[29_316_DF_DCIS_POPSTRBIL1_22] Sardegna
Updated on DBnomics on December 23, 2023 (12:08 PM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
- [090001] Aggius
- [090002] Alà dei Sardi
- [090003] Alghero
- [090004] Anela
- [090005] Ardara
- [090006] Arzachena
- [090007] Banari
- [090008] Benetutti
- [090009] Berchidda
- [090010] Bessude
- [090011] Bonnanaro
- [090012] Bono
- [090013] Bonorva
- [090014] Bortigiadas
- [090015] Borutta
- [090016] Bottidda
- [090017] Buddusò
- [090018] Bultei
- [090019] Bulzi
- [090020] Burgos
- [090021] Calangianus
- [090022] Cargeghe
- [090023] Castelsardo
- [090024] Cheremule
- [090025] Chiaramonti
- [090026] Codrongianos
- [090027] Cossoine
- [090028] Esporlatu
- [090029] Florinas
- [090030] Giave
- [090031] Illorai
- [090032] Ittireddu
- [090033] Ittiri
- [090034] Laerru
- [090035] La Maddalena
- [090036] Luogosanto
- [090037] Luras
- [090038] Mara
- [090039] Martis
- [090040] Monteleone Rocca Doria
- [090041] Monti
- [090042] Mores
- [090043] Muros
- [090044] Nughedu San Nicolò
- [090045] Nule
- [090046] Nulvi
- [090047] Olbia
- [090048] Olmedo
- [090049] Oschiri
- [090050] Osilo
- [090051] Ossi
- [090052] Ozieri
- [090053] Padria
- [090054] Palau
- [090055] Pattada
- [090056] Perfugas
- [090057] Ploaghe
- [090058] Porto Torres
- [090059] Pozzomaggiore
- [090060] Putifigari
- [090061] Romana
- [090062] Aglientu
- [090063] Santa Teresa Gallura
- [090064] Sassari
- [090065] Sedini
- [090066] Semestene
- [090067] Sennori
- [090068] Siligo
- [090069] Sorso
- [090070] Tempio Pausania
- [090071] Thiesi
- [090072] Tissi
- [090073] Torralba
- [090074] Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola
- [090075] Tula
- [090076] Uri
- [090077] Usini
- [090078] Villanova Monteleone
- [090079] Valledoria
- [090080] Telti
- [090081] Badesi
- [090082] Viddalba
- [090083] Golfo Aranci
- [090084] Loiri Porto San Paolo
- [090085] Sant'Antonio di Gallura
- [090086] Tergu
- [090087] Santa Maria Coghinas
- [090088] Erula
- [090089] Stintino
- [090090] Padru
- [090091] Budoni
- [090092] San Teodoro
- [091001] Aritzo
- [091002] Arzana
- [091003] Atzara
- [091004] Austis
- [091005] Bari Sardo
- [091006] Baunei
- [091007] Belvì
- [091008] Birori
- [091009] Bitti
- [091010] Bolotana
- [091011] Borore
- [091012] Bortigali
- [091016] Desulo
- [091017] Dorgali
- [091018] Dualchi
- [091019] Elini
- [091024] Fonni
- [091025] Gadoni
- [091026] Gairo
- [091027] Galtellì
- [091028] Gavoi
- [091031] Girasole
- [091032] Ilbono
- [091033] Irgoli
- [091035] Jerzu
- [091037] Lanusei
- [091038] Lei
- [091039] Loceri
- [091040] Loculi
- [091041] Lodè
- [091042] Lotzorai
- [091043] Lula
- [091044] Macomer
- [091046] Mamoiada
- [091047] Meana Sardo
- [091050] Noragugume
- [091051] Nuoro
- [091055] Oliena
- [091056] Ollolai
- [091057] Olzai
- [091058] Onanì
- [091059] Onifai
- [091060] Oniferi
- [091061] Orani
- [091062] Orgosolo
- [091063] Orosei
- [091064] Orotelli
- [091066] Ortueri
- [091067] Orune
- [091068] Osidda
- [091069] Osini
- [091070] Ottana
- [091071] Ovodda
- [091072] Perdasdefogu
- [091073] Posada
- [091077] Sarule
- [091083] Silanus
- [091084] Sindia
- [091085] Siniscola
- [091086] Sorgono
- [091088] Talana
- [091089] Tertenia
- [091090] Teti
- [091091] Tiana
- [091093] Tonara
- [091094] Torpè
- [091095] Tortolì
- [091097] Triei
- [091098] Ulassai
- [091099] Urzulei
- [091100] Ussassai
- [091101] Villagrande Strisaili
- [091103] Cardedu
- [091104] Lodine
- [092003] Assemini
- [092009] Cagliari
- [092011] Capoterra
- [092015] Decimomannu
- [092037] Maracalagonis
- [092050] Pula
- [092051] Quartu Sant'Elena
- [092066] Sarroch
- [092068] Selargius
- [092074] Sestu
- [092075] Settimo San Pietro
- [092080] Sinnai
- [092090] Uta
- [092099] Villa San Pietro
- [092105] Quartucciu
- [092108] Elmas
- [092109] Monserrato
- [095001] Abbasanta
- [095002] Aidomaggiore
- [095003] Albagiara
- [095004] Ales
- [095005] Allai
- [095006] Arborea
- [095007] Ardauli
- [095008] Assolo
- [095009] Asuni
- [095010] Baradili
- [095011] Baratili San Pietro
- [095012] Baressa
- [095013] Bauladu
- [095014] Bidonì
- [095015] Bonarcado
- [095016] Boroneddu
- [095017] Busachi
- [095018] Cabras
- [095019] Cuglieri
- [095020] Fordongianus
- [095021] Ghilarza
- [095022] Gonnoscodina
- [095023] Gonnosnò
- [095024] Gonnostramatza
- [095025] Marrubiu
- [095026] Masullas
- [095027] Milis
- [095028] Mogorella
- [095029] Mogoro
- [095030] Morgongiori
- [095031] Narbolia
- [095032] Neoneli
- [095033] Norbello
- [095034] Nughedu Santa Vittoria
- [095035] Nurachi
- [095036] Nureci
- [095037] Ollastra
- [095038] Oristano
- [095039] Palmas Arborea
- [095040] Pau
- [095041] Paulilatino
- [095042] Pompu
- [095043] Riola Sardo
- [095044] Ruinas
- [095045] Samugheo
- [095046] San Nicolò d'Arcidano
- [095047] Santa Giusta
- [095048] Villa Sant'Antonio
- [095049] Santu Lussurgiu
- [095050] San Vero Milis
- [095051] Scano di Montiferro
- [095052] Sedilo
- [095053] Seneghe
- [095054] Senis
- [095055] Sennariolo
- [095056] Siamaggiore
- [095057] Siamanna
- [095058] Simala
- [095059] Simaxis
- [095060] Sini
- [095061] Siris
- [095062] Solarussa
- [095063] Sorradile
- [095064] Tadasuni
- [095065] Terralba
- [095066] Tramatza
- [095067] Tresnuraghes
- [095068] Ulà Tirso
- [095069] Uras
- [095070] Usellus
- [095071] Villanova Truschedu
- [095072] Villaurbana
- [095073] Villa Verde
- [095074] Zeddiani
- [095075] Zerfaliu
- [095076] Siapiccia
- [095077] Curcuris
- [095078] Soddì
- [095079] Bosa
- [095080] Flussio
- [095082] Laconi
- [095083] Magomadas
- [095084] Modolo
- [095085] Montresta
- [095086] Sagama
- [095087] Suni
- [095088] Tinnura
- [111001] Arbus
- [111002] Armungia
- [111003] Ballao
- [111004] Barrali
- [111005] Barumini
- [111006] Buggerru
- [111007] Burcei
- [111008] Calasetta
- [111009] Carbonia
- [111010] Carloforte
- [111011] Castiadas
- [111012] Collinas
- [111013] Decimoputzu
- [111014] Dolianova
- [111015] Domus de Maria
- [111016] Domusnovas
- [111017] Donori
- [111018] Escalaplano
- [111019] Escolca
- [111020] Esterzili
- [111021] Fluminimaggiore
- [111022] Furtei
- [111023] Genoni
- [111024] Genuri
- [111025] Gergei
- [111026] Gesico
- [111027] Gesturi
- [111028] Giba
- [111029] Goni
- [111030] Gonnesa
- [111031] Gonnosfanadiga
- [111032] Guamaggiore
- [111033] Guasila
- [111034] Guspini
- [111035] Iglesias
- [111036] Isili
- [111037] Las Plassas
- [111038] Lunamatrona
- [111039] Mandas
- [111040] Masainas
- [111041] Monastir
- [111042] Muravera
- [111043] Musei
- [111044] Narcao
- [111045] Nuragus
- [111046] Nurallao
- [111047] Nuraminis
- [111048] Nurri
- [111049] Nuxis
- [111050] Orroli
- [111051] Ortacesus
- [111052] Pabillonis
- [111053] Pauli Arbarei
- [111054] Perdaxius
- [111055] Pimentel
- [111056] Piscinas
- [111057] Portoscuso
- [111058] Sadali
- [111059] Samassi
- [111060] Samatzai
- [111061] San Basilio
- [111062] San Gavino Monreale
- [111063] San Giovanni Suergiu
- [111064] San Nicolò Gerrei
- [111065] San Sperate
- [111066] San Vito
- [111067] Sanluri
- [111068] Santadi
- [111069] Sant'Andrea Frius
- [111070] Sant'Anna Arresi
- [111071] Sant'Antioco
- [111072] Sardara
- [111073] Segariu
- [111074] Selegas
- [111075] Senorbì
- [111076] Serdiana
- [111077] Serramanna
- [111078] Serrenti
- [111079] Serri
- [111080] Setzu
- [111081] Seui
- [111082] Seulo
- [111083] Siddi
- [111084] Siliqua
- [111085] Silius
- [111086] Siurgus Donigala
- [111087] Soleminis
- [111088] Suelli
- [111089] Teulada
- [111090] Tratalias
- [111091] Tuili
- [111092] Turri
