland (NL)
- [NL13] Drenthe
- [NL21] Overijssel
- [NL22] Gelderland
- [NL23] Flevoland
- [NL31] Utrecht
- [NL32] Noord-Holland
- [NL33] Zuid-Holland
- [NL34] Zeeland
- [NL41] Noord-Brabant
- [NL42] Limburg (NL)
- [NO01] Oslo og Akershus (statistical region 2016)
- [NO02] Innlandet
- [NO03] Sør-Østlandet (statistical region 2016)
- [NO04] Agder og Rogaland (statistical region 2016)
- [NO05] Vestlandet (statistical region 2016)
- [NO06] Trøndelag
- [NO07] Nord-Norge
- [PL21] Malopolskie
- [PL22] Slaskie
- [PL41] Wielkopolskie
- [PL42] Zachodniopomorskie
- [PL43] Lubuskie
- [PL51] Dolnoslaskie
- [PL52] Opolskie
- [PL61] Kujawsko-Pomorskie
- [PL62] Warminsko-Mazurskie
- [PL63] Pomorskie
- [PL71] Lódzkie
- [PL72] Swietokrzyskie
- [PL81] Lubelskie
- [PL82] Podkarpackie
- [PL84] Podlaskie
- [PL91] Warszawski stoleczny
- [PL92] Mazowiecki regionalny
- [PT11] Norte
- [PT15] Algarve
- [PT16] Centro (PT)
- [PT17] Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
- [PT18] Alentejo
- [PT20] Região Autónoma dos Açores (PT)
- [PT30] Região Autónoma da Madeira (PT)
- [RO11] Nord-Vest
- [RO12] Centru
- [RO21] Nord-Est
- [RO22] Sud-Est
- [RO31] Sud - Muntenia
- [RO32] Bucuresti - Ilfov
- [RO41] Sud-Vest Oltenia
- [RO42] Vest
- [RS11] Beogradski region
- [RS12] Region Vojvodine
- [RS21] Region Sumadije i Zapadne Srbije
- [RS22] Region Juzne i Istocne Srbije
- [SE11] Stockholm
- [SE12] Östra Mellansverige
- [SE21] Småland med öarna
- [SE22] Sydsverige
- [SE23] Västsverige
- [SE31] Norra Mellansverige
- [SE32] Mellersta Norrland
- [SE33] Övre Norrland
- [SI03] Vzhodna Slovenija
- [SI04] Zahodna Slovenija
- [SK01] Bratislavský kraj
- [SK02] Západné Slovensko
- [SK03] Stredné Slovensko
- [SK04] Východné Slovensko
- [TR10] Istanbul
- [TR21] Tekirdag, Edirne, Kirklareli
- [TR22] Balikesir, Çanakkale
- [TR31] Izmir
- [TR32] Aydin, Denizli, Mugla
- [TR33] Manisa, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya, Usak
- [TR41] Bursa, Eskisehir, Bilecik
- [TR42] Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova
- [TR51] Ankara
- [TR52] Konya, Karaman
- [TR61] Antalya, Isparta, Burdur
- [TR62] Adana, Mersin
- [TR63] Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Osmaniye
- [TR71] Kirikkale, Aksaray, Nigde, Nevsehir, Kirsehir
- [TR72] Kayseri, Sivas, Yozgat
- [TR81] Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartin
- [TR82] Kastamonu, Çankiri, Sinop
- [TR83] Samsun, Tokat, Çorum, Amasya
- [TR90] Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize, Artvin, Gümüshane
- [TRA1] Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt
- [TRA2] Agri, Kars, Igdir, Ardahan
- [TRB1] Malatya, Elazig, Bingöl, Tunceli
- [TRB2] Van, Mus, Bitlis, Hakkari
- [TRC1] Gaziantep, Adiyaman, Kilis
- [TRC2] Sanliurfa, Diyarbakir
- [TRC3] Mardin, Batman, Sirnak, Siirt
- [UKC1] Tees Valley and Durham
- [UKC2] Northumberland and Tyne and Wear
- [UKD1] Cumbria
- [UKD3] Greater Manchester
- [UKD4] Lancashire
- [UKD6] Cheshire
- [UKD7] Merseyside
- [UKE1] East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire
- [UKE2] North Yorkshire
- [UKE3] South Yorkshire
- [UKE4] West Yorkshire
- [UKF1] Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire
- [UKF2] Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire
