[6_39_DF_DCSP_ICT_18] ICT of the enterprise - rip
Updated on DBnomics on January 18, 2025 (4:43 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
- [IT] Italy
- [ITC] Nord-ovest
- [ITD] Nord-est
- [ITE] Centro (I)
- [ITFG] Mezzogiorno
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
- [E_ADEGOV_PERC] send or receive data to/from public authorities
- [E_ADEINFO_PERC] send or receive transport documents
- [E_ADEPAY_PERC] send payment instructions to financial institutions
- [E_ADETDOC_PERC] send or receive transport documents
- [E_ADE_PERC] enterprises sending/receiving electronically such information in a format that allowed its automatic processing (percentages)
- [E_ADS_KW_PERC] use targeted advertising methods based on webpages' content or keywords searched by users
- [E_ADS_LOC_PERC] use targeted advertising methods based on the geolocation of internet users
- [E_ADS_OTH_PERC] use any other targeted advertising methods
- [E_ADS_PERC] pay to advertise on the internet
- [E_ADS_SM1_ANY_PERC] pay to advertise on the internet using targeted advertising methods
- [E_ADS_TRK_PERC] use targeted advertising methods based on the tracking of internet users' past activities or profile
- [E_AEBEU_PERC2] other EU countries
- [E_AEBHM_PERC2] italy
- [E_AEBUY_PERC] on-line purchases via a web site or EDI-type messages
- [E_AEBWW_PERC2] rest of the world
- [E_AESELL_PERC] on-line sales via computer networks (web and/or EDI)
- [E_AI_PANY_PERC1] for at least listed 1 business area purposes (percentages)
- [E_AI_PBAM_PERC1] enterprises use AI technologies for administration processes or management
- [E_AI_PBA_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for organisation of business administration process
- [E_AI_PFIN_PERC1] enterprises use AI technologies for accounting, finance management
- [E_AI_PGE2_PERC1] for at least 2 listed business areas (percentages)
- [E_AI_PGE3_PERC1] for at least 3 listed business areas (percentages)
- [E_AI_PHR_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for human resources management or recruiting
- [E_AI_PITS_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for ICT security
- [E_AI_PLOG_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for logistics
- [E_AI_PME_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for management of enterprises
- [E_AI_PMS_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for marketing or sales
- [E_AI_PPP_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for production process
- [E_AI_PRDI_PERC1] enterprises use AI technologies for research and development (R&D) or innovation activity
- [E_AI_TANY_PERC] enterprise uses at least 1 of the listed artificial intelligence technologies (percentages)
- [E_AI_TAR_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies enabling autonomous physical movement of machines
- [E_AI_TGE2_PERC] enterprise uses at least 2 of the listed artificial intelligence technologies (percentages)
- [E_AI_TGE3_PERC] enterprise uses at least 3 of the listed artificial intelligence technologies (percentages)
- [E_AI_TIR_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for identifying objects or persons based on images
- [E_AI_TML_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for machine learning (e.g. deep learning)
- [E_AI_TNLG_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for generating written or spoken language
- [E_AI_TPA_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies automating different workflows or assisting in decision making
- [E_AI_TSR_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for converting spoken language into machine-readable format
- [E_AI_TTM_PERC1] enterprise uses AI technologies for performing analysis of written language
- [E_AWSCMP_1_PERC1] enterprises which sold via one e-commerce marketplace (percentages on enterprises selling on web using emarketplace)
- [E_AWSCMP_2_PERC1] enterprises which sold via two e-commerce marketplaces (percentages on enterprises selling on web using emarketplace)
- [E_AWSCMP_GT2_PERC1] enterprises which sold via more than two e-commerce marketplaces (percentages on enterprises selling on web using emarketplace)
- [E_AWSELL_PERC] via web
- [E_AWSEU_PERC2] web sales to customers in other EU countries (percentages on enterprises selling on web)
- [E_AWSHM_PERC2] enterprises with web sales to customers in own country (percentages on enterprises selling on web)
- [E_AWSVAL_PERC] via a website
- [E_AWSWW_PERC2] web sales to customers in the rest of the world (percentages on enterprises selling on web)
- [E_AWS_B2BG_PERC2] web sales to other enterprises or public authorities (B2B and B2G) (percentages on enterprises selling on web)
- [E_AWS_B2C_PERC2] web sales to final customers (B2C) (percentages on enterprises selling on web)
- [E_AWS_CMP_20_PERC2] web sales through through intermediaries web sites or apps for at least 20% of the value of web sales
- [E_AWS_CMP_25_PERC2] web sales through through intermediaries web sites or apps for at least 25% of the value of web sales
- [E_AWS_CMP_50_PERC2] web sales through through intermediaries web sites or apps for at least 50% of the value of web sales
- [E_AWS_CMP_75_PERC2] web sales through through intermediaries web sites or apps for at least 75% of the value of web sales
- [E_AWS_CMP_PERC2] web sales through intermediaries web sites or apps (marketplace)
