[BOP] Balance of Payments (BOP)
Updated by provider on February 26, 2025 (12:00 AM).
Contains balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) data of individual countries, jurisdictions, and other reporting entities, and regional and world totals for major components of the balance of payments. Both balance of payments and IIP data are presented in accordance with the standard components of the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, BPM6.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference Area
- [1C_355] Curacao & St. Maarten
- [5Y] Eastern Caribbean Currency Union
- [AD] Andorra
- [AF] Afghanistan
- [AG] Antigua and Barbuda
- [AI] Anguilla
- [AL] Albania
- [AM] Armenia
- [AN] Netherlands Antilles
- [AO] Angola
- [AR] Argentina
- [AT] Austria
- [AU] Australia
- [AW] Aruba
- [AZ] Azerbaijan
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BB] Barbados
- [BD] Bangladesh
- [BE] Belgium
- [BF] Burkina Faso
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BH] Bahrain
- [BI] Burundi
- [BJ] Benin
- [BM] Bermuda
- [BN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BO] Bolivia
- [BR] Brazil
- [BS] Bahamas
- [BT] Bhutan
- [BW] Botswana
- [BY] Belarus
- [BZ] Belize
- [CA] Canada
- [CD] Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
- [CF] Central African Republic
- [CG] Congo
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CI] Cote d`Ivoire
- [CL] Chile
- [CM] Cameroon
- [CN] China
- [CO] Colombia
- [CR] Costa Rica
- [CV] Cabo Verde
- [CW] Curacao
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DJ] Djibouti
- [DK] Denmark
- [DM] Dominica
- [DO] Dominican Republic
- [DZ] Algeria
- [EC] Ecuador
- [EE] Estonia
- [EG] Egypt
- [ER] Eritrea
- [ES] Spain
- [ET] Ethiopia
- [FI] Finland
- [FJ] Fiji
- [FM] Micronesia, Federated States of
- [FO] Faroe Islands
- [FR] France
- [GA] Gabon
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GD] Grenada
- [GE] Georgia
- [GH] Ghana
- [GM] Gambia
- [GN] Guinea
- [GQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [GR] Greece
- [GT] Guatemala
- [GW] Guinea-Bissau
- [GY] Guyana
- [HK] Hong Kong, China
- [HN] Honduras
- [HR] Croatia
- [HT] Haiti
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IL] Israel
- [IN] India
- [IQ] Iraq
- [IR] Iran, Islamic Republic of
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [JM] Jamaica
- [JO] Jordan
- [JP] Japan
- [KE] Kenya
- [KG] Kyrgyzstan
- [KH] Cambodia
- [KI] Kiribati
- [KM] Comoros
- [KN] Saint Kitts and Nevis
- [KR] Korea, Republic of
- [KW] Kuwait
- [KY] Cayman Islands
- [KZ] Kazakhstan
- [LA] Lao People`s Democratic Republic
- [LB] Lebanon
- [LC] Saint Lucia
- [LK] Sri Lanka
- [LR] Liberia
- [LS] Lesotho
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [LY] Libya
- [MA] Morocco
- [MD] Moldova, Republic of
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MG] Madagascar
- [MH] Marshall islands
- [MK] North Macedonia, Republic of
- [ML] Mali
- [MM] Myanmar
- [MN] Mongolia
- [MO] Macao
- [MR] Mauritania
- [MS] Montserrat
- [MT] Malta
- [MU] Mauritius
- [MV] Maldives
- [MW] Malawi
- [MX] Mexico
- [MY] Malaysia
- [MZ] Mozambique
- [NA] Namibia
- [NC] New Caledonia
- [NE] Niger
- [NG] Nigeria
- [NI] Nicaragua
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [NP] Nepal
- [NR] Nauru
- [NZ] New Zealand
- [OM] Oman
- [PA] Panama
- [PE] Peru
- [PF] French Polynesia
- [PG] Papua New Guinea
- [PH] Philippines
- [PK] Pakistan
- [PL] Poland
- [PS] Palestine, State of
- [PT] Portugal
- [PW] Palau
- [PY] Paraguay
- [QA] Qatar
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [RW] Rwanda
- [SA] Saudi Arabia
- [SB] Solomon Islands
- [SC] Seychelles
- [SD] Sudan
- [SE] Sweden
- [SG] Singapore
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [SL] Sierra Leone
- [SM] San Marino, Rep. of
- [SN] Senegal
- [SR] Suriname
- [SS] South Sudan
- [ST] Sao Tome and Principe
- [SV] El Salvador
- [SX] Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
- [SY] Syrian Arab Republic
- [SZ] Eswatini
- [TC] Turks and Caicos Islands
- [TD] Chad
- [TG] Togo
- [TH] Thailand
- [TJ] Tajikistan
- [TL] Timor-Leste
- [TN] Tunisia
- [TO] Tonga
- [TR] Türkiye
- [TT] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TV] Tuvalu
- [TZ] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition
- [UA] Ukraine
- [UG] Uganda
- [US] United States
- [UY] Uruguay
- [UZ] Uzbekistan
- [VC] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- [VE] Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic
- [VN] Viet Nam
- [VU] Vanuatu
- [WS] Samoa
- [XK] Kosovo, Republic of
- [YE] Yemen
- [ZA] South Africa
- [ZM] Zambia
- [ZW] Zimbabwe
[INDICATOR] Indicator
- [BACK_BP6_USD] Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Current and Capital Account), US Dollars
- [BACK_BP6_XDC] Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Current and Capital Account), National Currency
- [BCAXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Current Account, Net (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BCA_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Total, Net, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BCA_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Total, Net, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BCA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Total, Net, US Dollars
- [BCA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Total, Net, National Currency
- [BEFOODDCND_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, New Drawings/Deposits on Behalf of Authorities, US Dollars
- [BEFOODDCND_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, New Drawings/Deposits on Behalf of Authorities, National Currency
- [BEFOODDCPP_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Prepayment, US Dollars
- [BEFOODDCPP_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Prepayment, National Currency
- [BEFOODDC_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BEFOODDC_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BEFOODGND_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, New Drawings/Deposits, US Dollars
- [BEFOODGND_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, New Drawings/Deposits, National Currency
- [BEFOODGPP_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, Prepayment, US Dollars
- [BEFOODGPP_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, Prepayment, National Currency
- [BEFOODGRP_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, Rescheduling of Payments Due in Current Reporting Period, US Dollars
- [BEFOODGRP_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, Rescheduling of Payments Due in Current Reporting Period, National Currency
- [BEFOODG_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, US Dollars
- [BEFOODG_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government, National Currency
- [BEFOODOND_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, New Drawings/Deposits on Behalf of Authorities, US Dollars
- [BEFOODOND_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, New Drawings/Deposits on Behalf of Authorities, National Currency
- [BEFOODOPP_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Prepayment, US Dollars
- [BEFOODOPP_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Prepayment, National Currency
- [BEFOODO_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BEFOODO_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BEFOOD_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, US Dollars
- [BEFOOD_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, National Currency
- [BEFO_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BEFO_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Other Investment - Liabilities, National Currency
- [BEFPDGNS_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, Issues of New Securities, US Dollars
- [BEFPDGNS_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, Issues of New Securities, National Currency
- [BEFPDG_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BEFPDG_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, National Currency
- [BEFPDONS_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Issues of New Securities, US Dollars
- [BEFPDONS_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Issues of New Securities, National Currency
- [BEFPDOPB_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Prepayment/Buyback, US Dollars
- [BEFPDOPB_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Prepayment/Buyback, National Currency
- [BEFPDO_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BEFPDO_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BEFPD_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, US Dollars
- [BEFPD_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, Debt Securities, National Currency
- [BEFP_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BEFP_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, Portfolio Investment - Liabilities, National Currency
- [BEF_BP6_USD] Exceptional Financing, US Dollars
- [BEF_BP6_XDC] Exceptional Financing, National Currency
- [BFDADD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDADD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, National Currency
- [BFDADF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Between Fellow Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDADR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), US Dollars
- [BFDADR_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), National Currency
- [BFDAD_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDAD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDAD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, US Dollars
- [BFDAD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, National Currency
- [BFDAEOD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDAEOD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, National Currency
- [BFDAEOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Between Fellow Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDAEOR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), US Dollars
- [BFDAEO_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Equity other than reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDAEO_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Equity other than reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDAEO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, US Dollars
- [BFDAEO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, National Currency
- [BFDAERV_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDAERV_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDAERV_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvestment of Earnings, US Dollars
- [BFDAERV_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvestment of Earnings, National Currency
- [BFDAE_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDAE_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDAE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [BFDAE_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [BFDA_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDA_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net acquisition of financial assets, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFDA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, National Currency
- [BFDD_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDERV_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDERV_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDE_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDE_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDLDD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDLDD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, National Currency
- [BFDLDF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Between Fellow Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDLDR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), US Dollars
- [BFDLDR_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), National Currency
- [BFDLDXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Direct Investment: Net Incurrence of Liabilities: Debt Instruments (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFDLD_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDLD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDLD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, US Dollars
- [BFDLD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, National Currency
- [BFDLEOD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDLEOD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, National Currency
- [BFDLEOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Between Fellow Enterprises, US Dollars
- [BFDLEOR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), US Dollars
- [BFDLEO_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Equity and investment fund shares, Equity other than reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDLEO_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Equity and investment fund shares, Equity other than reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDLEO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, US Dollars
- [BFDLEO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Other Than Reinvestment of Earnings, National Currency
- [BFDLERV_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Equity and investment fund shares, Reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDLERV_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Equity and investment fund shares, Reinvestment of earnings, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDLERV_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvestment of Earnings, US Dollars
- [BFDLERV_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvestment of Earnings, National Currency
- [BFDLEXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFDLE_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDLE_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDLE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [BFDLE_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [BFDLXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFDL_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFDL_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Net incurrence of liabilities, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFDL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFDL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFD_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BFD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Direct investment, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BFD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, US Dollars
- [BFD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), Direct Investment, National Currency
- [BFFCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFFDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFFG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFFL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFFL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFFOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFFONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFFO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Financial Account, Net (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, US Dollars
- [BFF_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, National Currency
- [BFOADCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOADDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOADG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOADOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Of which: Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOADO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOAD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Instruments, US Dollars
- [BFOAE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Equity, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFOA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFOA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, National Currency
- [BFOCDACB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Banks, US Dollars
