[EMP_2EMP_SEX_GEO_ECO_NB] Employment by sex, rural / urban areas and economic activity -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2020 (thousands)
Updated on DBnomics on September 4, 2023 (6:24 AM).
[ref_area] Reference area
- [AFG] Afghanistan
- [AGO] Angola
- [ALB] Albania
- [ARE] United Arab Emirates
- [ARG] Argentina
- [ARM] Armenia
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [AZE] Azerbaijan
- [BDI] Burundi
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BEN] Benin
- [BFA] Burkina Faso
- [BGD] Bangladesh
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BHR] Bahrain
- [BHS] Bahamas
- [BIH] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BLR] Belarus
- [BLZ] Belize
- [BOL] Bolivia
- [BRA] Brazil
- [BRB] Barbados
- [BRN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BTN] Bhutan
- [BWA] Botswana
- [CAF] Central African Republic
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHA] Channel Islands
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China
- [CIV] Côte d'Ivoire
- [CMR] Cameroon
- [COD] Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- [COG] Congo
- [COL] Colombia
- [COM] Comoros
- [CPV] Cabo Verde
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CUB] Cuba
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DJI] Djibouti
- [DNK] Denmark
- [DOM] Dominican Republic
- [DZA] Algeria
- [ECU] Ecuador
- [EGY] Egypt
- [ERI] Eritrea
- [ESH] Western Sahara
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [ETH] Ethiopia
- [FIN] Finland
- [FJI] Fiji
- [FRA] France
- [GAB] Gabon
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GEO] Georgia
- [GHA] Ghana
- [GIN] Guinea
- [GMB] Gambia
- [GNB] Guinea-Bissau
- [GNQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [GRC] Greece
- [GTM] Guatemala
- [GUM] Guam
- [GUY] Guyana
- [HKG] Hong Kong, China
- [HND] Honduras
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HTI] Haiti
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [IRN] Iran, Islamic Republic of
- [IRQ] Iraq
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JAM] Jamaica
- [JOR] Jordan
- [JPN] Japan
- [KAZ] Kazakhstan
- [KEN] Kenya
- [KGZ] Kyrgyzstan
- [KHM] Cambodia
- [KOR] Korea, Republic of
- [KWT] Kuwait
- [LAO] Lao People's Democratic Republic
- [LBN] Lebanon
- [LBR] Liberia
- [LBY] Libya
- [LCA] Saint Lucia
- [LKA] Sri Lanka
- [LSO] Lesotho
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MAC] Macau, China
- [MAR] Morocco
- [MDA] Moldova, Republic of
- [MDG] Madagascar
- [MDV] Maldives
- [MEX] Mexico
- [MKD] North Macedonia
- [MLI] Mali
- [MLT] Malta
- [MMR] Myanmar
- [MNE] Montenegro
- [MNG] Mongolia
- [MOZ] Mozambique
- [MRT] Mauritania
- [MUS] Mauritius
- [MWI] Malawi
- [MYS] Malaysia
- [NAM] Namibia
- [NCL] New Caledonia
- [NER] Niger
- [NGA] Nigeria
- [NIC] Nicaragua
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NPL] Nepal
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [OMN] Oman
- [PAK] Pakistan
- [PAN] Panama
- [PER] Peru
- [PHL] Philippines
- [PNG] Papua New Guinea
- [POL] Poland
- [PRI] Puerto Rico
- [PRK] Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
- [PRT] Portugal
- [PRY] Paraguay
- [PSE] Occupied Palestinian Territory
- [PYF] French Polynesia
- [QAT] Qatar
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russian Federation
- [RWA] Rwanda
- [SAU] Saudi Arabia
- [SDN] Sudan
- [SEN] Senegal
- [SGP] Singapore
- [SLB] Solomon Islands
- [SLE] Sierra Leone
- [SLV] El Salvador
- [SOM] Somalia
- [SRB] Serbia
- [SSD] South Sudan
- [STP] Sao Tome and Principe
- [SUR] Suriname
- [SVK] Slovakia
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [SWZ] Eswatini
- [SYR] Syrian Arab Republic
- [TCD] Chad
- [TGO] Togo
- [THA] Thailand
- [TJK] Tajikistan
- [TKM] Turkmenistan
- [TLS] Timor-Leste
- [TON] Tonga
- [TTO] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TUN] Tunisia
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [TWN] Taiwan, China
- [TZA] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [UGA] Uganda
- [UKR] Ukraine
- [URY] Uruguay
- [USA] United States
- [UZB] Uzbekistan
- [VCT] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- [VEN] Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- [VIR] United States Virgin Islands
- [VNM] Viet Nam
- [VUT] Vanuatu
- [WSM] Samoa
- [X01] World
- [X02] World: Low income
- [X03] World: Lower-middle income
- [X04] World: Upper-middle income
- [X05] World: High income
- [X06] Africa
- [X07] Africa: Low income
- [X08] Africa: Lower-middle income
- [X09] Africa: Upper-middle income
- [X10] Northern Africa
- [X11] Northern Africa: Lower-middle income
- [X12] Northern Africa: Upper-middle income
- [X13] Sub-Saharan Africa
- [X14] Sub-Saharan Africa: Low income
- [X15] Sub-Saharan Africa: Lower-middle income
- [X16] Sub-Saharan Africa: Upper-middle income
- [X17] Central Africa
- [X18] Eastern Africa
- [X19] Southern Africa
- [X20] Western Africa
- [X21] Americas
- [X22] Americas: Low income
- [X23] Americas: Lower-middle income
- [X24] Americas: Upper-middle income
- [X25] Americas: High income
- [X26] Latin America and the Caribbean
- [X27] Latin America and the Caribbean: Low income
- [X28] Latin America and the Caribbean: Lower-middle income
- [X29] Latin America and the Caribbean: Upper-middle income
- [X30] Latin America and the Caribbean: High income
- [X31] Caribbean
- [X32] Central America
- [X33] South America
- [X34] Northern America
- [X35] Northern America: High income
- [X36] Arab States
- [X37] Arab States: Lower-middle income
- [X38] Arab States: Upper-middle income
- [X39] Arab States: High income
- [X40] Asia and the Pacific
- [X41] Asia and the Pacific: Low income
- [X42] Asia and the Pacific: Lower-middle income
- [X43] Asia and the Pacific: Upper-middle income
- [X44] Asia and the Pacific: High income
- [X45] Eastern Asia
- [X46] Eastern Asia: Low income
- [X47] Eastern Asia: Upper-middle income
- [X48] Eastern Asia: High income
- [X49] South-Eastern Asia and the Pacific
- [X51] South-Eastern Asia and the Pacific: Lower-middle income
- [X52] South-Eastern Asia and the Pacific: Upper-middle income
- [X53] South-Eastern Asia and the Pacific: High income
- [X54] South-Eastern Asia
- [X55] Pacific Islands
- [X56] Southern Asia
- [X57] Southern Asia: Low income
- [X58] Southern Asia: Lower-middle income
- [X59] Southern Asia: Upper-middle income
- [X60] Europe and Central Asia
- [X61] Europe and Central Asia: Lower-middle income
- [X62] Europe and Central Asia: Upper-middle income
- [X63] Europe and Central Asia: High income
- [X64] Northern, Southern and Western Europe
- [X65] Northern, Southern and Western Europe: Upper-middle income
- [X66] Northern, Southern and Western Europe: High income
- [X67] Northern Europe
- [X68] Southern Europe
- [X69] Western Europe
- [X70] Eastern Europe
- [X71] Eastern Europe: Lower-middle income
- [X72] Eastern Europe: Upper-middle income
- [X73] Eastern Europe: High income
- [X74] Central Asia
- [X75] Central and Western Asia: Lower-middle income
- [X76] Central and Western Asia: Upper-middle income
