Aspects of daily life [83_63]

Updated on DBnomics on April 20, 2024 (4:49 AM)

Frequency [FREQ]
Territory [REF_AREA]
Indicator [DATA_TYPE]
Measure [MEASURE]
Gender [SEX]
Age [AGE]
Highest level of education attained [EDU_LEV_HIGHEST]
Occupational status [LABOUR_PROFESS_STATUS_B]

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Dimension codes and labels
[FREQ] Frequency
  • [A] annual
[REF_AREA] Territory
  • [2] metropolitan area - centre
  • [3] metropolitan area - suburbs
  • [6] until 2,000 inhab.
  • [7] 2,001 - 10,000 inhab.
  • [8] 10,001 - 50,000 inhab.
  • [9] 50,001 inhab. and over
  • [IT] Italy
  • [ITC] Nord-ovest
  • [ITC1] Piemonte
  • [ITC2] Valle d'Aosta / Vallée d'Aoste
  • [ITC3] Liguria
  • [ITC4] Lombardia
  • [ITCD] Nord
  • [ITD] Nord-est
  • [ITD1] Provincia Autonoma Bolzano / Bozen
  • [ITD2] Provincia Autonoma Trento
  • [ITD3] Veneto
  • [ITD4] Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • [ITD5] Emilia-Romagna
  • [ITDA] Trentino Alto Adige / Südtirol
  • [ITE] Centro (I)
  • [ITE1] Toscana
  • [ITE2] Umbria
  • [ITE3] Marche
  • [ITE4] Lazio
  • [ITF] Sud
  • [ITF1] Abruzzo
  • [ITF2] Molise
  • [ITF3] Campania
  • [ITF4] Puglia
  • [ITF5] Basilicata
  • [ITF6] Calabria
  • [ITFG] Mezzogiorno
  • [ITG] Isole
  • [ITG1] Sicilia
  • [ITG2] Sardegna
[DATA_TYPE] Indicator
  • [0-34_STMOV_BICYC] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: bicycle
  • [0-34_STMOV_BUS] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: tram, bus
  • [0-34_STMOV_BUSC] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: bus company
  • [0-34_STMOV_COACH] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: coach
  • [0-34_STMOV_FOOT] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: by foot
  • [0-34_STMOV_MEANS] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: they use means of transport
  • [0-34_STMOV_METRO] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: metro
  • [0-34_STMOV_MOTOR] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: motorcycle, moped
  • [0-34_STMOV_PCAR] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: private car as driver
  • [0-34_STMOV_PPASS] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: private car as passenger
  • [0-34_STMOV_TRAIN] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: train
  • [0-34_STU_MOVT_15] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: until 15 minutes
  • [0-34_STU_MOVT_31] kindergarten children and students aged under 34 years who leave home to go to school or college, by means of transport used and time spent: 31 minutes and over
  • [0_1HOSP] persons with at least one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [0_ALEAST_1CRON] persons by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: persons at least a chronic disease
  • [0_ALEAST_2CRON] persons by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: persons at least two chronic disease
  • [0_CHRONIC_ALLER] chronic patients - suffering from allergic diseases
  • [0_CHRONIC_ARTH] chronic patients - suffering from osteoarthritis, arthritis
  • [0_CHRONIC_BRONC] chronic patients - suffering from chronic bronchitis
  • [0_CHRONIC_DIAB] chronic patients - suffering from diabetes
  • [0_CHRONIC_GASTR] chronic patients - suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcer
  • [0_CHRONIC_GH] persons with chronic diseases in good health
  • [0_CHRONIC_HEART] chronic patients - suffering from heart disease
  • [0_CHRONIC_HYP] chronic patients - with hypertension
  • [0_CHRONIC_NERVOUS] chronic patients - suffering from nervous disorders
  • [0_CHRONIC_OSTEO] chronic patients - with osteoporosis
  • [0_DOM_ACC] persons who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: persons who have suffered a domestic accident
  • [0_DRUGS_D] persons who consumed drugs for the last two days
  • [0_FA] first aid: persons who used the first aid in the 3 months preceding the inteview
  • [0_GOOD_H] persons by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: persons in good health
  • [0_HFOOD_Q] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: food: very much and quite
  • [0_HFOOD_V] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: food: very much
  • [0_HOLID] persons who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year
  • [0_HOLID_1PERIOD] persons who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: one period
  • [0_HOLID_2PERIOD] persons who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: two periods
  • [0_MED_CAREQ] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: medical care: very much and quite
  • [0_MED_CAREV] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: medical care: very much
  • [0_MG] medical guard: persons who used the medical guard in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [0_NDOM_ACC] persons who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: number of domestic accidents
  • [0_NHOLID] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year
  • [0_NO_HOLID_AGE] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: for age
  • [0_NO_HOLID_ECON] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: economic reasons
  • [0_NO_HOLID_FAM] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: family reasons
  • [0_NO_HOLID_HEAL] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: health reasons
  • [0_NO_HOLID_NHABIT] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: lack of habit
  • [0_NO_HOLID_RES] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: resident in holiday resorts
  • [0_NO_HOLID_WOSTU] persons who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: reasons of work or study
  • [0_NURS_Q] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: nursing: very much and quite
  • [0_NURS_V] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: nursing: very much
  • [0_SANFAC_Q] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: sanitary facilities: very much and quite
  • [0_SANFAC_V] persons with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: sanitary facilities: very much
  • [11_ACQ_MIN] persons aged 11 years and over who consume mineral water
  • [11_ALCF_1VOL] persons aged 11 years and over who consume alcoholic beverages outside the meals - less than once a week
  • [11_ALC_ECCEZ] persons aged 11 years and over who consume alcoholic drinks - exceptionally
  • [11_ALC_FUORI] persons aged 11 years and over who consume alcoholic beverages outside the meals
  • [11_ALC_NFUORI] persons aged 11 years and over who don't consume wine, beer, alcoholic beverages outside the meals
  • [11_AMARI] persons aged 11 years and over who consume bitter drinks
  • [11_AMAR_ECCEZ] persons aged 11 years and over who consume bitter drinks - exceptionally
  • [11_ANA_ECCEZ] persons aged 11 years and over who consume non-alcoholic drinks - exceptionally
  • [11_AP_ALC] persons aged 11 years and over who consume alcoholic drinks
  • [11_AP_ANA] persons aged 11 years and over who consume non-alcoholic drinks
  • [11_BEV_GAS] persons aged 11 years and over who consume carbonate beverages
  • [11_BIC_ACQ] persons aged 11 years and over per mineral water consumption: 1-2 glasses of mineral water a day
  • [11_BIC_GAS] persons aged 11 years and over per carbonate beverages consumption: 1-2 glasses of carbonate beverages a day
  • [11_BIC_VINO] persons aged 11 years and over per wine consumption: 1-2 glasses of wine a day
  • [11_BIRRA] persons aged 11 years and over who consume beer
  • [11_LIQUO] persons aged 11 years and over who consume spirits
  • [11_LIQUO_ECCEZ] persons aged 11 years and over who consume spirits - exceptionally
  • [11_LIT_ACQUA] persons aged 11 years and over by consumption of beverages
  • [11_PIU_MEZ_ACQ] persons aged 11 years and over per mineral water consumption: more of half a liter of mineral water a day
  • [11_PIU_MEZ_GAS] persons aged 11 years and over per carbonate beverages consumption: more of half a liter of carbonate beverages a day
  • [11_PIU_VINO] persons aged 11 years and over per wine consumption: more of half a liter of wine a day
  • [11_RAR_ACQ_MIN] persons aged 11 years and over per mineral water consumption: he/she consumes mineral water more rarely
  • [11_RAR_BIRRA] persons aged 11 years and over per beer consumption: he/she consumes beer more rarely
  • [11_RAR_GAS] persons aged 11 years and over per carbonate beverages consumption: he/she consumes carbonate beverages more rarely
  • [11_RAR_VINO] persons aged 11 years and over per wine consumption: he/she consumes wine more rarely