- [BFOCDACB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Banks, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDACB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Banks, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDADC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOCDADC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFOCDADC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Of which: Interbank Positions, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDADC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Of which: Interbank Positions, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, National Currency
- [BFOCDAG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFOCDAO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDAO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFOCDA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, National Currency
- [BFOCDLCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLCB_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, National Currency
- [BFOCDLCB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLCB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLDC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFOCDLDC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Of which: Interbank Positions, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLDC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Of which: Interbank Positions, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDLO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOCDL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFOCDL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFOCD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, US Dollars
- [BFOCD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, National Currency
- [BFOE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Equity, US Dollars
- [BFOFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Other Investment Net (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFOLDXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Other Investment: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFOLEXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Other Investment: Other Equity: Net Incurrence of Liabilities (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFOLE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Equity, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFOLFR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net (with Fund Record), Other Investment Net (with Fund Record), Net incurrence of liabilities (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFOLNACBIMF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), US Dollars
- [BFOLNACB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNACB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Bank, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNACB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Bank, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNADC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNADC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFOLNADC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNADC_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNADC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNADC_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNAGIMF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), US Dollars
- [BFOLNAG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, National Currency
- [BFOLNAG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAG_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Other Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNAG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAG_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Other Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNAOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFOLNAO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNAO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNAO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFOLNA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, National Currency
- [BFOLNFR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Fund Record, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLCBFR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, Fund Record, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLCBIMFFR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with The IMF (Other Than Reserves), Fund Record, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLCBIMF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), US Dollars
- [BFOLNLCBIMF_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), National Currency
- [BFOLNLCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLCB_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFOLNLCB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLCB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLDC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFOLNLDC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLDC_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNLDC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLDC_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNLFR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Fund Record, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLGFR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Fund Record, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, National Currency
- [BFOLNLG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLG_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Other Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNLG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLG_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Other Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNLOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFOLNLO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNLO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOLNLO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOLNL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFOLNL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFOLNPCACB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCADC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCAG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCAOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCAONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCAO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCLCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCLDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCLG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCLOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCLONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCLO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPCL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFOLNPC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, US Dollars
- [BFOLN_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, US Dollars
- [BFOLN_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Loans, National Currency
- [BFOLOCBFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Other Investment: Other Debt Instruments: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFOLODC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOLOFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Other Investment: Other Debt Instruments: Net Incurrence of Liabilities (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFOLOGFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Other Investment: Other Debt Instruments: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFOLOOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Of which: Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOLOO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOLSDRFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Special Drawing Rights (Allocations) (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFOLSDR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Special Drawing Rights (Net Incurrence of Liabilities), US Dollars
- [BFOLXF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net (excluding exceptional financing), Other investment, Net incurrence of liabilities (excluding exceptional financing), US Dollars
- [BFOL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFOL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFORACB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFORACB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Banks, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORACB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORADC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFORADC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFORADC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORADC_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFORADC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORADC_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFORAG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFORAG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, National Currency
- [BFORAG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAG_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFORAG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAG_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFORAOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFORAOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFORAONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFORAO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFORAO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFORAO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORAO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFORA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFORA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, National Currency
- [BFORPLCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFORPLCB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLCB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFORPLDC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFORPLDC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLDC_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFORPLDC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFORPLG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, National Currency
- [BFORPLG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLG_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFORPLG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLG_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFORPLOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFORPLOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFORPLONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFORPLO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFORPLO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFORPLO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFORPLO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFORPL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFORPL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFOR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, US Dollars
- [BFOR_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable/payable, National Currency
- [BFOTACB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Banks, US Dollars
- [BFOTACB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Banks, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTACB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Central Banks, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTADC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOTADC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTADC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOTAG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, National Currency
- [BFOTAG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAG_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOTAG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOTAOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOTAONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOTAO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFOTAO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOTAO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTAO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOTA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFOTA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, National Currency
- [BFOTLCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, US Dollars
- [BFOTLCB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLCB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Central Banks, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFOTLDC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLDC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFOTLG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, National Currency
- [BFOTLG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLG_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, General Government, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOTLOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFOTLOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFOTLONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFOTLO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFOTLO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFOTLO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFOTLO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFOTL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFOTL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFOT_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, US Dollars
- [BFOT_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, National Currency
- [BFO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Other Investment, US Dollars
- [BFO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Other Investment, National Currency
- [BFPADCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPADCB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADCB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPADC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFPADC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADC_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFPADC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADC_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFPADG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFPADG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, General Government, National Currency
- [BFPADG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADG_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, General Government, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFPADOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFPADOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFPADONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFPADO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFPADO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFPADO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPADO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFPAD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, US Dollars
- [BFPAD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Debt Securities, National Currency
- [BFPAECB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPAEDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPAEDC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFPAEEO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Securities Other Than Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [BFPAEG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFPAEISMS_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, Of which: Money Market Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [BFPAEIS_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [BFPAEOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFPAEONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFPAEO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFPAEO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFPAE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [BFPAE_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [BFPA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, US Dollars
