[PCPS] Primary Commodity Price System (PCPS)
Updated by provider on January 8, 2025 (12:00 AM).
Indices in terms of dollars or sdrs, indices of market prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum, actual market prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum, and average weekly prices for non-fuel commodities and petroleum.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [M] Monthly
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference Area
- [W00] All Countries, excluding the IO
[COMMODITY] Commodity
- [LMICS] Primary Commodity Prices, Low and Middle Income Commodity Index (World Bank)
- [PAGRI] Primary Commodity Prices, Agriculture
- [PALLFNF] Primary Commodity Prices, All index
- [PALLMETA] Primary Commodity Prices, All Metals Index
- [PALUM] Primary Commodity Prices, Aluminum
- [PAPPLE] Primary Commodity Prices, Non-Citrus Fruit, Apple
- [PBANSOP] Primary Commodity Prices, Bananas
- [PBARL] Primary Commodity Prices, Barley
- [PBEEF] Primary Commodity Prices, Beef
- [PBEVE] Primary Commodity Prices, Beverages index
- [PCERE] Primary Commodity Prices, Cereal index
- [PCHANA] Primary Commodity Prices, Legumes, Chickpea
- [PCHROM] Primary Commodity Prices, Chromium
- [PCOAL] Primary Commodity Prices, Coal index
- [PCOALAU] Primary Commodity Prices, Coal, Australia
- [PCOALSA] Primary Commodity Prices, Coal, South Africa
- [PCOBA] Primary Commodity Prices, Cobalt
- [PCOCO] Primary Commodity Prices, Cocoa
- [PCOFF] Primary Commodity Prices, Coffee index
- [PCOFFOTM] Primary Commodity Prices, Coffee, Other Mild Arabica
- [PCOFFROB] Primary Commodity Prices, Coffee, Robustas
- [PCOIL] Primary Commodity Prices, Coconut Oil
- [PCOPP] Primary Commodity Prices, Copper
- [PCOTTIND] Primary Commodity Prices, Cotton
- [PDAP] Primary Commodity Prices, Diammonium phosphate
- [PENTM] Primary Commodity Prices, Energy Transition Metal Index
- [PEXGALL] Primary Commodity Prices, Commodities for Index: All, excluding Gold
- [PEXGMETA] Primary Commodity Prices, All Metals EX GOLD Index
- [PFANDB] Primary Commodity Prices, Food and beverage index
- [PFERT] Primary Commodity Prices, Fertilizer
- [PFOOD] Primary Commodity Prices, Food index
- [PFSHMEAL] Primary Commodity Prices, Fish Meal
- [PGASO] Primary Commodity Prices, Gasoline
- [PGNUTS] Primary Commodity Prices, Groundnuts
- [PGOLD] Primary Commodity Prices, Gold
- [PHARD] Primary Commodity Prices, Hardwood index
- [PHEATOIL] Primary Commodity Prices, Heating Oil
- [PHIDE] Primary Commodity Prices, Hides
- [PINDU] Primary Commodity Prices, Industrial Materials index
- [PIORECR] Primary Commodity Prices, Iron Ore
- [PLAMB] Primary Commodity Prices, Lamb
- [PLEAD] Primary Commodity Prices, Lead
- [PLITH] Primary Commodity Prices, Lithium
- [PLMMODY] Primary Commodity Prices, Molybdenum
- [PLOGORE] Primary Commodity Prices, Soft Logs
- [PLOGSK] Primary Commodity Prices, Hard Logs, Import Price Japan
- [PMAIZMT] Primary Commodity Prices, Corn
- [PMANGELE] Primary Commodity Prices, Manganese
- [PMEAT] Primary Commodity Prices, Meat Index
- [PMETA] Primary Commodity Prices, Metal index
- [PMILK] Primary Commodity Prices, Dairy Products, Milk
- [PNFUEL] Primary Commodity Prices, Non-Fuel index
- [PNGAS] Primary Commodity Prices, Natural gas index
- [PNGASEU] Primary Commodity Prices, Natural gas, EU
- [PNGASJP] Primary Commodity Prices, LNG, Asia
- [PNGASUS] Primary Commodity Prices, Natural Gas, US Henry Hub Gas
- [PNICK] Primary Commodity Prices, Nickel
- [PNRG] Primary Commodity Prices, Energy index
- [POATS] Primary Commodity Prices, Oats
- [POILAPSP] Primary Commodity Prices, APSP crude oil($/bbl)
- [POILBRE] Primary Commodity Prices, Brent Crude
- [POILDUB] Primary Commodity Prices, Dubai Crude
- [POILWTI] Primary Commodity Prices, WTI Crude
- [POLVOIL] Primary Commodity Prices, Olive Oil
- [PORANG] Primary Commodity Prices, Orange
- [PPALLA] Primary Commodity Prices, Palladium
- [PPLAT] Primary Commodity Prices, Platinum