  • [11_STAG_BIRRA] persons aged 11 years and over per beer consumption: he/she consumes beer only seasonally
  • [11_TUT_BIRRA] persons aged 11 years and over per beer consumption: he/she consumes beer everyday
  • [11_VINO] persons aged 11 years and over who consume wine
  • [14_ACT_POL_DEB] persons aged 14 years and over by potical activities: listening to a political debate
  • [14_ACT_POL_FREE] persons aged 14 years and over by potical activities: doing free activities for a party
  • [14_ACT_POL_MEET] persons aged 14 years and over by potical activities: participating in a mass-meeting
  • [14_ACT_POL_MONEY] persons aged 14 years and over by potical activities: financially supporting a party
  • [14_ACT_POL_PROC] persons aged 14 years and over by potical activities: participating in a march
  • [14_BUS] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus
  • [14_BUS_FQ_EVD] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of bus: everyday or few times a week
  • [14_BUS_FQ_FTMO] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of bus: few times a month
  • [14_BUS_FQ_NEV] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of bus: never
  • [14_BUS_FQ_YEAR] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of bus: few times a year
  • [14_BUS_SAT_CLEAN] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: cleanness of vehicles
  • [14_BUS_SAT_COMF] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: convenience of the timetables
  • [14_BUS_SAT_CONNEC] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: connections with other towns
  • [14_BUS_SAT_COST] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: ticket price
  • [14_BUS_SAT_FC] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: frequency of the runs
  • [14_BUS_SAT_OT] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: punctuality
  • [14_BUS_SAT_PS] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: possibility of finding a seat
  • [14_BUS_SAT_SR] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: speed racing
  • [14_BUS_SAT_WAIT] persons aged 14 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: comfort during the waiting at the stops
  • [14_COACH] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach
  • [14_COACH_FQ_EVD] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of coach: everyday or few times a week
  • [14_COACH_FQ_FTMO] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of coach: few times a month
  • [14_COACH_FQ_NEV] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of coach: never
  • [14_COACH_FQ_YEAR] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of coach: few times a year
  • [14_COACH_SAT_CLEAN] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: cleanness of vehicles
  • [14_COACH_SAT_COMF] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: convenience of the timetables
  • [14_COACH_SAT_CONNEC] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: connections with other towns
  • [14_COACH_SAT_COST] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: ticket price
  • [14_COACH_SAT_FC] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: frequency of the runs
  • [14_COACH_SAT_INF] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: information about the service
  • [14_COACH_SAT_OT] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: punctuality
  • [14_COACH_SAT_PS] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: possibility of finding a seat
  • [14_COACH_SAT_SR] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: speed racing
  • [14_COACH_SAT_WAIT] persons aged 14 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: comfort during the waiting at the stops
  • [14_CULTU_ASS] persons aged 14 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: meeting in cultural associations, recreational or other
  • [14_ECON_NALL] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: not at all
  • [14_ECON_NMUC] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: not much
  • [14_ECON_QUI] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: quite
  • [14_ECON_VER] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: very much
  • [14_ECO_ASS] persons aged 14 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: meetings in ecological associations, civil rights, for peace
  • [14_FAMILY_NALL] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: not at all
  • [14_FAMILY_NMU] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: not much
  • [14_FAMILY_QUI] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: quite
  • [14_FAMILY_VER] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: very much
  • [14_FREE_UNION] persons aged 14 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: free activities for a union
  • [14_FRIEND_NALL] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: not at all
  • [14_FRIEND_NMU] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: not much
  • [14_FRIEND_QUI] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: quite
  • [14_FRIEND_VER] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: very much
  • [14_FUMO_EX] persons aged 14 years and over per smoking habits: former-smokers
  • [14_FUMO_NO] persons aged 14 years and over per smoking habits: ever smokers persons
  • [14_FUMO_SI] persons aged 14 years and over per smoking habits: smokers
  • [14_FUMO_SIGAR_11-20] persons aged 14 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: from 11 to 20 cigarettes
  • [14_FUMO_SIGAR_5] persons aged 14 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: until 5 cigarettes
  • [14_FUMO_SIGAR_6-10] persons aged 14 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: from 6 to 10 cigarettes
  • [14_FUMO_SIGAR_GE20] persons aged 14 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: 20 cigarettes and over
  • [14_FUMO_SS] persons aged 14 years and over smokers who smoke cigarettes
  • [14_HEALTH_NALL] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: not at all
  • [14_HEALTH_NMUC] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: not much
  • [14_HEALTH_QUI] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: quite
  • [14_HEALTH_VER] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: very much
  • [14_INF_POL_1W] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: once a week
  • [14_INF_POL_EVERY] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: everyday
  • [14_INF_POL_NEV] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: never
  • [14_INF_POL_SM] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: some times a month
  • [14_INF_POL_SW] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: some times a week
  • [14_INF_POL_SY] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: few times a year
  • [14_LEISURE_NALL] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: not at all
  • [14_LEISURE_NMU] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: not much
  • [14_LEISURE_QUI] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: quite
  • [14_LEISURE_VER] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: very much
  • [14_MONE_ASS] persons aged 14 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: donate money to an association
  • [14_NINF_POL_DIFF] persons aged 14 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: complicated topic
  • [14_NINF_POL_DIST] persons aged 14 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: distrust of politics
  • [14_NINF_POL_NINTER] persons aged 14 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: it is not interesting
  • [14_NINF_POL_NTIME] persons aged 14 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: he/she has not time
  • [14_NINF_POL_OTHE] persons aged 14 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: other
  • [14_NOTRUST] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: to be very careful in dealing with people
  • [14_NVOL_ASS] persons aged 14 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: free activities in non voluntary associations
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_0] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 0
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_1] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 1
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_10] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 10
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_2] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 2
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_3] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 3
