[tgs00026] Disposable income of private households by NUTS 2 regions
Updated by provider on February 20, 2024 (10:00 AM).
The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [MIO_PPS_EU27_2020] Million purchasing power standards (PPS, EU27 from 2020)
[direct] Direction of flow
- [BAL] Balance
[na_item] National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- [B6N] Disposable income, net
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AT11] Burgenland
- [AT12] Niederösterreich
- [AT13] Wien
- [AT21] Kärnten
- [AT22] Steiermark
- [AT31] Oberösterreich
- [AT32] Salzburg
- [AT33] Tirol
- [AT34] Vorarlberg
- [ATZZ] Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- [BE10] Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
- [BE21] Prov. Antwerpen
- [BE22] Prov. Limburg (BE)
- [BE23] Prov. Oost-Vlaanderen
- [BE24] Prov. Vlaams-Brabant
- [BE25] Prov. West-Vlaanderen
- [BE31] Prov. Brabant wallon
- [BE32] Prov. Hainaut
- [BE33] Prov. Liège
- [BE34] Prov. Luxembourg (BE)
- [BE35] Prov. Namur
- [BEZZ] Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- [BG31] Severozapaden
- [BG32] Severen tsentralen
- [BG33] Severoiztochen
- [BG34] Yugoiztochen
- [BG41] Yugozapaden
- [BG42] Yuzhen tsentralen
- [CY00] Kýpros
- [CZ01] Praha
- [CZ02] Střední Čechy
- [CZ03] Jihozápad
- [CZ04] Severozápad
- [CZ05] Severovýchod
- [CZ06] Jihovýchod
- [CZ07] Střední Morava
- [CZ08] Moravskoslezsko
- [DE11] Stuttgart
- [DE12] Karlsruhe
- [DE13] Freiburg
- [DE14] Tübingen
- [DE21] Oberbayern
- [DE22] Niederbayern
- [DE23] Oberpfalz
- [DE24] Oberfranken
- [DE25] Mittelfranken
- [DE26] Unterfranken
- [DE27] Schwaben
- [DE30] Berlin
- [DE40] Brandenburg
- [DE50] Bremen
- [DE60] Hamburg
- [DE71] Darmstadt
- [DE72] Gießen
- [DE73] Kassel
- [DE80] Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- [DE91] Braunschweig
- [DE92] Hannover
- [DE93] Lüneburg
- [DE94] Weser-Ems
- [DEA1] Düsseldorf
- [DEA2] Köln
- [DEA3] Münster
- [DEA4] Detmold
- [DEA5] Arnsberg
- [DEB1] Koblenz
- [DEB2] Trier
- [DEB3] Rheinhessen-Pfalz
- [DEC0] Saarland
- [DED2] Dresden
- [DED4] Chemnitz
- [DED5] Leipzig
- [DEE0] Sachsen-Anhalt
- [DEF0] Schleswig-Holstein
- [DEG0] Thüringen
- [DK01] Hovedstaden
- [DK02] Sjælland
- [DK03] Syddanmark
- [DK04] Midtjylland
- [DK05] Nordjylland
- [EE00] Eesti
- [EL30] Attiki
- [EL41] Voreio Aigaio
- [EL42] Notio Aigaio
- [EL43] Kriti
- [EL51] Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki
- [EL52] Kentriki Makedonia
- [EL53] Dytiki Makedonia
- [EL54] Ipeiros
- [EL61] Thessalia
- [EL62] Ionia Nisia
- [EL63] Dytiki Elláda
- [EL64] Sterea Elláda
- [EL65] Peloponnisos
- [ES11] Galicia
- [ES12] Principado de Asturias
- [ES13] Cantabria
- [ES21] País Vasco
- [ES22] Comunidad Foral de Navarra
- [ES23] La Rioja
- [ES24] Aragón
- [ES30] Comunidad de Madrid
- [ES41] Castilla y León
- [ES42] Castilla-La Mancha
- [ES43] Extremadura
- [ES51] Cataluña
- [ES52] Comunitat Valenciana
- [ES53] Illes Balears
- [ES61] Andalucía
- [ES62] Región de Murcia
- [ES63] Ciudad de Ceuta
- [ES64] Ciudad de Melilla
- [ES70] Canarias
- [ESZZ] Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- [FI19] Länsi-Suomi
- [FI1B] Helsinki-Uusimaa
- [FI1C] Etelä-Suomi
- [FI1D] Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
- [FI20] Åland
