[FDI] Financial Development Index
Updated by provider on July 26, 2023 (12:00 AM).
The dataset contains nine indices that summarize how developed financial institutions and financial markets are in terms of their depth, access, and efficiency. These indices are aggregated into an overall index of financial development. With the coverage of over 180 countries on annual frequency from 1980 onwards, the database should offer a useful analytical tool for researchers and policy makers.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[REF_AREA] Reference Area
- [1C_ALLC] All Countries
- [1C_AM] Advanced Markets
- [1C_AP] Asia and Pacific
- [1C_EM] Emerging Markets
- [1C_LIDC] Low-Income and Developing Countries
- [1C_MECA] Middle East and Central Asia
- [A10] Western Hemisphere
- [AE] United Arab Emirates
- [AG] Antigua and Barbuda
- [AL] Albania
- [AM] Armenia
- [AO] Angola
- [AR] Argentina
- [AT] Austria
- [AU] Australia
- [AW] Aruba
- [AZ] Azerbaijan
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BB] Barbados
- [BD] Bangladesh
- [BE] Belgium
- [BF] Burkina Faso
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BH] Bahrain
- [BI] Burundi
- [BJ] Benin
- [BN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BO] Bolivia
- [BR] Brazil
- [BS] Bahamas
- [BT] Bhutan
- [BW] Botswana
- [BY] Belarus
- [BZ] Belize
- [CA] Canada
- [CD] Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
- [CF] Central African Republic
- [CG] Congo
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CI] Cote d`Ivoire
- [CL] Chile
- [CM] Cameroon
- [CN] China
- [CO] Colombia
- [CR] Costa Rica
- [CV] Cabo Verde
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DJ] Djibouti
- [DK] Denmark
- [DM] Dominica
- [DO] Dominican Republic
- [DZ] Algeria
- [E1] Europe
- [EC] Ecuador
- [EE] Estonia
- [EG] Egypt
- [ER] Eritrea
- [ES] Spain
- [ET] Ethiopia
- [F1] Africa
- [FI] Finland
- [FJ] Fiji
- [FM] Micronesia, Federated States of
- [FR] France
- [GA] Gabon
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GD] Grenada
- [GE] Georgia
- [GH] Ghana
- [GM] Gambia
- [GN] Guinea
- [GQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [GR] Greece
- [GT] Guatemala
- [GW] Guinea-Bissau
- [GY] Guyana
- [HK] Hong Kong, China
- [HN] Honduras
- [HR] Croatia
- [HT] Haiti
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IL] Israel
- [IN] India
- [IR] Iran, Islamic Republic of
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [JM] Jamaica
- [JO] Jordan
- [JP] Japan
- [KE] Kenya
- [KG] Kyrgyzstan
- [KH] Cambodia
- [KI] Kiribati
- [KM] Comoros
- [KN] Saint Kitts and Nevis
- [KR] Korea, Republic of
- [KW] Kuwait
- [KZ] Kazakhstan
- [LA] Lao People`s Democratic Republic
- [LB] Lebanon
- [LC] Saint Lucia
- [LK] Sri Lanka
- [LR] Liberia
- [LS] Lesotho
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [LY] Libya
- [MA] Morocco
- [MD] Moldova, Republic of
- [MG] Madagascar
- [MH] Marshall islands
- [MK] North Macedonia, Republic of
- [ML] Mali
- [MM] Myanmar
- [MN] Mongolia
- [MO] Macao
- [MR] Mauritania
- [MT] Malta
- [MU] Mauritius
- [MV] Maldives
- [MW] Malawi
- [MX] Mexico
- [MY] Malaysia
- [MZ] Mozambique
- [NA] Namibia
- [NE] Niger
- [NG] Nigeria
- [NI] Nicaragua
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [NP] Nepal
- [NZ] New Zealand
- [OM] Oman
- [PA] Panama
- [PE] Peru
- [PF] French Polynesia
- [PG] Papua New Guinea
- [PH] Philippines
- [PK] Pakistan
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [PY] Paraguay
- [QA] Qatar
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [RW] Rwanda
- [SA] Saudi Arabia
- [SB] Solomon Islands
- [SC] Seychelles
- [SD] Sudan
- [SE] Sweden
- [SG] Singapore
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [SL] Sierra Leone
- [SN] Senegal
- [SR] Suriname
- [SS] South Sudan
- [ST] Sao Tome and Principe
- [SV] El Salvador
- [SY] Syrian Arab Republic
- [SZ] Eswatini
- [TD] Chad
- [TG] Togo
- [TH] Thailand
- [TJ] Tajikistan
