[IRFCL] International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (IRFCL)
Updated by provider on March 24, 2025 (12:00 AM).
The Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity is an innovative single framework that integrates the concept of international reserves and foreign currency liquidity by covering data on on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet international financial activities of country authorities as well as supplementary information. It aims to provide a comprehensive account of official foreign currency assets and drains on such resources arising from various foreign/domestic currency liabilities and commitments of the authorities.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [D] Daily
- [M] Monthly
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference Area
- [4F] ECB (European Central Bank)
- [AL] Albania
- [AM] Armenia
- [AO] Angola
- [AR] Argentina
- [AT] Austria
- [AU] Australia
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BO] Bolivia
- [BR] Brazil
- [BW] Botswana
- [BY] Belarus
- [CA] Canada
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CL] Chile
- [CN] China
- [CO] Colombia
- [CR] Costa Rica
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [DO] Dominican Republic
- [EC] Ecuador
- [EE] Estonia
- [EG] Egypt
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GE] Georgia
- [GR] Greece
- [GT] Guatemala
- [HK] Hong Kong, China
- [HN] Honduras
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IL] Israel
- [IN] India
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [JM] Jamaica
- [JO] Jordan
- [JP] Japan
- [KG] Kyrgyzstan
- [KH] Cambodia
- [KR] Korea, Republic of
- [KZ] Kazakhstan
- [LK] Sri Lanka
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MA] Morocco
- [MD] Moldova, Republic of
- [MK] North Macedonia, Republic of
- [MN] Mongolia
- [MT] Malta
- [MU] Mauritius
- [MX] Mexico
- [MY] Malaysia
- [NA] Namibia
- [NI] Nicaragua
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [NZ] New Zealand
- [PA] Panama
- [PE] Peru
- [PH] Philippines
- [PL] Poland
- [PS] Palestine, State of
- [PT] Portugal
- [PY] Paraguay
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [RW] Rwanda
- [SA] Saudi Arabia
- [SC] Seychelles
- [SE] Sweden
- [SG] Singapore
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [SV] El Salvador
- [TH] Thailand
- [TN] Tunisia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition
- [UA] Ukraine
- [US] United States
- [UY] Uruguay
- [XK] Kosovo, Republic of
- [ZA] South Africa
[INDICATOR] Indicator
- [RACFACBABIS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBABIS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBABIS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBABIS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAIMF_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value),More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAIMF_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value),Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAIMF_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAIMF_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAOI_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value),More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAOI_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value),Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAOI_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAOI_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAON_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAON_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAON_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBAON_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBA_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACBA_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value),Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACBA_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACBA_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIO_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIO_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIO_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIO_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIR_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIR_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value),Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIR_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACBFIR_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (+), US Dollars
- [RACFACB_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by:, US Dollars
- [RACFACB_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by:, US Dollars
- [RACFACB_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by:, US Dollars
- [RACFACB_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided by:, US Dollars
- [RACFACTABIS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTABIS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTABIS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTABIS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, BIS (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAIMF_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAIMF_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAIMF_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAIMF_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, IMF (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAOI_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAOI_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAOI_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAOI_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other International Organizations (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAON_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAON_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAON_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTAON_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, Other National Monetary Authorities (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTA_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACTA_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACTA_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACTA_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Other National Monetary Authorities, BIS, IMF, and Other International Organizations, US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIO_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIO_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIO_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIO_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd outside Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIR_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIR_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIR_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACTFIR_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to: Banks and Other Financial Institutions hdqrtd in the Reporting Country (-), US Dollars
- [RACFACT_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to:, US Dollars
- [RACFACT_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to:, US Dollars
- [RACFACT_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to:, US Dollars
- [RACFACT_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Undrawn, Unconditional Credit Lines provided to:, US Dollars
- [RACFALG_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Collateral Guarantees on Debt Falling Due within 1 Year, US Dollars
