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[73_58] Persons convicted by final judgement - Characteristics of the judgements

Updated on DBnomics on October 3, 2023 (8:04 AM).

Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Territory [REF_AREA] (29)
Indicator [DATA_TYPE] (3)
Type of offence [TYPE_OFFENCE] (554)
Nature of the crime [NATURE_CRIME] (10)
Judicial office [JUDICIAL_OFFICE] (12)
Time interval between the committed crime date and the sentence date [TIME_CRIME_SENTENCE] (7)
Principal security measures [PRINCIPAL_SECURITY_MEASURES] (8)
Previous convictions and relapse [PREVIOUS_CONVICTIONS_RELAPSE] (8)
District Court of Appeal [DISTRICT_COURT_APPEAL] (31)
Year when the crime was committed [YEAR_CRIME] (47)
Age when the crime was committed [AGE_CRIME_COMMITTED] (9)
Age when the most serious crime was committed [AGE_SERIOUS_CRIMECOMMIT] (14)
Sex [SEX] (3)

This dataset has 132,304 series: