Monthly not seasonally adjusted questions- national level [30_264_DF_DCSC_FIDCONS_7]

Updated on DBnomics on February 7, 2024 (6:22 AM)

Frequency [FREQ]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
Adjustment [ADJUSTMENT]

Dataset has 73 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Dimension codes and labels
[FREQ] Frequency
  • [M] monthly
[REF_AREA] Territory
  • [IT] Italy
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
  • [10_1_WE] savings at present - a very good moment (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [10_2_WE] savings at present - a fairly good moment (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [10_3_WE] savings at present - not a good moment (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [10_4_WE] savings at present - a very bad moment (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [10_5_WE] savings at present - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [11_1_WE] savings over next 12 months - very likely (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [11_2_WE] savings over next 12 months - fairly likely (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [11_3_WE] savings over next 12 months - not likely (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [11_4_WE] savings over next 12 months - not at all likely (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [11_5_WE] savings over next 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [12_1_WE] statement on financial situation of household - we are saving a lot (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [12_2_WE] statement on financial situation of household - we are saving a little (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [12_3_WE] statement on financial situation of household - we are just managing to make ends meet on our income (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [12_4_WE] statement on financial situation of household - we are having to draw on our savings (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [12_5_WE] statement on financial situation of household - we are running into debt (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [12_6_WE] statement on financial situation of household - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [16_1_WE] predictability of future financial situations of the household - easy to predict (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [16_2_WE] predictability of future financial situations of the household - moderately easy to predict (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [16_3_WE] predictability of future financial situations of the household -moderately difficult to predict (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [16_4_WE] predictability of future financial situations of the household - difficult to predict (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [16_5_WE] predictability of future financial situations of the household - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [1_1_WE] financial situation over last 12 months - got a lot better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [1_2_WE] financial situation over last 12 months - got a little better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [1_3_WE] financial situation over last 12 months - stayed the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [1_4_WE] financial situation over last 12 months - got a little worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [1_5_WE] financial situation over last 12 months - got a lot worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [1_6_WE] financial situation over last 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [2_1_WE] financial situation over next 12 months - get a lot better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [2_2_WE] financial situation over next 12 months - get a little better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [2_3_WE] financial situation over next 12 months - stay the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [2_4_WE] financial situation over next 12 months - get a little worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [2_5_WE] financial situation over next 12 months - get a lot worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [2_6_WE] financial situation over next 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [3_1_WE] general economic situation over last 12 months - got a lot better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [3_2_WE] general economic situation over last 12 months - got a little better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [3_3_WE] general economic situation over last 12 months - stayed the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [3_4_WE] general economic situation over last 12 months - got a little worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [3_5_WE] general economic situation over last 12 months - got a lot worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [3_6_WE] general economic situation over last 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [4_1_WE] general economic situation over next 12 months - get a lot better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [4_2_WE] general economic situation over next 12 months - get a little better (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [4_3_WE] general economic situation over next 12 months - stay the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [4_4_WE] general economic situation over next 12 months - get a little worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [4_5_WE] general economic situation over next 12 months - get a lot worse (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [4_6_WE] general economic situation over next 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [5_1_WE] price trends over last 12 months - risen a lot (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [5_2_WE] price trends over last 12 months - risen moderately (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [5_3_WE] price trends over last 12 months - risen slightly (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [5_4_WE] price trends over last 12 months - stayed about the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [5_5_WE] price trends over last 12 months - fall (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [5_6_WE] price trends over last 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [6_1_WE] price trends over next 12 months - increase more rapidly (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [6_2_WE] price trends over next 12 months - increase at the same rate (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [6_3_WE] price trends over next 12 months - increase at a slower rate (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [6_4_WE] price trends over next 12 months - stay about the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [6_5_WE] price trends over next 12 months - fall (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [6_6_WE] price trends over next 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [7_1_WE] unemployment expectations over next 12 months - increase sharply (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [7_2_WE] unemployment expectations over next 12 months - increase slightly (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [7_3_WE] unemployment expectations over next 12 months - remain the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [7_4_WE] unemployment expectations over next 12 months - fall slightly (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [7_5_WE] unemployment expectations over next 12 months - fall sharply (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [7_6_WE] unemployment expectations over next 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [8_1_WE] major purchases at present - it is the right moment (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [8_2_WE] major purchases at present - it is neither the right moment nor the wrong moment (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [8_3_WE] major purchases at present - it is not the right moment (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [8_4_WE] major purchases at present - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [9_1_WE] major purchases over next 12 months - much more (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [9_2_WE] major purchases over next 12 months - a little more (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [9_3_WE] major purchases over next 12 months - about the same (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [9_4_WE] major purchases over next 12 months - a little less (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [9_5_WE] major purchases over next 12 months - much less (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
  • [9_6_WE] major purchases over next 12 months - don't know (frequency rates) - weighted estimates
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment
  • [N] raw data
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