- [RACFALG_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Collateral Guarantees on Debt Falling Due within 1 Year, US Dollars
- [RACFALG_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Collateral Guarantees on Debt Falling Due within 1 Year, US Dollars
- [RACFALG_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Collateral Guarantees on Debt Falling Due within 1 Year, US Dollars
- [RACFALO_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Other Contingent Liabilities, US Dollars
- [RACFALO_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Other Contingent Liabilities, US Dollars
- [RACFALO_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Other Contingent Liabilities, US Dollars
- [RACFALO_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, Other Contingent Liabilities, US Dollars
- [RACFAL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, US Dollars
- [RACFAL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, US Dollars
- [RACFAL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, US Dollars
- [RACFAL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Contingent Liabilities in Foreign Currency, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPAS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, At Current Exchange Rate, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPBS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 5 % (Depreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPCS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 5 % (Appreciation of 5%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, +10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency,PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, +10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, +10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, +10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, +10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, +10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPDS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, + 10 % (Depreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPEL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPEL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPEL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPEL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPES_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPES_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPES_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPES_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, - 10 % (Appreciation of 10%), Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Long Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAMPFS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, PRO MEMORIA: In-the-money Options, Other, Short Position, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLBC_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Bought Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLBC_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Bought Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLBC_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Bought Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLBC_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Bought Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLWP_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Written Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLWP_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Written Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLWP_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Written Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPLWP_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Written Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPL_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPL_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPL_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPL_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSBP_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Bought Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSBP_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Bought Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSBP_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Bought Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSBP_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Bought Puts, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSWC_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Written Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSWC_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Written Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSWC_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Written Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPSWC_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Written Calls, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPS_1M_3M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPS_1M_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPS_3M_1Y_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAPPS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, US Dollars
- [RACFAS_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Foreign Currency Securities Issued with Embedded Options (Puttable Bonds), US Dollars
- [RACFA_USD] Contingent Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXCDBIA_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), Total Currency and Deposits with:, Banks Headquartered in the Reporting Country, of Which: Located Abroad, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXCDBI_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), Total Currency and Deposits with:, Banks Headquartered in the Reporting Country, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXCDBOA_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), Total Currency and Deposits with:, Banks Headquartered Outside the Reporting Country, of Which: Located in the Reporting Country, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXCDBO_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), Total Currency and Deposits with:, Banks Headquartered Outside the Reporting Country, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXCDN_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), Total Currency and Deposits with:, Other National Central Banks, BIS and IMF, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXCD_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), Total Currency and Deposits with:, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXSI_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Securities, of Which: Issuer Headquartered in Reporting Country But Located Abroad, US Dollars
- [RAFAFXS_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), Securities, US Dollars
- [RAFAFX_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Foreign Currency Reserves (in Convertible Foreign Currencies), US Dollars
- [RAFAGOLDVGB_OZT] Official Reserve Assets, Gold (Including Gold Deposits and, If Appropriate, Gold Swapped), Volume in Millions of Fine Troy Ounces: Gold Bullion, Fine Troy Ounces
- [RAFAGOLDVUG_OZT] Official Reserve Assets, Gold (Including Gold Deposits and, If Appropriate, Gold Swapped), Volume in Millions of Fine Troy Ounces: Unallocated Gold, Fine Troy Ounces
- [RAFAGOLDV_OZT] Official Reserve Assets, Gold (Including Gold Deposits and, If Appropriate, Gold Swapped), Volume in Millions of Fine Troy Ounces , Fine Troy Ounces
