[29_316_DF_DCIS_POPSTRBIL1_7] Provincia Autonoma Trento
Updated on DBnomics on December 23, 2023 (12:08 PM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
- [022001] Ala
- [022002] Albiano
- [022003] Aldeno
- [022005] Andalo
- [022006] Arco
- [022007] Avio
- [022009] Baselga di Pinè
- [022011] Bedollo
- [022013] Besenello
- [022015] Bieno
- [022017] Bleggio Superiore
- [022018] Bocenago
- [022021] Bondone
- [022022] Borgo Valsugana
- [022025] Brentonico
- [022026] Bresimo
- [022027] Brez
- [022029] Caderzone Terme
- [022030] Cagnò
- [022032] Calceranica al Lago
- [022033] Caldes
- [022034] Caldonazzo
- [022035] Calliano
- [022036] Campitello di Fassa
- [022037] Campodenno
- [022038] Canal San Bovo
- [022039] Canazei
- [022040] Capriana
- [022041] Carano
- [022042] Carisolo
- [022043] Carzano
- [022045] Castel Condino
- [022046] Castelfondo
- [022047] Castello-Molina di Fiemme
- [022048] Castello Tesino
- [022049] Castelnuovo
- [022050] Cavalese
- [022051] Cavareno
- [022052] Cavedago
- [022053] Cavedine
- [022054] Cavizzana
- [022058] Cimone
- [022059] Cinte Tesino
- [022060] Cis
- [022061] Civezzano
- [022062] Cles
- [022063] Cloz
- [022064] Commezzadura
- [022068] Croviana
- [022070] Daiano
- [022071] Dambel
- [022074] Denno
- [022078] Drena
- [022079] Dro
- [022080] Faedo
- [022081] Fai della Paganella
- [022083] Fiavè
- [022085] Fierozzo
- [022087] Folgaria
- [022088] Fondo
- [022089] Fornace
- [022090] Frassilongo
- [022091] Garniga Terme
- [022092] Giovo
- [022093] Giustino
- [022095] Grigno
- [022097] Imer
- [022098] Isera
- [022102] Lavarone
- [022103] Lavis
- [022104] Levico Terme
- [022106] Livo
- [022108] Lona-Lases
- [022109] Luserna
- [022110] Malé
- [022111] Malosco
- [022112] Massimeno
- [022113] Mazzin
- [022114] Mezzana
- [022115] Mezzano
- [022116] Mezzocorona
- [022117] Mezzolombardo
- [022118] Moena
- [022120] Molveno
- [022123] Mori
- [022124] Nago-Torbole
- [022127] Nogaredo
- [022128] Nomi
- [022129] Novaledo
- [022130] Ospedaletto
- [022131] Ossana
- [022133] Palù del Fersina
- [022134] Panchià
- [022135] Ronzo-Chienis
- [022136] Peio
- [022137] Pellizzano
- [022138] Pelugo
- [022139] Pergine Valsugana
- [022142] Pieve Tesino
- [022143] Pinzolo
- [022144] Pomarolo
- [022147] Predazzo
- [022150] Rabbi
- [022152] Revò
- [022153] Riva del Garda
- [022154] Romallo
- [022155] Romeno
- [022156] Roncegno Terme
- [022157] Ronchi Valsugana
- [022159] Ronzone
- [022160] Roverè della Luna
- [022161] Rovereto
- [022162] Ruffrè-Mendola
- [022163] Rumo
- [022164] Sagron Mis
- [022165] Samone
- [022167] San Michele all'Adige
- [022168] Sant'Orsola Terme
- [022169] Sanzeno
- [022170] Sarnonico
- [022171] Scurelle
- [022172] Segonzano
- [022173] Sfruz
- [022176] Soraga di Fassa
- [022177] Sover
- [022179] Spiazzo
- [022180] Spormaggiore
- [022181] Sporminore
- [022182] Stenico
- [022183] Storo
- [022184] Strembo
- [022188] Telve
- [022189] Telve di Sopra
- [022190] Tenna
- [022191] Tenno
- [022193] Terragnolo
- [022195] Terzolas
- [022196] Tesero
- [022199] Tione di Trento
- [022200] Ton
- [022202] Torcegno
- [022203] Trambileno
- [022205] Trento
- [022209] Valfloriana
- [022210] Vallarsa
- [022211] Varena
- [022213] Vermiglio
- [022216] Vignola-Falesina
- [022222] Villa Lagarina
- [022224] Volano
- [022226] Ziano di Fiemme
- [022228] Comano Terme
- [022229] Ledro
- [022230] Predaia
- [022231] San Lorenzo Dorsino
- [022232] Valdaone
- [022233] Dimaro Folgarida
- [022234] Pieve di Bono-Prezzo
- [022235] Altavalle
- [022236] Altopiano della Vigolana
- [022237] Amblar-Don
- [022238] Borgo Chiese
- [022239] Borgo Lares
- [022240] Castel Ivano
- [022241] Cembra Lisignago
- [022242] Contà
- [022243] Madruzzo
- [022244] Porte di Rendena
- [022245] Primiero San Martino di Castrozza
