[SDG_N881_SEX_MIG_RT] SDG indicator 8.8.1 - Non-fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers
Updated on DBnomics on February 20, 2024 (3:34 AM).
[ref_area] Reference area
- [ARG] Argentina
- [ARM] Armenia
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [AZE] Azerbaijan
- [BDI] Burundi
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BFA] Burkina Faso
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BHR] Bahrain
- [BLR] Belarus
- [BLZ] Belize
- [BRA] Brazil
- [BRB] Barbados
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CUB] Cuba
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [DOM] Dominican Republic
- [DZA] Algeria
- [EGY] Egypt
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GEO] Georgia
- [GLP] Guadeloupe
- [GRC] Greece
- [GTM] Guatemala
- [GUF] French Guiana
- [HKG] Hong Kong, China
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IMN] Isle of Man
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JOR] Jordan
- [JPN] Japan
- [KAZ] Kazakhstan
- [KGZ] Kyrgyzstan
- [LKA] Sri Lanka
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MAC] Macau, China
- [MDA] Moldova, Republic of
- [MEX] Mexico
- [MLT] Malta
- [MMR] Myanmar
- [MNG] Mongolia
- [MUS] Mauritius
- [MYS] Malaysia
- [NAM] Namibia
- [NCL] New Caledonia
- [NIC] Nicaragua
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [PAK] Pakistan
- [PAN] Panama
- [PHL] Philippines
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [PSE] Occupied Palestinian Territory
- [QAT] Qatar
- [REU] Réunion
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russian Federation
- [SGP] Singapore
- [SLV] El Salvador
- [SMR] San Marino
- [SVK] Slovakia
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [SYC] Seychelles
- [TGO] Togo
- [THA] Thailand
- [TTO] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TUN] Tunisia
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [TWN] Taiwan, China
- [UKR] Ukraine
- [URY] Uruguay
- [USA] United States
- [UZB] Uzbekistan
- [VCT] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- [ZWE] Zimbabwe
[source] Source
- [BA_405] LFS - Quarterly National Household Survey
- [BA_538] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [CA_160] EC - Administrative Records of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
- [CA_1657] EC - Labour-related Establishment Census
- [CA_930] EC - Economic or Establishment Census
- [DA_122] ES - Establishments sample Survey on employees' wages by Occupation
- [DA_126] ES - Labour-related Establishment Survey
- [DA_1390] ES - Survey on Employment, Remuneration and Hours of Work
- [DA_15721] ES - Survey on Accidents at Work
- [DA_2502] ES - Establishment Survey
- [DA_263] ES - Survey on Industrial Accidents
- [DA_393] ES - Other Establishment Survey
- [DA_395] ES - Survey of economically Active commercial companies, individual merchants, peasant or fishermen farms, budgetary institutions, foundations, associations or funds, as well as Administrative data.
- [DA_431] ES - Statistical card on accident at Work
- [DA_458] ES - Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
- [DA_478] ES - Report on Occupational Injuries
- [DA_528] ES - Integrated Survey
- [DA_931] ES - Labour-related Establishment Survey
- [EA_1208] OE - Official Estimates
- [EA_1429] OE - Official Estimates
- [EA_1769] OE - Official Estimates
- [EB_176] Other - Statistical Report on Occupational Injuries
- [EB_7339] Other - Reporting of the public authority
- [FA_1028] ADM-IR - Records of Social Security Fund
- [FA_1087] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1091] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1110] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1116] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1131] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1156] ADM-IR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FA_1189] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1203] ADM-IR - Records of the Guatemalan Social Security Institute
- [FA_1257] ADM-IR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FA_1287] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1302] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1444] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1464] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1470] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1494] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1516] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1562] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1580] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_159] ADM-IR - Administrative Records of the Actuarial and Statistical Department of the Salvadorian Institute for Social Security
