[613_935] High school graduates - employment conditions and remuneration
Updated on DBnomics on September 18, 2023 (8:32 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
- [IT] Italy
- [ITC] Nord-ovest
- [ITC1] Piemonte
- [ITC2] Valle d'Aosta / Vallée d'Aoste
- [ITC3] Liguria
- [ITC4] Lombardia
- [ITD] Nord-est
- [ITD1] Provincia Autonoma Bolzano / Bozen
- [ITD2] Provincia Autonoma Trento
- [ITD3] Veneto
- [ITD4] Friuli-Venezia Giulia
- [ITD5] Emilia-Romagna
- [ITDA] Trentino Alto Adige / Südtirol
- [ITE] Centro (I)
- [ITE1] Toscana
- [ITE2] Umbria
- [ITE3] Marche
- [ITE4] Lazio
- [ITF] Sud
- [ITF1] Abruzzo
- [ITF2] Molise
- [ITF3] Campania
- [ITF4] Puglia
- [ITF5] Basilicata
- [ITF6] Calabria
- [ITG] Isole
- [ITG1] Sicilia
- [ITG2] Sardegna
- [ITS] Abroad
- [ITTOT] Total
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
- [GRAD] high school graduates
- [GRAD_BEG] high school graduates who begun current work after graduation
- [GRAD_BEG_P] high school graduates who begun current work after graduation by gender (percent composition)
- [GRAD_EXTRAI] employed persons,except paid training
- [GRAD_EXTRAI_P] employed persons,except paid training (percent composition)
- [GRAD_P] high school graduates (percent composition)
- [GRAD_W] employed persons
- [GRAD_W_P] employed persons (percent composition)
- [HOURS_W] weekly hours worked - main activity (average values)
- [NET_MON] net monthly income - main activity (median values)
- [NET_OVER] overall net monthly income (median values)
- [OV_WEE] overall weekly hours worked - main activity (average values)
- [SAT_CAR] satisfaction with the career possibilities (average values)
- [SAT_DEG] satisfaction with the degree of autonomy - level of responsibility (average values)
- [SAT_EMOL] satisfaction with the emoluments (average values)
- [SAT_ENRI] satisfaction with professional enrichment opportunities (average values)
- [SAT_KNOW] satisfaction with the use of the knowledge gained at the University (average values)
- [SAT_PER] satisfaction with the tasks performed (average values)
- [SAT_PROP] satisfaction for the prospects of stability and safety in the workplace (average values)
- [SAT_WORK] overall job satisfaction (average values)
[SEX] Sex
- [1] males
- [2] females
- [9] total
[TYPE_SCHOOL] Type of upper secondary school
- [AER_NAU] technical institute for aeronautical and nautical sector
- [AGRI] technical institute for agricolture
- [AGR_ENV] vocational institute for agricolture and environment
- [ALL] total
- [ART] arts institutes
- [ARTI] artistic liceo
- [CLA] classical liceo
- [COMM] technical institute for commerce
- [COM_TOU] vocational institute for commerce and tourism
- [EDU] art education (arts institutes and artistic liceo)
- [HOT] vocational institutes for hotel and catering services
- [IND] vocational institute for crafts and industries
- [INDU] technical institute for industry
- [LIC] liceo
- [LIN] linguistic liceo
- [PSY] socio-psycho-pedagogical, communication, social sciences liceo (ex teachers training institutes)
- [SCI] scientific liceo
- [SOC] vocational institute for social services
- [SOCI_S] technical institute for social services
- [SUR] technical institute for surveying
- [TEC] technical institutes
- [TOU] technical institute for tourism
- [VOC] vocational institute
[LABPROF_STATUS_E] Occupational status
- [A1_P] employed
- [B1_P] seeking employment
- [C1_P] student
- [D_P] other occupational status
- [TOT] total
[LABPROF_STATUS_D] Professional status
- [12] fixed-term employment or with no contract
- [13] scholarship or work experience grant
- [14] stage, internship or training practice
- [15] paid vocational training or upgrade
- [3] employees on a regular basis
- [5] occasional services workers
- [7] self-employed workers
- [9] total
[EMPLOY_SECTOR_PUBPRIV] Sector of employement
- [1] private sector
- [2] public sector
- [9] total
[ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007] Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)
- [0010] TOTAL
- [0011] TOTAL INDUSTRY (b to f)
- [00140] mining and quarrying, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, waste management and remediation activities
- [00215] other manifacture (cc,cg,ch,non-electrical equipment of cj,cm)
- [00216] total services (g-t)
- [00217] other services (l,n,r,s,t)
- [A] agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [CA-CB] manufacture of food products, beverages, textiles and apparel (ca and cb)
- [CD-CE-CF] manifacture of chemicals, chemical products and refined petroleum products (cd to cf)
- [CI-CJ] manifacture of electrical, electronic and optical equipment (ci and cj excluding non-electrical equipment)
- [CK] manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
- [CL] manufacture of transport equipment
- [F] construction
- [G] wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- [H] transportation and storage
- [I] accommodation and food service activities
- [J] information and communication
- [K] financial and insurance activities
- [M] professional, scientific and technical activities
- [O] public administration and defence compulsory social security
- [P] education
- [Q] human health and social work activities
[OCCUPATION_2011] Occupation CP2011
- [1] legislators,managers and senior officials
- [2] professionals
- [3] technicians and associate professionals
- [4] clerical support workers
- [5] service and sales workers
- [6] craftsmen, skilled workers and farmers
- [7] conductors of installations, workers of fixed and mobile machinery and vehicle drivers
- [8] elementary occupations
- [9] armed forces
- [ALL] all items
[HOURS_WORKED_PER_WEEK] Hours worked per week
- [N21-36] 21-36
- [N37-48] 37-48
- [N49_GE] 49 and over
- [N_UN20] until 20
- [TOT] total
[Y_HIGHSCHOOLDEGREE_JOB] High school degree required for the job
- [0] no
- [1] yes
- [9] total
[Y_SCHOOLDEGREE_USE_JOB] High school degree usefull for the job, when required
- [0] no
- [1] yes
- [9] total
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (30)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (20)
Sex [SEX] (3)
Type of upper secondary school [TYPE_SCHOOL] (23)
Occupational status [LABPROF_STATUS_E] (5)
Professional status [LABPROF_STATUS_D] (8)
Sector of employement [EMPLOY_SECTOR_PUBPRIV] (3)
Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) [ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007] (22)
Occupation CP2011 [OCCUPATION_2011] (10)
Hours worked per week [HOURS_WORKED_PER_WEEK] (5)
High school degree required for the job [Y_HIGHSCHOOLDEGREE_JOB] (3)
High school degree usefull for the job, when required [Y_SCHOOLDEGREE_USE_JOB] (3)
This dataset has 1,462 series:
- from
- 2015=193,086
- to
- 2015=193,086
- min:
- 193,086
- max:
- 193,086
- avg:
- 193,086
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=97,599
- to
- 2015=97,599
- min:
- 97,599
- max:
- 97,599
- avg:
- 97,599
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=139,280
- to
- 2015=139,280
- min:
- 139,280
- max:
- 139,280
- avg:
- 139,280
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=15,114
- to
- 2015=15,114
- min:
- 15,114
- max:
- 15,114
- avg:
- 15,114
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=445,078
- to
- 2015=445,078
- min:
- 445,078
- max:
- 445,078
- avg:
- 445,078
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=43.4
- to
- 2015=43.4
- min:
- 43.4
- max:
- 43.4
- avg:
- 43.4
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=21.9
- to
- 2015=21.9
- min:
- 21.9
- max:
- 21.9
- avg:
- 21.9
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=31.3
- to
- 2015=31.3
- min:
- 31.3
- max:
- 31.3
- avg:
- 31.3
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=3.4
- to
- 2015=3.4
- min:
- 3.4
- max:
- 3.4
- avg:
- 3.4
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2015=100
- to
- 2015=100
- min:
- 100
- max:
- 100
- avg:
- 100
- σ:
- 0
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,462