- [PPMETA] Primary Commodity Prices, Precious Metals Price Index
- [PPOIL] Primary Commodity Prices, Palm Oil
- [PPORK] Primary Commodity Prices, Swine
- [PPOTASH] Primary Commodity Prices, Potassium Fertilizer
- [PPOULT] Primary Commodity Prices, Poultry
- [PPROPANE] Primary Commodity Prices, Propane
- [PRAWM] Primary Commodity Prices, Agr. Raw Material Index
- [PREODOM] Primary Commodity Prices, Rare Earth Elements
- [PRICENPQ] Primary Commodity Prices, Rice, Thailand
- [PROIL] Primary Commodity Prices, Rapeseed Oil
- [PRUBB] Primary Commodity Prices, Rubber
- [PSALM] Primary Commodity Prices, Fish
- [PSAWMAL] Primary Commodity Prices, Hard Sawnwood, Dark Red Meranti
- [PSAWORE] Primary Commodity Prices, Soft Sawnwood, Average of Softwoods,
- [PSEAF] Primary Commodity Prices, Seafood index
- [PSHRI] Primary Commodity Prices, Shrimp
- [PSILLUMP] Primary Commodity Prices, Silicon
- [PSILVER] Primary Commodity Prices, Silver
- [PSMEA] Primary Commodity Prices, Soybean Meal
- [PSOFT] Primary Commodity Prices, Softwood index
- [PSOIL] Primary Commodity Prices, Soybeans Oil
- [PSORG] Primary Commodity Prices, Sorghum
- [PSOYB] Primary Commodity Prices, Soybeans
- [PSUGA] Primary Commodity Prices, Sugar index
- [PSUGAISA] Primary Commodity Prices, Sugar, No. 11, World
- [PSUGAUSA] Primary Commodity Prices, Sugar, No. 16, US
- [PSUNO] Primary Commodity Prices, Sunflower Oil
- [PTEA] Primary Commodity Prices, Tea, Kenyan
- [PTEAINDIA] Primary Commodity Prices, Tea, Kolkata
- [PTEAMOM] Primary Commodity Prices, Tea, Mombasa
- [PTEASL] Primary Commodity Prices, Tea, Colombo
- [PTIMB] Primary Commodity Prices, Timber index
- [PTIN] Primary Commodity Prices, Tin
- [PTOMATO] Primary Commodity Prices, Vegetables, Tomato
- [PURAN] Primary Commodity Prices, Uranium
- [PUREA] Primary Commodity Prices, Urea
- [PVANPENT] Primary Commodity Prices, Vanadium
- [PVOIL] Primary Commodity Prices, Vegetable oil index
- [PWHEAMT] Primary Commodity Prices, Wheat
- [PWOOL] Primary Commodity Prices, Wool index
- [PWOOLC] Primary Commodity Prices, Wool, Coarse
- [PWOOLF] Primary Commodity Prices, Wool, Fine
- [PZINC] Primary Commodity Prices, Zinc
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of Measure
- [IX] Index
- [PC_CP_A_PT] Percent Change, Corresponding Period, Previous Year, Percent
- [PC_PP_PT] Percent Change, Previous Period, Percent
- [USD] US Dollars
Temporal Coverage: The data are annual, quarterly and monthly and go back to 1992.
Timeliness: Monthly data are updated in the first full week of each month, typically by Wednesday.
Geographic Coverage: Benchmark prices which are representative of the global market. They are determined by the largest import markets of a given commodity.
Prices are period averages in nominal U.S. dollars.
The current and the previous weights are provided in the comparison table on the website. The weights are calculated about every 5 years. The weights in the commodity basket reflect the structure of trade in 2014-2016. The choice of years reflects the desire of getting the most updated weights possible but still having sufficient data to improve accuracy. As part of the update, a thorough research into the basket of commodities was conducted to see whether the items included earlier are still representative in global commodities trade. The rule of thumb is that their share in total commodities trade has to be 1 percent or more of total commodities trade, in value terms.
Also, commodity descriptions, sources and weights are available as part of the dataset.
Price indices are based in 2016 (average of 2016 = 100). First individual commodity price indices are calculate in U.S. dollar and SDR terms, basing the price series in those currencies in 2016. Group indices are weighted averages of individual commodity price indices, with respective commodity weights derived from their relative trade values compared to the total world trade as reported in the UN Comtrade database.
