[WBL_TWBL_SEX_AGE_WBL_RT] Participation rate in work-based learning by sex, age and type (per 1000 persons)
Updated on DBnomics on February 12, 2024 (4:24 AM).
[ref_area] Reference area
- [AFG] Afghanistan
- [ALB] Albania
- [ARG] Argentina
- [ARM] Armenia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BDI] Burundi
- [BEN] Benin
- [BFA] Burkina Faso
- [BGD] Bangladesh
- [BIH] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BLR] Belarus
- [BRA] Brazil
- [BRB] Barbados
- [BRN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BWA] Botswana
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CIV] Côte d'Ivoire
- [CMR] Cameroon
- [COD] Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- [COG] Congo
- [COL] Colombia
- [COM] Comoros
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DJI] Djibouti
- [ESP] Spain
- [ETH] Ethiopia
- [FJI] Fiji
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GEO] Georgia
- [GHA] Ghana
- [GIN] Guinea
- [GMB] Gambia
- [GNB] Guinea-Bissau
- [GRC] Greece
- [HND] Honduras
- [HTI] Haiti
- [IRL] Ireland
- [IRN] Iran, Islamic Republic of
- [IRQ] Iraq
- [ITA] Italy
- [JAM] Jamaica
- [JOR] Jordan
- [KEN] Kenya
- [KHM] Cambodia
- [KIR] Kiribati
- [KOS] Kosovo
- [LAO] Lao People's Democratic Republic
- [LBN] Lebanon
- [LBR] Liberia
- [LSO] Lesotho
- [MDG] Madagascar
- [MDV] Maldives
- [MHL] Marshall Islands
- [MKD] North Macedonia
- [MLI] Mali
- [MNE] Montenegro
- [MNG] Mongolia
- [MRT] Mauritania
- [MWI] Malawi
- [NER] Niger
- [NGA] Nigeria
- [NIC] Nicaragua
- [NPL] Nepal
- [NRU] Nauru
- [PAK] Pakistan
- [PER] Peru
- [POL] Poland
- [RWA] Rwanda
- [SEN] Senegal
- [SLE] Sierra Leone
- [SVK] Slovakia
- [SWZ] Eswatini
- [TCD] Chad
- [TGO] Togo
- [TLS] Timor-Leste
- [TON] Tonga
- [TUN] Tunisia
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [TZA] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [UGA] Uganda
- [VUT] Vanuatu
- [WLF] Wallis and Futuna Islands
- [WSM] Samoa
- [ZMB] Zambia
- [ZWE] Zimbabwe
[source] Source
- [AA_1311] PC - Population Census
- [AA_1406] PC - Population Census
- [AA_1513] PC - Population Census
- [AA_1711] PC - Population Census
- [BA_103] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1126] LFS - National Labor Force Survey
- [BA_1135] LFS - Employment, Unemployment Survey
- [BA_1163] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_13047] LFS - National Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1321] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_13362] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_13368] LFS - National Employment Survey
- [BA_13950] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_14071] LFS - National Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector
- [BA_14074] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_14123] LFS - Regional Integrated Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector
- [BA_14125] LFS - National Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector
- [BA_14129] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1448] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_148] LFS - Employment Survey
- [BA_149] LFS - Labour Force Sample Survey
- [BA_150] LFS - Permanent Household Survey, Urban
- [BA_1510] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_15631] LFS - National Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector
- [BA_15635] LFS - Integrated Regional Survey on Employment and Informal Sector
- [BA_15666] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_15678] LFS - Regional Integrated Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector
- [BA_15715] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1590] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_16] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_16073] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_16208] LFS - Permanent Employment Survey, National
- [BA_1629] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1672] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1712] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1743] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1794] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_1823] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_219] LFS - Continous Household Employment Survey
- [BA_2212] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_246] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_253] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_2624] LFS - Employment Survey
- [BA_3050] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_3051] LFS - Survey on Employment and household's living conditions
- [BA_317] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_325] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_338] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_3506] LFS - National Reference Survey on Employment and Informal Sector
- [BA_358] LFS - Integrated Household Survey
- [BA_36] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_398] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_405] LFS - Quarterly National Household Survey
