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[31_214_DF_DCCV_SPEFFDETT_1] Average monthly expenditure and type of expenditure

Updated on DBnomics on January 14, 2023 (12:39 AM).

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Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (6)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (8)
Measure [MEASURE] (1)
Type of expenditure [COICOP_TYPE] (43)

This dataset has 258 series:

Series code 199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_ABITAZ.15.042] 229718 241545 241707 251874 133.8 145.33 154.95 163.45 169.04 167.38 179.48 179.88 187.04 212.75 209.36
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_BENDUR.15.010] 2670777 2461528 2118199 2327885 1151.53 1030.79 996.6 879.59 716 625.25 765.64 613.25 397.73 504.62 502.4
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_BENDUR.15.011] 592299 557295 502560 495042 192.24 190.06 205.24 165.05 136.62 151.24 172.5 142.36 159.21 170.39 143.72
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_BENDUR.15.012] 685693 545345 462729 506545 205.59 192.37 185.88 178.81 160.5 159.5 139.44 138.54 119.38 129.65 145.36
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_BENDUR.15.013] 1877237 2033897 2835038 2625470 1363.45 1270.42 1126.95 1250.52 924.87 948.52 1187.63 881.26 1083.27 1293.2 1183.13
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_BENDUR.15.014] 1013062 1064539 1066993 1025061 493.98 577.11 576.82 584.46 580.74 593.79 547.84 596.22 542 523.33 550.55
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_GIORN.15.007] 39149 39252 39344 38816 19.96 20.57 22.76 24.68 23.94 23 22.82 23.13 20.98 21.47 21.34
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_GIORN.15.008] 232471 259146 264447 241288 144.52 139.7 149.35 162.65 159.86 160.21 153.89 162.01 139.9 145.72 149.7
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_GIORN.15.009] 76231 82006 81319 85977 43.83 46.77 47.5 49.18 50.11 52.31 54.96 56.57 53.99 59.01 59.11
[A.IT.SPESA_EFF_PASTI.15.027] 69977 68792 69173 70938 37.92 39.23 40.99 42.33 43.18 43.2 45.52 45.48 45.31 45.23 45.63