- [E_AWS_COWN_PERC2] web sales through enterprise web sites or apps
- [E_AWXSVAL_PERC] sales on-line (via a website and EDI) out total sales, excluding VAT (percentage on total sales value)
- [E_AXSELL_PERC] via EDI-type messages
- [E_AXSEU_PERC2] on-line sales via EDI to customers in other EU countries (percentages on enterprises selling via EDI)
- [E_AXSHM_PERC2] on-line sales via EDI to customers in own country (percentages on enterprises selling via EDI)
- [E_AXSVAL_PERC] via EDI-type messages
- [E_AXSWW_PERC2] on-line sales via EDI to customers in the rest of the world (percentages on enterprises selling via EDI)
- [E_BBOTH_PERC] via other connection
- [E_BDAEXT_PERC] enterprises have another organisation performing big data analysis for the enterprise (percentages)
- [E_BDAINT_PERC] enterprises analyse big data internally from any data source (percentages)
- [E_BDALOC_PERC1] enterprises analyse big data from geolocation of portable devices (percentages)
- [E_BDAOS_PERC1] enterprises analyse big data from other sources (percentages)
- [E_BDASDS_PERC1] enterprises analyse big data from smart devices or sensors (percentages)
- [E_BDASM_PERC1] enterprises analyse big data generated from social media (percentages)
- [E_BDA_PERC] enterprises analyse big data internally from any data source or externally (percentages)
- [E_BDEXT_PERC] enterprises analysing big data through external service provider (percentages)
- [E_BDLOC_PERC] enterprises analysing big geolocation data from the use of portable devices (percentages)
- [E_BDODS_PERC] enterprises analysing big own data from smart devices or sensors (percentages)
- [E_BDOTH_PERC] enterprises analysing other big data sources (percentages)
- [E_BDOWN_PERC] enterprises analysing big data through enterprises's own employees (incl. those employed in parent or affiliate enterprisess) (percentages)
- [E_BDSM_PERC] enterprises analysing big data generated from social media (percentages)
- [E_BD_PERC] enterprises analysing big data (percentages)
- [E_BROAD2_PERC] via fixed or mobile broadband (percentages)
- [E_BROADOK_PERC2] enterprises with speed of the fixed line connection to the internet sufficient for the actual needs (percentages)
- [E_BROAD_10_30_PERC2] maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed internet connection is at least 10 Mb/s but less than 30 Mb/s (percentages)
- [E_BROAD_GE100_PERC2] maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed internet connection is at least 100 Mb/s (percentages)
- [E_BROAD_GE30_PERC2] maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed internet connection is at least 30 Mb/s (percentages)
- [E_BROAD_LT10_PERC2] maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed internet connection is less than 10 Mb/s (percentages)
- [E_BROAD_PERC] via fixed broadband
- [E_BSANY_PERC] enterprises use any business software (ERP, CRM, BI)
- [E_CC1_B_PERC] enterprises buying cloud computing services of basic level (percentages)
- [E_CC1_I_PERC] enterprises buying cloud computing services of intermediate level (percentages)
- [E_CC1_SI_PERC] enterprises buying cloud computing services of sophisticated or intermediate level (percentages)
- [E_CC1_S_PERC] enterprises buying cloud computing services of sophisticated level (percentages)
- [E_CCX_OCOST_PERC] high cost of buying
- [E_CCX_OLEG_PERC] uncertainty about applicable law, jurisdiction, dispute resolution mechanism
- [E_CCX_OLOC_PERC] uncertainty about the location of the data
- [E_CCX_OSEC_PERC] risk of a security breach
- [E_CCX_OSKL_PERC] insufficient knowledge of CC
- [E_CC_BCOST_HS_PERC] reduction of ICT costs
- [E_CC_BEASE_HS_PERC] easy and quick deployment of CC solutions
- [E_CC_BFLEX_HS_PERC] flexibility due to scaling services up or down
- [E_CC_BS_PERC] servers of service providers exclusively and not exclusively reserved for the enterprise
- [E_CC_DS_PERC] servers of service providers exclusively reserved for the enterprise
- [E_CC_HI_PERC] high
- [E_CC_LO_PERC] only low
- [E_CC_MEHI_PERC] enterprises buying cloud computing services of medium-high sophistication (percentages)
- [E_CC_ME_PERC] only medium
- [E_CC_OACC_PERC] problems accessing data or software
- [E_CC_OCHG_PERC] difficulties in unsubscribing or changing service provider
- [E_CC_OCOST_PERC] high cost of buying
- [E_CC_OLEG_PERC] uncertainty about applicable law, jurisdiction, dispute resolution mechanism
- [E_CC_OLOC_PERC] uncertainty about the location of the data
- [E_CC_OSEC_PERC] risk of security breach
- [E_CC_OSKL_PERC] insufficient knowledge of CC
- [E_CC_PANY_PERC] enterprises buying at least one of the requested services
- [E_CC_PCPU_PERC] computing power to run the enterprise's own software
- [E_CC_PCRM_PERC] customer relationship management software
- [E_CC_PDB_PERC] hosting for the enterprise's database
- [E_CC_PDEV_PERC] computing platform providing a hosted environment for application development, testing or deployment
- [E_CC_PEMQ_PERC] only e-mail
- [E_CC_PEM_PERC] e-mail
- [E_CC_PERC] enterprises buying cloud computing (CC) services (percentages)
- [E_CC_PERP_PERC] erp software applications
- [E_CC_PFACC_PERC] finance or accounting software applications
- [E_CC_PFIL_PERC] storage of files
- [E_CC_PSEC_PERC] security software applications
- [E_CC_PSOFT_PERC] office software (e.g. word processors, spreadsheets, etc.)
