[CLD_XCHL_SEX_AGE_GEO_RT] Share of children in child labour by sex, age and and rural / urban areas (%)
Updated on DBnomics on November 27, 2023 (4:33 AM).
[ref_area] Reference area
- [AFG] Afghanistan
- [AGO] Angola
- [ARG] Argentina
- [ARM] Armenia
- [BDI] Burundi
- [BEN] Benin
- [BGD] Bangladesh
- [BOL] Bolivia
- [BRA] Brazil
- [CIV] Côte d'Ivoire
- [CMR] Cameroon
- [COD] Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- [COG] Congo
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [DOM] Dominican Republic
- [ECU] Ecuador
- [EGY] Egypt
- [ETH] Ethiopia
- [GEO] Georgia
- [GHA] Ghana
- [GIN] Guinea
- [GMB] Gambia
- [GNB] Guinea-Bissau
- [GUY] Guyana
- [HND] Honduras
- [IND] India
- [IRQ] Iraq
- [JAM] Jamaica
- [JOR] Jordan
- [KGZ] Kyrgyzstan
- [KHM] Cambodia
- [KIR] Kiribati
- [LAO] Lao People's Democratic Republic
- [LKA] Sri Lanka
- [LSO] Lesotho
- [MDG] Madagascar
- [MKD] North Macedonia
- [MMR] Myanmar
- [MNE] Montenegro
- [MNG] Mongolia
- [MRT] Mauritania
- [MWI] Malawi
- [NPL] Nepal
- [PAK] Pakistan
- [PAN] Panama
- [PRY] Paraguay
- [SDN] Sudan
- [SEN] Senegal
- [SLE] Sierra Leone
- [SLV] El Salvador
- [SRB] Serbia
- [STP] Sao Tome and Principe
- [SUR] Suriname
- [TCD] Chad
- [TGO] Togo
- [THA] Thailand
- [TLS] Timor-Leste
- [TON] Tonga
- [TZA] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [UGA] Uganda
- [UKR] Ukraine
- [USA] United States
- [VNM] Viet Nam
- [ZMB] Zambia
- [ZWE] Zimbabwe
[source] Source
- [BA_13047] LFS - National Labour Force Survey
- [BA_14121] LFS - Periodic Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1743] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_19] LFS - National Survey on Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment
- [BA_2212] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_3050] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_453] LFS - Current Population Survey
- [BA_538] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_7009] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BB_3064] HIES - Household Socio-Economic Survey
- [BB_6361] HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey
- [BB_73] HIES - Household Survey
- [BC_13052] CLS - Child Labour Survey
- [BC_13054] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BC_13059] CLS - Child Activity Survey
- [BC_14118] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BC_14119] CLS - National Survey on Child Labour
- [BC_15674] CLS - Survey on the Activities of Children and Youth
- [BC_15676] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BC_15677] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BC_15680] CLS - National Working Children Survey
- [BC_15684] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BC_15685] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BC_15686] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BC_5870] CLS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BX_13062] HS - Demographic and Health Survey
- [BX_13063] HS - Demographic and Health Survey
- [BX_13066] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13070] HS - Demographic and Health Survey
- [BX_13079] HS - Demographic and Health Survey
- [BX_13090] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13091] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13092] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13101] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13103] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13108] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13109] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_13117] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15689] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15692] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15693] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15694] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15695] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15696] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15697] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15698] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15699] HS - National Child Labour Survey
- [BX_15700] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15701] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15702] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15703] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15706] HS - Demographic and Health Survey
- [BX_15709] HS - Demographic and Health Survey
- [BX_15734] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_15735] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_461] HS - Multi-purpose Household Survey
- [BX_504] HS - Continous Multi-Purpose Household Survey
- [BX_6355] HS - Continuous National Household Sample Survey
- [BX_7148] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_7152] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_7221] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_7284] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_7287] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_7310] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_7326] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
- [BX_7336] HS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, UNICEF
[classif1] Classification 1
- [AGE_CLDVERSION_Y12-14] Age (Child labour bands): 12-14
- [AGE_CLDVERSION_Y15-17] Age (Child labour bands): 15-17
- [AGE_CLDVERSION_Y5-11] Age (Child labour bands): '5-11
- [AGE_CLDVERSION_Y5-17] Age (Child labour bands): '5-17
[classif2] Classification 2
- [GEO_COV_NAT] Area type: National
- [GEO_COV_RUR] Area type: Rural
- [GEO_COV_URB] Area type: Urban
- [GEO_COV_X] Area type: Not elsewhere classified
[sex] Sex
- [SEX_F] Sex: Female
- [SEX_M] Sex: Male
- [SEX_T] Sex: Total
[frequency] Frequency
- [A] Annual
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Source [source] (66)
Classification 1 [classif1] (4)
Classification 2 [classif2] (4)
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Frequency [frequency] (1)
This dataset has 1,153 series:
- from
- 2014=13.018
- to
- 2014=13.018
- min:
- 13.018
- max:
- 13.018
- avg:
- 13.018
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=25.374
- to
- 2014=25.374
- min:
- 25.374
- max:
- 25.374
- avg:
- 25.374
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=19.699
- to
- 2014=19.699
- min:
- 19.699
- max:
- 19.699
- avg:
- 19.699
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=16.092
- to
- 2014=16.092
- min:
- 16.092
- max:
- 16.092
- avg:
- 16.092
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=29.339
- to
- 2014=29.339
- min:
- 29.339
- max:
- 29.339
- avg:
- 29.339
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=23.278
- to
- 2014=23.278
- min:
- 23.278
- max:
- 23.278
- avg:
- 23.278
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=4.266
- to
- 2014=4.266
- min:
- 4.266
- max:
- 4.266
- avg:
- 4.266
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=13.78
- to
- 2014=13.78
- min:
- 13.78
- max:
- 13.78
- avg:
- 13.78
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=9.363
- to
- 2014=9.363
- min:
- 9.363
- max:
- 9.363
- avg:
- 9.363
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=5.615
- to
- 2014=5.615
- min:
- 5.615
- max:
- 5.615
- avg:
- 5.615
- σ:
- 0
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,153