- [111093] Ussana
- [111094] Ussaramanna
- [111095] Vallermosa
- [111096] Villacidro
- [111097] Villamar
- [111098] Villamassargia
- [111099] Villanova Tulo
- [111100] Villanovaforru
- [111101] Villanovafranca
- [111102] Villaperuccio
- [111103] Villaputzu
- [111104] Villasalto
- [111105] Villasimius
- [111106] Villasor
- [111107] Villaspeciosa
- [IT111] Sud Sardegna
- [ITG2] Sardegna
- [ITG25] Sassari
- [ITG26] Nuoro
- [ITG27] Cagliari
- [ITG28] Oristano
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
- [ACQCITIZ] foreigners who acquired Italian citizenship
- [FBLOTHR] foreign population balance for other reasons from registry office
- [FDEATH] foreign deaths
- [FDEC_CP] foreign population on 31st December
- [FDEREGM] foreign emigrants to other municipalities
- [FDERGOTHC] foreign emigrants to other countries
- [FDEROTHR] foreign deregistrations for other reasons
- [FHOUSMEMB_CP] foreign resident population in private household on 31st December
- [FIDECTR] foreign increase or decrease due to territorial changes
- [FINTNMIG] foreign population international net migration
- [FINTRNMIGR] foreign population internal net migration from registry office
- [FJAN] foreign census population on 1st January
- [FLBIRTH] foreign live births
- [FNATGR] foreign population natural increase
- [FNETMIG] foreign population net migration
- [FNMIGRAT] foreign population net migration and balance for other reasons from registry office
- [FPOPCOM_CP] foreign resident population in institutional household on 31st December
- [FREGM] foreign immigrants from other municipalities
- [FREGOTHC] foreign registrations from other countries
- [FREGOTHR] foreign registrations for other reasons
- [FREGSTAD_CP] foreign-statistical adjustment from new calculation methodology
- [FSTAT_ADJUST] foreigners-statistical adjustment
- [FTOCESTAD_CP] foreigners-total census balance
- [FTOTAL_BAL] foreigners-total balance
- [FTOTBAL_CP] foreign population total balance (natural, net migration and for other reasons)
- [TFDEREG_TOT] total foreign deregistrations from registry office
- [TFREG_TOT] total foreign registrations from registry office
[SEX] Gender
- [1] males
- [2] females
- [9] total
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (383)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (27)
Gender [SEX] (3)
This dataset has 31,023 series:
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2021=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2021=0
- min:
- -1
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- -0.333
- σ:
- 0.471
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2021=0
- min:
- -1
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- -0.333
- σ:
- 0.471
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2019=1
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 1
- avg:
- 0.25
- σ:
- 0.433
- from
- 2019=1
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 1
- avg:
- 0.25
- σ:
- 0.433
- from
- 2019=5
- to
- 2022=10
- min:
- 5
- max:
- 10
- avg:
- 6.75
- σ:
- 2.046
Series code | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[A.090001.ACQCITIZ.1] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.090001.ACQCITIZ.2] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.090001.ACQCITIZ.9] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.090001.FBLOTHR.1] | 0 | 0 | 0 | - |
[A.090001.FBLOTHR.2] | 0 | -1 | 0 | - |
[A.090001.FBLOTHR.9] | 0 | -1 | 0 | - |
[A.090001.FDEATH.1] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.090001.FDEATH.2] | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.090001.FDEATH.9] | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.090001.FDEC_CP.1] | 5 | 5 | 7 | 10 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 31,023