- [E_CC_SS_PERC] shared servers of service providers
- [E_CHTB_PERC] enterprises with a chat service via Internet where a chatbot or a virtual agent replies to customers (percentages)
- [E_CHTP_PERC] enterprises with a chat service via Internet where a person replies to customers (percentages)
- [E_CRM1_PERC] enterprises use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
- [E_CRMAN_PERC] enterprises have CRM to analyse information about clients for marketing purposes (percentages)
- [E_CRMSTR_PERC] enterprises have CRM to capture, store and make available to other business functions the information about its clients (percentages)
- [E_CUSE_PERC] enterprises using computers (percentages)
- [E_DAEXT_PERC] enterprises perform data analysis using external provider (percentages)
- [E_DAOWN_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics using own employees (percentages)
- [E_DASCRM_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics on data about customers (percentages)
- [E_DASERP_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics on data from transaction records (percentages)
- [E_DASGOV_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics on government authorities’ open data (percentages)
- [E_DASLOC_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics on location data (vehicle and pc) (percentages)
- [E_DASSAT_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics on satellite data (percentages)
- [E_DASSDS_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics on data from smart devices or sensors (percentages)
- [E_DASSM_PERC] enterprise perform internally data analytics on data from social media (percentages)
- [E_DASWEB_PERC] enterprises perform internally data analytics on web data (percentages)
- [E_DA_PERC] enterprises perform data analysis (using own employees or external provider) (percentages)
- [E_DIALUP_PERC] via modem (dial-up access over normal telephone line) or ISDN
- [E_DI_BASIC_PERC] enterprises with basic level of digitalisation
- [E_DI_HI_PERC] high
- [E_DI_LO_PERC] low
- [E_DI_VHI_PERC] very high
- [E_DI_VLO_PERC] very low
- [E_DSL_PERC] via DSL
- [E_EBUY10_25_PERC] more or equal to 10% and less than 25%
- [E_EBUY1_5_PERC] more or equal to 1% and less than 5%
- [E_EBUY25_50_PERC] more or equal to 25% and less than 50%
- [E_EBUY50_75_PERC] more or equal to 50% and less than 75%
- [E_EBUY5_10_PERC] more or equal to 5% and less than 10%
- [E_EBUY75_PERC] 75% and more
- [E_EBUY_LT1_PERC] less than 1%
- [E_ECOM_PERC] enterprises have made on-line sales and/or purchases in the previous year (percentages)
- [E_EGOVEXT_PERC] enterprises that in relations with P.A. make use, in whole or in part, of an intermediary (percentages)
- [E_EMPMD_GT10_PERC] enterprises providing to more than 10% of persons employed portable devices that allowed a mobile connection (percentages)
- [E_EMPMD_GT20_PERC] enterprises providing to more than 20% of persons employed portable devices that allowed a mobile connection (percentages)
- [E_EMPMD_GT5_PERC] enterprises providing to more than 5% of persons employed portable devices that allowed a mobile connection (percentages)
- [E_ENVCEI_PERC] enterprises considering the environmental impact of ict services, or ict equipment, before selecting them
- [E_ENVPAP1_PERC] enterprises applying measures, affecting the amount of paper used for printing and copying
- [E_ENVPECEI_PERC] enterprises applying measures, affecting the paper or energy consumption of the ict equipment
- [E_ENVPE_PERC] enterprises applying measures, affecting the energy consumption of the ict equipment
- [E_ENVREICT1_PERC] enterprises considering the environmental impact of ict services, or ict equipment, before selecting them and applying measures, affecting the paper or energy consumption of the ict equipment
- [E_ERP1_PERC] enterprises have ERP software package to share information between different functional areas (percentages)
- [E_ESELLEUSME_PERC3] SMEs selling online to customers of other EU Countries in previous year (percentages)
- [E_ESELLSME_PERC3] SMEs selling online previous year (at least 1% of turnover)
- [E_ESELL_PERC] at least 1% of total sales
- [E_FAC_CON_PERC] enterprises considering ultra-broadband as important digitization factor
- [E_FAC_DIG_PERC] enterprises considering digital initiative of P.A. as important digitization factor
- [E_FAC_DSK_EST_PERC] enterprises considering recruitment of new digital skills as important digitization factor
- [E_FAC_DSK_INT_PERC] enterprises considering development of new digital skills of persons employed as important digitization factor
- [E_FAC_DSK_PERC] enterprises considering new digital skills as important digitization factor
- [E_FAC_FIS_PERC] enterprises considering funding and tax incentives as important digitization factor
- [E_FAC_NET_PERC] enterprises considering the capacity 'to make network' as important digitization factor