- [BFPA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Acquisition of Financial Assets, National Currency
- [BFPLDCB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPLDCB_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDCB_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPLDDC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFPLDDC_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDDC_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFPLDDC_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDDC_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFPLDG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFPLDG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, National Currency
- [BFPLDG_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDG_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFPLDG_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDG_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, General Government, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFPLDOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFPLDOF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDOF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFPLDONF_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDONF_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFPLDO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFPLDO_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDO_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFPLDO_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFPLDO_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFPLDXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFPLD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, US Dollars
- [BFPLD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Securities, National Currency
- [BFPLECB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPLEDC_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [BFPLEDC_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [BFPLEEO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Securities Other Than Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [BFPLEG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, General Government, US Dollars
- [BFPLEISMS_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, Of which: Money Market Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [BFPLEIS_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [BFPLEOF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [BFPLEONF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [BFPLEO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [BFPLEO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [BFPLEXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity Securities (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFPLE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [BFPLE_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [BFPLXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BFPL_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, US Dollars
- [BFPL_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, National Currency
- [BFP_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, US Dollars
- [BFP_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Portfolio Investment, National Currency
- [BFRAFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Reserve Assets (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFRAIMFFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Reserve Position in the Fund (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFRAIMF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Reserve Position in the IMF, US Dollars
- [BFRAIMF_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Reserve Position in the IMF, National Currency
- [BFRAMGGB_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Monetary Gold, Gold Bullion, US Dollars
- [BFRAMGUG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Monetary Gold, Unallocated Gold Accounts, US Dollars
- [BFRAMG_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Monetary Gold, US Dollars
- [BFRAMG_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Monetary Gold, National Currency
- [BFRAOCDMA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Monetary Authorities, US Dollars
- [BFRAOCDMA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Monetary Authorities, National Currency
- [BFRAOCDO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Other Entities, US Dollars
- [BFRAOCDO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Other Entities, National Currency
- [BFRAOCD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, US Dollars
- [BFRAOCD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, National Currency
- [BFRAOFD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Financial Derivatives, US Dollars
- [BFRAOFD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Financial Derivatives, National Currency
- [BFRAOO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Other Claims, US Dollars
- [BFRAOO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Other Claims, National Currency
- [BFRAOSD_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, US Dollars
- [BFRAOSD_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, National Currency
- [BFRAOSD_L_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Long-term, US Dollars
- [BFRAOSD_L_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Long-term, National Currency
- [BFRAOSD_S_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Short-term, US Dollars
- [BFRAOSD_S_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Short-term, National Currency
- [BFRAOSE_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [BFRAOSE_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [BFRAOS_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, US Dollars
- [BFRAOS_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, National Currency
- [BFRAO_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [BFRAO_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, National Currency
- [BFRASDRFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, SDR Holdings (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BFRASDR_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Special Drawing Rights, US Dollars
- [BFRASDR_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, Special Drawing Rights, National Currency
- [BFRA_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [BFRA_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Reserve Assets, National Currency
- [BFXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Financial Account, Net (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BF_BP6_SPE_USD] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BF_BP6_SPE_XDC] Financial Account, Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (balance from financial account), Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BF_BP6_USD] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), US Dollars
- [BF_BP6_XDC] Financial Account, Net Lending (+) / Net Borrowing (-) (Balance from Financial Account), National Currency
- [BGM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, General Merchandise on a Balance of Payments Basis, Net, US Dollars
- [BGM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, General Merchandise on a Balance of Payments Basis, Net, National Currency
- [BGN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Non-monetary Gold, Net, US Dollars
- [BGN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Non-monetary Gold, Net, National Currency
- [BGS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BGS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Net, National Currency
- [BG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Net, US Dollars
- [BG_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Net, National Currency
- [BIMF_CD_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Net Credit and Loans from the IMF (Excluding Reserve Position), US Dollars
- [BIPCE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Compensation of Employees, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPCE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Compensation of Employees, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIDEDD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDEDF_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Between Fellow Enterprises, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDEDR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDED_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIDER_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Income on equity and investment fund shares, Reinvested earnings, Net, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BIPIDER_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Income on equity and investment fund shares, Reinvested earnings, Net, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BIPIDER_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvested Earnings, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDER_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvested Earnings, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIDE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIDID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDIF_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Between Fellow Enterprises, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDIM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDIM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIDIR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIDI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Net, National Currency
- [BIPID_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Net, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BIPID_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Net, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BIPID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPID_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIOIM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIOIM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIOI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIOI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIOPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Investment Income Attributable to Policyholders in Insurance, Pension Schemes, and Standardized Guarantees, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIOW_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIPED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends on Equity Excluding Investment Fund Shares, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPEID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Dividends, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPEIR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Reinvested Earnings, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPEI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIPI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIPI_L_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Long Term, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPI_L_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Long Term, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIPI_S_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Short Term, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIPI_S_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Short Term, Net, National Currency
- [BIPIP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPIP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Net, National Currency
- [BIPI_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Net, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BIPI_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Net, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BIPI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Net, US Dollars
- [BIPI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Net, National Currency
- [BIPO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Other Primary Income, Net, US Dollars
- [BIP_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Net, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BIP_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Net, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BIP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Net, US Dollars
- [BIP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Net, National Currency
- [BISAD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Adjustment for Change in Pension Entitlements, Net, US Dollars
- [BISGIC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Current International Cooperation, Net, US Dollars
- [BISGMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Miscellaneous Current Transfers of General Government, Net, US Dollars
- [BISG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Net, US Dollars
- [BISG_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Net, National Currency
- [BISOMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Miscellaneous Current Transfers, Net, US Dollars
- [BISONC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Nonlife Insurance Claims, Net, US Dollars
- [BISONP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Net Nonlife Insurance Premiums, Net, US Dollars
- [BISOOT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Current Transfers, Net, US Dollars
- [BISOOT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Current Transfers, Net, National Currency
- [BISOPTWR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Of which: Workers' Remittances, Net, US Dollars
- [BISOPTWR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Of which: Workers' Remittances, Net, National Currency
- [BISOPT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Net, US Dollars
- [BISOPT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Net, National Currency
- [BISOSB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Social Benefits, Net, US Dollars
- [BISOSC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Social Contributions, Net, US Dollars
- [BISO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Net, US Dollars
- [BISO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Net, National Currency
- [BIS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Net, US Dollars
- [BIS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Net, National Currency
- [BKAA_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Capital Account (Excludes Reserves and Related Items), US Dollars
- [BKAA_CD_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Capital Account, Credit (Excludes Reserves and Related Items), US Dollars
- [BKA_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Gross Acquisitions (DR) / Disposals (CR) of Nonproduced Nonfinancial Assets, Net, US Dollars
- [BKA_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Gross Acquisitions (DR) / Disposals (CR) of Nonproduced Nonfinancial Assets, Net, National Currency
- [BKA_CD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Gross Acquisitions (DR) / Disposals (CR) of Nonproduced Nonfinancial Assets, Credit, US Dollars
- [BKA_CD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Gross Acquisitions (DR) / Disposals (CR) of Nonproduced Nonfinancial Assets, Credit, National Currency
- [BKA_DB_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Gross Acquisitions (DR) / Disposals (CR) of Nonproduced Nonfinancial Assets, Debit, US Dollars
- [BKA_DB_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Gross Acquisitions (DR) / Disposals (CR) of Nonproduced Nonfinancial Assets, Debit, National Currency
- [BKTGD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Debt Forgiveness, Net, US Dollars
- [BKTGD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Debt Forgiveness, Net, National Currency
- [BKTGD_CD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Debt Forgiveness, Credit, US Dollars
- [BKTGD_CD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Debt Forgiveness, Credit, National Currency
- [BKTGD_DB_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Debt Forgiveness, Debit, US Dollars
