[FSIRE] Financial Soundness Indicators: Reporting entities
Updated by provider on March 25, 2025 (12:00 AM).
The Reporting entities dataset provides information on the structure, size, and coverage of the financial institutions that are used for compiling financial soundness indicators. It provides a better understanding of the structure of the reporting entities in terms of the type of institution, number of entities, size of assets, and type of control.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[REF_AREA] Reference Area
- [AE] United Arab Emirates
- [AL] Albania
- [AT] Austria
- [AZ] Azerbaijan
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BB] Barbados
- [BD] Bangladesh
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BI] Burundi
- [BN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BO] Bolivia
- [BT] Bhutan
- [BW] Botswana
- [CA] Canada
- [CF] Central African Republic
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CO] Colombia
- [CR] Costa Rica
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DJ] Djibouti
- [DK] Denmark
- [DO] Dominican Republic
- [DZ] Algeria
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FJ] Fiji
- [FM] Micronesia, Federated States of
- [FR] France
- [GA] Gabon
- [GE] Georgia
- [GH] Ghana
- [GM] Gambia
- [GN] Guinea
- [GQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [GR] Greece
- [GT] Guatemala
- [HN] Honduras
- [HR] Croatia
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IL] Israel
- [IN] India
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [JO] Jordan
- [JP] Japan
- [KE] Kenya
- [KG] Kyrgyzstan
- [KM] Comoros
- [KR] Korea, Republic of
- [KZ] Kazakhstan
- [LB] Lebanon
- [LK] Sri Lanka
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LV] Latvia
- [MD] Moldova, Republic of
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MO] Macao
- [MT] Malta
- [MU] Mauritius
- [MV] Maldives
- [MW] Malawi
- [MY] Malaysia
- [NA] Namibia
- [NP] Nepal
- [PA] Panama
- [PE] Peru
- [PG] Papua New Guinea
- [PH] Philippines
- [PK] Pakistan
- [PS] Palestine, State of
- [PT] Portugal
- [PY] Paraguay
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [RW] Rwanda
- [SE] Sweden
- [SK] Slovakia
- [SM] San Marino
- [SV] El Salvador
- [SZ] Eswatini
- [TD] Chad
- [TH] Thailand
- [TO] Tonga
- [TR] Türkiye
- [TT] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TZ] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [UA] Ukraine
- [UG] Uganda
- [US] United States
- [UY] Uruguay
- [UZ] Uzbekistan
- [VN] Viet Nam
- [XK] Kosovo, Republic of
- [ZA] South Africa
[INDICATOR] Indicator
- [DA_EUR] Total assets of domestically controlled reporting entities, Euros
- [DA_USD] Total assets of domestically controlled reporting entities, US Dollars
- [DA_XDC] Total assets of domestically controlled reporting entities, Domestic Currency
- [DBD_NUM] Number of domestic branches of domestically controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [DBF_NUM] Number of foreign branches of domestically controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [DE_NUM] Number of domestically controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [DSD_NUM] Number of domestic subsidiaries of domestically controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [DSF_NUM] Number of foreign subsidiaries of domestically controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [FA_EUR] Total assets foreign bank branches, Euros
- [FA_USD] Total assets foreign bank branches, US Dollars
- [FA_XDC] Total assets foreign bank branches, Domestic Currency
- [FB_NUM] Number of branches of foreign bank branches, Number of
- [FG_NUM] Number of reporting groups of foreign bank branches, Number of
- [IA_EUR] Total assets of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Euros
- [IA_USD] Total assets of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, US Dollars
- [IA_XDC] Total assets of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Domestic Currency
- [IBD_NUM] Number of domestic branches of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [IBF_NUM] Number of foreign branches of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [IE_NUM] Number of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [ISD_NUM] Number of domestic subsidiaries of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [ISF_NUM] Number of foreign subsidiaries of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [NDSD_NUM] Number of domestic non-deposit-taking subsidiaries of domestically controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [NDSF_NUM] Number of foreign non-deposit-taking subsidiaries of domestically controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [NISD_NUM] Number of domestic non-deposit-taking subsidiaries of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [NISF_NUM] Number of foreign non-deposit-taking subsidiaries of domestically incorporated foreign controlled reporting entities, Number of
- [TA_EUR] Total Assets, Euros
- [TA_USD] Total Assets, US Dollars
- [TA_XDC] Total Assets, Domestic Currency
- [TE_NUM] Number of reporting entities, Number of
[FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION] Financial Institution
- [1C_FS_ODX_D] Deposit-takers in distress or in receivership
- [1C_FS_ODX_I] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers
- [1C_FS_ODX_ID] Deposit-takers in distress or in receivership, a) included in the coverage of deposit-takers