- [E_FAC_OTH_PERC] enterprises considering other important digitization factors
- [E_FAC_STR_PERC] enterprises considering business digitization strategy as important digitization factor
- [E_GOVDVATDSC_PERC] treat either the declaration of VAT or of social contributions completely electronically
- [E_IACC_PERC] enterprises connected to Internet (percentages)
- [E_IGOV2FM_PERC] download forms from public authorities' web sites or home pages
- [E_IGOV2IF_PERC] obtain information from public authorities' web sites or home pages
- [E_IGOV2PREU_PERC] in other EU countries
- [E_IGOV2PRHM_PERC] in own country
- [E_IGOV2PR_PERC] offer goods or services in public authorities' electronic procurement systems (eTendering)
- [E_IGOV2RT_PERC] return filled in forms electronically
- [E_IGOV3AL_DSC_PERC] declaration of social contributions
- [E_IGOV3AL_DVAT_PERC] VAT declaration
- [E_IGOV3_PERC] interacting with public authorities (in the previous year)
- [E_IMP_3D_PERC] enterprises that consider the 3D printing as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_APP_PERC] enterprises that consider the web application as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_BIG_PERC] enterprises that consider the Big Data Analytics as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_CC_PERC] enterprises that consider the cloud computing as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_IOT_PERC] enterprises that consider the Internet of things as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_OTH_PERC] enterprises that consider other important areas for their development
- [E_IMP_REA_PERC] enterprises that consider the augmented and virtual reality as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_ROB_PERC] enterprises that consider the robotic as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_SIC_PERC] enterprises that consider the IT security as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_SM_PERC] enterprises that consider the social media as an important area for their development
- [E_IMP_VON_PERC] enterprises that consider the online sales as an important area for their development
- [E_INTUSE1_PERC] accessing banking or financial services
- [E_INTUSE2_PERC] searching for information about markets
- [E_INV2_PERC] enterprises with sent or received eInvoices in a standard structure suitable for automatic processing (percentages)
- [E_INV3R_AP_GT0_PERC] enterprises receiving eInvoices to other enterprises or government (B2BG) in a format suitable for automated data processing (percentages)
- [E_INV3R_MP_GT0_PERC] enterprises receiving invoices from other enterprises or government (B2BG) in paper or in electronic format not suitable for automated data processing (percentages)
- [E_INV3SBG_AP_GT0_PERC] enterprises sending invoices to other eneterprises or government with sending of eInvoice suitable for automated processing (eInvoice suitable) (percentages)
- [E_INV3SBG_AP_GT10_PERC] eInvoice suitable for automated processing - more than 10% of all invoices
- [E_INV3SBG_AP_GT25_PERC] eInvoice suitable for automated processing - more than 25% of all invoices
- [E_INV3SBG_AP_GT50_PERC] eInvoice suitable for automated processing - more than 50% of all invoices
- [E_INV3SBG_EMP_GT0_PERC] enterprises sending invoices to other eneterprises or government using electronic invoice not suitable for automated processing - (electronic not suitable) (percentages)
- [E_INV3SBG_EMP_GT50_PERC] electronic invoice not suitable - more than 50% of all invoices
- [E_INV3SBG_PMPQ_PERC] enterprises sending invoices to other eneterprises or government, only paper sending (percentages)
- [E_INV3SBG_PMP_GT0_PERC] enterprises sending invoices to other eneterprises or government with paper sending - more than 0% of all invoices (percentages)
- [E_INV3SBG_PMP_GT50_PERC] enterprises sending invoices to other eneterprises or government with paper sending - more than 50% of all invoices (percentages)
- [E_INVRECAP_PERC] enterprises with received eInvoices in a standard structure suitable for automatic processing (percentages)
- [E_INVSND2_PERC] enterprises with sent eInvoices (in different formats) (percentages)
- [E_INVSNDAP_PERC] enterprises with sent eInvoices in a standard structure suitable for automatic processing (percentages)
- [E_INVSNDNAP_PERC] enterprises with sent eInvoices, not suitable for automatic processing (percentages)
- [E_INV_3D_PERC] 3D printing area
- [E_INV_APP_PERC] web application area
- [E_INV_BIG_PERC] Big Data Analytics area
- [E_INV_CC_PERC] cloud computing area
- [E_INV_IOT_PERC] Internet of things area
- [E_INV_REA_PERC] augmented and virtual reality
- [E_INV_ROB_PERC] robotic area
- [E_INV_SIC_PERC] IT security area
- [E_INV_SM_PERC] social media area
- [E_INV_VON_PERC] online sales area
- [E_IOTD1_GE1_PERC] enterprises use one or more Internet of Things devices or systems (percentages)
- [E_IOTD1_GE2_PERC] enterprises use two or more Internet of Things devices or systems (percentages)