- [UKF3] Lincolnshire
- [UKG1] Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire
- [UKG2] Shropshire and Staffordshire
- [UKG3] West Midlands
- [UKH1] East Anglia
- [UKH2] Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire
- [UKH3] Essex
- [UKI3] Inner London - West
- [UKI4] Inner London - East
- [UKI5] Outer London - East and North East
- [UKI6] Outer London - South
- [UKI7] Outer London - West and North West
- [UKJ1] Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
- [UKJ2] Surrey, East and West Sussex
- [UKJ3] Hampshire and Isle of Wight
- [UKJ4] Kent
- [UKK1] Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area
- [UKK2] Dorset and Somerset
- [UKK3] Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
- [UKK4] Devon
- [UKL1] West Wales and The Valleys
- [UKL2] East Wales
- [UKM5] North Eastern Scotland
- [UKM6] Highlands and Islands
- [UKM7] Eastern Scotland
- [UKM8] West Central Scotland
- [UKM9] Southern Scotland
- [UKN0] Northern Ireland (UK)
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (333)
This dataset has 333 series:
- from
- 2012=79.2
- to
- 2022=75.3
- min:
- 74.8
- max:
- 79.2
- avg:
- 76.727
- σ:
- 1.286
- from
- 2012=219.6
- to
- 2022=238.9
- min:
- 219.6
- max:
- 238.9
- avg:
- 231.082
- σ:
- 6.533
- from
- 2012=73.3
- to
- 2022=66.5
- min:
- 66.5
- max:
- 73.3
- avg:
- 69.545
- σ:
- 2.123
- from
- 2011=77.7
- to
- 2022=78.5
- min:
- 77.5
- max:
- 79.7
- avg:
- 78.35
- σ:
- 0.668
- from
- 2011=85.2
- to
- 2022=89.6
- min:
- 85.2
- max:
- 89.6
- avg:
- 87.558
- σ:
- 1.515
- from
- 2011=4,323.5
- to
- 2022=4,864.3
- min:
- 4,323.5
- max:
- 4,864.3
- avg:
- 4,650.6
- σ:
- 184.364
- from
- 2011=59.4
- to
- 2022=60.1
- min:
- 59.4
- max:
- 60.1
- avg:
- 59.75
- σ:
- 0.247
- from
- 2011=74.3
- to
- 2022=76.9
- min:
- 74.3
- max:
- 76.9
- avg:
- 75.767
- σ:
- 0.923
- from
- 2011=120.5
- to
- 2022=128.1
- min:
- 120.5
- max:
- 128.1
- avg:
- 124.467
- σ:
- 2.588
- from
- 2011=75
- to
- 2022=79.6
- min:
- 75
- max:
- 79.6
- avg:
- 77.492
- σ:
- 1.581
Series code | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[A.PER_KM2.AL01] | - | 79.2 | 78.5 | 77.7 | 77 | 76.6 | 76.1 | 75.5 | 74.8 | 77 | 76.3 | 75.3 |
[A.PER_KM2.AL02] | - | 219.6 | 222.3 | 225.1 | 227 | 229.2 | 232.4 | 234.8 | 236.2 | 237.8 | 238.6 | 238.9 |
[A.PER_KM2.AL03] | - | 73.3 | 72.4 | 71.6 | 70.7 | 69.9 | 68.9 | 67.9 | 67.1 | 68.8 | 67.9 | 66.5 |
[A.PER_KM2.AT11] | 77.7 | 78 | 78.2 | 78.5 | 79 | 79.4 | 79.7 | 77.5 | 77.8 | 77.8 | 78.1 | 78.5 |
[A.PER_KM2.AT12] | 85.2 | 85.5 | 85.7 | 86.2 | 87 | 87.7 | 88.2 | 88.5 | 88.9 | 88.9 | 89.3 | 89.6 |
[A.PER_KM2.AT13] | 4323.5 | 4377.6 | 4440.5 | 4511.5 | 4604.5 | 4693.4 | 4754.9 | 4780.6 | 4808.9 | 4808.9 | 4838.6 | 4864.3 |
[A.PER_KM2.AT21] | 59.4 | 59.4 | 59.4 | 59.5 | 59.7 | 59.9 | 59.9 | 59.9 | 59.9 | 59.9 | 60 | 60.1 |
[A.PER_KM2.AT22] | 74.3 | 74.4 | 74.6 | 75 | 75.5 | 76 | 76.2 | 76.4 | 76.6 | 76.6 | 76.7 | 76.9 |
[A.PER_KM2.AT31] | 120.5 | 120.9 | 121.4 | 122.2 | 123.4 | 124.6 | 125.4 | 126.1 | 126.8 | 126.8 | 127.4 | 128.1 |
[A.PER_KM2.AT32] | 75 | 75.3 | 75.6 | 76.1 | 76.9 | 77.7 | 78.1 | 78.5 | 78.9 | 78.9 | 79.3 | 79.6 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 333