- [022246] Sella Giudicarie
- [022247] Tre Ville
- [022248] Vallelaghi
- [022249] Ville d'Anaunia
- [022250] San Giovanni di Fassa-Sèn Jan
- [022251] Terre d'Adige
- [022252] Borgo d'Anaunia
- [022253] Novella
- [022254] Ville di Fiemme
- [ITD2] Provincia Autonoma Trento
- [ITD20] Trento
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
- [ACQCITIZ] foreigners who acquired Italian citizenship
- [FBLOTHR] foreign population balance for other reasons from registry office
- [FDEATH] foreign deaths
- [FDEC_CP] foreign population on 31st December
- [FDEREGM] foreign emigrants to other municipalities
- [FDERGOTHC] foreign emigrants to other countries
- [FDEROTHR] foreign deregistrations for other reasons
- [FHOUSMEMB_CP] foreign resident population in private household on 31st December
- [FIDECTR] foreign increase or decrease due to territorial changes
- [FINTNMIG] foreign population international net migration
- [FINTRNMIGR] foreign population internal net migration from registry office
- [FJAN] foreign census population on 1st January
- [FLBIRTH] foreign live births
- [FNATGR] foreign population natural increase
- [FNETMIG] foreign population net migration
- [FNMIGRAT] foreign population net migration and balance for other reasons from registry office
- [FPOPCOM_CP] foreign resident population in institutional household on 31st December
- [FREGM] foreign immigrants from other municipalities
- [FREGOTHC] foreign registrations from other countries
- [FREGOTHR] foreign registrations for other reasons
- [FREGSTAD_CP] foreign-statistical adjustment from new calculation methodology
- [FSTAT_ADJUST] foreigners-statistical adjustment
- [FTOCESTAD_CP] foreigners-total census balance
- [FTOTAL_BAL] foreigners-total balance
- [FTOTBAL_CP] foreign population total balance (natural, net migration and for other reasons)
- [TFDEREG_TOT] total foreign deregistrations from registry office
- [TFREG_TOT] total foreign registrations from registry office
[SEX] Gender
- [1] males
- [2] females
- [9] total
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (180)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (27)
Gender [SEX] (3)
This dataset has 14,400 series:
- from
- 2019=31
- to
- 2022=51
- min:
- 25
- max:
- 51
- avg:
- 33.75
- σ:
- 10.183
- from
- 2019=36
- to
- 2022=36
- min:
- 24
- max:
- 50
- avg:
- 36.5
- σ:
- 9.206
- from
- 2019=67
- to
- 2022=87
- min:
- 52
- max:
- 87
- avg:
- 70.25
- σ:
- 12.716
- from
- 2019=-3
- to
- 2021=-13
- min:
- -13
- max:
- -3
- avg:
- -8.667
- σ:
- 4.19
- from
- 2019=-10
- to
- 2021=-16
- min:
- -16
- max:
- -7
- avg:
- -11
- σ:
- 3.742
- from
- 2019=-13
- to
- 2021=-29
- min:
- -29
- max:
- -13
- avg:
- -19.667
- σ:
- 6.799
- from
- 2019=0
- to
- 2022=2
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 2
- avg:
- 0.75
- σ:
- 0.829
- from
- 2019=4
- to
- 2022=2
- min:
- 1
- max:
- 4
- avg:
- 2
- σ:
- 1.225
- from
- 2019=4
- to
- 2022=4
- min:
- 1
- max:
- 4
- avg:
- 2.75
- σ:
- 1.299
- from
- 2019=441
- to
- 2022=418
- min:
- 418
- max:
- 442
- avg:
- 434
- σ:
- 9.618
Series code | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[A.022001.ACQCITIZ.1] | 31 | 28 | 25 | 51 |
[A.022001.ACQCITIZ.2] | 36 | 24 | 50 | 36 |
[A.022001.ACQCITIZ.9] | 67 | 52 | 75 | 87 |
[A.022001.FBLOTHR.1] | -3 | -10 | -13 | - |
[A.022001.FBLOTHR.2] | -10 | -7 | -16 | - |
[A.022001.FBLOTHR.9] | -13 | -17 | -29 | - |
[A.022001.FDEATH.1] | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
[A.022001.FDEATH.2] | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
[A.022001.FDEATH.9] | 4 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
[A.022001.FDEC_CP.1] | 441 | 442 | 435 | 418 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 14,400