- [E_IOTD1_GE3_PERC] enterprises use three or more Internet of Things devices or systems (percentages)
- [E_IOTDCUS1_PERC1] enterprises use sensors, RFID or Internet-controlled cameras to improve customer service (percentages)
- [E_IOTDCUS_PERC1] enterprises use sensors, RFID or IP tags or Internet-controlled cameras to improve customer service (percentages)
- [E_IOTDEC1_PERC1] enterprises use smart meters, smart lamps, smart thermostats to optimise energy consumption in enterprise's premises (percentages)
- [E_IOTDEC_PERC1] enterprises use smart meters, smart lamps, smart thermostats to optimise energy consumption in enterprise's premises (percentages)
- [E_IOTDLOG_PERC1] enterprises use IOT devices for logistics management (percentages)
- [E_IOTDMTN1_PERC1] enterprises use movement or maintenance sensors to track vehicles or products (percentages)
- [E_IOTDMTN_PERC1] enterprises use movement or maintenance sensors to track the movement of vehicles or products (percentages)
- [E_IOTDOTH1_PERC1] enterprises use other Internet of Things devices or systems (percentages)
- [E_IOTDOTH_PERC1] enterprises use other IoT devices or systems (percentages)
- [E_IOTDPP_PERC1] enterprises use IOT devices for production processes (percentages)
- [E_IOTDPRD_PERC1] enterprises use sensors or RFID tags to monitor or automate production processes, to manage logistics(percentages)
- [E_IOTDSEC_PERC1] enterprises use IOT devices for premises' security (percentages)
- [E_IOTD_GE2_PERC1] enterprises use two or more IoT devices or systems (percentages)
- [E_IOT_PERC] enterprises use IoT, interconnected devices or systems that can be monitored or remotely controlled via the Internet (percentages)
- [E_ISPDF_GE1G_PERC2] maximum contracted download speed of the fastest fixed internet connection is at least 1 Gb/s (percentages)
- [E_ITBI_PERC] enterprises use Business Intelligence (BI) software
- [E_ITEXT_ITA1_PERC] enterprises that make use of ICT specialists external to the company but internal to the group (percentages)
- [E_ITEXT_ITA2_PERC] enterprises that make use of ICT specialists external to the company and the group (percentages)
- [E_ITEXT_PERC] enterprises that make use of ICT specialists external to the company (percentages)
- [E_ITSEC3EXT_PERC] ict security of enterprise is carried out by external suppliers (percentages)
- [E_ITSEC3OWN_PERC] ict security of enterprise is carried out by the own persons employed (percentages)
- [E_ITSP2_PERC] enterprises employing ICT/IT specialists (percentages)
- [E_ITSPRCR2_PERC] enterprises have recruited/tried to recruit personnel for jobs requiring ICT specialist skills in previous year (percentages)
- [E_ITSPT2_PERC] for ICT/IT specialists (percentages)
- [E_ITSPVAC2_PERC] with hard-to-fill vacancies for these jobs (percentages)
- [E_ITT2_PERC] enterprises have provided training to develop/upgrade ICT skills of personnel (percentages)
- [E_ITUST2_PERC] for other persons employed (percentages)
- [E_IT_BMSDE_PERC] development of business management software/systems
- [E_IT_BMSDO_PERC] development of business management software/systems
- [E_IT_BMSSE_PERC] support for business management software/systems
- [E_IT_BMSSO_PERC] support for business management software/systems
- [E_IT_EXT_PERC] ict functions are performed by external suppliers (percentages)
- [E_IT_INFRE_PERC] maintenance of ICT infrastructure
- [E_IT_INFRO_PERC] maintenance of ICT infrastructure
- [E_IT_MEXT_PERC] enterprises in which ict functions are mainly performed by external suppliers
- [E_IT_MIX_PERC] enterprises in which ict functions are mainly performed by a mix of own employees and external suppliers
- [E_IT_MOWN_PERC] enterprises in which ict functions are mainly performed by own employees
- [E_IT_OSSE_PERC] support for office software
- [E_IT_OSSO_PERC] support for office software
- [E_IT_OWN_PERC] ict functions are performed by own/group persons employed (percentages)
- [E_IT_SECE_PERC] security and data protection
- [E_IT_SECO_PERC] security and data protection
- [E_IT_WEBDE_PERC] development of web solutions
- [E_IT_WEBDO_PERC] development of web solutions
- [E_IT_WEBSE_PERC] support for web solutions
- [E_IT_WEBSO_PERC] support for web solutions
- [E_MOB2_PERC] via mobile connection (broadband or other mobile connection)
- [E_MOBAPP_PERC] enterprise with a mobile app for clients (percentages)
- [E_MOBBB_PERC] via mobile broadband (via at least 3G modem or 3G handset)
- [E_MOBOTH_PERC] via other mobile connection, using analogue mobile phone, GSM, GPRS, EDGE
- [E_NKNOW_FACTOR_PERC] enterprises that do not know how to respond
- [E_NKNOW_IMPACT_PERC] enterprises that do not know how to respond
- [E_NO_FACTOR_PERC] enterprises that do not consider important any digitization factors
- [E_NO_IMPACT_PERC] enterprises that consider technological areas not relevant to their development
- [E_P3D_PERC] 3D printing
- [E_PHD_PERC] other portable devices (Smartphones, PDAs, ecc.)