Price indices are based in 2005 (average of 2005 = 100). First individual commodity price indices are calculate in U.S. dollar and SDR terms, basing the price series in those currencies in 2005. Group indices are weighted averages of individual commodity price indices, with respective commodity weights derived from their relative trade values compared to the total world trade as reported in the UN Comtrade database.
Code: PCPS
Number of time series: 1236
Number of observations: 226828
This dataset has 1,236 series:
- from
- 1999=42.606
- to
- 2024=141.574
- min:
- 38.114
- max:
- 154.504
- avg:
- 102.209
- σ:
- 36.263
- from
- 2000=-1.612
- to
- 2024=1.921
- min:
- -20.721
- max:
- 33.244
- avg:
- 5.96
- σ:
- 14.887
- from
- 2000=-1.612
- to
- 2024=1.921
- min:
- -20.721
- max:
- 33.244
- avg:
- 5.96
- σ:
- 14.887
- from
- 1999=88.283
- to
- 2024=293.348
- min:
- 78.975
- max:
- 320.139
- avg:
- 211.781
- σ:
- 75.139
- from
- 1992=58.311
- to
- 2024=134.198
- min:
- 58.311
- max:
- 141.855
- avg:
- 91.942
- σ:
- 25.594
- from
- 1993=4.335
- to
- 2024=1.838
- min:
- -15.601
- max:
- 25.243
- avg:
- 3.07
- σ:
- 9.423
- from
- 1993=4.335
- to
- 2024=1.838
- min:
- -15.601
- max:
- 25.243
- avg:
- 3.07
- σ:
- 9.423
- from
- 2003=65.678
- to
- 2024=164.815
- min:
- 65.678
- max:
- 215.917
- avg:
- 135.038
- σ:
- 36.324
- from
- 2004=20.59
- to
- 2024=-0.506
- min:
- -31.806
- max:
- 52.55
- avg:
- 6.638
- σ:
- 21.067
- from
- 2004=20.59
- to
- 2024=-0.506
- min:
- -31.806
- max:
- 52.55
- avg:
- 6.638
- σ:
- 21.067
Series code | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
[A.W00.LMICS.IX] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 42.6064086741597 | 41.9194874646385 | 38.1144748397673 | 40.1173247363806 | 49.9963740198385 | 64.175057550848 | 71.8444896240714 | 92.7230869905828 | 108.513603880641 | 131.412333873195 | 104.182273215037 | 130.029374471268 | 154.503719942757 | 137.988559171896 | 127.634090554065 | 121.554349735082 | 102.851374310821 | 100 | 105.502217549333 | 107.370395633554 | 102.769975961845 | 105.999371835145 | 141.237555612873 | 153.899030588559 | 138.905062230047 | 141.574096492802 |
[A.W00.LMICS.PC_CP_A_PT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -1.61224855813253 | -9.07695407316442 | 5.25482747704971 | 24.625394012126 | 28.3594236761719 | 11.9507989021227 | 29.0608193833088 | 17.029757531328 | 21.102174449704 | -20.7210844336983 | 24.8095001756027 | 18.8221665842876 | -10.6891670808835 | -7.50386023303017 | -4.76341453336653 | -15.3865126710998 | -2.77232494940104 | 5.50221754933294 | 1.77074769385576 | -4.28462579891202 | 3.14235343841932 | 33.2437666069679 | 8.96466589268331 | -9.7427308678755 | 1.92148091646571 |
[A.W00.LMICS.PC_PP_PT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -1.61224855813253 | -9.07695407316442 | 5.25482747704971 | 24.625394012126 | 28.3594236761719 | 11.9507989021227 | 29.0608193833088 | 17.029757531328 | 21.102174449704 | -20.7210844336983 | 24.8095001756027 | 18.8221665842876 | -10.6891670808835 | -7.50386023303017 | -4.76341453336653 | -15.3865126710998 | -2.77232494940104 | 5.50221754933294 | 1.77074769385576 | -4.28462579891202 | 3.14235343841932 | 33.2437666069679 | 8.96466589268331 | -9.7427308678755 | 1.92148091646571 |
[A.W00.LMICS.USD] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 88.2825 | 86.8591666666667 | 78.975 | 83.125 | 103.59485877258 | 132.973763678628 | 148.865190768444 | 192.12663498228 | 224.845335072862 | 272.292589921958 | 215.870612457526 | 269.42703243425 | 320.139037302127 | 285.918840713771 | 264.463890526709 | 251.866379129854 | 213.112926790798 | 207.204743950978 | 218.605599735699 | 222.476553351659 | 212.944265550223 | 219.635727000658 | 292.650915470273 | 318.886092274062 | 287.817878528715 | 293.348244138821 |
