[FAS] Financial Access Survey (FAS)
Updated by provider on March 21, 2025 (12:00 AM).
Contains 180 time series and 65 indicators that are expressed as ratios to GDP, land area, or adult population to facilitate cross-economy comparisons. Provision of FAS data is voluntary.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[REF_AREA] Reference Area
- [AD] Andorra
- [AE] United Arab Emirates
- [AF] Afghanistan
- [AG] Antigua and Barbuda
- [AI] Anguilla
- [AL] Albania
- [AM] Armenia
- [AO] Angola
- [AR] Argentina
- [AT] Austria
- [AU] Australia
- [AW] Aruba
- [AZ] Azerbaijan
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BB] Barbados
- [BD] Bangladesh
- [BE] Belgium
- [BF] Burkina Faso
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BH] Bahrain
- [BI] Burundi
- [BJ] Benin
- [BN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BO] Bolivia
- [BR] Brazil
- [BS] Bahamas
- [BT] Bhutan
- [BW] Botswana
- [BY] Belarus
- [BZ] Belize
- [CA] Canada
- [CD] Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
- [CF] Central African Republic
- [CG] Congo
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CI] Cote d`Ivoire
- [CL] Chile
- [CM] Cameroon
- [CN] China
- [CO] Colombia
- [CR] Costa Rica
- [CV] Cabo Verde
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DJ] Djibouti
- [DK] Denmark
- [DM] Dominica
- [DO] Dominican Republic
- [DZ] Algeria
- [EC] Ecuador
- [EE] Estonia
- [EG] Egypt
- [ES] Spain
- [ET] Ethiopia
- [FI] Finland
- [FJ] Fiji
- [FM] Micronesia, Federated States of
- [FR] France
- [GA] Gabon
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GD] Grenada
- [GE] Georgia
- [GH] Ghana
- [GM] Gambia
- [GN] Guinea
- [GQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [GR] Greece
- [GT] Guatemala
- [GW] Guinea-Bissau
- [GY] Guyana
- [HK] Hong Kong, China
- [HN] Honduras
- [HR] Croatia
- [HT] Haiti
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IL] Israel
- [IN] India
- [IQ] Iraq
- [IR] Iran, Islamic Republic of
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [JM] Jamaica
- [JO] Jordan
- [JP] Japan
- [KE] Kenya
- [KG] Kyrgyzstan
- [KH] Cambodia
- [KI] Kiribati
- [KM] Comoros
- [KN] Saint Kitts and Nevis
- [KR] Korea, Republic of
- [KW] Kuwait
- [KZ] Kazakhstan
- [LA] Lao People`s Democratic Republic
- [LB] Lebanon
- [LC] Saint Lucia
- [LK] Sri Lanka
- [LR] Liberia
- [LS] Lesotho
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [LY] Libya
- [MA] Morocco
- [MD] Moldova, Republic of
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MG] Madagascar
- [MH] Marshall islands
- [MK] North Macedonia, Republic of
- [ML] Mali
- [MM] Myanmar
- [MN] Mongolia
- [MO] Macao
- [MR] Mauritania
- [MS] Montserrat
- [MT] Malta
- [MU] Mauritius
- [MV] Maldives
- [MW] Malawi
- [MX] Mexico
- [MY] Malaysia
- [MZ] Mozambique
- [NA] Namibia
- [NE] Niger
- [NG] Nigeria
- [NI] Nicaragua
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [NP] Nepal
- [NR] Nauru
- [NZ] New Zealand
- [OM] Oman
- [PA] Panama
- [PE] Peru
- [PG] Papua New Guinea
- [PH] Philippines
- [PK] Pakistan
- [PL] Poland
- [PS] Palestine, State of
- [PT] Portugal
- [PW] Palau
- [PY] Paraguay
- [QA] Qatar
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [RW] Rwanda
- [SA] Saudi Arabia
- [SB] Solomon Islands
- [SC] Seychelles
- [SD] Sudan
- [SE] Sweden
- [SG] Singapore
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [SL] Sierra Leone
- [SM] San Marino
- [SN] Senegal
- [SR] Suriname
- [SS] South Sudan
- [ST] Sao Tome and Principe
- [SV] El Salvador
- [SY] Syrian Arab Republic
- [SZ] Eswatini
- [TD] Chad
- [TG] Togo
- [TH] Thailand
- [TJ] Tajikistan
- [TL] Timor-Leste
- [TN] Tunisia
- [TO] Tonga
- [TR] Türkiye
- [TT] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TZ] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [UA] Ukraine
- [UG] Uganda
- [US] United States
- [UY] Uruguay
- [UZ] Uzbekistan
- [VC] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- [VE] Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic
- [VN] Viet Nam
- [VU] Vanuatu
- [WS] Samoa
- [XK] Kosovo, Republic of
- [YE] Yemen
- [ZA] South Africa
- [ZM] Zambia
- [ZW] Zimbabwe
[INDICATOR] Indicator
- [FCAA_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults
- [FCAC_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Country wide, Number of
- [FCAK_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of ATMs per 1,000 km2
- [FCAODCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of deposit accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCAODCHA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of household sector deposit accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCAODCHFFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of women-owned deposit accounts of the household sector with commercial banks per 1,000 female adults
- [FCAODCHF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: household sector deposit accounts, of which: women-owned deposit accounts
- [FCAODCHMMA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of men-owned deposit accounts of the household sector with commercial banks per 1,000 male adults
- [FCAODCHM_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: household sector deposit accounts, of which: men-owned deposit accounts
- [FCAODCH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: household sector deposit accounts
- [FCAODCSP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of small and medium enterprise (SME) deposit accounts with commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation deposit accounts with commercial banks), Percent
- [FCAODCS_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: SME deposit accounts
- [FCAODC_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Commercial banks
- [FCAODMFHF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector deposit accounts, of which: women-owned deposit accounts