- [E_PMC_PERC] portable computers
- [E_PMD_APP_PERC] use dedicated business software applications
- [E_PMD_DOC_PERC] access and modify documents of the enterprise
- [E_PMD_EM_PERC] access to enterprise's email system
- [E_PMD_OCOST_PERC] high costs for the subscription
- [E_PMD_OCP_PERC] connectivity problems
- [E_PMD_ONEED_PERC] limited or no need for a mobile connection to the Internet for business use
- [E_PMD_OOTH_PERC] other obstacles
- [E_PMD_OSEC_PERC] security related risks (disclosure, destruction or corruption of data)
- [E_PMD_OTEC_PERC] technical obstacles or high integration costs
- [E_PMD_PERC] enterprises providing to the persons employed portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet for business use (percentages)
- [E_PMD_WEB_PERC] access to information available on the Internet
- [E_RA_ALL_PERC] enterprises with employed persons with remote access to the email and documents and business applications or software
- [E_RA_DSGE10_PERC] enterprises with at least 10% of the employed persons with remote access to the documents, business applications or software
- [E_RA_DSGE25_PERC] enterprises with at least 25% of the employed persons with remote access to the documents, business applications or software
- [E_RA_DSGE50_PERC] enterprises with at least 50% of the employed persons with remote access to the documents, business applications or software
- [E_RA_DS_PERC] enterprises with employed persons with remote access to the documents, business applications or software
- [E_RA_D_PERC] enterprises with employed persons with remote access to the documents of the enterprise
- [E_RA_MGE10_PERC] enterprises with at least 10% of the employed persons with remote access to the email
- [E_RA_MGE25_PERC] enterprises with at least 25% of the employed persons with remote access to the email
- [E_RA_MGE50_PERC] enterprises with at least 50% of the employed persons with remote access to the email
- [E_RA_M_PERC] enterprises with employed persons with remote access to the email of enterprise
- [E_RA_PERC] remote access to the enterprise's e-mail system, documents or applications
- [E_RA_SG_PERC] enterprises with ict security guidelines for remote access
- [E_RA_S_PERC] enterprises with employed persons with remote access to the business applications or software
- [E_RBTI_PERC] industrial robots
- [E_RBTS_PERC] service robots
- [E_RBTWDR_PERC2] difficulties to recruit personnel
- [E_RBTWER_PERC2] to expand the range of goods or services provided
- [E_RBTWES_PERC2] to enhance safety at work
- [E_RBTWHCL_PERC2] high cost of labour
- [E_RBTWHP_PERC2] to ensure high precision or standardized quality of processes and/or goods and services produced
- [E_RBTWTI_PERC2] tax or other government incentives
- [E_RBT_PERC] robots
- [E_RFAC1Q_PERC] only person identification or access control
- [E_RFAC1_PERC] person identification or access control
- [E_RFASPRI1_PERC] for product identification after the production process
- [E_RFID1_PERC] internet of the things (IoT): enterprises using RFID technology (percentages)
- [E_RFPSDP1_PERC] as part of the production and service delivery process
- [E_RM_EG_PERC] enterprises which have guidelines for favouring remote meetings via the internet instead of business traveling
- [E_RM_PERC] enterprises which conducted remote meetings
- [E_RM_SG_PERC] enterprises which have ict security guidelines for conducting remote meetings via the internet
- [E_SEC2IANY_PERC] unavailability of ict services, destruction or corruption of data, disclosure of confidential data
- [E_SEC2ICNFA_PERC] disclosure of confidential data due to intrusion, pharming, phishing attack, intentional actionsby own employees
- [E_SEC2ICNFF_PERC] disclosure of confidential data due to unintentional actions by own employees
- [E_SEC2ICNF_PERC] disclosure of confidential data
- [E_SEC2IDCDA_PERC] destruction or corruption of data due to infection of malicious software or unauthorised intrusion
- [E_SEC2IDCDF_PERC] destruction or corruption of data due to hardware or software failures
- [E_SEC2IDCD_PERC] destruction or corruption of data
- [E_SEC2IGE3_PERC] at least 3 consequences out 6
- [E_SEC2IUSVA_PERC] unavailability of ict services due to attack from outside
- [E_SEC2IUSVF_PERC] unavailability of ict services due to hardware or software failures
- [E_SEC2IUSV_PERC] unavailability of ict services
- [E_SECAWCONT_PERC] enterprise makes persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues by contract (percentages)
- [E_SECAWCTP_PERC] enterprise makes persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues by compulsory training (percentages)
- [E_SECAWVTGI_PERC] enterprise makes persons employed aware of their obligations in ict security related issues by voluntary training (percentages)
- [E_SECBASEALL_PERC] usage of all the minimum ict security measures (password, software update, backup)
- [E_SECI2ANY_PERC] enterprise has experienced at least once problems due to an ICT related security incident (unavailability of ICT services, destruction or corruption of data, disclosure of confidential data) (percentages)