- [FA_16066] ADM-IR - Report of the General Agency for Specialized Inspection
- [FA_1696] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1721] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_1729] ADM-IR - Social Insurance Institution reports
- [FA_2489] ADM-IR - Records of the National Social Security
- [FA_257] ADM-IR - Database Records from all insurance companies
- [FA_2599] ADM-IR - Insurance Companies records
- [FA_303] ADM-IR - Records of the CNAM, employees
- [FA_307] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_315] ADM-IR - Register of the Accident Insurance Association
- [FA_38] ADM-IR - Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance Records
- [FA_390] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_464] ADM-IR - Mexican Social Security Institute statistical report
- [FA_569] ADM-IR - Institute of Public Health
- [FA_6342] ADM-IR - Working Conditions Survey
- [FA_6643] ADM-IR - State Insurance Bank records
- [FA_714] ADM-IR - Records of the National Insurance Institute
- [FA_751] ADM-IR - Insurance Records of the Workmen's Compensation Fund
- [FA_775] ADM-IR - National Data Standards for Injury Surveillance Records
- [FA_865] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_877] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_896] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_9] ADM-IR - National Insurance Services Records
- [FA_906] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_920] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_93] ADM-IR - Records of the Enterprises' and Establishments' identification directory and of the Family allowances fund
- [FA_950] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FA_984] ADM-IR - Accident declarations registered by the Accident Insurance Central Statistical Service
- [FA_989] ADM-IR - Insurance Records
- [FB_2547] ADM-EOR - Employment office records
- [FF_1082] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1103] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1251] ADM-LIR - Records of the Health and Safety at Work Inspectorate
- [FF_130] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1310] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1319] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1425] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1525] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_16193] ADM-LIR - Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Labour
- [FF_1621] ADM-LIR - Administrative records and related sources
- [FF_16216] ADM-LIR - Occupational, Safety and Health Division, Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training
- [FF_1641] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1735] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_1752] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_197] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_233] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_243] ADM-LIR - Labour Affairs Bureau
- [FF_2506] ADM-LIR - Administrative Records of the Directorate for Labour Inspection
- [FF_264] ADM-LIR - Labour Standards Inspection Records
- [FF_286] ADM-LIR - Directorate of labour Inspection Records
- [FF_313] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_339] ADM-LIR - Labour Department
- [FF_400] ADM-LIR - Administrative data from the National Labour Inspectorate
- [FF_406] ADM-LIR - Health and Safety Authority Records
- [FF_41] ADM-LIR - Department of Labour Inspection
- [FF_43] ADM-LIR - Estonian Labour Inspectorate
- [FF_440] ADM-LIR - Registration form for Work Accidents
- [FF_452] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FF_554] ADM-LIR - Annual report of the Labour Inspectorate Division
- [FF_6340] ADM-LIR - State Labour Inspection Records
- [FF_698] ADM-LIR - Qatar Statistics Authority
- [FF_726] ADM-LIR - Labour Inspectorate Records
- [FH_280] ADM-REO - National Work Injuries Statistics Program and Association of Workers' Compensation Boards
- [FI_15733] ADM-RWO - Information on Injuries in the Workplace and Occupational diseases
- [FK_355] ADM-EBR - Social Security Board Records
- [FK_613] ADM-EBR - Businesses and Organizations register
- [FX_1020] ADM - Labour Relations Records
- [FX_1035] ADM - Other Administrative records and related sources
- [FX_1280] ADM - Administrative records and related sources
- [FX_13591] ADM - Social Security Regulations
- [FX_140] ADM - Social Security Board Records
- [FX_154] ADM - Register of Work Accidents and Occupational Injuries
- [FX_1622] ADM - Administrative records and related sources