- [TL] Timor-Leste
- [TM] Turkmenistan
- [TN] Tunisia
- [TO] Tonga
- [TR] Turkey
- [TT] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TZ] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [UA] Ukraine
- [UG] Uganda
- [US] United States
- [UY] Uruguay
- [UZ] Uzbekistan
- [VC] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- [VE] Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic
- [VN] Viet Nam
- [VU] Vanuatu
- [WS] Samoa
- [YE] Yemen
- [ZA] South Africa
- [ZM] Zambia
[INDICATOR] Indicator
- [FD_FD_IX] Financial Development Index
- [FD_FIA_IX] Financial Institutions Access Index
- [FD_FID_IX] Financial Institutions Depth Index
- [FD_FIE_IX] Financial Institutions Efficiency Index
- [FD_FI_IX] Financial Institutions Index
- [FD_FMA_IX] Financial Markets Access Index
- [FD_FMD_IX] Financial Markets Depth Index
- [FD_FME_IX] Financial Markets Efficiency Index
- [FD_FM_IX] Financial Markets Index
Temporal Coverage: Annual data starting from 1980 onwards
Geographic Coverage: Over 180 advanced, emerging, and low-income developing countries
Methodology: The financial development index is constructed using a standard three-step approach on reducing multidimensional data into one summary index: (i) normalization of variables; (ii) aggregation of normalized variables into the sub-indices representing a particular functional dimension; and (iii) aggregation of the sub-indices into the final index (OECD Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators, 2008). For details, please refer to the IMF Working Paper 1605
Sectoral Coverage: A set of key indicators is chosen to capture the different aspects of the financial system characteristics.
Code: FDI
Number of time series: 1728
Number of observations: 72576
This dataset has 1,728 series:
- from
- 1980=0.142
- to
- 2021=0.325
- min:
- 0.142
- max:
- 0.326
- avg:
- 0.255
- σ:
- 0.061
- from
- 1980=0.141
- to
- 2021=0.35
- min:
- 0.141
- max:
- 0.37
- avg:
- 0.264
- σ:
- 0.077
- from
- 1980=0.117
- to
- 2021=0.28
- min:
- 0.117
- max:
- 0.284
- avg:
- 0.203
- σ:
- 0.047
- from
- 1980=0.384
- to
- 2021=0.582
- min:
- 0.384
- max:
- 0.582
- avg:
- 0.501
- σ:
- 0.055
- from
- 1980=0.215
- to
- 2021=0.43
- min:
- 0.215
- max:
- 0.43
- avg:
- 0.337
- σ:
- 0.068
- from
- 1980=0.072
- to
- 2021=0.228
- min:
- 0.072
- max:
- 0.233
- avg:
- 0.169
- σ:
- 0.053
- from
- 1980=0.043
- to
- 2021=0.218
- min:
- 0.043
- max:
- 0.231
- avg:
- 0.148
- σ:
- 0.065
- from
- 1980=0.078
- to
- 2021=0.164
- min:
- 0.078
- max:
- 0.255
- avg:
- 0.164
- σ:
- 0.044
- from
- 1980=0.064
- to
- 2021=0.207
- min:
- 0.064
- max:
- 0.227
- avg:
- 0.162
- σ:
- 0.053
- from
- 1980=0.258
- to
- 2021=0.62
- min:
- 0.258
- max:
- 0.677
- avg:
- 0.527
- σ:
- 0.132
Series code | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FD_IX] | 0.14227020740509 | 0.147327363491058 | 0.155341580510139 | 0.16007524728775 | 0.164579823613167 | 0.171731486916542 | 0.179265335202217 | 0.186891779303551 | 0.186689704656601 | 0.192321449518204 | 0.195078983902931 | 0.193724125623703 | 0.203418835997582 | 0.217073082923889 | 0.227599710226059 | 0.230616986751556 | 0.238708361983299 | 0.256665855646133 | 0.263015627861023 | 0.261790037155151 | 0.270146250724792 | 0.27021074295044 | 0.268096774816513 | 0.273163050413132 | 0.280468434095383 | 0.28811576962471 | 0.300201803445816 | 0.313275933265686 | 0.311496734619141 | 0.315674394369125 | 0.314341872930527 | 0.31136417388916 | 0.311528325080872 | 0.313660591840744 | 0.316453278064728 | 0.317757725715637 | 0.319572687149048 | 0.323537707328796 | 0.324355036020279 | 0.320217132568359 | 0.326466023921967 | 0.324776828289032 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FIA_IX] | 0.141000643372536 | 0.145488902926445 | 0.156564801931381 | 0.160925209522247 | 0.167320296168327 | 0.171117916703224 | 0.176883116364479 | 0.179136514663696 | 0.18462972342968 | 0.190709084272385 | 0.193466767668724 | 0.196002647280693 | 0.206262305378914 | 0.215552091598511 | 0.22439743578434 | 0.228175312280655 | 0.23156863451004 | 0.239881232380867 | 0.244350448250771 | 0.246086403727531 | 0.247464224696159 | 0.252522736787796 | 0.253151923418045 | 0.258272081613541 | 0.264996558427811 | 0.275304019451141 | 0.288814067840576 | 0.309967994689941 | 0.330670386552811 | 0.343390911817551 | 0.350003302097321 | 0.358057945966721 | 0.363919824361801 | 0.370079636573792 | 0.370128840208054 | 0.370068401098251 | 0.368717938661575 | 0.368407189846039 | 0.368598967790604 | 0.365036100149155 | 0.356498599052429 | 0.350463151931763 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FID_IX] | 0.116667315363884 | 0.122845910489559 | 0.131779596209526 | 0.134531319141388 | 0.136698678135872 | 0.139284372329712 | 0.14407704770565 | 0.147233724594116 | 0.152167305350304 | 0.159167304635048 | 0.159808307886124 | 0.160390630364418 | 0.171200498938561 | 0.178030416369438 | 0.180912211537361 | 0.184438928961754 | 0.186509281396866 | 0.194974169135094 | 0.198941513895988 | 0.200807929039001 | 0.205163240432739 | 0.206230223178863 | 0.210858404636383 | 0.216281041502953 | 0.218818485736847 | 0.226337715983391 | 0.232724666595459 | 0.239621356129646 | 0.230778604745865 | 0.244844302535057 | 0.244244635105133 | 0.238993987441063 | 0.24539589881897 | 0.250558167695999 | 0.253175795078278 | 0.257026731967926 | 0.258803278207779 | 0.260300278663635 | 0.260225266218185 | 0.267478108406067 | 0.283721655607224 | 0.279920220375061 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FIE_IX] | 0.384164899587631 | 0.394186943769455 | 0.412778943777084 | 0.412885129451752 | 0.416692167520523 | 0.422861665487289 | 0.426299601793289 | 0.426400780677795 | 0.432166546583176 | 0.444126904010773 | 0.454540520906448 | 0.454245656728745 | 0.471027255058289 | 0.485676348209381 | 0.493677884340286 | 0.505040287971497 | 0.51191771030426 | 0.513940811157227 | 0.513468742370605 | 0.504859387874603 | 0.50929319858551 | 0.51485013961792 | 0.514704585075378 | 0.519766867160797 | 0.530056953430176 | 0.54301506280899 | 0.557360053062439 | 0.555785775184631 | 0.544053077697754 | 0.533914744853973 | 0.53806060552597 | 0.541240334510803 | 0.542354822158813 | 0.544669926166534 | 0.546498537063599 | 0.54543524980545 | 0.556169986724854 | 0.556119799613953 | 0.571061313152313 | 0.563213884830475 | 0.56247889995575 | 0.582068204879761 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FI_IX] | 0.215180680155754 | 0.222506806254387 | 0.236179068684578 | 0.239279568195343 | 0.244000256061554 | 0.248424887657165 | 0.253917694091797 | 0.256287455558777 | 0.262353628873825 | 0.271244883537292 | 0.275522857904434 | 0.276786625385284 | 0.290435433387756 | 0.30135902762413 | 0.308577179908752 | 0.314805954694748 | 0.319023758172989 | 0.326827466487885 | 0.330347567796707 | 0.329579830169678 | 0.333265572786331 | 0.337405681610107 | 0.339651077985763 | 0.34557968378067 | 0.352354675531387 | 0.363558828830719 | 0.376021444797516 | 0.387690156698227 | 0.389569848775864 | 0.398419827222824 | 0.402121186256409 | 0.404157221317291 | 0.409764170646667 | 0.415284067392349 | 0.416938543319702 | 0.418301284313202 | 0.421394467353821 | 0.421898871660232 | 0.425985783338547 | 0.425490647554398 | 0.428691983222961 | 0.429736226797104 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FMA_IX] | 0.0715862438082695 | 0.0745125263929367 | 0.0795116648077965 | 0.0826887637376785 | 0.0924236923456192 | 0.105143457651138 | 0.111356243491173 | 0.113424532115459 | 0.112531661987305 | 0.109855607151985 | 0.108178734779358 | 0.108739398419857 | 0.115092225372791 | 0.131959512829781 | 0.142044827342033 | 0.140786066651344 | 0.152499198913574 | 0.175416469573975 | 0.180515259504318 | 0.191944107413292 | 0.196450158953667 | 0.198714256286621 | 0.198812335729599 | 0.204853147268295 | 0.209773257374763 | 0.212554275989532 | 0.221379220485687 | 0.219411239027977 | 0.207309022545814 | 0.215700164437294 | 0.210520923137665 | 0.201675221323967 | 0.209527552127838 | 0.211481869220734 | 0.207164868712425 | 0.202652767300606 | 0.204033493995667 | 0.233456403017044 | 0.231622904539108 | 0.232013314962387 | 0.225408762693405 | 0.227788493037224 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FMD_IX] | 0.0430007874965668 | 0.046448040753603 | 0.0469653308391571 | 0.0512920431792736 | 0.0542605929076672 | 0.061560433357954 | 0.0702876448631287 | 0.0785038620233536 | 0.0760960429906845 | 0.0812087506055832 | 0.0777929797768593 | 0.0783011168241501 | 0.0785335898399353 | 0.0955720543861389 | 0.10544378310442 | 0.11182051897049 | 0.121920168399811 | 0.139999136328697 | 0.155316948890686 | 0.165848031640053 | 0.17033463716507 | 0.16746886074543 | 0.166939735412598 | 0.175245583057404 | 0.184637144207954 | 0.19073411822319 | 0.208871066570282 | 0.230038732290268 | 0.196886375546455 | 0.220883190631867 | 0.217970550060272 | 0.201250076293945 | 0.205158963799477 | 0.207382515072823 | 0.20784866809845 | 0.216829285025597 | 0.220716089010239 | 0.223526149988174 | 0.209133297204971 | 0.214603751897812 | 0.231412097811699 | 0.217972531914711 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FME_IX] | 0.0781369134783745 | 0.0792449712753296 | 0.08006452023983 | 0.0912168622016907 | 0.0908838137984276 | 0.0996940284967422 | 0.112305879592895 | 0.140135079622269 | 0.123495824635029 | 0.12683367729187 | 0.136190891265869 | 0.122624464333057 | 0.132919609546661 | 0.145623669028282 | 0.166072681546211 | 0.158680215477943 | 0.171612501144409 | 0.213535249233246 | 0.218237191438675 | 0.188944756984711 | 0.219176471233368 | 0.20766319334507 | 0.187999203801155 | 0.184616878628731 | 0.192256674170494 | 0.194120734930039 | 0.198983237147331 | 0.219660252332687 | 0.254684507846832 | 0.215336799621582 | 0.204071924090385 | 0.208151459693909 | 0.178869530558586 | 0.170003458857536 | 0.185852661728859 | 0.18335796892643 | 0.178772076964378 | 0.168869972229004 | 0.180159479379654 | 0.149107128381729 | 0.164135843515396 | 0.164135843515396 |
[A.1C_ALLC.FD_FM_IX] | 0.0637796670198441 | 0.066369503736496 | 0.0684113353490829 | 0.0745925009250641 | 0.078704297542572 | 0.0883024781942368 | 0.0975819006562233 | 0.110165908932686 | 0.10370347648859 | 0.105854853987694 | 0.106983788311482 | 0.103063464164734 | 0.108423791825771 | 0.124273151159286 | 0.137695416808128 | 0.137382835149765 | 0.149030417203903 | 0.176437377929688 | 0.185367792844772 | 0.18373242020607 | 0.196431308984756 | 0.192417681217194 | 0.18602728843689 | 0.190032497048378 | 0.197581708431244 | 0.201372340321541 | 0.212607726454735 | 0.226574525237083 | 0.221206203103065 | 0.220547676086426 | 0.214233577251434 | 0.206358924508095 | 0.201073810458183 | 0.199734821915626 | 0.203556180000305 | 0.204751163721085 | 0.205216720700264 | 0.212486803531647 | 0.210002541542053 | 0.202384173870087 | 0.211435496807098 | 0.207079157233238 |
[A.1C_AM.FD_FD_IX] | 0.258048206567764 | 0.268579125404358 | 0.27836474776268 | 0.296875566244125 | 0.321761101484299 | 0.347867727279663 | 0.371244519948959 | 0.401264399290085 | 0.387127280235291 | 0.408021479845047 | 0.411195665597916 | 0.402593702077866 | 0.41369417309761 | 0.452443152666092 | 0.481660217046738 | 0.477479517459869 | 0.494361400604248 | 0.544058918952942 | 0.571768939495087 | 0.580086946487427 | 0.609919667243958 | 0.60874205827713 | 0.593300759792328 | 0.604816675186157 | 0.618164718151093 | 0.628311634063721 | 0.655150055885315 | 0.676898658275604 | 0.656257808208466 | 0.663200676441193 | 0.65959620475769 | 0.651213586330414 | 0.64073771238327 | 0.639921307563782 | 0.637554049491882 | 0.641632378101349 | 0.635392248630524 | 0.644865989685059 | 0.6372030377388 | 0.626065194606781 | 0.628236353397369 | 0.620369613170624 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,728