- [FR10] Ile de France
- [FRB0] Centre — Val de Loire
- [FRC1] Bourgogne
- [FRC2] Franche-Comté
- [FRD1] Basse-Normandie
- [FRD2] Haute-Normandie
- [FRE1] Nord-Pas de Calais
- [FRE2] Picardie
- [FRF1] Alsace
- [FRF2] Champagne-Ardenne
- [FRF3] Lorraine
- [FRG0] Pays de la Loire
- [FRH0] Bretagne
- [FRI1] Aquitaine
- [FRI2] Limousin
- [FRI3] Poitou-Charentes
- [FRJ1] Languedoc-Roussillon
- [FRJ2] Midi-Pyrénées
- [FRK1] Auvergne
- [FRK2] Rhône-Alpes
- [FRL0] Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- [FRM0] Corse
- [FRY1] Guadeloupe
- [FRY2] Martinique
- [FRY3] Guyane
- [FRY4] La Réunion
- [FRY5] Mayotte
- [FRZZ] Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- [HR02] Panonska Hrvatska
- [HR03] Jadranska Hrvatska
- [HR05] Grad Zagreb
- [HR06] Sjeverna Hrvatska
- [HU11] Budapest
- [HU12] Pest
- [HU21] Közép-Dunántúl
- [HU22] Nyugat-Dunántúl
- [HU23] Dél-Dunántúl
- [HU31] Észak-Magyarország
- [HU32] Észak-Alföld
- [HU33] Dél-Alföld
- [HUZZ] Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- [IE04] Northern and Western
- [IE05] Southern
- [IE06] Eastern and Midland
- [ITC1] Piemonte
- [ITC2] Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste
- [ITC3] Liguria
- [ITC4] Lombardia
- [ITF1] Abruzzo
- [ITF2] Molise
- [ITF3] Campania
- [ITF4] Puglia
- [ITF5] Basilicata
- [ITF6] Calabria
- [ITG1] Sicilia
- [ITG2] Sardegna
- [ITH1] Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Bozen
- [ITH2] Provincia Autonoma di Trento
- [ITH3] Veneto
- [ITH4] Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- [ITH5] Emilia-Romagna
- [ITI1] Toscana
- [ITI2] Umbria
- [ITI3] Marche
- [ITI4] Lazio
- [ITZZ] Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- [LT01] Sostinės regionas
- [LT02] Vidurio ir vakarų Lietuvos regionas
- [LU00] Luxembourg
- [LV00] Latvija
- [NL11] Groningen
- [NL12] Friesland (NL)
- [NL13] Drenthe
- [NL21] Overijssel
- [NL22] Gelderland
- [NL23] Flevoland
- [NL31] Utrecht (NUTS 2021)
- [NL32] Noord-Holland
- [NL33] Zuid-Holland (NUTS 2021)
- [NL34] Zeeland
- [NL41] Noord-Brabant
- [NL42] Limburg (NL)
- [NLZZ] Extra-Regio NUTS 2
- [NO02] Innlandet
- [NO06] Trøndelag
- [NO07] Nord-Norge
- [NO08] Oslo og Viken
- [NO09] Agder og Sør-Østlandet
- [NO0A] Vestlandet
- [PL21] Małopolskie
- [PL22] Śląskie
- [PL41] Wielkopolskie
- [PL42] Zachodniopomorskie
- [PL43] Lubuskie
- [PL51] Dolnośląskie
- [PL52] Opolskie
- [PL61] Kujawsko-pomorskie
- [PL62] Warmińsko-mazurskie
- [PL63] Pomorskie
- [PL71] Łódzkie
- [PL72] Świętokrzyskie
- [PL81] Lubelskie
- [PL82] Podkarpackie
- [PL84] Podlaskie
- [PL91] Warszawski stołeczny
- [PL92] Mazowiecki regionalny
- [PT11] Norte
- [PT15] Algarve
- [PT16] Centro (PT) (NUTS 2021)
- [PT17] Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (NUTS 2021)
- [PT18] Alentejo (NUTS 2021)
- [PT20] Região Autónoma dos Açores
- [PT30] Região Autónoma da Madeira
- [RO11] Nord-Vest
- [RO12] Centru
- [RO21] Nord-Est
- [RO22] Sud-Est
- [RO31] Sud-Muntenia
- [RO32] Bucureşti-Ilfov
- [RO41] Sud-Vest Oltenia
- [RO42] Vest
- [SE11] Stockholm
- [SE12] Östra Mellansverige
- [SE21] Småland med öarna
- [SE22] Sydsverige
- [SE23] Västsverige
- [SE31] Norra Mellansverige
- [SE32] Mellersta Norrland
- [SE33] Övre Norrland
- [SI03] Vzhodna Slovenija
- [SI04] Zahodna Slovenija