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_4] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 4
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_5] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 5
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_6] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 6
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_7] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 7
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_8] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 8
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_9] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 9
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_AVERAGE] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: average value
  • [14_SAT_LIFE_MEDIAN] persons aged 14 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: median value
  • [14_TAL_POL_1W] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: once a week
  • [14_TAL_POL_EVERY] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: everyday
  • [14_TAL_POL_NEV] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: never
  • [14_TAL_POL_SM] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: some times a month
  • [14_TAL_POL_SW] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: some times a week
  • [14_TAL_POL_SY] persons aged 14 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: few times a year
  • [14_TR] persons aged 14 years and over who use train
  • [14_TR_FQ_EVD] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of train: everyday or few times a week
  • [14_TR_FQ_FTMO] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of train: few times a month
  • [14_TR_FQ_NEV] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of train: never
  • [14_TR_FQ_YEAR] persons aged 14 years and over per frequence of use of train: few times a year
  • [14_TR_SAT_CLEAN] persons aged 14 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: cleanness of vehicles
  • [14_TR_SAT_COMF] persons aged 14 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: convenience of the timetables
  • [14_TR_SAT_COST] persons aged 14 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: ticket price
  • [14_TR_SAT_FC] persons aged 14 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: frequency of the runs
  • [14_TR_SAT_INF] persons aged 14 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: information about the service
  • [14_TR_SAT_OT] persons aged 14 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: punctuality
  • [14_TR_SAT_PS] persons aged 14 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: possibility of finding a seat
  • [14_VOL_ASS] persons aged 14 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: free activities in voluntary associations
  • [14_WALLET_NEIGHBNAL] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: not at all
  • [14_WALLET_NEIGHBNM] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: not much
  • [14_WALLET_NEIGHBQ] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: quite
  • [14_WALLET_NEIGHBV] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: very much
  • [14_WALLET_POLICNAL] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: not at all
  • [14_WALLET_POLICNM] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: not much
  • [14_WALLET_POLICQ] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: quite
  • [14_WALLET_POLICV] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: very much
  • [14_WALLET_STRANGNAL] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: not at all
  • [14_WALLET_STRANGNM] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: not much
  • [14_WALLET_STRANGQ] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: quite
  • [14_WALLET_STRANGV] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: very much
  • [14_WINF_POL_ACQ] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: acquaintances
  • [14_WINF_POL_COL] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: colleagues
  • [14_WINF_POL_FRI] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: friends
  • [14_WINF_POL_MAG] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: weekly magazines
  • [14_WINF_POL_NEWS] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: newspapers
  • [14_WINF_POL_ORGPOL] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: political organizations
  • [14_WINF_POL_ORGSIND] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: trade unions
  • [14_WINF_POL_OTHER] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: other
  • [14_WINF_POL_OTHM] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: other publications not weekly
  • [14_WINF_POL_RADIO] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: radio
  • [14_WINF_POL_REL] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: relatives
  • [14_WINF_POL_TV] persons aged 14 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: tv
  • [14_YESTRUST] persons aged 14 years and over by interpersonal trust: most people can be trusted
  • [15_1HOSP] persons aged 15 years and over with at least one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [15_1PORTION] persons aged 15 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: 1 portion
  • [15_1PWEEK] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: once a week
  • [15_2-4PORTION] persons aged 15 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: from 2 to 4 portions
  • [15_ACQ_MIN] persons aged 15 years and over who consume mineral water
  • [15_ACT_POL_DEB] persons aged 15 years and over by potical activities: listening to a political debate
  • [15_ACT_POL_FREE] persons aged 15 years and over by potical activities: doing free activities for a party
  • [15_ACT_POL_MEET] persons aged 15 years and over by potical activities: participating in a mass-meeting
  • [15_ACT_POL_MONEY] persons aged 15 years and over by potical activities: financially supporting a party
  • [15_ACT_POL_PROC] persons aged 15 years and over by potical activities: participating in a march
  • [15_ADEQ_BREAK] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: having an adequate breakfast (with mink and/or food)
  • [15_ALCF_1VOL] persons aged 15 years and over who consume alcoholic beverages outside the meals - less than once a week
  • [15_ALC_ECCEZ] persons aged 15 years and over who consume alcoholic drinks - exceptionally
  • [15_ALC_FUORI] persons aged 15 years and over who consume alcoholic beverages outside the meals
  • [15_ALC_NFUORI] persons aged 15 years and over who don't consume wine, beer, alcoholic beverages outside the meals
  • [15_ALEAST_1CRON] persons aged 15 years and over by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: at least a chronic disease
  • [15_ALEAST_2CRON] persons aged 15 years and over by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: at least two chronic disease
  • [15_AMARI] persons aged 15 years and over who consume bitter drinks
  • [15_AMAR_ECCEZ] persons aged 15 years and over who consume bitter drinks - exceptionally
  • [15_ANA_ECCEZ] persons aged 15 years and over who consume non-alcoholic drinks - exceptionally
  • [15_AP_ALC] persons aged 15 years and over who consume alcoholic drinks
  • [15_AP_ANA] persons aged 15 years and over who consume non-alcoholic drinks
  • [15_ARCHEO_MUSEUM] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: museum, exhibitions
  • [15_BEEF] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: beef at least once a week
  • [15_BEV_GAS] persons aged 15 years and over who consume carbonate beverages
  • [15_BIC_ACQ] persons aged 15 years and over per mineral water consumption: 1-2 glasses of mineral water a day
  • [15_BIC_GAS] persons aged 15 years and over per carbonate beverages consumption: 1-2 glasses of carbonate beverages a day
  • [15_BIC_VINO] persons aged 15 years and over per wine consumption: 1-2 glasses of wine a day
  • [15_BIRRA] persons aged 15 years and over who consume beer
  • [15_BOOK_12_OVER] persons aged 15 years and over reading books in the last 12 months: 12 books and over
  • [15_BOOK_1_3] persons aged 15 years and over reading books in the last 12 months: from 1 to 3 books
  • [15_BOOK_W] persons aged 15 years and over reading books in the last 12 months: at least one book
  • [15_BREAD] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: bread, pasta at least once a day
  • [15_BUS] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus
  • [15_BUS_FQ_EVD] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of bus: everyday or few times a week
  • [15_BUS_FQ_FTMO] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of bus: few times a month
  • [15_BUS_FQ_NEV] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of bus: never
  • [15_BUS_FQ_YEAR] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of bus: few times a year
  • [15_BUS_SAT_CLEAN] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: cleanness of vehicles
  • [15_BUS_SAT_COMF] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: convenience of the timetables
  • [15_BUS_SAT_CONNEC] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: connections with other towns
  • [15_BUS_SAT_COST] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: ticket price
  • [15_BUS_SAT_FC] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: frequency of the runs
  • [15_BUS_SAT_OT] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: punctuality
  • [15_BUS_SAT_PS] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: possibility of finding a seat
  • [15_BUS_SAT_SR] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: speed racing
  • [15_BUS_SAT_WAIT] persons aged 15 years and over who use bus and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: comfort during the waiting at the stops
  • [15_CCUT] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cold cuts ai least once a week
  • [15_CHEESE] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cheese at least once a day
  • [15_CHRONIC_ALLER] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - suffering from allergic diseases
  • [15_CHRONIC_ARTH] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - suffering from osteoarthritis, arthritis
  • [15_CHRONIC_BRONC] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - suffering from chronic bronchitis
  • [15_CHRONIC_DIAB] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - suffering from diabetes
  • [15_CHRONIC_GASTR] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcer
  • [15_CHRONIC_GH] persons aged 15 years and over with chronic diseases in good health
  • [15_CHRONIC_HEART] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - suffering from heart disease
  • [15_CHRONIC_HYP] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - with hypertension
  • [15_CHRONIC_NERVOUS] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - suffering from nervous disorders
  • [15_CHRONIC_OSTEO] chronic patients aged 15 years and over - with osteoporosis
  • [15_CINEMA] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: cinema
  • [15_COACH] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach
  • [15_COACH_FQ_EVD] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of coach: everyday or few times a week
  • [15_COACH_FQ_FTMO] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of coach: few times a month
  • [15_COACH_FQ_NEV] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of coach: never
  • [15_COACH_FQ_YEAR] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of coach: few times a year
  • [15_COACH_SAT_CLEAN] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: cleanness of vehicles
  • [15_COACH_SAT_COMF] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: convenience of the timetables
  • [15_COACH_SAT_CONNEC] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: connections with other towns
  • [15_COACH_SAT_COST] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: ticket price
  • [15_COACH_SAT_FC] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: frequency of the runs
  • [15_COACH_SAT_INF] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: information about the service
  • [15_COACH_SAT_OT] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: punctuality
  • [15_COACH_SAT_PS] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: possibility of finding a seat
  • [15_COACH_SAT_SR] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: speed racing
  • [15_COACH_SAT_WAIT] persons aged 15 years and over who use coach and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: comfort during the waiting at the stops
  • [15_CONCER_CLAS_OPE] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: classical music concerts, opera
  • [15_CONF] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: confectionery at least once a week
  • [15_CULTU_ASS] persons aged 15 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: meeting in cultural associations, recreational or other
  • [15_DISCOT] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: discos, dance halls, night clubs or other dancing places
  • [15_DOM_ACC] persons aged 15 years and over who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: persons who have suffered a domestic accident
  • [15_DRES_VOIL] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: drizzle with olive oil or vegetables fats
  • [15_DRUGS_D] persons aged 15 yeras and over who consumed drugs for the last two days
  • [15_ECON_NALL] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: not at all
  • [15_ECON_NMUC] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: not much
  • [15_ECON_QUI] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: quite
  • [15_ECON_VER] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with economic situation: very much
  • [15_ECO_ASS] persons aged 15 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: meetings in ecological associations, civil rights, for peace
  • [15_EGG] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: eggs at least once a week
  • [15_EMPL_MOVT_15] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: until 15 minutes
  • [15_EMPL_MOVT_31] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: 31 minutes and over
  • [15_EMPL_SNALL] employed persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with their work: not at all
  • [15_EMPL_SNMUC] employed persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with their work: not much
  • [15_EMPL_SQUI] employed persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with their work: quite
  • [15_EMPL_SVER] employed persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with their work: very much
  • [15_EMPMOV_BICYC] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: bicycle
  • [15_EMPMOV_BUS] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: tram, bus
  • [15_EMPMOV_BUSC] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: bus company
  • [15_EMPMOV_COACH] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: coach
  • [15_EMPMOV_FOOT] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: by foot
  • [15_EMPMOV_MEANS] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: they use means of transport
  • [15_EMPMOV_METRO] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: metro
  • [15_EMPMOV_MOTOR] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: motorcycle, moped
  • [15_EMPMOV_PCAR] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: private car as driver
  • [15_EMPMOV_PPASS] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: private car as passenger
  • [15_EMPMOV_TRAIN] employed aged 15 years and over who leave home to go to the work by means of trasport used and time spent: train
  • [15_EVERYD] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: everyday
  • [15_FA] first aid of the persons aged 15 yers and over: persons who used the first aid in the 3 months preceding the inteview
  • [15_FAMILY_NALL] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: not at all
  • [15_FAMILY_NMU] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: not much
  • [15_FAMILY_QUI] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: quite
  • [15_FAMILY_VER] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with family relationships: very much
  • [15_FISH] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: fish at least once a week
  • [15_FREE_UNION] persons aged 15 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: free activities for a union
  • [15_FRIEND_NALL] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: not at all
  • [15_FRIEND_NMU] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: not much
  • [15_FRIEND_QUI] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: quite
  • [15_FRIEND_VER] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with friendships: very much
  • [15_FRUIT] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: fruit at least once a day
  • [15_FUMO_EX] persons aged 15 years and over per smoking habits: former-smokers
