Aspects of daily life - Household [82_87]

Updated on DBnomics on April 20, 2024 (4:49 AM)

Frequency [FREQ]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
Measure [MEASURE]
Household number of components [NUMBER_HOUSEHOLD_COMP]

Dataset has 8,800 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Dimension codes and labels
[FREQ] Frequency
  • [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
  • [2] metropolitan area - centre
  • [3] metropolitan area - suburbs
  • [6] until 2,000 inhab.
  • [7] 2,001 - 10,000 inhab.
  • [8] 10,001 - 50,000 inhab.
  • [9] 50,001 inhab. and over
  • [IT] Italy
  • [ITC] Nord-ovest
  • [ITC1] Piemonte
  • [ITC2] Valle d'Aosta / Vallée d'Aoste
  • [ITC3] Liguria
  • [ITC4] Lombardia
  • [ITCD] Nord
  • [ITD] Nord-est
  • [ITD1] Provincia Autonoma Bolzano / Bozen
  • [ITD2] Provincia Autonoma Trento
  • [ITD3] Veneto
  • [ITD4] Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • [ITD5] Emilia-Romagna
  • [ITDA] Trentino Alto Adige / Südtirol
  • [ITE] Centro (I)
  • [ITE1] Toscana
  • [ITE2] Umbria
  • [ITE3] Marche
  • [ITE4] Lazio
  • [ITF] Sud
  • [ITF1] Abruzzo
  • [ITF2] Molise
  • [ITF3] Campania
  • [ITF4] Puglia
  • [ITF5] Basilicata
  • [ITF6] Calabria
  • [ITFG] Mezzogiorno
  • [ITG] Isole
  • [ITG1] Sicilia
  • [ITG2] Sardegna
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
  • [1CORE_NOTHERP] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons
  • [1CORE_YOTHERP] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons
  • [1PARENT_YCHI] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons: one parent with children
  • [1PARENT_YCHILD] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons: one parent with children
  • [AVTYPE_COMP] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - average number of members
  • [AVTYPE_H5MORE] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - households with 5 members or more
  • [AVTYPE_H60OVER_F] single persons aged 60 years and over: single persons aged 60 years and over (biennal average) - female
  • [AVTYPE_H60OVER_M] single persons aged 60 years and over: single persons aged 60 years and over (biennal average) - male
  • [AVTYPE_H60OVER_T] single persons aged 60 years and over: single persons aged 60 years and over (biennal average) - total
  • [AVTYPE_HAGG] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - households with aggregates or more nucleus
  • [AVTYPE_HNOCHI] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - nucleus - couples without children
  • [AVTYPE_HONEP] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - nucleus - one parent
  • [AVTYPE_HUNMCH] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - unmarried children aged 18-30 years
  • [AVTYPE_HYESCHI] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - nucleus - couples with children
  • [AVTYPE_RECON] reconstituted households (biennal average)
  • [AVTYPE_UNMCOUP] unmarried couples (biennal average)
  • [COUPLE_NCHILD] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons: couples without children
  • [COUPLE_YCHILD] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons: couples with children
  • [COUP_L14_17] couples with children by age class of the younger child ( biennal average) - 14-17
  • [COUP_L18_24] couples with children by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - 18-24
  • [COUP_L25_MORE] couples with children by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - 25 and over
  • [COUP_L6_13] couples with children by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - 6-13
  • [COUP_LGE5] couples with children by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - until 5 years
  • [COUP_NCHI] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons: couples without children
  • [COUP_NW15_34] couples without children by woman age class ( biennal average) - 15-34
  • [COUP_NW35_54] couples without children by woman age class (biennal average) - 35-54
  • [COUP_NW55_64] couples without children by woman age class ( biennal average) - 55-64
  • [COUP_NW65_HI] couples without children by woman age class ( biennal average) - 65 and over
  • [COUP_W15_24] couples with children by woman age class ( biennal average) - 15-24
  • [COUP_W25_34] couples with children by woman age class (biennal average) - 25-34
  • [COUP_W35_44] couples with children by woman age class (biennal average) - 35-44
  • [COUP_W44_54] couples with children by woman age class (biennal average) - 44-54
  • [COUP_W55_64] couples with children by woman age class ( biennal average) - 55-64
  • [COUP_W65_74] couples with children by woman age class ( biennal average) - 65-74
  • [COUP_WGE75] couples with children by woman age class ( biennal average) - 75 and over
  • [COUP_YCHI] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons: couples with children
  • [COUP_YCH_1] couples with children by number of children (biennal average) - one
  • [COUP_YCH_2] couples with children by number of children (biennal average) - two
  • [COUP_YCH_3] couples with children by number of children (biennal average) - three or over
  • [HOUSEHOLD] household (biennal average)
  • [HOUSEH_NOST_INC] households by type of filling of the income tax return form: must not fill any forms
  • [HOUSEH_ST_INC_HOU] households by type of filling of the income tax return form: the income tax return form is filled in by the family
  • [HOUSEH_ST_INC_NPAY] households by type of filling of the income tax return form: the income tax return form is filled in by unpaid persons
  • [HOUSEH_ST_INC_PAY] households by type of filling of the income tax return form: the income tax return form is filled in by paid persons
  • [HOUSE_1CORE] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus
  • [HOUSE_1P] households by type (biennal average) - households without a nucleus: single persons
  • [HOUSE_1PBIS] households and nucleus by type (biennal average) - single persons
  • [HOUSE_FIRST] households who declare a little or great difficulty reaching some services: first aid
  • [HOUSE_FSHOP] households who declare a little or great difficulty reaching some services: food shop
  • [HOUSE_GE1CORE] households by type (biennal average) - households with two or more nucleus
  • [HOUSE_HEAT] households per characteristics of the house - presence of the heating
  • [HOUSE_LLINE] households per possession of the phone - landline
  • [HOUSE_MPHONE] households per possession of the phone - mobile phone
  • [HOUSE_MUNICIP] households who declare a little or great difficulty reaching some services: municipal office
  • [HOUSE_NCORE] households by type (biennal average) - households without a nucleus
  • [HOUSE_ONLY_MPHO] households per possession of the phone - only mobile phone
  • [HOUSE_PHARMA] households who declare a little or great difficulty reaching some services: pharmacies
  • [HOUSE_POLIC] households who declare a little or great difficulty reaching some services: law enforcement
  • [HOUSE_POST] households who declare a little or great difficulty reaching some services: post-office
  • [HOUSE_SMARKET] households who declare a little or great difficulty reaching some services: supermarket
  • [HOUSE_TBG] households per characteristics of the house - presence of terrace, balcony or garden
  • [HOUS_AIRCON] households by durable goods owned - air conditioners
  • [HOUS_ANWMACH] households by durable goods owned - answering machine
  • [HOUS_BICY] households by durable goods owned - bicycles
  • [HOUS_CAR] households by durable goods owned - car
  • [HOUS_CARS] households by durable goods owned - more than one car
  • [HOUS_CONT_SERV] households were very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service of electricity supply: continuity of service
  • [HOUS_COUNT_DISPL] households were very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service of electricity supply: comprehensibility of electronic counter display
  • [HOUS_CRIM_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: crime risk: very much
  • [HOUS_CRIM_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: crime risk: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_DIFFPARK_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: difficult parking: very much
  • [HOUS_DIFFPARK_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: difficult parking: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_DIFF_TRANS_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: difficulties of links with public transport means: very much
  • [HOUS_DIFF_TRANS_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: difficulties of links with public transport means: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_DIRSTR_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: dirty streets: very much
  • [HOUS_DIRSTR_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: dirty streets: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_DISH] households by durable goods owned - dishwasher
  • [HOUS_DOM] households connected to the gas distribution network very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service delivery of the gas: safety of domestic gas plant
  • [HOUS_DVDP] households by durable goods owned - dvd player
  • [HOUS_ECOMP_BILL] households were very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service of electricity supply: comprehensibility of the bill
  • [HOUS_EC_RESAD] household assessment on their overall economic resources in the last 12 months - adequate
  • [HOUS_EC_RESAS] household assessment on their overall economic resources in the last 12 months - absolutely insufficient
  • [HOUS_EC_RESSC] household assessment on their overall economic resources in the last 12 months - scarce
  • [HOUS_EC_RESVG] household assessment on their overall economic resources in the last 12 months - very good
  • [HOUS_EC_SITIMP] household assessment on their overall economic situation compared to previous year - very or a little improved
  • [HOUS_EC_SITMW] household assessment on their overall economic situation compared to previous year - much worse
  • [HOUS_EC_SITSA] household assessment on their overall economic situation compared to previous year - the same
  • [HOUS_EC_SITW] household assessment on their overall economic situation compared to previous year - a bit worse
  • [HOUS_EINF_ESERV] households were very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service of electricity supply: information about the service
  • [HOUS_EXT] households connected to the gas distribution network very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service delivery of the gas: safety of external network
  • [HOUS_FAX] households by durable goods owned - fax
  • [HOUS_GCOMP_BILL] households connected to the gas distribution network very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service delivery of the gas: comprehensibility of the bill
  • [HOUS_GHOUS_THINK] households who think to change house
  • [HOUS_GHOUS_YES] households who changed house
  • [HOUS_GINF_ESERV] households connected to the gas distribution network very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service delivery of the gas: information about the service
  • [HOUS_GMET_READ] households connected to the gas distribution network very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service delivery of the gas: frequency meter reading
  • [HOUS_GPC] households by durable goods owned - personal computer
  • [HOUS_HCOSTS] households by type of housing problems in which they live - house cost too high
  • [HOUS_HFAR] households by type of housing problems in which they live - too far from the family home
  • [HOUS_HIFI] households by durable goods owned - hi-fi
  • [HOUS_HIRWAT] households by type of housing problems in which they live - irregular supply of water
  • [HOUS_HLITTLE] households by type of housing problems in which they live - house too small
  • [HOUS_HNOWAT] households by type of housing problems in which they live - they don't trust to drink tap water
  • [HOUS_HPOOR] households by type of housing problems in which they live - house in poor condition
  • [HOUS_INTER] households by durable goods owned - Internet access
  • [HOUS_LPG] households by mode of supply of gas in the house - the house is connected to the LPG
  • [HOUS_MODEM] households by durable goods owned - modem
  • [HOUS_MOTOR] households by durable goods owned - motorcycles
  • [HOUS_MTVSET] households by durable goods owned - more than one TV
  • [HOUS_NETGAS] households by mode of supply of gas in the house: the house is connected to the distribution network
  • [HOUS_NOISE_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: noise: very much
  • [HOUS_NOISE_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: noise: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_NO_PCHANG] households connected to the gas distribution network very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service delivery of the gas: absence of pressure changes
  • [HOUS_POLLUT_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: air pollution: very much
  • [HOUS_POLLUT_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: air pollution: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_PROAD_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: poor road conditions: very much
  • [HOUS_PROAD_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: poor road conditions: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_SATDISH] households by durable goods owned - satellite dish
  • [HOUS_SMELL_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: unpleasant smells: very much
  • [HOUS_SMELL_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: unpleasant smells: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_STRLIGHT_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: poor street lighting: very much
  • [HOUS_STRLIGHT_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: poor street lighting: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_TELECTR] households were very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service of electricity supply: overall service
  • [HOUS_TGAS] households connected to the gas distribution network very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service delivery of the gas: overall service
  • [HOUS_TGAS_CYL] households by mode of supply of gas in the house - the gas is purchased in cylinders
  • [HOUS_TGAS_DON] households by mode of supply of gas in the house - it is installed outside a donut with periodic replenishment
  • [HOUS_TGAS_NET] households by mode of supply of gas in the house - the house is connected to the distribution network of methane
  • [HOUS_TGAS_NO] households by mode of supply of gas in the house - the house has no gas
  • [HOUS_TRAFFIC_V] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: traffic: very much
  • [HOUS_TRAFFIC_VQ] households declaring to live in an area where some problems are present: traffic: very much and quite
  • [HOUS_TVSET] households by durable goods owned - TV
  • [HOUS_VCAM] households by durable goods owned - video camera
  • [HOUS_VIDGAM] households by durable goods owned - video game consoles
  • [HOUS_VOLT_STAB] households were very or fairly satisfied for some aspects of the service of electricity supply: voltage stability
  • [HOUS_VRECORD] households by durable goods owned - video recorder
  • [HOUS_WASH] households by durable goods owned - washing machine
  • [SING_45_64_F] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - females - 45-64 years
  • [SING_45_64_M] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - males - 45-64 years
  • [SING_45_64_MF] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - males and females - 45-64 years
  • [SING_F_SP] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - females - separated, divorced
  • [SING_F_UNM] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - females - unmarried
  • [SING_F_WI] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - females - widowed
  • [SING_GE65_F] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - females - 65 years and over
  • [SING_GE65_M] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - males - 65 years and over
  • [SING_GE65_MF] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - males and females - 65 years and over
  • [SING_L45_F] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - females - less than 45 years
  • [SING_L45_M] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - males - less than 45 years
  • [SING_L45_MF] single persons by gender and age class (biennal average) - males and females - less than 45 years
  • [SING_MF_SP] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) -males and females - separated, divorced
  • [SING_MF_UNM] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - males and females - unmarried
  • [SING_MF_WI] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - males and females - widowed
  • [SING_M_SP] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - males - separated, divorced
  • [SING_M_UNM] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - males - unmarried
  • [SING_M_WI] single persons by gender and marital status (biennal average) - males - widowed
  • [SING_SDF_45] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - separated, divorced - less than 45 years
  • [SING_SDF_45_64] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - separated, divorced - 45-64 years
  • [SING_SDF_GE65] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - separated, divorced - 65 years and over
  • [SING_SDM_45] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males- separated, divorced- less than 45 years
  • [SING_SDM_45_64] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males - separated, divorced - 45-64 years
  • [SING_SDM_GE65] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males - separated, divorced- 65 years and over
  • [SING_UNF_45] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - unmarried - less than 45 years
  • [SING_UNF_45_64] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - unmarried - 45-64 years
  • [SING_UNF_GE65] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - unmarried - 65 years and over
  • [SING_UNM_45] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males- unmarried - less than 45 years
  • [SING_UNM_45_64] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males- unmarried- 45-64 years
  • [SING_UNM_GE65] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males- unmarried - 65 years and over
  • [SING_WIF_45] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - widowed - less than 45 years
  • [SING_WIF_45_64] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females - widowed - 45-64 years
  • [SING_WIF_GE65] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average) - females- widowed- 65 years and over
  • [SING_WIM_45] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males- widowed- less than 45 years
  • [SING_WIM_45_64] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)-males - widowed -45-64 years
  • [SING_WIM_GE65] single persons by gender, age class and marital status (biennal average)- males- widowed- 65 years and over
  • [SP_1CH] single parents by number of the children (biennal average) - one
  • [SP_2CH] single parents by number of the children (biennal average) - two
  • [SP_3CH] single parents by number of the children (biennal average) - three or over
  • [SP_F35] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - females - less than 35 years
  • [SP_F35_44] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - females - 35-44
  • [SP_F45_54] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - females - 45-54
  • [SP_FGE55] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - females - 55 and over
  • [SP_F_SP] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - females - separated, divorced
  • [SP_F_UNM] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - females - unmarried
  • [SP_F_WI] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - females - widowed
  • [SP_L14_17] single parents by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - 14-17
  • [SP_L18_24] single parents by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - 18-24
  • [SP_L25_MORE] single parents by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - 25 and over
  • [SP_L6_13] single parents by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - 6-13
  • [SP_LGE5] single parents by age class of the younger child (biennal average) - until 5 years
  • [SP_M35] single parents by gender and parents age class (biennal average) - males - less than 35 years
  • [SP_M35_44] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - males - 35-44
  • [SP_M45_54] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - males - 45-54
  • [SP_MF35] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - males and females - less than 35 years
  • [SP_MF35_44] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - males and females - 35-44
  • [SP_MF45_54] single parents by gender and parents age class (biennal average) - males and females - 45-54
  • [SP_MFGE55] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - males and females - 55 and over
  • [SP_MF_SP] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - males and females - separated, divorced
  • [SP_MF_UNM] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - males and females - unmarried
  • [SP_MF_WI] single parents by gender and marital status (biennal average) -males and females - widowed
  • [SP_MGE55] single parents by gender and parents age class ( biennal average) - males - 55 and over
  • [SP_M_SP] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - males - separated, divorced
  • [SP_M_UNM] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - males - unmarried
  • [SP_M_WI] single parents by gender and marital status ( biennal average) - males - widowed
  • [SP_SEXF] single parents by gender ( biennal average) - females
  • [SP_SEXM] single parents by gender (biennal average) - males
[MEASURE] Measure
  • [AVE] average
  • [HSC_C] per 100 couples with the same characteristics
  • [HSC_F] per 100 households with the same characteristics
  • [HSC_G] per 100 young aged 18-30 years with the same characteristics
  • [HSC_M] per 100 single parents with the same characteristics
  • [HSC_N] per 100 nucleus with the same characteristics
  • [HSC_S] per 100 singles with the same characteristics
  • [THV] thousands value
[NUMBER_HOUSEHOLD_COMP] Household number of components
  • [N1] 1
  • [N2] 2
  • [N3] 3
  • [N4] 4
  • [N5] 5
  • [N6_GE] 6 and over
  • [TOT] total
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