[612_939_DF_DCCV_LAU_OCCUP_RED_8] Region of residence and monthly income
Updated on DBnomics on September 19, 2023 (6:42 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
- [ITC] Nord-ovest
- [ITC1] Piemonte
- [ITC2] Valle d'Aosta / Vallée d'Aoste
- [ITC3] Liguria
- [ITC4] Lombardia
- [ITCD] Nord
- [ITD] Nord-est
- [ITD1] Provincia Autonoma Bolzano / Bozen
- [ITD2] Provincia Autonoma Trento
- [ITD3] Veneto
- [ITD4] Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- [ITD5] Emilia-Romagna
- [ITDA] Trentino Alto Adige / Südtirol
- [ITE] Centro (I)
- [ITE1] Toscana
- [ITE2] Umbria
- [ITE3] Marche
- [ITE4] Lazio
- [ITF] Sud
- [ITF1] Abruzzo
- [ITF2] Molise
- [ITF3] Campania
- [ITF4] Puglia
- [ITF5] Basilicata
- [ITF6] Calabria
- [ITFG] Mezzogiorno
- [ITG] Isole
- [ITG1] Sicilia
- [ITG2] Sardegna
- [ITS] Abroad
- [ITTOT] Total
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
- [INC] overall net monthly income (median values)
- [INC_AC] net monthly income main activity (median values)
[SEX] Sex
- [1] males
- [2] females
- [9] total
[TYPE_OF_DEGREE] Type of degree
- [72] first degree
- [73] second degree
- [99] total
[FIELD_STUDY] Field of study
- [1] mathematics and physical science
- [10] law
- [11] humanities
- [12] languages
- [13] education
- [14] psychology
- [15] personal services
- [16] security services
- [2] chemistry and Pharmacy
- [3] life and natural sciences
- [4] health
- [5] engineering
- [6] architecture
- [7] agricolture
- [8] business and statistics
- [9] social and political sciences
- [99] total
[LABPROF_STATUS_E] Occupational status
- [TOT] total
[LABPROF_STATUS_D] Professional status
- [9] total
[EMPLOY_SECTOR_PUBPRIV] Sector of employement
- [9] total
[ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007] Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)
- [0010] TOTAL
[PROFESSIONE] Occupation
- [ALL] all items
[Y_GRAD_ACCESS_WORK] Graduation request to access at work
- [9] total
[Y_USE_OF_GRADUATION] Usefulness of graduation
- [9] total
[YEAR_EDUC_ATTAINEM] Year of educational attainement
- [2011] 2011
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (31)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (2)
Sex [SEX] (3)
Type of degree [TYPE_OF_DEGREE] (3)
Field of study [FIELD_STUDY] (17)
Occupational status [LABPROF_STATUS_E] (1)
Professional status [LABPROF_STATUS_D] (1)
Sector of employement [EMPLOY_SECTOR_PUBPRIV] (1)
Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) [ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007] (1)
Occupation [PROFESSIONE] (1)
Graduation request to access at work [Y_GRAD_ACCESS_WORK] (1)
Usefulness of graduation [Y_USE_OF_GRADUATION] (1)
Year of educational attainement [YEAR_EDUC_ATTAINEM] (1)
This dataset has 846 series:
- from
- 2015=1,500
- to
- 2015=1,500
- min:
- 1,500
- max:
- 1,500
- avg:
- 1,500
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,633
- to
- 2015=1,633
- min:
- 1,633
- max:
- 1,633
- avg:
- 1,633
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,517
- to
- 2015=1,517
- min:
- 1,517
- max:
- 1,517
- avg:
- 1,517
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,283
- to
- 2015=1,283
- min:
- 1,283
- max:
- 1,283
- avg:
- 1,283
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,400
- to
- 2015=1,400
- min:
- 1,400
- max:
- 1,400
- avg:
- 1,400
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,342
- to
- 2015=1,342
- min:
- 1,342
- max:
- 1,342
- avg:
- 1,342
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,400
- to
- 2015=1,400
- min:
- 1,400
- max:
- 1,400
- avg:
- 1,400
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,500
- to
- 2015=1,500
- min:
- 1,500
- max:
- 1,500
- avg:
- 1,500
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,408
- to
- 2015=1,408
- min:
- 1,408
- max:
- 1,408
- avg:
- 1,408
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=1,463
- to
- 2015=1,463
- min:
- 1,463
- max:
- 1,463
- avg:
- 1,463
- σ:
- 0
Showing results 1 - 10 / 846