- [FX_166] ADM - Administrative Records of the Office for Economic and Social Statistics in the Ministry of Labour
- [FX_182] ADM - Administrative Records
- [FX_2579] ADM - Ministry of Health and Social Protection
- [FX_292] ADM - Administrative data from Social Security Administration
- [FX_3234] ADM - Register of reported Accidents at Work
- [FX_3327] ADM - Annual Statement of Social Data
- [FX_343] ADM - Records of Injury Benefits
- [FX_3523] ADM - Records of the Ministry of Human ReSources
- [FX_362] ADM - National Statistical Information System
- [FX_412] ADM - Register of the compulsory accident insurance
- [FX_451] ADM - Compensated Injuries at Work Database Institute of Public Health of Republic of Slovenia
- [FX_67] ADM - Federation of Accidents Insurance Institutions Records
- [FX_760] ADM - Swedish injury database
- [FX_786] ADM - Records of the Labour Relations Department
- [FX_917] ADM - Administrative Records
[classif1] Classification 1
- [MIG_STATUS_MIGRANT] Migrant status: Migrants
- [MIG_STATUS_MIGRANTEU] Migrant status: EU Migrants
- [MIG_STATUS_MIGRANTNOTEU] Migrant status: Migrants excluding EU
- [MIG_STATUS_NONMIG] Migrant status: Non migrants
- [MIG_STATUS_TOTAL] Migrant status: Total
- [MIG_STATUS_X] Migrant status: Unknown
[sex] Sex
- [SEX_F] Sex: Female
- [SEX_M] Sex: Male
- [SEX_T] Sex: Total
[frequency] Frequency
- [A] Annual
Search filters
Reference area [ref_area] (97)
Source [source] (131)
Classification 1 [classif1] (6)
Sex [sex] (3)
Frequency [frequency] (1)
This dataset has 672 series:
- from
- 2000=7,747
- to
- 2007=8,250
- min:
- 6,240
- max:
- 8,250
- avg:
- 7,678.143
- σ:
- 661.132
- from
- 2017=3,053.065
- to
- 2022=1,763.292
- min:
- 912.212
- max:
- 3,053.065
- avg:
- 1,904.199
- σ:
- 783.238
- from
- 2017=6,051.883
- to
- 2022=5,033.496
- min:
- 1,248.288
- max:
- 6,051.883
- avg:
- 4,776.854
- σ:
- 1,615.159
- from
- 2017=5,145.925
- to
- 2022=3,420.376
- min:
- 1,225.015
- max:
- 5,145.925
- avg:
- 3,462.134
- σ:
- 1,342.975
- from
- 2017=2,082.272
- to
- 2022=1,901.219
- min:
- 960.376
- max:
- 2,082.272
- avg:
- 1,730.804
- σ:
- 385.786
- from
- 2017=4,999.913
- to
- 2022=4,681.183
- min:
- 3,875.756
- max:
- 4,999.913
- avg:
- 4,591.693
- σ:
- 354.438
- from
- 2017=3,871.745
- to
- 2022=3,506.946
- min:
- 2,534.725
- max:
- 3,871.745
- avg:
- 3,399.779
- σ:
- 430.925
- from
- 2011=2,610
- to
- 2022=1,894.156
- min:
- 970.397
- max:
- 2,610
- avg:
- 2,029.398
- σ:
- 448.377
- from
- 2011=7,295
- to
- 2022=4,694.804
- min:
- 3,551.039
- max:
- 7,295
- avg:
- 5,328.349
- σ:
- 1,021.32
- from
- 2009=7,288.23
- to
- 2022=3,586.893
- min:
- 2,500.901
- max:
- 7,288.23
- avg:
- 4,566.286
- σ:
- 1,359.998
Series code | 2000 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[ARG.FA_865.MIG_STATUS_TOTAL.SEX_T.A] | 7747 | 6240 | 7270 | 8020 | 8150 | 8070 | 8250 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_MIGRANT.SEX_F.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3053.065 | 2783.718 | 1758.514 | 1154.395 | 912.212 | 1763.292 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_MIGRANT.SEX_M.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6051.883 | 5697.288 | 5519.425 | 1248.288 | 5110.743 | 5033.496 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_MIGRANT.SEX_T.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5145.925 | 4799.669 | 3767.395 | 1225.015 | 2414.421 | 3420.376 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_NONMIG.SEX_F.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 2082.272 | 1964.266 | 1953.096 | 960.376 | 1523.597 | 1901.219 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_NONMIG.SEX_M.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 4999.913 | 4755.016 | 4757.632 | 3875.756 | 4480.655 | 4681.183 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_NONMIG.SEX_T.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3871.745 | 3668.871 | 3580.054 | 2534.725 | 3236.33 | 3506.946 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_TOTAL.SEX_F.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 2610 | 2466 | 2321.43 | 2319.664 | 2232.795 | 2110.334 | 1990.04 | 1942.574 | 970.397 | 1465.992 | 1894.156 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_TOTAL.SEX_M.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7295 | 6614 | 6255.68 | 5780.014 | 5282.656 | 5043.639 | 4796.7 | 4792.087 | 3551.039 | 4506.225 | 4694.804 |
[ARG.FX_154.MIG_STATUS_TOTAL.SEX_T.A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7288.23 | 7131.51 | 5608 | 5094 | 4676.6 | 4544.085 | 4193.114 | 3918.53 | 3771.175 | 3738.45 | 2500.901 | 3310.227 | 3586.893 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 672