DBnomics, the world's economic database

[tps00178] Foreign-born population

Updated by provider on February 29, 2024 (10:00 AM).

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Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (34)

This dataset has 34 series:

Series code 201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.AT] 1322656 1364003 1414215 1483123 1588209 1649008 1690619 1722833 1760595 1792053 1834342 1963312
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.BE] 1677737 1722265 1748748 1783488 1845631 1876726 1916272 1968060 2027763 2065727 2119691 2246910
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.BG] 85076 96113 109239 123803 136421 145390 156505 171993 188729 201940 220843 168595
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.CH] 2033702 2102964 2183206 2258196 2324461 2391480 2432519 2469381 2509692 2553225 2598146 2662038
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.CY] 200313 200842 191587 176693 172808 173791 181369 185528 191415 200936 205798 208843
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.CZ] 390843 387337 396156 416454 433290 465056 467580 507051 533639 409220 453424 764171
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.DE] 9117874 9456225 9807877 10220418 10908255 12105436 13745843 14879635 15040708 15162728 15287650 16476370
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.DK] 531540 548411 569596 595876 636666 668090 690549 707880 715936 721135 745851 804061
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.EE] 210842 198411 196558 194664 193813 192535 196207 197896 198306 198243 200583 234743
[A.FOR.TOTAL.NR.T.EL] 1312519 1279516 1265165 1242924 1220395 1250863 1277861 1307471 1348174 1361720 1198086 1173236