- [FCAODMFHM_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector deposit accounts, of which: men-owned deposit accounts
- [FCAODMFH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector deposit accounts
- [FCAODMF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions
- [FCAODUA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of deposit accounts with credit unions and credit cooperatives per 1,000 adults
- [FCAODUH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: household sector deposit accounts
- [FCAODUS_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: SME deposit accounts
- [FCAODU_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Deposit Accounts, Credit unions and credit cooperatives
- [FCAOFILN_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Policies, Insurance Corporations, of which: non-life insurance
- [FCAOFILPA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of life insurance policies per 1,000 adults
- [FCAOFILP_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Policies, Insurance Corporations, of which: life insurance
- [FCAOFINLPA_NUM] Use of Financial Services: Key indicators, Number of non-life insurance policies, Number of
- [FCAOFI_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Policies, Insurance Corporations
- [FCBAMFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of all microfinance institution branches per 100,000 adults
- [FCBAMFK_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of all microfinance institution branches per 1,000 km2
- [FCBODCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults
- [FCBODCK_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of commercial bank branches per 1,000 km2
- [FCBODC_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, Other Depository Corporations, Commercial banks, Number of
- [FCBODDA_NUM] Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators, Number of other deposit takers branches per 100,000 adults, Number
- [FCBODDK_NUM] Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators, Number of other deposit takers branches per 1000 km2, Number
- [FCBODD_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, Other Depository Corporations, Other deposit takers, Number of
- [FCBODMF_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, Other Depository Corporations, Deposit taking microfinance institutions (MFIs), Number of
- [FCBODUA_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of credit union and credit cooperative branches per 100,000 adults
- [FCBODUK_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of credit union and credit cooperative branches per 1,000 km2
- [FCBODU_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, Other Depository Corporations, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, Number of
- [FCBOFNMF_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions
- [FCCCCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of credit cards per 1,000 adults
- [FCCCC_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Cards, Credit cards
- [FCCDCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of debit cards per 1,000 adults
- [FCCDC_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Cards, Debit cards
- [FCDODCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of depositors with commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCDODCHA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of household sector depositors with commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCDODCHFFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of female depositors of the household sector with commercial banks per 1,000 female adults
- [FCDODCHF_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Commercial banks, of which: household sector depositors, of which: female depositors
- [FCDODCHMMA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of male depositors of the household sector with commercial banks per 1,000 male adults
- [FCDODCHM_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Commercial banks, of which: household sector depositors, of which: male depositors
- [FCDODCH_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Commercial banks, of which: household sector depositors
- [FCDODCSP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of small and medium enterprise (SME) depositors with commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation depositors with commercial banks), Percent
- [FCDODCS_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Commercial banks, of which: SME depositors
- [FCDODC_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Commercial banks
- [FCDODMFHF_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector depositors, of which: female depositors
- [FCDODMFHM_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector depositors, of which: male depositors
- [FCDODMFH_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector depositors
- [FCDODMF_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions
- [FCDODUA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of depositors with credit unions and credit cooperatives per 1,000 adults
- [FCDODUH_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: household sector depositors
- [FCDODUS_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: SME depositors
- [FCDODU_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Depositors, Credit unions and credit cooperatives
- [FCDOFILP_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Policy Holders, Insurance corporations, of which: life insurance
- [FCDOFINP_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Policy Holders, Insurance corporations, of which: non-life insurance
- [FCDOFI_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Policy Holders, Insurance corporations
- [FCIODC_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Institutions, Other Depository Corporations, Commercial banks, Number of