  • [15_FUMO_NO] persons aged 15 years and over per smoking habits: ever smokers persons
  • [15_FUMO_SI] persons aged 15 years and over per smoking habits: smokers
  • [15_FUMO_SIGAR_11-20] persons aged 15 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: from 11 to 20 cigarettes
  • [15_FUMO_SIGAR_5] persons aged 15 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: until 5 cigarettes
  • [15_FUMO_SIGAR_6-10] persons aged 15 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: from 6 to 10 cigarettes
  • [15_FUMO_SIGAR_GE20] persons aged 15 years and over smokers per smoked cigarettes: 20 cigarettes and over
  • [15_FUMO_SS] persons aged 15 years and over smokers who smoke cigarettes
  • [15_GE1PWEEK] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: some times a week
  • [15_GE5_PORTION] persons aged 15 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: 5 portions and over
  • [15_GOOD_H] persons aged 15 years and over by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: in good health
  • [15_GREN] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: greens at least once a day
  • [15_HEALTH_NALL] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: not at all
  • [15_HEALTH_NMUC] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: not much
  • [15_HEALTH_QUI] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: quite
  • [15_HEALTH_VER] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with health status: very much
  • [15_HFOOD_Q] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: food: very much and quite
  • [15_HFOOD_V] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: food: very much
  • [15_HOLID] persons aged 15 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year
  • [15_HOLID_1PERIOD] persons aged 15 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: one period
  • [15_HOLID_2PERIOD] persons aged 15 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: two periods
  • [15_INF_POL_1W] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: once a week
  • [15_INF_POL_EVERY] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: everyday
  • [15_INF_POL_NEV] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: never
  • [15_INF_POL_SM] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: some times a month
  • [15_INF_POL_SW] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: some times a week
  • [15_INF_POL_SY] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which inform themselves about Italian politics: few times a year
  • [15_INTNO] persons aged 15 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: they don't use Internet
  • [15_INTSI] persons aged 15 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: they use Internet
  • [15_INTTUTTI] persons aged 15 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: everyday
  • [15_INT_1P_SETT] persons aged 15 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: one or more times a week
  • [15_INT_QV_ANNO] persons aged 15 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: some times during the year
  • [15_INT_QV_MESE] persons aged 15 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: some times a month
  • [15_IODINE_SALT] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: use of iodine enriche salt
  • [15_LEGUM] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: legumes at least once a week
  • [15_LEISURE_NALL] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: not at all
  • [15_LEISURE_NMU] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: not much
  • [15_LEISURE_QUI] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: quite
  • [15_LEISURE_VER] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with leisure time: very much
  • [15_LIQUO] persons aged 15 years and over who consume spirits
  • [15_LIQUO_ECCEZ] persons aged 15 years and over who consume spirits - exceptionally
  • [15_LIT_ACQUA] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of beverages
  • [15_LUNCH_CAF] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: lunch in a caf├¿
  • [15_LUNCH_CANT] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: lunch in a school/company canteen
  • [15_LUNCH_HOME] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: lunch at home
  • [15_LUNCH_REST] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: lunch in a restaurant
  • [15_LUNCH_WORK] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: lunch at workplace
  • [15_MED_CAREQ] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: medical care: very much and quite
  • [15_MED_CAREV] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: medical care: very much
  • [15_MG] medical guard of persons aged 15 years and over: persons who used the medical guard in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [15_MILK] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: milk at least once a day
  • [15_MILK_BREAK] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: having breakfast with milk and food
  • [15_MMEAL_DIN] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: dinner as main meal
  • [15_MMEAL_LUNCH] persons aged 15 years and over by food habits: lunch as main meal
  • [15_MONE_ASS] persons aged 15 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: donate money to an association
  • [15_MUS_SHOW] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: museums, exhibitions
  • [15_NDOM_ACC] persons aged 15 years and over who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: number of domestic accidents
  • [15_NEVER] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: never
  • [15_NEVER_RELIG] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of a place of worship in the last 12 months: never
  • [15_NEV_SPORT] persons aged 15 and over practising / non practising sports: never
  • [15_NEWP_5] persons aged 15 years and over reading newspapers at least once a week: five times and over a week
  • [15_NEWP_W] persons aged 15 years and over reading newspapers at least once a week: at least once a week
  • [15_NFRIEND] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: he/she has no friends
  • [15_NHOLID] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year
  • [15_NINF_POL_DIFF] persons aged 15 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: complicated topic
  • [15_NINF_POL_DIST] persons aged 15 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: distrust of politics
  • [15_NINF_POL_NINTER] persons aged 15 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: it is not interesting
  • [15_NINF_POL_NTIME] persons aged 15 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: he/she has not time
  • [15_NINF_POL_OTHE] persons aged 15 and over by why they do not inform themselves of politics: other
  • [15_NOTRUST] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: to be very careful in dealing with people
  • [15_NO_HOLID_AGE] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reason: for age
  • [15_NO_HOLID_ECON] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reason: economic reasons
  • [15_NO_HOLID_FAM] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reason: family reasons
  • [15_NO_HOLID_HEAL] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reason: health reasons
  • [15_NO_HOLID_NHABIT] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reason: lack of habit
  • [15_NO_HOLID_RES] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reason: resident in holiday resorts
  • [15_NO_HOLID_WOSTU] persons aged 15 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reason: reasons of work or study
  • [15_NURS_Q] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: nursing: very much and quite
  • [15_NURS_V] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: nursing: very much
  • [15_NVOL_ASS] persons aged 15 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: free activities in non voluntary associations
  • [15_OLIV_OIL] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cooking with olive oil or vegetables fats
  • [15_OTHER_CONCER] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: other music concerts
  • [15_PCNO] persons aged 15 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: they don't use personal computer
  • [15_PCSI] persons aged 15 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: they use personal computer
  • [15_PCTUTTI] persons aged 15 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: everyday
  • [15_PC_1P_SETT] persons aged 15 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: one or more times a week