- [BKTGD_DB_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Debt Forgiveness, Debit, National Currency
- [BKTGO_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Other Capital Transfers, Net, US Dollars
- [BKTGO_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Other Capital Transfers, Net, National Currency
- [BKTGO_CD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Other Capital Transfers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BKTGO_CD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Other Capital Transfers, Credit, National Currency
- [BKTGO_DB_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Other Capital Transfers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BKTGO_DB_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Other Capital Transfers, Debit, National Currency
- [BKTG_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Net, US Dollars
- [BKTG_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Net, National Currency
- [BKTG_CD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Credit, US Dollars
- [BKTG_CD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Credit, National Currency
- [BKTG_DB_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government Debit, US Dollars
- [BKTG_DB_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government Debit, National Currency
- [BKTOD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debt Forgiveness, Net, US Dollars
- [BKTOD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debt Forgiveness, Net, National Currency
- [BKTOOTX_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Capital Transfers, Of which: Capital Taxes (Debit), US Dollars
- [BKTOO_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Capital Transfers, Net, US Dollars
- [BKTOO_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Capital Transfers, Net, National Currency
- [BKTO_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Net, US Dollars
- [BKTO_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Net, National Currency
- [BKTO_CD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Credit, US Dollars
- [BKTO_CD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Credit, National Currency
- [BKTO_DB_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debit, US Dollars
- [BKTO_DB_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debit, National Currency
- [BKT_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Net, US Dollars
- [BKT_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Net, National Currency
- [BKT_CD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BKT_CD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Credit, National Currency
- [BKT_DB_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BKT_DB_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Debit, National Currency
- [BK_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Total, Net, US Dollars
- [BK_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Total, Net, National Currency
- [BK_CD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Total, Credit, US Dollars
- [BK_CD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Total, Credit, National Currency
- [BK_DB_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Total, Debit, US Dollars
- [BK_DB_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Total, Debit, National Currency
- [BMCA_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Total, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BMCA_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Total, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BMCA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Total, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMCA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Total, Debit, National Currency
- [BMGM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, General Merchandise on a Balance of Payments Basis, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMGM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, General Merchandise on a Balance of Payments Basis, Debit, National Currency
- [BMGN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Non-monetary Gold, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMGN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Non-monetary Gold, Debit, National Currency
- [BMGS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMGS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMG_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPCE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Compensation of Employees, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPCE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Compensation of Employees, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIDEDD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDEDF_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Between Fellow Enterprises, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDEDR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDED_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIDER_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Income on equity and investment fund shares, Reinvested earnings, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BMIPIDER_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Income on equity and investment fund shares, Reinvested earnings, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BMIPIDER_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvested Earnings, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDER_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvested Earnings, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIDE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIDID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDIF_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Between Fellow Enterprises, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDIM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDIM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIDIR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIDI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPID_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BMIPID_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BMIPID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPID_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIOIM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIOIM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIOI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIOI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIOPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Investment Income Attributable to Policyholders in Insurance, Pension Schemes, and Standardized Guarantees, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIOW_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIPED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends on Equity Excluding Investment Fund Shares, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPEID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Dividends, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPEIR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Reinvested Earnings, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPEI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIPI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIPI_L_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Long Term, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPI_L_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Long Term, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIPI_S_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Short Term, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIPI_S_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Short Term, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPIP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPIP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPI_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BMIPI_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BMIPI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIPI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIPO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Other Primary Income, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIP_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BMIP_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Debit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BMIP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Debit, National Currency
- [BMISAD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Adjustment for Change in Pension Entitlements, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISGIC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Current International Cooperation, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISGMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Miscellaneous Current Transfers of General Government, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISG_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Debit, National Currency
- [BMISOCTX_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Current Taxes on Income, Wealth, Etc. (Debit), US Dollars
- [BMISOMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Miscellaneous Current Transfers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISONC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Nonlife Insurance Claims, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISONP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Net Nonlife Insurance Premiums, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISOOT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Current Transfers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISOOT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Current Transfers, Debit, National Currency
- [BMISOPTWR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Of which: Workers' Remittances, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISOPTWR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Of which: Workers' Remittances, Debit, National Currency
- [BMISOPT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISOPT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Debit, National Currency
- [BMISOSC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Social Contributions, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMISO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debit, National Currency
- [BMIS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMIS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Debit, National Currency
- [BMKTOD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debt Forgiveness, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMKTOD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debt Forgiveness, Debit, National Currency
- [BMKTOO_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Capital Transfers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMKTOO_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Capital Transfers, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSMA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others, Goods for Processing Abroad, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSMR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others, Goods for Processing in Reporting Economy, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOCNAR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Construction in Reporting Economy, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOCNA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Construction Abroad, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOCN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOCN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOFIEX_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Explicitly Charged and Other Financial Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOFIEX_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Explicitly Charged and Other Financial Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOFIFISM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM), Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOFI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOFI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOGGSTS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Tourism-related Services in Travel and Passenger Transport, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOGGS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOGGS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOINAI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Auxiliary Insurance Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOIND_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Direct Insurance, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOIND_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Direct Insurance, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOINPG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Pension and Standardized Guaranteed Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOINRI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Reinsurance, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOIN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOIN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOOBPM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Professional and Management Consulting Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOOBRD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Research and Development Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOOBTT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Technical, Trade-related, and Other Business Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOOBTT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Technical, Trade-related, and Other Business Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOOB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOOB_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOPCRAU_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Audiovisual and Related Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOPCRAU_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Audiovisual and Related Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOPCRO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Other Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOPCRO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Other Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOPCR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOPCR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSORL_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property nie, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSORL_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property nie, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSOTCMC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Computer Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOTCMM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Information Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOTCMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Telecommunications Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOTCM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSOTCM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Maintenance and Repair Services nie, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRAFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Freight, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRAFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Freight, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRAO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Other, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRAO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Other, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRAPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRAPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRAPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Freight, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Freight, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTROPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services: Transport Other (Including postal and courier), Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTROTFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Freight, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTROTFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Freight, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTROTO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Other, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTROTO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Other, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTROTPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTROTPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTROTPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTROT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTROT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Postal and Courier Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRSFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Freight, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRSFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Freight, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRSO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Other, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRSO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Other, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRSPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRSPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRSPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTRS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTRS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTVBO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Other, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Accommodation Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBPFS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Food-serving Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBPG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Goods, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBPLS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Local Transport Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBPOSED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Of which: Education Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBPOSH_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Of which: Health Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBPOS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVBS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Acquisition of Goods and Services by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVB_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTVPED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Education Related, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVPH_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Health Related, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVPO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Other, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTVP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Debit, National Currency
- [BMSTV_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMSTV_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Debit, National Currency
- [BMS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Debit, US Dollars
- [BMS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Debit, National Currency
- [BOPFR_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Errors and Omissions (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [BOP_BP6_USD] Net Errors and Omissions, US Dollars
- [BOP_BP6_XDC] Net Errors and Omissions, National Currency
- [BSM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOCNAR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Construction in Reporting Economy, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOCNA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Construction Abroad, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOCN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOCN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Net, National Currency
- [BSOFIEX_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Explicitly Charged and Other Financial Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOFIEX_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Explicitly Charged and Other Financial Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSOFIFISM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM), Net, US Dollars
- [BSOFI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOFI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSOGGSTS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Tourism-related Services in Travel and Passenger Transport, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOGGS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOGGS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Net, National Currency
- [BSOINAI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Auxiliary Insurance Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOIND_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Direct Insurance, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOIND_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Direct Insurance, Net, National Currency
- [BSOINPG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Pension and Standardized Guaranteed Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOINRI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Reinsurance, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOIN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOIN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSOOBPM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Professional and Management Consulting Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOOBRD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Research and Development Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOOBTT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Technical, Trade-related, and Other Business Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOOBTT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Technical, Trade-related, and Other Business Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSOOB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOOB_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSOPCRAU_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Audiovisual and Related Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOPCRAU_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Audiovisual and Related Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSOPCRO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Other Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOPCRO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Other Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSOPCR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOPCR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSORL_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property nie, Net, US Dollars
- [BSORL_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property nie, Net, National Currency
- [BSOTCMC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Computer Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOTCMM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Information Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOTCMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Telecommunications Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOTCM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSOTCM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Net, National Currency
- [BSR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Maintenance and Repair Services nie, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRAFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Freight, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRAFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Freight, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRAO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Other, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRAO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Other, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRAPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRAPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRAPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Freight, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Freight, Net, National Currency
- [BSTROTFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Freight, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTROTFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Freight, Net, National Currency
- [BSTROTO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Other, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTROTO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Other, Net, National Currency
- [BSTROTPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTROTPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTROTPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Net, National Currency
- [BSTROT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTROT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Postal and Courier Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRSFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Freight, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRSFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Freight, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRSO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Other, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRSO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Other, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRSPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRSPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRSPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Net, National Currency
- [BSTRS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTRS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Net, National Currency
- [BSTR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Net, National Currency
- [BSTVBO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Other, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Accommodation Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBPFS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Food-serving Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBPG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Goods, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBPLS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Local Transport Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBPOSED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Of which: Education Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBPOSH_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Of which: Health Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBPOS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVBS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Acquisition of Goods and Services by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVB_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Net, National Currency
- [BSTVPED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Education Related, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVPH_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Health Related Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVPO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Other, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTVP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Net, National Currency
- [BSTV_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Net, US Dollars
- [BSTV_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Net, National Currency
- [BS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Net, US Dollars
- [BS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Net, National Currency
- [BTCC_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Total Current + Capital Account, US Dollars
- [BTCKFA_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Current Acct + Capital Acct + Financial Acct, US Dollars
- [BTGSI_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Balance on Goods, Services, and Income, US Dollars
- [BTRUE_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Reserves and Related items, US Dollars
- [BXCA_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Total, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BXCA_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Total, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BXCA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Total, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXCA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Total, Credit, National Currency
- [BXGM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, General Merchandise on a Balance of Payments Basis, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXGM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, General Merchandise on a Balance of Payments Basis, Credit, National Currency
- [BXGN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Non-monetary Gold, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXGN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Non-monetary Gold, Credit, National Currency
- [BXGS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXGS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXGT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Net Exports of Goods Under Merchanting (Credit), US Dollars