- [FCIODD_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Institutions, Other deposit takers
- [FCIODMF_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Institutions, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions
- [FCIODU_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Institutions, Credit unions and credit cooperatives
- [FCIOFIA_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of insurance corporations per 100, 000 adults
- [FCIOFI_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Institutions, Insurance corporations
- [FCIOFMFN_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Institutions, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions
- [FCLODCG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding deposits with commercial banks (% of GDP)
- [FCLODCHF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Commercial banks, of which: household sector deposits, of which: women-owned deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODCHG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding deposits of household sector with commercial banks (% of GDP)
- [FCLODCHM_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Commercial banks, of which: household sector deposits, of which: men-owned deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODCH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Commercial banks, of which: household sector deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODCSG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding small and medium enterprise (SME) deposits with commercial banks (% of GDP)
- [FCLODCS_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Commercial banks, of which: SME deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODC_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Commercial banks, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODDG_GDP_PT] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Other Depository Corporations, Other deposit takers, Percent of GDP, Percent
- [FCLODDH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Other deposit takers, of which: household sector deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODD_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Other deposit takers, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODMFHF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector deposits, of which: women-owned deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODMFHM_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector deposits, of which: men-owned deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODMFH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODMF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODUG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding deposits with credit unions and credit cooperatives (% of GDP)
- [FCLODUH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: household sector deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODUS_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: SME deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FCLODU_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, Domestic Currency
- [FCLOFILP_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Insurance corporations, of which: Life insurance and annuities entitlements, Domestic Currency
- [FCLOFINP_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Insurance corporations, of which: Non-life insurance, Domestic Currency
- [FCLOFI_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Liabilities: Outstanding Deposits, Insurance corporations, Domestic Currency
- [FCMAAA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of active mobile money accounts per 1,000 adults
- [FCMAABG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding balances on active mobile money accounts (% of GDP)
- [FCMAAB_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Mobile Money, Outstanding balances on active mobile money accounts, Domestic Currency
- [FCMAA_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Mobile Money, Number of active mobile money accounts
- [FCMARA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of registered mobile money accounts per 1,000 adults
- [FCMAR_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Mobile Money, Number of registered mobile money accounts
- [FCMIBTA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of mobile and internet banking transactions (during the reference year) per 1,000 adults,
- [FCMIBTVG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Value of mobile and internet banking transactions (during the reference year) (% of GDP)
- [FCMIBTV_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Mobile and internet banking (for commercial banks only), Value of mobile and internet banking transactions (during the reference year), domestic currency
- [FCMIBT_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Mobile and internet banking (for commercial banks only), Number of mobile and internet banking transactions (during the reference year)
- [FCMOAA_NUM] Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators, Mobile Banking, Agent Outlets per 100,000 adults, Active, Number
- [FCMOAK_NUM] Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators, Mobile Banking, Agent Outlets per 1000 km2, Active, Number
- [FCMOA_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Mobile Money, Number of active mobile money agent outlets
- [FCMORA_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of registered mobile money agent outlets per 100,000 adults
- [FCMORK_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of registered mobile money agent outlets per 1,000 km2
- [FCMOR_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Mobile Money, Number of registered mobile money agent outlets