- [BA_432] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_480] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_493] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_501] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_538] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_622] LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
- [BA_65] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_6651] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_666] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_673] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_675] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_682] LFS - Employment and Unemployment Survey
- [BA_692] LFS - Continous Household Survey
- [BA_700] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_7014] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_702] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_7345] LFS - National Survey on the Employment Situation
- [BA_7423] LFS - National Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector
- [BA_743] LFS - National Population and Employment Survey
- [BA_8230] LFS - Labour Force Survey
- [BA_867] LFS - Household Labour Force Survey
- [BB_13367] HIES - National Survey on Household Living Conditions
- [BB_14099] HIES - Households Living Conditions Survey
- [BB_14101] HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey
- [BB_15632] HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey
- [BB_15712] HIES - Modular and Integrated Household Survey on Living Conditions
- [BB_15723] HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey
- [BB_15959] HIES - Harmonized Survey on Household Living Conditions
- [BB_16123] HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey
- [BB_16196] HIES - Living Standards Measurement Survey
- [BB_16203] HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey
- [BB_3078] HIES - Living Standards Survey
- [BB_426] HIES - Monitoring Survey of the Modular and Integrated Survey of Household Living Conditions
- [BB_704] HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey
- [BB_7040] HIES - Living Standards Survey
- [BB_7091] HIES - Indicator Cluster Survey
- [BX_15710] HS - Multi-Topic Household Survey
- [BX_15732] HS - Djiboutian Household Survey
- [BX_15953] HS - Integrated Household Survey
- [BX_3465] HS - Continuous household survey
- [BX_504] HS - Continous Multi-Purpose Household Survey
- [BX_6355] HS - Continuous National Household Sample Survey
- [BX_7338] HS - General Household Survey
- [BX_7419] HS - Household Survey
[classif1] Classification 1
- [AGE_AGGREGATE_TOTAL] Age (Aggregate bands): Total
- [AGE_AGGREGATE_Y15-24] Age (Aggregate bands): 15-24
- [AGE_AGGREGATE_Y25-54] Age (Aggregate bands): 25-54
- [AGE_AGGREGATE_Y55-64] Age (Aggregate bands): 55-64
- [AGE_AGGREGATE_YGE65] Age (Aggregate bands): 65+
[classif2] Classification 2
- [WBL_DETAILS_APPPD] Detailed: Paid apprentices
- [WBL_DETAILS_APPUNPD] Detailed: Unpaid apprentices
- [WBL_DETAILS_OTHPD] Detailed: Other paid trainees
- [WBL_DETAILS_OTHUNPD] Detailed: Other unpaid trainees
- [WBL_DETAILS_TOTAL] Detailed: Total trainees
- [WBL_DETAILS_X] Detailed: Not classified
- [WBL_PMT_NO] Paid or unpaid: Unpaid
- [WBL_PMT_TOTAL] Paid or unpaid: Total trainees
- [WBL_PMT_YES] Paid or unpaid: Paid
- [WBL_TYPE_APP] Type of trainee: Apprentices
- [WBL_TYPE_OTH] Type of trainee: Other trainees
- [WBL_TYPE_TOTAL] Type of trainee: Total trainees
- [WBL_TYPE_X] Type of trainee: Not classified
[sex] Sex
- [SEX_F] Sex: Female
- [SEX_M] Sex: Male
- [SEX_T] Sex: Total
[frequency] Frequency
- [A] Annual
Search filters
Reference area [ref_area] (87)
Source [source] (97)
Classification 1 [classif1] (5)
Classification 2 [classif2] (13)
Sex [sex] (3)
Frequency [frequency] (1)
This dataset has 8,847 series:
- from
- 2020=4.09
- to
- 2020=4.09
- min:
- 4.09
- max:
- 4.09
- avg:
- 4.09
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2020=11.73
- to
- 2020=11.73
- min:
- 11.73
- max:
- 11.73
- avg:
- 11.73
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2020=7.89
- to
- 2020=7.89
- min:
- 7.89
- max:
- 7.89
- avg:
- 7.89
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2020=4.09
- to
- 2021=1.12
- min:
- 1.12
- max:
- 4.09
- avg:
- 2.605
- σ:
- 1.485
- from
- 2020=11.73
- to
- 2021=16.93
- min:
- 11.73
- max:
- 16.93
- avg:
- 14.33
- σ:
- 2.6
- from
- 2020=7.89
- to
- 2021=8.91
- min:
- 7.89
- max:
- 8.91
- avg:
- 8.4
- σ:
- 0.51
- from
- 2021=1.12
- to
- 2021=1.12
- min:
- 1.12
- max:
- 1.12
- avg:
- 1.12
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2021=16.93
- to
- 2021=16.93
- min:
- 16.93
- max:
- 16.93
- avg:
- 16.93
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2021=8.91
- to
- 2021=8.91
- min:
- 8.91
- max:
- 8.91
- avg:
- 8.91
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2020=4.09
- to
- 2020=4.09
- min:
- 4.09
- max:
- 4.09
- avg:
- 4.09
- σ:
- 0
Showing results 1 - 10 / 8,847