- [BXG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXG_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIIOPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Investment Income Attributable to Policyholders in Insurance, Pension Schemes, and Standardized Guarantees, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPCE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Compensation of Employees, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPCE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Compensation of Employees, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIDEDD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDEDF_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Between Fellow Enterprises, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDEDR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDED_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends and Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIDER_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Income on equity and investment fund shares, Reinvested earnings, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BXIPIDER_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Income on equity and investment fund shares, Reinvested earnings, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BXIPIDER_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvested Earnings, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDER_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Reinvested Earnings, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIDE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIDID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Direct Investor in Direct Investment Enterprises, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDIF_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Between Fellow Enterprises, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDIM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDIM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIDIR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Direct Investment Enterprises in Direct Investor (Reverse Investment), Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIDI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Interest, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPID_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BXIPID_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Direct investment, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BXIPID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPID_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Direct Investment, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIOIM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIOIM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Memorandum: Interest Before FISIM, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIOI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIOI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Interest, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIOW_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Withdrawals from Income of Quasi-Corporations, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Other Investment, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIPED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Dividends on Equity Excluding Investment Fund Shares, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPEID_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Dividends, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPEIR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Reinvested Earnings, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPEI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Income Attributable to Investment Fund Shareholders, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPE_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPE_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Investment Income on Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIPI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIPI_L_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Long Term, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPI_L_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Long Term, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIPI_S_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Short Term, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIPI_S_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Interest, Short Term, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPIP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Portfolio Investment, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPIR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Reserve Assets, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPI_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BXIPI_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment income, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BXIPI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIPI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Investment Income, Credit, National Currency
- [BXIPO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Other Primary Income, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIP_BP6_SPE_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [BXIP_BP6_SPE_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Credit, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [BXIP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Primary Income, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Primary Income, Credit, National Currency
- [BXISAD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Adjustment for Change in Pension Entitlements, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISGCTX_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Current Taxes on Income, Wealth, Etc. (Credit), US Dollars
- [BXISGIC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Current International Cooperation, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISGMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Miscellaneous Current Transfers of General Government, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISGSB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Social Benefits (Debit), US Dollars
- [BXISGSC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Social Contributions (Credit), US Dollars
- [BXISG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISG_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, General Government, Credit, National Currency
- [BXISOMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Miscellaneous Current Transfers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISONC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Nonlife Insurance Claims, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISONP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Net Nonlife Insurance Premiums, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISOOT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Current Transfers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISOOT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Current Transfers, Credit, National Currency
- [BXISOPTWR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Of which: Workers' Remittances, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISOPTWR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Of which: Workers' Remittances, Credit, National Currency
- [BXISOPT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISOPT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Personal Transfers (Current Transfers Between Resident and Nonresident Households), Credit, National Currency
- [BXISOSB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Social Benefits, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXISO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Credit, National Currency
- [BXISXF_BP6_USD] Supplementary Items, Secondary Income, Credit (Excluding Exceptional Financing), US Dollars
- [BXIS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Secondary Income, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXIS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Secondary Income, Credit, National Currency
- [BXKTGOTX_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, General Government, Other Capital Transfers, Of which: Capital Taxes (Credit), US Dollars
- [BXKTOD_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debt Forgiveness, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXKTOD_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Debt Forgiveness, Credit, National Currency
- [BXKTOO_BP6_USD] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Capital Transfers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXKTOO_BP6_XDC] Capital Account, Capital Transfers, Financial Corporations, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Other Capital Transfers, Credit, National Currency
- [BXMGT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Net Exports of Goods Under Merchanting, Goods Sold Under Merchanting (Credit), US Dollars
- [BXSMA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others, Goods for Processing Abroad, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSMR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others, Goods for Processing in Reporting Economy, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOCNAR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Construction in Reporting Economy, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOCNA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Construction Abroad, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOCN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOCN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Construction, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOFIEX_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Explicitly Charged and Other Financial Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOFIEX_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Explicitly Charged and Other Financial Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOFIFISM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM), Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOFI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOFI_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Financial Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOGGSTS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Tourism-related Services in Travel and Passenger Transport, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOGGS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOGGS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Government Goods and Services nie, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOINAI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Auxiliary Insurance Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOIND_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Direct Insurance, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOIND_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Direct Insurance, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOINPG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Pension and Standardized Guaranteed Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOINRI_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Reinsurance, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOIN_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOIN_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Insurance and Pension Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOOBPM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Professional and Management Consulting Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOOBRD_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Research and Development Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOOBTT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Technical, Trade-related, and Other Business Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOOBTT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Technical, Trade-related, and Other Business Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOOB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOOB_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Business Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOPCRAU_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Audiovisual and Related Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOPCRAU_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Audiovisual and Related Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOPCRO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Other Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOPCRO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Other Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOPCR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOPCR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Personal, Cultural, and Recreational Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSORL_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property nie, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSORL_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property nie, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSOTCMC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Computer Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOTCMM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Information Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOTCMT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Telecommunications Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOTCM_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSOTCM_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Other Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Maintenance and Repair Services nie, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRAFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Freight, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRAFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Freight, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRAO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Other, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRAO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Other, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRAPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRAPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRAPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Passenger, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Air Transport, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Freight, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Freight, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTROPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services: Transport Other (Including postal and courier), Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTROTFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Freight, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTROTFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Freight, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTROTO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Other, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTROTO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Other, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTROTPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTROTPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTROTPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Passenger, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTROT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTROT_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other Mode of Transport, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Other, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Debit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Passenger, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRPC_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Postal and Courier Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRSFR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Freight, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRSFR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Freight, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRSO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Other, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRSO_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Other, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRSPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Of which: Payable by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRSPA_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRSPA_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Passenger, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTRS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTRS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Sea Transport, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTR_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTR_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Transport, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTVBO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Other, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBPAS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Accommodation Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBPFS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Food-serving Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBPG_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Goods, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBPLS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Local Transport Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBPOSED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Of which: Education Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBPOSH_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Of which: Health Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBPOS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, for Both Business and Personal Travel, Other Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVBS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Acquisition of Goods and Services by Border, Seasonal, and Other S-T Workers, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVB_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVB_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Business, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTVPED_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Education Related, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVPH_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Health Related, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVPO_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Other, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVP_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTVP_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Personal, Credit, National Currency