- [SK01] Bratislavský kraj
- [SK02] Západné Slovensko
- [SK03] Stredné Slovensko
- [SK04] Východné Slovensko
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Direction of flow [direct] (1)
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item] (1)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (254)
This dataset has 254 series:
- from
- 2011=5,513.06
- to
- 2022=7,565.97
- min:
- 5,513.06
- max:
- 7,565.97
- avg:
- 6,156.828
- σ:
- 572.363
- from
- 2011=33,086.76
- to
- 2022=43,178.58
- min:
- 32,937.5
- max:
- 43,178.58
- avg:
- 35,788.658
- σ:
- 2,912.884
- from
- 2011=34,212.63
- to
- 2022=43,899.41
- min:
- 33,415.63
- max:
- 43,899.41
- avg:
- 36,367.227
- σ:
- 2,890.344
- from
- 2011=10,494.83
- to
- 2022=13,521.48
- min:
- 10,450.68
- max:
- 13,521.48
- avg:
- 11,258.873
- σ:
- 853.745
- from
- 2011=23,159.52
- to
- 2022=30,577.76
- min:
- 23,099.46
- max:
- 30,577.76
- avg:
- 25,159.925
- σ:
- 2,121.058
- from
- 2011=27,873.31
- to
- 2022=37,228.55
- min:
- 27,853.12
- max:
- 37,228.55
- avg:
- 30,498.743
- σ:
- 2,698.732
- from
- 2011=10,544.14
- to
- 2022=13,968.58
- min:
- 10,536.79
- max:
- 13,968.58
- avg:
- 11,515.411
- σ:
- 970.372
- from
- 2011=13,530.04
- to
- 2022=18,611.99
- min:
- 13,530.04
- max:
- 18,611.99
- avg:
- 15,073.295
- σ:
- 1,418.894
- from
- 2011=7,508
- to
- 2022=10,127.19
- min:
- 7,508
- max:
- 10,127.19
- avg:
- 8,362.353
- σ:
- 744.531
- from
- 2011=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
Series code | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT11] | 5513.06 | 5676.93 | 5583.7 | 5677.95 | 5823.1 | 5974.01 | 6145.24 | 6297.3 | 6390.49 | 6393.45 | 6840.73 | 7565.97 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT12] | 33086.76 | 33143.64 | 32937.5 | 33432.37 | 33803.27 | 35011.09 | 35378.76 | 36524.18 | 36941.78 | 36840.41 | 39185.56 | 43178.58 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT13] | 34212.63 | 33710.87 | 33415.63 | 33946.14 | 34413.48 | 35496.4 | 36030.62 | 36930.69 | 37613.67 | 37212.65 | 39524.53 | 43899.41 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT21] | 10494.83 | 10564.55 | 10450.68 | 10585.26 | 10684.68 | 10970.17 | 11181.95 | 11441.94 | 11549.33 | 11467.94 | 12193.67 | 13521.48 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT22] | 23159.52 | 23235.16 | 23099.46 | 23475.15 | 23758.99 | 24426.64 | 24957.02 | 25723.2 | 26104.08 | 25881.62 | 27520.5 | 30577.76 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT31] | 27873.31 | 27979.35 | 27853.12 | 28352.29 | 28640.7 | 29560.41 | 30265.04 | 31252.95 | 31861.52 | 31569.06 | 33548.62 | 37228.55 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT32] | 10544.14 | 10536.79 | 10545.57 | 10726.04 | 10872.23 | 11283.44 | 11538.32 | 11832.4 | 12045.52 | 11852.71 | 12439.19 | 13968.58 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT33] | 13530.04 | 13661.64 | 13704.54 | 13933.89 | 14171.23 | 14724.07 | 15049.25 | 15512.37 | 15835.85 | 15634.2 | 16510.47 | 18611.99 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.AT34] | 7508 | 7582.19 | 7612.3 | 7758.62 | 7928.2 | 8205.89 | 8347.06 | 8569.65 | 8792 | 8713.7 | 9203.43 | 10127.19 |
[A.MIO_PPS_EU27_2020.BAL.B6N.ATZZ] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 254