- [E_SECI2CNF_PERC] enterprise has experienced at least once problems due to ICT security incident: disclosure of confidential data (percentages)
- [E_SECI2DCD_PERC] enterprise has experienced at least once problems due to ICT security incident: destruction or corruption of data (percentages)
- [E_SECI2USV_PERC] enterprise has experienced at least one problems due to ict security incident enterprise has about unavailability of ict services (percentages)
- [E_SECINS_PERC] enterprise has insurance against ICT security incidents (percentages)
- [E_SECMALL_PERC] usage of all ict security measures (as of 2022)
- [E_SECMANY_PERC] usage of at least one ict security measures
- [E_SECMDENC_PERC] cryptography techniques for data, documents or e-mail
- [E_SECMDUO_PERC] usage of a combination of at least two authentication mechanisms
- [E_SECMGE1_PERC] usage of any ict security measure (as of 2022)
- [E_SECMGE3_PERC] usage of at least 3 ict security measures (as of 2022)
- [E_SECMGE5_PERC] usage of at least 5 ict security measures (as of 2022)
- [E_SECMGE7_PERC] usage of at least 7 ict security measures (as of 2022)
- [E_SECMKSUD_PERC] keep the software up to date
- [E_SECMLOG_PERC] storage of log files
- [E_SECMNAC_PERC] network access control
- [E_SECMOSBU_PERC] data backup
- [E_SECMRASS_PERC] ict risk assessment
- [E_SECMSMS_PERC] usage of monitoring system that allows detecting suspicious activity in the ict systems, other than standalone anti-virus software
- [E_SECMSPSW_PERC] authentication with a complex password
- [E_SECMTST_PERC] ict security test
- [E_SECMUIBM_PERC] identification and authentication of the user through biometric methods
- [E_SECMVPN_PERC] vpn (virtual private network)
- [E_SECPALL_PERC] all three risks
- [E_SECPAR_PERC2] management of access rights for the usage of ict
- [E_SECPCNF_PERC] disclosure of confidential data due to intrusion or by accident
- [E_SECPDD_PERC] destruction or corruption of data due to attack or by unexpected incident
- [E_SECPDS_PERC] unavailability of ICT services due to attack from outside
- [E_SECPOL1_PERC] enterprises having a formally defined ICT security policy (percentages)
- [E_SECPOL2_PERC] documents on measures, practices or procedures on ict security (percentages)
- [E_SECPPR_PERC2] procedures or rules to prevent or respond to security incidents
- [E_SECPREV2_1_2_PERC] documents on ict security defined or most recently reviewed more than 12 months and up to 24 months ago (percentages%)
- [E_SECPREV2_CY_PERC2] documents on ict security defined or most recently reviewed within the last 12 months (percentages%)
- [E_SECPREV2_MT2_PERC] documents on ict security defined or most recently reviewed more than 24 months ago (percentages)
- [E_SECPREV_1_2_PERC] more then 12 months and up to 24 months ago
- [E_SECPREV_CY_PERC] within the last 12 months
- [E_SECPREV_MT2_PERC] more than 24 months ago
- [E_SECPRRD_PERC2] responsibility, rights and duties of persons employed in the field of ict (e.g. use of e-mails, mobile devices, social media, etc.)
- [E_SECPSPAP_PERC2] storage, protection, access or processing of data
- [E_SECPTRA_PERC2] training of persons employed in the safe usage of ICT
- [E_SICU2_PERC] enterprises' customers
- [E_SIPUACC_PERC] accounting
- [E_SIPUINV_PERC] management of inventory
- [E_SIPU_PERC] information on purchases
- [E_SISAACC_PERC] accounting
- [E_SISADIST_PERC] distribution management
- [E_SISAINV_PERC] management of inventory
- [E_SISAPROD_PERC] production or services management
- [E_SISA_PERC] information on sales
- [E_SISC_PERC] enterprises sharing information electronically on the supply chain management with suppliers or customers or send/receive electronically such information (percentages)
- [E_SISNP_PERC] enterprises sharing electronically information on sales and on purchases with the software used for any internal function (percentages)
- [E_SISORP_PERC] enterprises sharing electronically information on sales or on purchases with the software used for any internal function (percentages)
- [E_SISU2_PERC] enterprises' suppliers
- [E_SM_1_PERC] enterprises using only one social media (percentages)
- [E_SM_ANY_PERC] social networks (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, Viadeo, Yammer, etc.)
- [E_SM_BLOG_PERC] enterprise's blog or microblogs (e.g. Twitter, Present.ly, etc.)
- [E_SM_CNTSHR_PERC] multimedia content sharing websites (e.g. YouTube, Flickr, Picassa, SlideShare, etc.)
- [E_SM_GE2_PERC] enterprises using two or more social media (percentages)
- [E_SM_PADVERT_PERC] enterprises developing the enterprise's image or market products (percentages)
- [E_SM_PBPCOLL_PERC] enterprises collaborating with business partners or other organisations (percentages)
- [E_SM_PCUDEV_PERC] enterprises involving customers in development or innovation of goods or services (percentages)
- [E_SM_PCUQOR_PERC] enterprises obtaining or responding to customer opinions, reviews questions (percentages)
- [E_SM_PEXCHVOK_PERC] enterprises exchanging views, opinions or knowledge within the enterprise (percentages)
- [E_SM_PRCR_PERC] enterprises recruiting employees (percentages)
- [E_SM_SNET_PERC] social networks (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, Viadeo, Yammer, etc.)