  • [15_PC_QV_ANNO] persons aged 15 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: some times during the year
  • [15_PC_QV_MESE] persons aged 15 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: some times a month
  • [15_PHYS_ACTIV] persons aged 15 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: some type of physical activity
  • [15_PIU_MEZ_ACQ] persons aged 15 years and over per mineral water consumption: more of half a liter of mineral water a day
  • [15_PIU_MEZ_GAS] persons aged 15 years and over per carbonate beverages consumption: more of half a liter of carbonate beverages a day
  • [15_PIU_VINO] persons aged 15 years and over per wine consumption: more of half a liter of wine a day
  • [15_PORK] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: pork at least once a week
  • [15_RADIO] persons aged 15 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: listening to radio
  • [15_RAD_ED] persons aged 15 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: listening to radio: everyday
  • [15_RAR_ACQ_MIN] persons aged 15 years and over per mineral water consumption: he/she consumes mineral water more rarely
  • [15_RAR_BIRRA] persons aged 15 years and over per beer consumption: he/she consumes beer more rarely
  • [15_RAR_GAS] persons aged 15 years and over per carbonate beverages consumption: he/she consumes carbonate beverages more rarely
  • [15_RAR_VINO] persons aged 15 years and over per wine consumption: he/she consumes wine more rarely
  • [15_SALT_ATT] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: for attention to the consumption of salt
  • [15_SANFAC_Q] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: sanitary facilities: very much and quite
  • [15_SANFAC_V] persons aged 15 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: sanitary facilities: very much
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_0] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 0
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_1] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 1
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_10] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 10
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_2] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 2
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_3] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 3
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_4] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 4
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_5] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 5
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_6] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 6
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_7] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 7
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_8] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 8
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_9] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: 9
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_AVERAGE] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: average value
  • [15_SAT_LIFE_MEDIAN] persons aged 15 years and over by level of satisfaction with life as a whole: median value
  • [15_SNACK] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: snack at least once a week
  • [15_SPORT_CONT] persons aged 15 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: continuosly
  • [15_SPORT_ENTERT] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: sport events
  • [15_SPORT_OCCAS] persons aged 15 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: occasionally
  • [15_STAG_BIRRA] persons aged 15 years and over per beer consumption: he/she consumes beer only seasonally
  • [15_STIM_WEEK] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: some times a month
  • [15_STIM_YEAR] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: some times during the year
  • [15_TAL_POL_1W] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: once a week
  • [15_TAL_POL_EVERY] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: everyday
  • [15_TAL_POL_NEV] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: never
  • [15_TAL_POL_SM] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: some times a month
  • [15_TAL_POL_SW] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: some times a week
  • [15_TAL_POL_SY] persons aged 15 years and over by frequency with which talk about politics: few times a year
  • [15_THEATR] persons aged 15 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: teathre
  • [15_TR] persons aged 15 years and over who use train
  • [15_TR_FQ_EVD] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of train: everyday or few times a week
  • [15_TR_FQ_FTMO] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of train: few times a month
  • [15_TR_FQ_NEV] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of train: never
  • [15_TR_FQ_YEAR] persons aged 15 years and over per frequence of use of train: few times a year
  • [15_TR_SAT_CLEAN] persons aged 15 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: cleanness of vehicles
  • [15_TR_SAT_COMF] persons aged 15 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: convenience of the timetables
  • [15_TR_SAT_COST] persons aged 15 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: ticket price
  • [15_TR_SAT_FC] persons aged 15 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: frequency of the runs
  • [15_TR_SAT_INF] persons aged 15 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: information about the service
  • [15_TR_SAT_OT] persons aged 15 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: punctuality
  • [15_TR_SAT_PS] persons aged 15 years and over who use train and are very much or quite satisfied of some aspects: possibility of finding a seat
  • [15_TUT_BIRRA] persons aged 15 years and over per beer consumption: he/she consumes beer everyday
  • [15_TV] persons aged 15 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: watching tv
  • [15_TV_FD] persons aged 15 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: watching tv: everyday
  • [15_VEG] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: vegetables at least once a day
  • [15_VEG_FRUIT] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: vegetables, green or fruit at least once a day
  • [15_VINO] persons aged 15 years and over who consume wine
  • [15_VOL_ASS] persons aged 15 years and over by social activity carry out in the last 12 months: free activities in voluntary associations
  • [15_WALLET_NEIGHBNAL] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: not at all
  • [15_WALLET_NEIGHBNM] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: not much
  • [15_WALLET_NEIGHBQ] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: quite
  • [15_WALLET_NEIGHBV] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a neighbour: very much
  • [15_WALLET_POLICNAL] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: not at all
  • [15_WALLET_POLICNM] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: not much
  • [15_WALLET_POLICQ] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: quite
  • [15_WALLET_POLICV] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: the police: very much
  • [15_WALLET_STRANGNAL] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: not at all
  • [15_WALLET_STRANGNM] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: not much
  • [15_WALLET_STRANGQ] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: quite
  • [15_WALLET_STRANGV] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: judgement on the likelihood return of a lost wallet from: a stranger: very much
  • [15_WEEK_RELIG] persons aged 15 and over by frequency of a place of worship in the last 12 months: at least once a week
  • [15_WH_MEAT] persons aged 15 years and over by consumption of certain foods: white meat at least once a week
  • [15_WINF_POL_ACQ] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: acquaintances
  • [15_WINF_POL_COL] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: colleagues
  • [15_WINF_POL_FRI] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: friends
  • [15_WINF_POL_MAG] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: weekly magazines
  • [15_WINF_POL_NEWS] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: newspapers