- [FCMTAA_NUM] Use of Financial Services: Key Indicators, Average number of transaction per active mobile money account, Number
- [FCMTA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of mobile money transactions (during the reference year) per 1,000 adults
- [FCMTVG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Value of mobile money transactions during the reference year (% of GDP)
- [FCMTV_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Mobile Money, Value of mobile money transactions (during the reference year), Domestic Currency
- [FCMT_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Mobile Money, Number of mobile money transactions (during the reference year)
- [FCNAMFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of loan accounts with all microfinance institutions per 1,000 adults
- [FCNAMFHFFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of women-owned loan accounts of the household sector with all microfinance institutions per 1,000 female adults
- [FCNAMFHMMA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of men-owned loan accounts of the household sector with all microfinance institutions per 1,000 male adults
- [FCNODCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of loan accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCNODCHA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of household sector loan accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCNODCHFFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of women-owned loan accounts of the household sector with commercial banks per 1,000 female adults
- [FCNODCHF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: household sector loan accounts, of which: women-owned loan accounts
- [FCNODCHMMA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of men-owned loan accounts of the household sector with commercial banks per 1,000 male adults
- [FCNODCHM_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: household sector loan accounts, of which: men-owned loan accounts
- [FCNODCH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: household sector loan accounts
- [FCNODCSP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of small and medium enterprise (SME) loan accounts with commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation loan accounts with commercial banks), Percent
- [FCNODCS_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Commercial banks, of which: SME loan accounts
- [FCNODC_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Commercial banks
- [FCNODMFHF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loan accounts, of which: women-owned loan accounts
- [FCNODMFHM_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loan accounts, of which: men-owned loan accounts
- [FCNODMFH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loan accounts
- [FCNODMF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions
- [FCNODUA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of loan accounts with credit unions and credit cooperatives per 1,000 adults
- [FCNODUH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: household sector loan accounts
- [FCNODUS_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: SME loan accounts
- [FCNODU_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Credit unions and credit cooperatives
- [FCNOFNMFHF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loan accounts, of which: women-owned loan accounts
- [FCNOFNMFHM_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loan accounts, of which: men-owned loan accounts
- [FCNOFNMFH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loan accounts
- [FCNOFNMF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Loan Accounts, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions
- [FCRAMFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of borrowers from all microfinance institutions per 1,000 adults
- [FCRAMFHFFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of female borrowers of the household sector from all microfinance institutions per 1,000 female adults
- [FCRAMFHMMA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of male borrowers of the household sector from all microfinance institutions per 1,000 male adults
- [FCRODCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of borrowers from commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCRODCHA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of household sector borrowers from commercial banks per 1,000 adults
- [FCRODCHFFA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of female borrowers of the household sector from commercial banks per 1,000 female adult
- [FCRODCHF_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Commercial banks, of which: household sector borrowers, of which: female borrowers
- [FCRODCHMMA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of male borrowers of the household sector from commercial banks per 1,000 male adults
- [FCRODCHM_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Commercial banks, of which: household sector borrowers, of which: male borrowers
- [FCRODCH_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Commercial banks, of which: household sector borrowers
- [FCRODCSP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of small and medium enterprise (SME) borrowers from commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation borrowers from commercial banks)
- [FCRODCS_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Commercial banks, of which: SME borrowers
- [FCRODC_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Commercial banks
- [FCRODMFHF_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector borrowers, of which: female borrowers
- [FCRODMFHM_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector borrowers, of which: male borrowers
- [FCRODMFH_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector borrowers
