Type of households [82_87_DF_DCCV_AVQ_FAMIGLIE_11]

Updated on DBnomics on April 20, 2024 (4:49 AM)

Frequency [FREQ]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
Measure [MEASURE]
Household number of components [NUMBER_HOUSEHOLD_COMP]

Dataset has 28 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Dimension codes and labels
[FREQ] Frequency
  • [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
  • [IT] Italy
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
  • [1CORE_NOTHERP] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons
  • [1CORE_YOTHERP] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons
  • [1PARENT_YCHI] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons: one parent with children
  • [1PARENT_YCHILD] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons: one parent with children
  • [AVTYPE_RECON] reconstituted households (biennal average)
  • [AVTYPE_UNMCOUP] unmarried couples (biennal average)
  • [COUPLE_NCHILD] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons: couples without children
  • [COUPLE_YCHILD] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus without other persons: couples with children
  • [COUP_NCHI] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons: couples without children
  • [COUP_YCHI] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus: a nucleus with other persons: couples with children
  • [HOUSE_1CORE] households by type (biennal average) - households with a nucleus
  • [HOUSE_1P] households by type (biennal average) - households without a nucleus: single persons
  • [HOUSE_GE1CORE] households by type (biennal average) - households with two or more nucleus
  • [HOUSE_NCORE] households by type (biennal average) - households without a nucleus
[MEASURE] Measure
  • [HSC_C] per 100 couples with the same characteristics
  • [HSC_F] per 100 households with the same characteristics
  • [THV] thousands value
[NUMBER_HOUSEHOLD_COMP] Household number of components
  • [TOT] total
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