  • [15_WINF_POL_ORGPOL] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: political organizations
  • [15_WINF_POL_ORGSIND] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: trade unions
  • [15_WINF_POL_OTHER] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: other
  • [15_WINF_POL_OTHM] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: other publications not weekly
  • [15_WINF_POL_RADIO] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: radio
  • [15_WINF_POL_REL] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: relatives
  • [15_WINF_POL_TV] persons aged 15 and over by means with wich inform themselves of Italian politics: tv
  • [15_YESTRUST] persons aged 15 years and over by interpersonal trust: most people can be trusted
  • [18_AN] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office
  • [18_AN_COM_MA] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by opinion on opening time: much and enough convenient
  • [18_AN_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_AN_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_AN_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_AN_PRO_BE] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by preference on opening time: it is fine
  • [18_AN_PRO_IND] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by preference on opening time: it is the same
  • [18_AN_PRO_MO] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by preference on opening time: it should be changed
  • [18_AN_PRO_NS] persons aged 18 and over who went to the registry office: by preference on opening time: do not know
  • [18_ASL] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency
  • [18_ASL_COM_MA] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by opinion on opening time: much and enough convenient
  • [18_ASL_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_ASL_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_ASL_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_ASL_PRO_BE] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by preference on opening time: it is fine
  • [18_ASL_PRO_IND] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by preference on opening time: it is the same
  • [18_ASL_PRO_MO] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by preference on opening time: it should be changed
  • [18_ASL_PRO_NS] persons aged 18 and over who went to the local health agency: by preference on opening time: do not know
  • [18_AUTO_PRACT_PRIV] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: automotive practices: private office
  • [18_AUTO_PRACT_TOT] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: automotive practices: total
  • [18_BA] persons aged 18 and over who went to the bank
  • [18_BA_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the bank: by time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_BA_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the bank: by time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_BA_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the bank: by time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_BA_POSS_BC] persons aged 18 and over who went to the bank: by debit or credit card possession: debit card
  • [18_BA_POSS_CC] persons aged 18 and over who went to the bank: by debit or credit card possession: credit card
  • [18_BA_POSS_PCC] persons aged 18 and over who went to the bank: by debit or credit card possession: 2 or more credit cards
  • [18_BMI_NORMO] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index: normal weight
  • [18_BMI_NORMO_1SETT] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: over normal weight: at least once a week
  • [18_BMI_NORMO_MAI] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: over normal weight: no, never
  • [18_BMI_NORM_1ANNO] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: over normal weight: at least once a year
  • [18_BMI_NORM_QMESE] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: over normal weight: few times a month
  • [18_BMI_OBE] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index: obese
  • [18_BMI_OBESI_1ANNO] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: obese: at least once a year
  • [18_BMI_OBESI_1SETT] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: obese: at least once a week
  • [18_BMI_OBESI_MAI] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: obese: no, never
  • [18_BMI_OBESI_QMESE] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: obese: few times a month
  • [18_BMI_SOTTO] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index: underweight
  • [18_BMI_SOTTO_1ANNO] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: underweight: at least once a year
  • [18_BMI_SOTTO_1SETT] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: underweight: at least once a week
  • [18_BMI_SOTTO_MAI] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: underweight: no, never
  • [18_BMI_SOTTO_QMESE] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: underweight: few times a month
  • [18_BMI_SOVRA] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index: overweight
  • [18_BMI_SOVRA_1ANNO] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: overweight: at least once a year
  • [18_BMI_SOVRA_1SETT] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: overweight: at least once a week
  • [18_BMI_SOVRA_MAI] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: overweight: no, never
  • [18_BMI_SOVRA_QMESE] persons aged 18 years and over per body mass index and frequence of weight control: overweight: few times a month
  • [18_FREQ_PESO_1ANNO] persons aged 18 years and over per frequence of weight control: at least once a year
  • [18_FREQ_PESO_1SETT] persons aged 18 years and over per frequence of weight control: at least once a week
  • [18_FREQ_PESO_MAI] persons aged 18 years and over per frequence of weight control: no, never
  • [18_FREQ_PESO_QMESE] persons aged 18 years and over per frequence of weight control: few times a month
  • [18_OTHER_CERTIF_PRIV] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: others certificates: private office
  • [18_OTHER_CERTIF_TOT] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: others certificates: total
  • [18_REG_CERTIF_PRIV] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: registry office certificate: private office
  • [18_REG_CERTIF_TOT] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: registry office certificate: total
  • [18_SCHOL_CADA_PRIV] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: cadastral certificates: private office
  • [18_SCHOL_CADA_TOT] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: cadastral certificates: total
  • [18_SCHOL_CERTIF_PRIV] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: scholastic certificates: private office
  • [18_SCHOL_CERTIF_TOT] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: scholastic certificates: total
  • [18_SELFCERTIF_YES] persons aged 18 years and over by type of certificate required in the last 12 months and aware of self-certification: they know the self-certification
  • [18_UP] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office
  • [18_UP_COM_MA] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by opinion on opening time: much or enough