- [X77] Central and Western Asia: High income
- [X78] Central and Western Asia
- [X79] Western Asia
- [X81] Sub-Saharan Africa: High income
- [X82] European Union 28
- [X83] G20
- [X84] ASEAN
- [X85] BRICS
- [X86] Eastern Asia: Lower-middle income
- [X87] World excluding BRICS
- [X88] G7
- [X89] MENA
- [X90] Arab League
- [X92] European Union 27
- [X93] Africa: High income
- [X94] Arab States: Low income
- [X95] Europe and Central Asia: Low income
- [X96] Central and Western Asia: Low income
- [YEM] Yemen
- [ZAF] South Africa
- [ZMB] Zambia
- [ZWE] Zimbabwe
[source] Source
- [XA_12987] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_12988] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_12989] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_12990] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_13328] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_13329] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_14065] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_14066] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15672] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15716] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15724] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15725] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15726] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15736] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15737] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_15738] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1829] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1830] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1832] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1835] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1836] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1837] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1839] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1843] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1848] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1849] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1850] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1852] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1854] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1858] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1862] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1866] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1868] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1869] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1871] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1872] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1874] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1875] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1877] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1881] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1883] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1884] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1885] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1893] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1897] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1901] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1905] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1907] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1909] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1913] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1914] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1916] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1920] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1921] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1922] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1924] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1928] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1931] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1932] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1934] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1935] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1936] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1937] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1938] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1939] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1940] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1942] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1943] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1944] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1946] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1947] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1949] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1950] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1956] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1957] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1960] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1964] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1972] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1976] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1978] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1980] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1982] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1984] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1987] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1988] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1990] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1992] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_1996] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2000] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2002] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2004] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2007] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2008] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2009] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2010] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2012] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2014] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2015] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2016] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2017] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2018] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2024] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2028] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2029] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2030] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2031] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2034] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2036] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2039] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2044] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2048] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