- [1C_FS_ODX_IG] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Government-controlled
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGB] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Building societies
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGC] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Commercial banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGCU] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Credit unions or cooperatives
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGDV] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Development banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGI] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Investment banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGIO] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Offshore banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGM] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Mortgage banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGMFI] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Micro-finance institutions (that take deposits)
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGO] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Others
- [1C_FS_ODX_IGS] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Government-controlled, Savings banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IP] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Privately-controlled
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPB] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Building societies
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPC] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Commercial banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPCU] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Credit unions or cooperatives
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPDV] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Development banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPI] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Investment banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPIO] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Offshore banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPM] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Mortgage banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPMFI] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Micro-finance institutions (that take deposits)
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPO] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Others
- [1C_FS_ODX_IPS] Reporting entities covered in the sector of deposit-takers,Privately-controlled, Savings banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_X] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers
- [1C_FS_ODX_XB] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Building societies
- [1C_FS_ODX_XC] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Commercial banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_XCU] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Credit unions or cooperatives
- [1C_FS_ODX_XD] Deposit-takers in distress or in receivership, b) excluded from the coverage of deposit-takers
- [1C_FS_ODX_XDV] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Development banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_XI] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Investment banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_XIO] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Offshore banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_XM] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Mortgage banks
- [1C_FS_ODX_XMFI] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Micro-finance institutions (that take deposits)
- [1C_FS_ODX_XO] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Others
- [1C_FS_ODX_XS] Deposit-takers excluded from the coverage of the sector of deposit-takers, Savings banks
- [1C_FS_OFX_I] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations (excluding insurance corporations)
- [1C_FS_OFX_IBA] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Financial auxiliaries, Brokers and agents
- [1C_FS_OFX_ICFIML] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations (excluding insurance corporations), Others
- [1C_FS_OFX_IFA] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations (excluding insurance corporations), Financial auxiliaries
- [1C_FS_OFX_IFC] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Other financial intermediaries, Finance companies
- [1C_FS_OFX_IFG] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Financial auxiliaries, Financial guarantee corporations
- [1C_FS_OFX_IFL] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Other financial intermediaries, Finance leasing companies
- [1C_FS_OFX_IFX] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Financial auxiliaries, Foreign exchange companies
- [1C_FS_OFX_IIC] Reporting entities covered in the Insurance corporations subsector
- [1C_FS_OFX_IICLIC] Reporting entities covered in the Insurance corporations subsector, Life insurance corporations
- [1C_FS_OFX_IICNLIC] Reporting entities covered in the Insurance corporations subsector, Non-life insurance corporations
- [1C_FS_OFX_IIF] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Other financial intermediaries, Investment funds
