[29_316_DF_DCIS_POPSTRBIL1_19] Basilicata
Updated on DBnomics on December 20, 2023 (9:44 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
- [076001] Abriola
- [076002] Acerenza
- [076003] Albano di Lucania
- [076004] Anzi
- [076005] Armento
- [076006] Atella
- [076007] Avigliano
- [076008] Balvano
- [076009] Banzi
- [076010] Baragiano
- [076011] Barile
- [076012] Bella
- [076013] Brienza
- [076014] Brindisi Montagna
- [076015] Calvello
- [076016] Calvera
- [076017] Campomaggiore
- [076018] Cancellara
- [076019] Carbone
- [076020] San Paolo Albanese
- [076021] Castelgrande
- [076022] Castelluccio Inferiore
- [076023] Castelluccio Superiore
- [076024] Castelmezzano
- [076025] Castelsaraceno
- [076026] Castronuovo di Sant'Andrea
- [076027] Cersosimo
- [076028] Chiaromonte
- [076029] Corleto Perticara
- [076030] Episcopia
- [076031] Fardella
- [076032] Filiano
- [076033] Forenza
- [076034] Francavilla in Sinni
- [076035] Gallicchio
- [076036] Genzano di Lucania
- [076037] Grumento Nova
- [076038] Guardia Perticara
- [076039] Lagonegro
- [076040] Latronico
- [076041] Laurenzana
- [076042] Lauria
- [076043] Lavello
- [076044] Maratea
- [076045] Marsico Nuovo
- [076046] Marsicovetere
- [076047] Maschito
- [076048] Melfi
- [076049] Missanello
- [076050] Moliterno
- [076051] Montemilone
- [076052] Montemurro
- [076053] Muro Lucano
- [076054] Nemoli
- [076055] Noepoli
- [076056] Oppido Lucano
- [076057] Palazzo San Gervasio
- [076058] Pescopagano
- [076059] Picerno
- [076060] Pietragalla
- [076061] Pietrapertosa
- [076062] Pignola
- [076063] Potenza
- [076064] Rapolla
- [076065] Rapone
- [076066] Rionero in Vulture
- [076067] Ripacandida
- [076068] Rivello
- [076069] Roccanova
- [076070] Rotonda
- [076071] Ruoti
- [076072] Ruvo del Monte
- [076073] San Chirico Nuovo
- [076074] San Chirico Raparo
- [076075] San Costantino Albanese
- [076076] San Fele
- [076077] San Martino d'Agri
- [076078] San Severino Lucano
- [076079] Sant'Angelo Le Fratte
- [076080] Sant'Arcangelo
- [076081] Sarconi
- [076082] Sasso di Castalda
- [076083] Satriano di Lucania
- [076084] Savoia di Lucania
- [076085] Senise
- [076086] Spinoso
- [076087] Teana
- [076088] Terranova di Pollino
- [076089] Tito
- [076090] Tolve
- [076091] Tramutola
- [076092] Trecchina
- [076093] Trivigno
- [076094] Vaglio Basilicata
- [076095] Venosa
- [076096] Vietri di Potenza
- [076097] Viggianello
- [076098] Viggiano
- [076099] Ginestra
- [076100] Paterno
- [077001] Accettura
- [077002] Aliano
- [077003] Bernalda
- [077004] Calciano
- [077005] Cirigliano
- [077006] Colobraro
- [077007] Craco
- [077008] Ferrandina
- [077009] Garaguso
- [077010] Gorgoglione
- [077011] Grassano
- [077012] Grottole
- [077013] Irsina
- [077014] Matera
- [077015] Miglionico
- [077016] Montalbano Jonico
- [077017] Montescaglioso
- [077018] Nova Siri
- [077019] Oliveto Lucano
- [077020] Pisticci
- [077021] Policoro
- [077022] Pomarico
- [077023] Rotondella
- [077024] Salandra
- [077025] San Giorgio Lucano
- [077026] San Mauro Forte
- [077027] Stigliano
- [077028] Tricarico
- [077029] Tursi
- [077030] Valsinni
- [077031] Scanzano Jonico
- [ITF5] Basilicata
- [ITF51] Potenza
- [ITF52] Matera
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
- [ACQCITIZ] foreigners who acquired Italian citizenship
- [FBLOTHR] foreign population balance for other reasons from registry office
- [FDEATH] foreign deaths
- [FDEC_CP] foreign population on 31st December
- [FDEREGM] foreign emigrants to other municipalities
- [FDERGOTHC] foreign emigrants to other countries
- [FDEROTHR] foreign deregistrations for other reasons
- [FHOUSMEMB_CP] foreign resident population in private household on 31st December
- [FIDECTR] foreign increase or decrease due to territorial changes
- [FINTNMIG] foreign population international net migration
- [FINTRNMIGR] foreign population internal net migration from registry office
- [FJAN] foreign census population on 1st January
- [FLBIRTH] foreign live births
- [FNATGR] foreign population natural increase
- [FNETMIG] foreign population net migration
- [FNMIGRAT] foreign population net migration and balance for other reasons from registry office
- [FPOPCOM_CP] foreign resident population in institutional household on 31st December
- [FREGM] foreign immigrants from other municipalities
- [FREGOTHC] foreign registrations from other countries
- [FREGOTHR] foreign registrations for other reasons
- [FREGSTAD_CP] foreign-statistical adjustment from new calculation methodology
- [FSTAT_ADJUST] foreigners-statistical adjustment
- [FTOCESTAD_CP] foreigners-total census balance
- [FTOTAL_BAL] foreigners-total balance
- [FTOTBAL_CP] foreign population total balance (natural, net migration and for other reasons)
- [TFDEREG_TOT] total foreign deregistrations from registry office
- [TFREG_TOT] total foreign registrations from registry office
[SEX] Gender
- [1] males
- [2] females
- [9] total
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (134)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (27)
Gender [SEX] (3)
This dataset has 10,854 series:
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2021=-2
- min:
- -2
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- -0.667
- σ:
- 0.943
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2021=-1
- min:
- -1
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- -0.333
- σ:
- 0.471
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2021=-3
- min:
- -3
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- -1
- σ:
- 1.414
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=11
- to
- 2022=15
- min:
- 10
- max:
- 15
- avg:
- 12
- σ:
- 1.871
Series code | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[A.076001.ACQCITIZ.1] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.076001.ACQCITIZ.2] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.076001.ACQCITIZ.9] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.076001.FBLOTHR.1] | 0 | 0 | -2 | - |
[A.076001.FBLOTHR.2] | 0 | 0 | -1 | - |
[A.076001.FBLOTHR.9] | 0 | 0 | -3 | - |
[A.076001.FDEATH.1] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.076001.FDEATH.2] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.076001.FDEATH.9] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.076001.FDEC_CP.1] | 11 | 12 | 10 | 15 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 10,854