- [FCRODMF_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions
- [FCRODUA_NUM] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Number of borrowers from credit unions and credit cooperatives per 1,000 adults
- [FCRODUH_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: household sector borrowers
- [FCRODUS_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: SME borrowers
- [FCRODU_PE_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Credit unions and credit cooperatives
- [FCROFNMFHF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector borrowers, of which: female borrowers
- [FCROFNMFHM_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector borrowers, of which: male borrowers
- [FCROFNMFH_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector borrowers
- [FCROFNMF_NUM] Use of Financial Services, Number of Borrowers, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions
- [FCROODCA_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of non-branch retail agent outlets of commercial banks per 100,000 adults
- [FCROODCK_NUM] Key Indicators, Geographical Outreach, Number of non-branch retail agent outlets of commercial banks per 1,000 km2
- [FCROODC_NUM] Geographical Outreach, Number of Non-branch Retail Agent Outlets, Excluding Headquarters, Commercial banks
- [FCSAMFG_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding loans from all microfinance institutions (% of GDP)
- [FCSODCG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding loans from commercial banks (% of GDP)
- [FCSODCHF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Commercial banks, of which: household sector loans, of which: loans to women, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODCHG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding loans from commercial banks to household sector (% of GDP)
- [FCSODCHM_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Commercial banks, of which: household sector loans, of which: loans to men, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODCH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Commercial banks, of which: household sector loans, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODCSG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding small and medium enterprise (SME) loans from commercial banks (% of GDP)
- [FCSODCS_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Commercial banks, of which: SME loans, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODC_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Commercial banks, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODDG_GDP_PT] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Other Depository Corporations, Other deposit takers, Percent of GDP, Percent
- [FCSODDH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Other Depository Corporations, Other deposit takers, of which: households, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODD_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Other deposit takers, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODMFHF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loans, of which: loans to women, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODMFHM_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loans, of which: loans to men, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODMFH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loans, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODMF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Deposit-taking microfinance institutions, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODUG_GDP_PT] Key Indicators, Use of Financial Services, Outstanding loans from credit unions and credit cooperatives (% of GDP)
- [FCSODUH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: household sector loans, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODUS_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, of which: SME loans, Domestic Currency
- [FCSODU_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Credit unions and credit cooperatives, Domestic Currency
- [FCSOFNMFHF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loans, of which: loans to women
- [FCSOFNMFHM_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loans, of which: loans to men
- [FCSOFNMFH_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, of which: household sector loans
- [FCSOFNMF_XDC] Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans, Non-deposit taking microfinance institutions
Temporal Coverage: Annual data and metadata starting from 2004 onwards.
Geographic Coverage: The FAS provides global supply-side data on access to and usage of financial services by households and firms for 189 reporting jurisdictions, covering 99 percent of the world’s adult population.
Methodology: The Financial Access Survey draws on the IMF’s Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG).
Sectoral Coverage: The 2012 FAS questionnaire was expanded to include time series for credit unions and financial cooperatives, deposit and non-deposit taking microfinance institutions, as well as breakdowns for households vs. small and medium enterprises and life vs. non-life insurance.
Code: FAS
Number of time series: 21819
Number of observations: 339942
This dataset has 21,819 series:
- from
- 2022=96.249
- to
- 2023=92.67
- min:
- 92.67
- max:
- 96.249
- avg:
- 94.46
- σ:
- 1.789
- from
- 2022=67
- to
- 2023=65
- min:
- 65
- max:
- 67
- avg:
- 66
- σ:
- 1
- from
- 2022=142.553
- to
- 2023=138.298
- min:
- 138.298
- max:
- 142.553
- avg:
- 140.426
- σ:
- 2.128
Series code | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.AD.FCAA_NUM] | 96.2491560241916 | 92.6704780370967 |
[A.AD.FCAC_NUM] | 67 | 65 |
[A.AD.FCAK_NUM] | 142.553191489362 | 138.297872340425 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 21,819