- [BXSTV_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXSTV_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Travel, Credit, National Currency
- [BXS_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Credit, US Dollars
- [BXS_BP6_XDC] Current Account, Goods and Services, Services, Credit, National Currency
- [BXXGT_BP6_USD] Current Account, Goods and Services, Goods, Net Exports of Goods Under Merchanting, Goods Acquired Under Merchanting (negative Credit), US Dollars
- [IADD_BP6_SPE_USD] Assets, Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [IADD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Assets, Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [IADD_BP6_USD] Assets, Direct Investment, Debt Instruments, US Dollars
- [IADD_BP6_XDC] Assets, Direct Investment, Debt Instruments, National Currency
- [IADE_BP6_SPE_USD] Assets, Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [IADE_BP6_SPE_XDC] Assets, Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [IADE_BP6_USD] Assets, Direct Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [IADE_BP6_XDC] Assets, Direct Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [IADFCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IADFDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IADFG_BP6_USD] Assets, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, General Government, US Dollars
- [IADFOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IADFONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IADFO_BP6_USD] Assets, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IADF_BP6_USD] Assets, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, US Dollars
- [IAD_BP6_SPE_USD] Assets, Direct investment, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [IAD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Assets, Direct investment, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [IAD_BP6_USD] Assets, Direct Investment, US Dollars
- [IAD_BP6_XDC] Assets, Direct Investment, National Currency
- [IAFR_BP6_USD] Assets (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [IAOCDCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOCDCB_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDCB_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOCDDC_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [IAOCDDC_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDDC_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDG_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, General Government, US Dollars
- [IAOCDG_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, General Government, National Currency
- [IAOCDG_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDG_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAOCDOF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDOF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IAOCDONF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDONF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDO_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAOCDO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [IAOCDO_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCDO_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOCD_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, US Dollars
- [IAOCD_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, National Currency
- [IAODCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment: Debt Instruments, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAODDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment: Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAODG_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment: Debt Instruments, General Government, US Dollars
- [IAODOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment: Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Of which: Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAODO_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment: Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAOD_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment: Debt Instruments, US Dollars
- [IAOE_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Equity, US Dollars
- [IAOLNCBIMF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), US Dollars
- [IAOLNCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOLNCB_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNCB_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOLNDC_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, National Currency
- [IAOLNDC_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNDC_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAOLNDC_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNDC_S_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [IAOLNGIMF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), US Dollars
- [IAOLNG_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, General Government (Where Relevant), US Dollars
- [IAOLNG_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, General Government (Where Relevant), National Currency
- [IAOLNG_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNG_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Other Long-term, National Currency
- [IAOLNG_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAOLNOF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNOF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IAOLNONF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNONF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNO_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAOLNO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [IAOLNO_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNO_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAOLNO_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOLNO_S_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [IAOLN_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, US Dollars
- [IAOLN_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, National Currency
- [IAOPCCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOPCDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOPCG_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, General Government, US Dollars
- [IAOPCOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAOPCONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IAOPCO_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAOPC_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, US Dollars
- [IAORCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAORCB_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAORCB_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAORDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAORDC_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [IAORDC_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAORDC_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAORDC_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAORG_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, General Government, US Dollars
- [IAORG_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, General Government, National Currency
- [IAORG_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAORG_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, General Government, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAORG_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOROF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAOROF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOROF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAORONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IAORONF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAORONF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAORO_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAORO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [IAORO_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAORO_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAORO_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAORO_S_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [IAOR_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, US Dollars
- [IAOR_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Other Accounts Receivable, National Currency
- [IAOTCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOTCB_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTCB_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAOTDC_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTDC_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTG_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, US Dollars
- [IAOTG_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, National Currency
- [IAOTG_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTG_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAOTG_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAOTOF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTOF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IAOTONF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTONF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTO_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAOTO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [IAOTO_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTO_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAOTO_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAOTO_S_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [IAOT_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, US Dollars
- [IAOT_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, National Currency
- [IAO_BP6_USD] Assets, Other Investment, US Dollars
- [IAO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Other Investment, National Currency
- [IAPDCB_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAPDCB_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDCB_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAPDDC_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [IAPDDC_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDDC_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAPDDC_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDDC_S_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [IAPDG_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, US Dollars
- [IAPDG_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDG_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAPDOF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDOF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IAPDONF_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDONF_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDO_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAPDO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [IAPDO_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDO_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAPDO_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAPDO_S_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [IAPD_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, US Dollars
- [IAPD_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, National Currency
- [IAPECB_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAPEDC_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [IAPEDC_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [IAPEEO_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Securities Other Than Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [IAPEG_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, General Government, US Dollars
- [IAPEISMS_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, Of which: Money Market Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [IAPEIS_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [IAPEOF_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [IAPEONF_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [IAPEO_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [IAPEO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [IAPE_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [IAPE_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [IAP_BP6_USD] Assets, Portfolio Investment, US Dollars
- [IAP_BP6_XDC] Assets, Portfolio Investment, National Currency
- [IARFR_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Net (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [IARIMFFR_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Reserve Position in the Fund (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [IARIMF_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Reserve Position in the IMF, US Dollars
- [IARIMF_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Reserve Position in the IMF, National Currency
- [IARMG_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Monetary Gold, US Dollars
- [IARMG_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Monetary Gold, National Currency
- [IAROCDMA_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Monetary Authorities, US Dollars
- [IAROCDMA_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Monetary Authorities, National Currency
- [IAROCDO_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Other Entities, US Dollars
- [IAROCDO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, Claims on Other Entities, National Currency
- [IAROCD_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, US Dollars
- [IAROCD_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Currency and Deposits, National Currency
- [IAROFD_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Financial Derivatives, US Dollars
- [IAROO_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Other Claims, US Dollars
- [IAROSD_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, US Dollars
- [IAROSD_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, National Currency
- [IAROSD_L_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Long-term, US Dollars
- [IAROSD_L_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Long-term, National Currency
- [IAROSD_S_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Short-term, US Dollars
- [IAROSD_S_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Debt Securities, Short-term, National Currency
- [IAROSE_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [IAROS_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, US Dollars
- [IAROS_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, Securities, National Currency
- [IARO_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [IARO_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets, National Currency
- [IARSDRFR_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Special Drawing Rights (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [IARSDR_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, Special Drawing Rights, US Dollars
- [IARSDR_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, Special Drawing Rights, National Currency
- [IAR_BP6_USD] Assets, Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [IAR_BP6_XDC] Assets, Reserve Assets, National Currency
- [IA_BP6_SPE_USD] Assets, Total, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [IA_BP6_SPE_XDC] Assets, Total, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [IA_BP6_USD] Assets, Total, US Dollars
- [IA_BP6_XDC] Assets, Total, National Currency