- [RAFAGOLD_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Gold (Including Gold Deposits and, If Appropriate, Gold Swapped) , US Dollars
- [RAFAIMF_USD] Official Reserve Assets, IMF Reserve Position, US Dollars
- [RAFAOF_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets (Specify), Financial Derivatives, US Dollars
- [RAFAOL_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets (Specify), Loans to Non-bank Nonresidents, US Dollars
- [RAFAOO_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets (Specify), Other, US Dollars
- [RAFAO_USD] Official Reserve Assets, Other Reserve Assets (Specify), US Dollars
- [RAFASDR_USD] Official Reserve Assets, SDRs, US Dollars
- [RAFA_RAPFA_RO] Official Reserve Assets by Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Ratio
- [RAFA_USD] Official Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [RAF_USD] Official Reserve Assets and Other Foreign Currency Assets, US Dollars
- [RAMCRIC_CNY_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Chinese Yuan, US Dollars
- [RAMCRIC_EUR_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Euros, US Dollars
- [RAMCRIC_GBP_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in UK Pound Sterling, US Dollars
- [RAMCRIC_JPY_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Japanese Yen, US Dollars
- [RAMCRIC_USD_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in US Dollars, US Dollars
- [RAMCRISDR_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves (by Groups of Currencies), Currencies in SDR Basket, US Dollars
- [RAMCROSDR_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves (by Groups of Currencies, Currencies not in SDR Basket), US Dollars
- [RAMCR_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Currency Composition of Reserves (by Groups of Currencies), US Dollars
- [RAMDCD_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Short-term Domestic Currency Debt Indexed to the Exchange Rate, US Dollars
- [RAMDVL_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Derivatives (Forwards, Futures, or Options Contracts), Long Positions, US Dollars
- [RAMDVO_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Derivatives (Forwards, Futures, or Options Contracts), Other Instruments, US Dollars
- [RAMDVRM_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Derivative Assets (Net, Marked to Market), Derivatives (Forward, Futures, or Options Contracts) that have a Residual Maturity > 1 year, US Dollars
- [RAMDVS_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Derivatives (Forwards, Futures, or Options Contracts), Short Positions, US Dollars
- [RAMDV_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Derivatives (Forwards, Futures, or Options Contracts), US Dollars
- [RAMFDAF_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Derivative Assets (Net, Marked to Market), Forwards, US Dollars
- [RAMFDAO_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Derivative Assets (Net, Marked to Market), Other, US Dollars
- [RAMFDAP_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Derivative Assets (Net, Marked to Market), Options, US Dollars
- [RAMFDAU_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Derivative Assets (Net, Marked to Market), Futures, US Dollars
- [RAMFDAW_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Derivative Assets (Net, Marked to Market), Swaps, US Dollars
- [RAMFDA_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Derivative Assets (Net, Marked to Market), US Dollars
- [RAMFFL_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Currency Swaps), Long Positions (+), US Dollars
- [RAMFFS_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Currency Swaps), Short Positions ( – ), US Dollars
- [RAMFIFC_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Financial Instruments Denominated in Foreign Currency and Settled by Other Means (e.g., in Dom. Ccy.), US Dollars
- [RAMPAOA_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Pledged Assets, Included in Other Foreign Currency Assets, US Dollars
- [RAMPARA_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Pledged Assets, Included in Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [RAMPA_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Pledged Assets, US Dollars
- [RAMPPLBP_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Bought Puts, US Dollars
- [RAMPPLWC_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, Written Calls, US Dollars
- [RAMPPL_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Long Positions, US Dollars
- [RAMPPSBP_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Bought Puts , US Dollars
- [RAMPPSWC_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions, Written Calls, US Dollars
- [RAMPPS_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Aggregate Short and Long Positions of Options in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency, Short Positions , US Dollars
- [RAMSRBAI_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Securities Lent and on Repo, Borrowed or Acquired and Included in Section I, US Dollars
- [RAMSRBAN_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Securities Lent and on Repo, Borrowed or Acquired but not Included in Section I, US Dollars
- [RAMSRLRI_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Securities Lent and on Repo, Lent or Repoed and Included in Section I, US Dollars
- [RAMSRLRN_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Securities Lent and on Repo, Lent or Repoed but not Included in Section I, US Dollars
- [RAMSR_USD] Memorandum Items (Section IV of Reserves Data Template), Securities Lent and on Repo, US Dollars
- [RAOFAD_USD] Other Foreign Currency Assets (Specify), Deposits Not Included in Official Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [RAOFAF_USD] Other Foreign Currency Assets (Specify), Financial Derivatives Not Included in Official Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [RAOFAG_USD] Other Foreign Currency Assets (Specify), Gold Not Included in Official Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [RAOFAL_USD] Other Foreign Currency Assets (Specify), Loans Not Included in Official Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [RAOFAO_USD] Other Foreign Currency Assets (Specify), Other, US Dollars
- [RAOFAS_USD] Other Foreign Currency Assets (Specify), Securities Not Included in Official Reserve Assets, US Dollars
- [RAOFA_USD] Other Foreign Currency Assets (Specify), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFL_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Ccy. Swaps), Long Positions (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFL_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregated Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Ccy. Swaps), Long positions (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFL_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Ccy. Swaps), Long Positions (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFL_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregated Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward leg of Ccy. Swaps), Long Positions (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFS_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Aggregate Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Ccy. Swaps), Short Positions ( - ), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFS_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Aggregated Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Ccy. Swaps), Short positions ( - ), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFS_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Aggregate Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward Leg of Ccy. Swaps), Short Positions ( - ), US Dollars