- [E_SM_WIKI_PERC] wiki based knowledge sharing tools
- [E_VBU_PERC2] usage of information about visitors' behaviour on its website (percentages)
- [E_WEBACC_PERC] product catalogues or price lists
- [E_WEBCHT_PERC] chat service for customer support
- [E_WEBCMP_PERC] on-line complaints
- [E_WEBCTM_PERC] customization or product design
- [E_WEBLANG_PERC] content available in at least two languages
- [E_WEBORD_PERC] online ordering, reservation or booking
- [E_WEBOT_PERC] order tracking available on line
- [E_WEBPAY_PERC] on-line payment
- [E_WEBPER_PERC] customization of site' content
- [E_WEBPRV_PERC] privacy policy statement, a privacy seal or certification related to website safety
- [E_WEBSM_PERC] links to the enterprise's social media profiles
- [E_WEBVAC_PERC] advertisement of open job positions or online job applications
- [E_WEB_PERC] enterprises with a web site or a homepage (percentages)
- [E_WSEL10_PERC] more or equal to 10%
- [E_WSEL1_PERC] more or equal to 1%
- [E_WSEL25_PERC] more or equal to 25%
- [E_WSEL2_PERC] more or equal to 2%
- [E_WSEL50_PERC] more or equal to 50%
- [E_WSEL5_PERC] more or equal to 5%
- [E_XSEL10_PERC] more or equal to 10%
- [E_XSEL1_PERC] more or equal to 1%
- [E_XSEL25_PERC] more or equal to 25%
- [E_XSEL2_PERC] more or equal to 2%
- [E_XSEL50_PERC] more or equal to 50%
- [E_XSEL5_PERC] more or equal to 5%
- [P_CUSE_PERC] persons employed using computers at least once a week (percentage on total persons employed)
- [P_DI_BASIC_PERC] persons employed of enterprises with basic digitalisation level (percentages)
- [P_EMPMD_PERC] persons employed by enterprises providing to them portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet for business use (percentage on total persons employed)
- [P_IUSE_PERC] persons employed using computers with access to Internet at least once a week (percentage on total persons employed)
- [P_PMD_PERC] persons employed by enterprises providing portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the Internet for business use (percentages)
- [T_SELLSME_PERC4] SMEs total turnover from e-commerce
[ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007] Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)
- [0011] TOTAL INDUSTRY (b to f)
- [0031] professional, scientific and technical activities except veterinary activities
- [0032] administrative and support service activities except travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities (N escluso 79)
- [0033] ict sector
- [0034] total non financial services (g-n, including 951 and excluding 75 and k)
- [0034_B] total non financial services (g-n, including 951 and excluding k)
- [0035] total economic activities (c-n, including 951, excluding 75 and k)
- [0035_B] total economic activities (c-n, including 951, excluding k)
- [0036] electricity, gas steam, air conditioning supply, water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (d-e)
- [0049] transport and storage, except warehousing and support activities for transportation (h except 53)
- [26] manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
- [47] retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- [53] postal and courier activities
- [55] accommodation
- [56] food service activities
- [58] publishing activities
- [61] telecommunications
- [68] real estate activities
- [79] travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities
- [C] manufacturing
- [CA] manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products
- [CB] manufacture of textiles, apparel, leather and related products
- [CC] manufacture of wood and paper products, and printing
- [CD-CG] manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products, of chemicals and chemical products, of basic pharmaceutical products and preparations, of rubber, plastic and of other non-metallic mineral products
- [CH] manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
- [CJ-CK] manufacture of electrical equipment and of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
- [CL] manufacture of transport equipment
- [CM] other manufacturing, and repair and installation of machinery and equipment
- [F] construction
- [G] wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- [H] transportation and storage
- [I] accommodation and food service activities
- [J] information and communication
- [JA_X_58] motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording
- [JC] it and other information services
- [M] professional, scientific and technical activities
- [N] administrative and support service activities
[PERS_EMPL_SIZE_CLASS] Size classes of persons employed
- [W100_249] 100-249
- [W10_49] 10-49
- [W50_99] 50-99
- [W_GE10] 10 and over
- [W_GE250] 250 and over
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (5)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (441)
Economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) [ECON_ACTIVITY_NACE_2007] (37)
Size classes of persons employed [PERS_EMPL_SIZE_CLASS] (5)
This dataset has 24,986 series:
- from
- 2012=48.43
- to
- 2014=43.13
- min:
- 43.13
- max:
- 48.43
- avg:
- 45.78
- σ:
- 2.65
- from
- 2012=32.9
- to
- 2014=27.08
- min:
- 27.08
- max:
- 32.9
- avg:
- 29.99
- σ:
- 2.91
- from
- 2012=45.98
- to
- 2014=45.37
- min:
- 45.37
- max:
- 45.98
- avg:
- 45.675
- σ:
- 0.305
- from
- 2012=49.38
- to
- 2014=47.88
- min:
- 47.88
- max:
- 49.38
- avg:
- 48.63
- σ:
- 0.75
- from
- 2012=31.4
- to
- 2014=30.75
- min:
- 30.75
- max:
- 31.4
- avg:
- 31.075
- σ:
- 0.325
- from
- 2012=39.37
- to
- 2014=45.49
- min:
- 39.37
- max:
- 45.49
- avg:
- 42.43
- σ:
- 3.06
- from
- 2012=32.98
- to
- 2014=32.6
- min:
- 32.6
- max:
- 32.98
- avg:
- 32.79
- σ:
- 0.19
- from
- 2012=64.93
- to
- 2014=59.57
- min:
- 59.57
- max:
- 64.93
- avg:
- 62.25
- σ:
- 2.68
- from
- 2012=54.59
- to
- 2014=49.4
- min:
- 49.4
- max:
- 54.59
- avg:
- 51.995
- σ:
- 2.595
- from
- 2012=32.14
- to
- 2014=31.96
- min:
- 31.96
- max:
- 32.14
- avg:
- 32.05
- σ:
- 0.09
Series code | 2012 | 2014 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0031.W_GE10] | 48.43 | 43.13 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0032.W_GE10] | 32.9 | 27.08 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0033.W_GE10] | 45.98 | 45.37 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0034.W100_249] | 49.38 | 47.88 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0034.W10_49] | 31.4 | 30.75 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0034.W50_99] | 39.37 | 45.49 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0034.W_GE10] | 32.98 | 32.6 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0034.W_GE250] | 64.93 | 59.57 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0035.W100_249] | 54.59 | 49.4 |
[A.IT.E_ADEGOV_PERC.0035.W10_49] | 32.14 | 31.96 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 24,986