- [IDD_BP6_SPE_USD] Net, Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [IDD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Net, Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [IDE_BP6_SPE_USD] Net, Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [IDE_BP6_SPE_XDC] Net, Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [ID_BP6_SPE_USD] Net, Direct Investment, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [ID_BP6_SPE_XDC] Net, Direct Investment, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [IFR_BP6_USD] Net International Investment Position (With Fund Record), US Dollars
- [ILDD_BP6_SPE_USD] Liabilities, Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [ILDD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Liabilities, Direct investment, Debt instruments, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [ILDD_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Direct Investment, Debt Instruments, US Dollars
- [ILDD_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Direct Investment, Debt Instruments, National Currency
- [ILDE_BP6_SPE_USD] Liabilities, Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [ILDE_BP6_SPE_XDC] Liabilities, Direct investment, Equity and investment fund shares, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [ILDE_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Direct Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [ILDE_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Direct Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [ILD_BP6_SPE_USD] Liabilities, Direct investment, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [ILD_BP6_SPE_XDC] Liabilities, Direct investment, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [ILD_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Direct Investment, US Dollars
- [ILD_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Direct Investment, National Currency
- [ILFCB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILFDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILFG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILFOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILFONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILFO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, US Dollars
- [ILF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Financial Derivatives (Other Than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options, US Dollars
- [ILOCDCB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOCDCB_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDCB_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOCDDC_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [ILOCDDC_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDDC_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILOCDG_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDG_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILOCDOF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDOF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILOCDONF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDONF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILOCDO_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCDO_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOCD_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, US Dollars
- [ILOCD_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Currency and Deposits, National Currency
- [ILODFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Debt Instruments (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [ILOE_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Equity, US Dollars
- [ILOFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Liabilities (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [ILOLNCBFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Fund Record, US Dollars
- [ILOLNCBIMFFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with The IMF (Other Than Reserves) Fund Record, US Dollars
- [ILOLNCBIMF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), US Dollars
- [ILOLNCBIMF_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Credit and Loans with the IMF (Other Than Reserves), National Currency
- [ILOLNCB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOLNCB_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, National Currency
- [ILOLNCB_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNCB_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Central Bank, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOLNDC_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNDC_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Fund Record, US Dollars
- [ILOLNGFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Fund Record, US Dollars
- [ILOLNG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILOLNG_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, General Government (Where Relevant), National Currency
- [ILOLNG_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Other Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNG_L_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Other Long-term, National Currency
- [ILOLNG_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Other Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNG_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, General Government, Other Short-term, National Currency
- [ILOLNOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILOLNOF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNOF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILOLNONF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNONF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILOLNO_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [ILOLNO_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNO_L_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [ILOLNO_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOLNO_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILOLN_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, US Dollars
- [ILOLN_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, National Currency
- [ILOOCBFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment: Other Equity: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Central Bank (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [ILOODC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment: Other Equity: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOOFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment: Other Equity: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [ILOOGFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment: Other Equity: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, General Government (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [ILOOOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment: Other Equity: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, Of which: Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILOOO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment: Other Equity: Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Other Debt Instruments, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILOPCB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOPCB_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Central Bank, National Currency
- [ILOPCB_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPCB_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPCB_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILOPCCB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOPCDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except the Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOPCG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILOPCOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILOPCONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILOPCO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILOPC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Loans, Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes, US Dollars
- [ILOPDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOPDC_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPDC_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILOPG_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, General Government, National Currency
- [ILOPG_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPG_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPG_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, General Government, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILOPOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILOPOF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPOF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILOPONF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPONF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILOPO_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [ILOPO_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPO_L_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [ILOPO_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOPO_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILOP_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, US Dollars
- [ILOP_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Other Accounts Payable - Other, National Currency
- [ILOSDRFR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Net Incurrence of Liabilities, Special Drawing Rights (allocations) (with Fund Record), US Dollars
- [ILOSDR_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Special Drawing Rights (Net Incurrence of Liabilities), US Dollars
- [ILOTCB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOTCB_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTCB_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILOTDC_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTDC_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILOTG_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTG_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILOTOF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTOF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILOTONF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTONF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILOTO_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [ILOTO_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTO_L_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [ILOTO_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILOTO_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILOT_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, US Dollars
- [ILOT_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, Trade Credit and Advances, National Currency
- [ILO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Other Investment, US Dollars
- [ILO_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Other Investment, National Currency
- [ILPDCB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILPDCB_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDCB_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILPDDC_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [ILPDDC_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDDC_L_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Long-term, National Currency
- [ILPDDC_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDDC_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILPDG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILPDG_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, National Currency
- [ILPDG_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDG_L_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, Long-term, National Currency
- [ILPDG_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDG_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, General Government, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILPDOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILPDOF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDOF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILPDONF_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDONF_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILPDO_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [ILPDO_L_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDO_L_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Long-term, National Currency
- [ILPDO_S_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, US Dollars
- [ILPDO_S_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, Other Sectors, Short-term, National Currency
- [ILPD_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, US Dollars
- [ILPD_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Debt Securities, National Currency
- [ILPECB_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILPEDC_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, US Dollars
- [ILPEDC_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Deposit-taking Corporations, Except Central Bank, National Currency
- [ILPEEO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Equity Securities Other Than Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [ILPEG_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, General Government, US Dollars
- [ILPEISMS_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, Of which: Money Market Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [ILPEIS_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Investment Fund Shares or Units, US Dollars
- [ILPEOF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Other Financial Corporations, US Dollars
- [ILPEONF_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, Nonfinancial Corporations, Households, and NPISHs, US Dollars
- [ILPEO_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, US Dollars
- [ILPEO_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, Other Sectors, National Currency
- [ILPE_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, US Dollars
- [ILPE_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, Equity and Investment Fund Shares, National Currency
- [ILP_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, US Dollars
- [ILP_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Portfolio Investment, National Currency
- [IL_BP6_SPE_USD] Liabilities, Total, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [IL_BP6_SPE_XDC] Liabilities, Total, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [IL_BP6_USD] Liabilities, Total, US Dollars
- [IL_BP6_XDC] Liabilities, Total, National Currency
- [I_BP6_SPE_USD] Net, Total, Special Purpose Entities, US Dollar
- [I_BP6_SPE_XDC] Net, Total, Special Purpose Entities, Domestic Currency
- [I_BP6_USD] Total, US Dollars
- [I_BP6_XDC] Total, National Currency
Temporal Coverage: Data available starting in 1945 for many IMF members. Varies by economy.
Geographic Coverage: Balance of payments data are available for over 190 economies and international investment position data are available for over 160 economies.
Methodology: Sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International investment Postion Manual
Sectoral Coverage: Total economy; residents vs. non-residents
Code: BOP
Number of time series: 545362
Number of observations: 21759400
Series matching your search: 1 / 545,362.
- from
- 1970=1,970.398
- to
- 2023=-74,863.145
- min:
- -153,585.312
- max:
- 14,126.908
- avg:
- -39,938.137
- σ:
- 45,634.563
Series code | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.GB.BCA_BP6_USD] | 1970.39842643982 | 2716.89425407974 | 533.353862867351 | -2411.62948730157 | -7448.45341384724 | -3465.0699482282 | -1380.23841949781 | 145.041980632989 | 2163.48662948547 | -782.63674368548 | 6861.99245499429 | 14126.907663537 | 7984.70862495621 | 5291.69220822877 | 1833.42399803177 | 3314.27103914456 | -1323.75395688237 | -12589.5923924576 | -35326.1562282508 | -43108.5444864911 | -38810.9223169436 | -19021.8529193948 | -23204.2091311637 | -17721.1039469125 | -10025.8347716336 | -13436.3635570545 | -10328.6123156232 | -1402.65203084077 | -5272.99868333101 | -35700.7144247011 | -30142.6526917392 | -29139.7968500519 | -35233.2250387275 | -37556.5768253384 | -55504.7435345096 | -50393.9199281493 | -84562.4879568306 | -115382.011654824 | -113853.924732581 | -73330.8691214225 | -68893.6275236129 | -43445.8763890059 | -85197.2340674815 | -129528.931532334 | -153585.312219422 | -144834.307320881 | -147868.520452342 | -93747.5235369687 | -112615.83909692 | -76564.5276878271 | -79781.478065787 | -13851.7206210878 | -70961.9936793242 | -74863.1452399435 |