- [RAPFAFFS_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Aggregated Short & Long Positions in Forwards and Futures in Foreign Currencies vis-à-vis the Domestic Currency (including the Forward leg of Ccy. Swaps), Short Positions ( - ), US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDII_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDII_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDII_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDII_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDIP_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDIP_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDIP_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDIP_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Inflows (+) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOI_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOI_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOI_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOI_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Interest, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOP_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOP_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOP_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSDOP_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, Outflows (-) Principal, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSD_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSD_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSD_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, US Dollars
- [RAPFALSD_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Foreign Currency Loans, Securities, and Deposits, US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIC_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIC_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIC_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIC_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIRR_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Inflows Related to Reverse Repos (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIRR_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Inflows Related to Reverse Repos (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIRR_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Inflows Related to Reverse Repos (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIRR_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Inflows Related to Reverse Repos (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIR_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Receivable (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIR_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Receivable (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIR_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Receivable (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOIR_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Receivable (+), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOC_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOC_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOC_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOC_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Trade Credit (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOP_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Payable (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOP_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Payable (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOP_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Payable (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOP_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Other Accounts Payable (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOR_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Outflows Related to Repos (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOR_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Outflows Related to Repos (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOR_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Outflows Related to Repos (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAOOR_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, Outflows Related to Repos (-), US Dollars
- [RAPFAO_1M_3M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 1 and up to 3 Months, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, US Dollars
- [RAPFAO_1M_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Up to 1 Month, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, US Dollars
- [RAPFAO_3M_1Y_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), More than 3 Months and up to 1 Year, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, US Dollars
- [RAPFAO_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, Other Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets, US Dollars
- [RAPFA_USD] Predetermined Short-term Net Drains on Foreign Currency Assets (nominal value), Total, US Dollars
[REF_SECTOR] Reporting Institutional Sector
- [S121] Central bank
- [S1311] Central government excluding social security
- [S1X] Monetary authorities
Temporal Coverage: Monthly data are available for participating countries beginning early 2000 or coinciding with their subscription to the Special Data Dissemination Standard. Weekly data are available for Peru and the United States starting August 2001 and October 2000, respectively.
Geographic Coverage: EU Countries; European Central Bank; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Belarus; Belgium; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Croatia, Republic of; Czech Republic; Denmark; El Salvador; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Kazakhstan, Republic of; Korea, Republic of; Kyrgyz Republic; Latvia, Republic of; Lithuania, Republic of; Luxembourg; Malaysia; Moldova, Republic of; Morocco; Netherlands, Kingdom of the; New Zealand; Norway; Peru; Philippines; Poland, Republic of; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; Singapore; Slovak Republic; Slovenia, Republic of; South Africa; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Tunisia; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay
Methodology: Please see the Guidelines for a Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity on the Documents Tab.
Sectoral Coverage: Contains Fund member countries’ data on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity in a common template and in a common currency (US dollar). Historical data by country and selected topics are available. The data template establishes standards for the provision of information to the public on the: amount and composition of official reserve assets, other foreign currency assets held by the monetary authorities and the central government; short-term foreign currency obligations and related activities of the monetary authorities and the central government (such as financial derivatives positions and guarantees extended by the government for quasi-official and private sector borrowing) that can lead to drains on reserves and other foreign currency assets. Template data are available by SDDS and non-SDDS subscribing countries that report on a voluntary basis to the Fund. Topics covered include: external obligations, International reserves, monetary authorities.