2054] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2056] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2060] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2064] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2068] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2070] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2075] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2080] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2081] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2082] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2083] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2084] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2085] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2086] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2088] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2089] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2090] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2092] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2093] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2096] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2097] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2098] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2100] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2101] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2102] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2104] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2108] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2109] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2110] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2112] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2113] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2114] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2115] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2116] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2117] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2118] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2120] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2121] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2122] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2124] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2125] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2126] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2128] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2129] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2130] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2132] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2133] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2134] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2136] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2137] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2138] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2140] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2142] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2144] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2145] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2146] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2148] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2149] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2150] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2152] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2153] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2156] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2158] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2160] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2162] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2164] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2165] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2166] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2168] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2170] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2172] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2173] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2174] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2176] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2178] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2180] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2181] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2182] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2184] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2185] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2186] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2188] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2189] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2190] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2192] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2193] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2198] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2202] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2203] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2206] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2232] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_2234] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8368] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8371] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8372] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8373] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8374] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8375] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8376] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8377] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8378] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8379] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8380] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8381] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8382] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8383] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8384] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8385] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8386] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8387] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8388] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8389] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8390] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8391] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8392] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8393] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8394] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8395] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8396] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8397] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8398] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8399] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8400] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8401] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8402] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8403] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8404] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8405] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8406] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8407] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8408] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8409] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8410] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8411] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8412] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8413] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8414] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8415] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8416] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8417] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8418] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8419] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8420] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8421] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8422] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8423] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8424] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8425] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8426] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8427] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8428] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8429] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8430] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8431] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8432] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8434] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8435] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8436] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8437] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8438] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8439] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8440] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8441] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8442] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8443] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8444] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8445] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8446] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8447] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8448] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8449] ILO - Modelled Estimates
- [XA_8450] ILO - Modelled Estimates
[classif1] Classification 1
- [GEO_COV_NAT] Area type: National
- [GEO_COV_RUR] Area type: Rural
- [GEO_COV_URB] Area type: Urban
[classif2] Classification 2
- [ECO_SECTOR_AGR] Economic activity (Broad sector): Agriculture
- [ECO_SECTOR_IND] Economic activity (Broad sector): Industry
- [ECO_SECTOR_SER] Economic activity (Broad sector): Services
- [ECO_SECTOR_TOTAL] Economic activity (Broad sector): Total
[sex] Sex
- [SEX_F] Sex: Female
- [SEX_M] Sex: Male
- [SEX_T] Sex: Total
[frequency] Frequency
- [A] Annual
Search filters
Reference area [ref_area] (283)
Source [source] (283)
Classification 1 [classif1] (3)
Classification 2 [classif2] (4)
Sex [sex] (3)
Frequency [frequency] (1)
This dataset has 10,188 series:
- from
- 2005=1294.476
- to
- 2019=1294.476
- min:
- 674.686
- max:
- 1,294.476
- avg:
- 880.128
- σ:
- 219.749
- from
- 2005=2757.806
- to
- 2019=2757.806
- min:
- 2,703.958
- max:
- 2,937.88
- avg:
- 2,827.885
- σ:
- 69.861
- from
- 2005=4052.282
- to
- 2019=4052.282
- min:
- 3,484.864
- max:
- 4,052.282
- avg:
- 3,708.013
- σ:
- 167.259
- from
- 2005=498.524
- to
- 2019=498.524
- min:
- 99.611
- max:
- 498.524
- avg:
- 248.018
- σ:
- 134.512
- from
- 2005=1269.473
- to
- 2019=1269.473
- min:
- 550.351
- max:
- 1,269.473
- avg:
- 893.843
- σ:
- 233.576
- from
- 2005=1767.997
- to
- 2019=1767.997
- min:
- 649.962
- max:
- 1,767.997
- avg:
- 1,141.861
- σ:
- 365.871
- from
- 2005=199.642
- to
- 2019=199.642
- min:
- 89.641
- max:
- 199.642
- avg:
- 126.114
- σ:
- 34.29
- from
- 2005=3507.107
- to
- 2019=3507.107
- min:
- 1,433.115
- max:
- 3,507.107
- avg:
- 2,307.707
- σ:
- 686.964
- from
- 2005=3706.749
- to
- 2019=3706.749
- min:
- 1,522.757
- max:
- 3,706.749
- avg:
- 2,433.821
- σ:
- 720.396
- from
- 2005=1992.642
- to
- 2019=1992.642
- min:
- 863.938
- max:
- 1,992.642
- avg:
- 1,254.26
- σ:
- 387.775
Series code | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_AGR.SEX_F.A] | 674.686 | 685.708 | 680.827 | 692.863 | 683.356 | 693.838 | 731.513 | 768.112 | 841.107 | 922.471 | 1011.586 | 1097.317 | 1182.632 | 1241.424 | 1294.476 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_AGR.SEX_M.A] | 2889.808 | 2923.838 | 2934.463 | 2937.88 | 2857.391 | 2791.026 | 2834.407 | 2820.871 | 2820.467 | 2825.053 | 2815.758 | 2789.016 | 2703.958 | 2716.535 | 2757.806 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_AGR.SEX_T.A] | 3564.494 | 3609.546 | 3615.29 | 3630.743 | 3540.747 | 3484.864 | 3565.92 | 3588.983 | 3661.574 | 3747.524 | 3827.344 | 3886.333 | 3886.59 | 3957.96 | 4052.282 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_IND.SEX_F.A] | 99.611 | 104.19 | 113.086 | 117.516 | 136.337 | 156.492 | 174.768 | 205.517 | 241.699 | 281.195 | 322.653 | 372.537 | 433.57 | 462.572 | 498.524 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_IND.SEX_M.A] | 550.351 | 590.19 | 620.435 | 646.521 | 712.124 | 779.024 | 806.806 | 895.625 | 958.498 | 1017.344 | 1073.614 | 1097.179 | 1159.128 | 1231.33 | 1269.473 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_IND.SEX_T.A] | 649.962 | 694.379 | 733.521 | 764.037 | 848.461 | 935.517 | 981.574 | 1101.142 | 1200.198 | 1298.538 | 1396.267 | 1469.716 | 1592.698 | 1693.902 | 1767.997 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_SER.SEX_F.A] | 89.641 | 93.333 | 97.444 | 99.36 | 101.032 | 101.399 | 104.027 | 109.002 | 118.95 | 129.763 | 140.484 | 154.404 | 169.733 | 183.498 | 199.642 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_SER.SEX_M.A] | 1433.115 | 1493.406 | 1567.598 | 1628.796 | 1733.114 | 1861.314 | 2005.004 | 2183.241 | 2368.394 | 2564.887 | 2767.125 | 2973.896 | 3186.337 | 3342.269 | 3507.107 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_SER.SEX_T.A] | 1522.757 | 1586.739 | 1665.042 | 1728.156 | 1834.146 | 1962.713 | 2109.031 | 2292.243 | 2487.343 | 2694.65 | 2907.609 | 3128.3 | 3356.07 | 3525.767 | 3706.749 |
[AFG.XA_2198.GEO_COV_NAT.ECO_SECTOR_TOTAL.SEX_F.A] | 863.938 | 883.231 | 891.357 | 909.739 | 920.725 | 951.729 | 1010.308 | 1082.631 | 1201.755 | 1333.428 | 1474.723 | 1624.259 | 1785.935 | 1887.494 | 1992.642 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 10,188