[A.W00.PAGRI.IX] | 58.3112116825021 | 60.8392314254235 | 66.294211133261 | 69.6410488270759 | 71.8208128365257 | 67.0887076729156 | 68.3552683478682 | 60.5381132576089 | 60.0160039610229 | 58.8748715804008 | 62.0725095773371 | 68.2555705920245 | 74.629376602142 | 76.5384405218621 | 83.4978532839685 | 94.1546321100475 | 109.387874515362 | 93.0925226601457 | 108.372324204358 | 130.018410088953 | 120.81654139029 | 118.79962755903 | 117.365605236277 | 99.0552144976604 | 100 | 103.484795663151 | 102.115644412182 | 98.5089941105329 | 99.58544147505 | 124.724003751669 | 141.855467090377 | 131.775668550959 | 134.198060047299 |
[A.W00.PAGRI.PC_CP_A_PT] | - | 4.33539223414909 | 8.96622061132416 | 5.04846145176578 | 3.12999882420253 | -6.58876581413957 | 1.88788951059783 | -11.4360681761599 | -0.862447255936551 | -1.90138014080913 | 5.43124411332176 | 9.96102953914549 | 9.3381477216194 | 2.55805958275324 | 9.09270258794802 | 12.7629374971309 | 16.1789622708205 | -14.8968539039743 | 16.4135648144313 | 19.9738134653064 | -7.0773582697771 | -1.66940206038933 | -1.20709328153391 | -15.6011556381913 | 0.953796836573361 | 3.48479566315088 | -1.32304580802894 | -3.53192727951789 | 1.09274018503253 | 25.2432101562931 | 13.7354982388294 | -7.10568210458617 | 1.8382691759235 |
[A.W00.PAGRI.PC_PP_PT] | - | 4.33539223414909 | 8.96622061132416 | 5.04846145176578 | 3.12999882420253 | -6.58876581413957 | 1.88788951059783 | -11.4360681761599 | -0.862447255936551 | -1.90138014080913 | 5.43124411332176 | 9.96102953914549 | 9.3381477216194 | 2.55805958275324 | 9.09270258794802 | 12.7629374971309 | 16.1789622708205 | -14.8968539039743 | 16.4135648144313 | 19.9738134653064 | -7.0773582697771 | -1.66940206038933 | -1.20709328153391 | -15.6011556381913 | 0.953796836573361 | 3.48479566315088 | -1.32304580802894 | -3.53192727951789 | 1.09274018503253 | 25.2432101562931 | 13.7354982388294 | -7.10568210458617 | 1.8382691759235 |
[A.W00.PALLFNF.IX] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 65.6783562599161 | 79.2013036346248 | 97.6756405214043 | 114.075602772484 | 129.12013272933 | 162.561295590376 | 115.996835112039 | 145.392222043631 | 181.57315323723 | 173.385541561466 | 168.169749576797 | 158.255414846126 | 107.920935436829 | 100 | 113.33463752163 | 127.727305218269 | 117.023301085652 | 105.867064152715 | 161.499724404585 | 215.916996700378 | 165.653276423943 | 164.815095409833 |
[A.W00.PALLFNF.PC_CP_A_PT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 20.5896556259613 | 23.3257989944284 | 16.7902274953451 | 13.1882099162358 | 25.8992630770812 | -28.6442478876829 | 25.3415422094917 | 24.8850527800182 | -4.50926336288641 | -3.00820468517575 | -5.89543289183731 | -31.8058497134128 | -7.33957262765363 | 13.33463752163 | 12.6992665361389 | -8.38035697560906 | -9.5333466321986 | 52.5495447494593 | 33.694962945861 | -23.2791864672814 | -0.505985171077951 |
[A.W00.PALLFNF.PC_PP_PT] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 20.5896556259613 | 23.3257989944284 | 16.7902274953451 | 13.1882099162358 | 25.8992630770812 | -28.6442478876829 | 25.3415422094917 | 24.8850527800182 | -4.50926336288641 | -3.00820468517575 | -5.89543289183731 | -31.8058497134128 | -7.33957262765363 | 13.33463752163 | 12.6992665361389 | -8.38035697560906 | -9.5333466321986 | 52.5495447494593 | 33.694962945861 | -23.2791864672814 | -0.505985171077951 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,236