- [1C_FS_OFX_IIP] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Financial auxiliaries, Insurance and pension auxiliaries
- [1C_FS_OFX_IMMF] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations (excluding insurance corporations), Money market funds
- [1C_FS_OFX_INIF] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations (excluding insurance corporations), Non-money market funds
- [1C_FS_OFX_IO] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Financial auxiliaries, Other financial auxiliaries
- [1C_FS_OFX_IOFI] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations (excluding insurance corporations), Other Financial intermediaries
- [1C_FS_OFX_IPF] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations (excluding insurance corporations), Pension funds
- [1C_FS_OFX_IPS] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Financial auxiliaries, Public exchange and securities markets
- [1C_FS_OFX_ISD] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Other financial intermediaries, Securities dealers
- [1C_FS_OFX_ISF] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Other financial intermediaries, Specialized financial intermediaries
- [1C_FS_OFX_IVC] Reporting entities covered in the sector of other financial corporations, Other financial intermediaries, Vehicle companies
- [1C_FS_OFX_X] OFCs (excluding insurance corporations) excluded from the coverage of OFCs subectors
- [1C_FS_OFX_XCFIML] OFCs (excluding insurance corporations) excluded from the coverage of OFCs subectors, Others
- [1C_FS_OFX_XFA] OFCs (excluding insurance corporations) excluded from the coverage of OFCs subectors, Financial auxiliaries
- [1C_FS_OFX_XIC] Insurance corporations excluded from the coverage of Insurance corporations subsector
- [1C_FS_OFX_XICLIC] Insurance corporations excluded from the coverage of Insurance corporations subsector, Life insurance corporations
- [1C_FS_OFX_XICNLIC] Insurance corporations excluded from the coverage of Insurance corporations subsector, Non-life insurance corporations
- [1C_FS_OFX_XNIH] OFCs (excluding insurance corporations) excluded from the coverage of OFCs subectors, Non-money market funds
- [1C_FS_OFX_XOFI] OFCs (excluding insurance corporations) excluded from the coverage of OFCs subectors, Other Financial intermediaries
- [1C_FS_OFX_XPF] OFCs (excluding insurance corporations) excluded from the coverage of OFCs subectors, Pension funds
Temporal Coverage: Varies by country.
Geographic Coverage: Data on reporting entities include data for 126 countries.
Methodology: Reporting entities are domestically incorporated entities but are divided into two: domestically controlled and foreign controlled. The concepts of residency criterion and control are determined based on FSI Guide methodology which is in line with international best practices such as Systems of National Accounts.
Sectoral Coverage: Data on reporting entities cover the branches, subsidiaries and the value of asset for both domestically and foreign controlled entities resident in the reporting country together their resident and non-resident subsidiaries.
Number of time series: 18546
Number of observations: 87099
This dataset has 18,546 series:
- from
- 2014=1,892,076.877
- to
- 2014=1,892,076.877
- min:
- 1,892,076.877
- max:
- 1,892,076.877
- avg:
- 1,892,076.877
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=1,103,411.845
- to
- 2014=1,103,411.845
- min:
- 1,103,411.845
- max:
- 1,103,411.845
- avg:
- 1,103,411.845
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=1,103,411.845
- to
- 2014=1,103,411.845
- min:
- 1,103,411.845
- max:
- 1,103,411.845
- avg:
- 1,103,411.845
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=788,665.032
- to
- 2014=788,665.032
- min:
- 788,665.032
- max:
- 788,665.032
- avg:
- 788,665.032
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=788,665.032
- to
- 2014=788,665.032
- min:
- 788,665.032
- max:
- 788,665.032
- avg:
- 788,665.032
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=63,510
- to
- 2014=63,510
- min:
- 63,510
- max:
- 63,510
- avg:
- 63,510
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=45,000
- to
- 2014=45,000
- min:
- 45,000
- max:
- 45,000
- avg:
- 45,000
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=64,884.076
- to
- 2014=64,884.076
- min:
- 64,884.076
- max:
- 64,884.076
- avg:
- 64,884.076
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=15,000
- to
- 2014=15,000
- min:
- 15,000
- max:
- 15,000
- avg:
- 15,000
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2014=63,510
- to
- 2014=63,510
- min:
- 63,510
- max:
- 63,510
- avg:
- 63,510
- σ:
- 0
Series code | 2014 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_ODX_I] | 1892076.877 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_ODX_IG] | 1103411.845 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_ODX_IGC] | 1103411.845 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_ODX_IP] | 788665.032 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_ODX_IPC] | 788665.032 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_OFX_I] | 63510 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_OFX_IFC] | 45000 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_OFX_IIC] | 64884.076 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_OFX_IIF] | 15000 |
[A.AE.DA_XDC.1C_FS_OFX_IOFI] | 63510 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 18,546