Number of time series: 54889
Number of observations: 4438959
This dataset has 54,889 series:
- from
- 1999=2,016.232
- to
- 2023=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 2,500.254
- avg:
- 486.802
- σ:
- 739.508
- from
- 1999=2,016.232
- to
- 2023=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 2,500.254
- avg:
- 486.802
- σ:
- 739.508
- from
- 1999=5,797.547
- to
- 2023=254.15
- min:
- 254.15
- max:
- 9,273.654
- avg:
- 2,243.763
- σ:
- 2,086.076
- from
- 1999=5,797.547
- to
- 2023=254.15
- min:
- 254.15
- max:
- 9,273.654
- avg:
- 2,243.763
- σ:
- 2,086.076
- from
- 1999=257.178
- to
- 2023=8,497.45
- min:
- 257.178
- max:
- 18,219.661
- avg:
- 4,758.469
- σ:
- 4,713.251
- from
- 1999=257.178
- to
- 2023=8,497.45
- min:
- 257.178
- max:
- 18,219.661
- avg:
- 4,758.469
- σ:
- 4,713.251
- from
- 1999=8,070.956
- to
- 2023=8,751.6
- min:
- 1,927.523
- max:
- 18,695.365
- avg:
- 7,488.954
- σ:
- 4,220.516
- from
- 1999=8,070.956
- to
- 2023=8,751.6
- min:
- 1,927.523
- max:
- 18,695.365
- avg:
- 7,488.954
- σ:
- 4,220.516
Series code |
[A.4F.RACFA_USD.S121] |
Series code | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCDBI_USD.S121] | 2016.2322 | 2500.2535 | 1002.9194 | 1145.1804 | 856.314 | 2277.4312 | 772.7035 | 425.391 | 250.257 | 0 | 0 | 102.8874 | 382.9944 | 75.2058 | 100.6743 | 131.1228 | 26.1288 | 104.3559 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCDBI_USD.S1X] | 2016.2322 | 2500.2535 | 1002.9194 | 1145.1804 | 856.314 | 2277.4312 | 772.7035 | 425.391 | 250.257 | 0 | 0 | 102.8874 | 382.9944 | 75.2058 | 100.6743 | 131.1228 | 26.1288 | 104.3559 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCDBO_USD.S121] | 5797.5466 | 3815.05 | 5189.97569999999 | 9273.6541 | 5515.521 | 2172.5495 | 2188.3435 | 1564.596 | 1594.2843 | 1358.2992 | 946.474200000001 | 1174.5198 | 1216.266 | 473.6646 | 1419.0939 | 1140.0399 | 1772.4036 | 1984.8703 | 2679.2362 | 1549.185 | 1275.059 | 877.3765 | 386.2166 | 475.7036 | 254.15 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCDBO_USD.S1X] | 5797.5466 | 3815.05 | 5189.97569999999 | 9273.6541 | 5515.521 | 2172.5495 | 2188.3435 | 1564.596 | 1594.2843 | 1358.2992 | 946.474200000001 | 1174.5198 | 1216.266 | 473.6646 | 1419.0939 | 1140.0399 | 1772.4036 | 1984.8703 | 2679.2362 | 1549.185 | 1275.059 | 877.3765 | 386.2166 | 475.7036 | 254.15 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCDN_USD.S121] | 257.1776 | 577.8405 | 738.529399999998 | 1295.1445 | 1707.576 | 3639.5312 | 6050.6813 | 2057.154 | 1096.7145 | 997.8489 | 981.048600000001 | 1863.999 | 1233.0867 | 1967.2254 | 1277.0466 | 3165.1587 | 4804.4331 | 7231.126 | 8236.7924 | 9547.01 | 8379.4406 | 9982.4585 | 15157.5858 | 18219.6612 | 8497.45 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCDN_USD.S1X] | 257.1776 | 577.8405 | 738.529399999998 | 1295.1445 | 1707.576 | 3639.5312 | 6050.6813 | 2057.154 | 1096.7145 | 997.8489 | 981.048600000001 | 1863.999 | 1233.0867 | 1967.2254 | 1277.0466 | 3165.1587 | 4804.4331 | 7231.126 | 8236.7924 | 9547.01 | 8379.4406 | 9982.4585 | 15157.5858 | 18219.6612 | 8497.45 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCD_USD.S121] | 8070.9564 | 6892.2135 | 6931.42449999998 | 11713.979 | 8079.411 | 8089.5119 | 9011.7283 | 4047.141 | 2939.7837 | 2356.1481 | 1927.5228 | 3141.4062 | 2833.641 | 2516.0958 | 2798.1939 | 4436.3214 | 6602.9655 | 9320.3522 | 10916.0286 | 11095.05 | 9653.3762 | 10859.835 | 15543.8024 | 18695.3648 | 8751.6 |
[A.4F.RAFAFXCD_USD.S1X] | 8070.9564 | 6892.2135 | 6931.42449999998 | 11713.979 | 8079.411 | 8089.5119 | 9011.7283 | 4047.141 | 2939.7837 | 2356.1481 | 1927.5228 | 3141.4062 | 2833.641 | 2516.0958 | 2798.1939 | 4436.3214 | 6602.9655 | 9320.3522 | 10916.0286 | 11095.05 | 9653.3762 | 10859.835 | 15543.8024 | 18695.3648 | 8751.6 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 54,889