  • [18_UP_OP_CC_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: deposits in current account: by deposits in current account and time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_CC_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: deposits in current account: by deposits in current account and time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_CC_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: deposits in current account: by deposits in current account and time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_PE_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: withdrawing of pensions: by withdrawing of pensions and time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_PE_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: withdrawing of pensions: by withdrawing of pensions and time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_PE_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: withdrawing of pensions: by withdrawing of pensions and time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_RA_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: collection of parcels and registered letters: by collection of parcels and registered letters and time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_RA_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: collection of parcels and registered letters: by collection of parcels and registered letters and time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_RA_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: collection of parcels and registered letters: by collection of parcels and registered letters and time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_SR_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: sending of registered letters: by sending of registered letters and time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_SR_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: sending of registered letters: by sending of registered letters and time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_SR_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: sending of registered letters: by sending of registered letters and time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_SV_DUR_10] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: sending of postal order: by sending of postal order and time spent in line: until 10 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_SV_DUR_11-20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: sending of postal order: by sending of postal order and time spent in line: 11-20 minutes
  • [18_UP_OP_SV_DUR_GE20] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by type of service and time spent in line: sending of postal order: by sending of postal order and time spent in line: over 20 minutes
  • [18_UP_PRO_BE] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by preference on opening time: it is fine
  • [18_UP_PRO_IND] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by preference on opening time: it is the same
  • [18_UP_PRO_MO] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by preference on opening time: it should be changed
  • [18_UP_PRO_NS] persons aged 18 and over who went to the post office: by preference on opening time: do not know
  • [18_YOUNG] young unmarried people aged 18-34 years living in the household with at least one parent
  • [18_YOUNG_EMP] young unmarried people aged 18-34 years living in the household with at least one parent per occupational status - employed
  • [18_YOUNG_HOU] young unmarried people aged 18-34 years living in the household with at least one parent per occupational status - housewife
  • [18_YOUNG_OTH] young unmarried people aged 18-34 years living in the household with at least one parent per occupational status- in other condition
  • [18_YOUNG_STU] young unmarried people aged 18-34 years living in the household with at least one parent per occupational status- student
  • [18_YOUNG_UNE] young unmarried people aged 18-34 years living in the household with at least one parent per occupational status- unemployed
  • [3_1PORTION] persons aged 3 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: 1 portion
  • [3_2-4PORTION] persons aged 3 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: from 2 to 4 portions
  • [3_ADEQ_BREAK] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: adequate breakfast (with mink and/or food)
  • [3_BEEF] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: beef at least once a week
  • [3_BREAD] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: bread, pasta at least once a day
  • [3_CCUT] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cold cuts at least once a week
  • [3_CHEESE] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cheese at least once a day
  • [3_CONF] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: confectionery at least once a week
  • [3_DRES_VOIL] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: drizzle with olive oil or vegetables fats
  • [3_EGG] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: eggs at least once a week
  • [3_FISH] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: fish at least once a week
  • [3_FRUIT] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: fruit at least once a day
  • [3_GE5_PORTION] persons aged 3 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: 5 portions and over
  • [3_GREN] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: greens at least once a day
  • [3_IODINE_SALT] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: use of iodine enriche salt
  • [3_LEGUM] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: legumes at least once a week
  • [3_LUNCH_CAF] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: lunch in a caf├¿
  • [3_LUNCH_CANT] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: lunch in a school/company canteen
  • [3_LUNCH_HOME] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: lunch at home
  • [3_LUNCH_REST] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: lunch in a restaurant
  • [3_LUNCH_WORK] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: lunch at workplace
  • [3_MILK] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: milk at least once a day
  • [3_MILK_BREAK] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: breakfast with milk and food
  • [3_MMEAL_DIN] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: dinner as main meal
  • [3_MMEAL_LUNCH] persons aged 3 years and over by food habits: lunch as main meal
  • [3_NEV_SPORT] persons aged 3 and over practising / non practising sports: never
  • [3_OLIV_OIL] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cooking with olive oil or vegetables fats
  • [3_PCNO] persons aged 3 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: they don't use personal computer
  • [3_PCSI] persons aged 3 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: they use personal computer
  • [3_PCTUTTI] persons aged 3 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: everyday
  • [3_PC_1P_SETT] persons aged 3 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: one or more times a week
  • [3_PC_QV_ANNO] persons aged 3 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: some times during the year
  • [3_PC_QV_MESE] persons aged 3 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: some times a month
  • [3_PHYS_ACTIV] persons aged 3 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: some type of physical activity
  • [3_PORK] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: pork at least once a week
  • [3_RADIO] persons aged 3 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: listening to radio
  • [3_RAD_ED] persons aged 3 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: listening to radio: everyday
  • [3_SALT_ATT] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: for attention to the consumption of salt
  • [3_SNACK] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: snack at least once a week
  • [3_SPORT_CONT] persons aged 3 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: continuosly
  • [3_SPORT_OCCAS] persons aged 3 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: occasionally
  • [3_TV] persons aged 3 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: watching tv
  • [3_TV_FD] persons aged 3 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: watching tv: everyday
  • [3_VEG] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: vegetables at least once a day
  • [3_VEG_FRUIT] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: vegetables, green or fruit at least once a day
  • [3_WH_MEAT] persons aged 3 years and over by consumption of certain foods: white meat at least once a week
  • [6_1HOSP] persons aged 6 years and over with at least one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [6_1PORTION] persons aged 6 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: 1 portion
  • [6_1PWEEK] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: once a week
  • [6_2-4PORTION] persons aged 6 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: from 2 to 4 portions
  • [6_ADEQ_BREAK] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: having an adequate breakfast (with mink and/or food)
  • [6_ALEAST_1CRON] persons aged 6 years and over by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: at least a chronic disease
  • [6_ALEAST_2CRON] persons aged 6 years and over by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: at least two chronic disease
  • [6_ARCHEO_MUSEUM] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: museum, exhibitions
  • [6_BEEF] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: beef at least once a week
  • [6_BOOK_12_OVER] persons aged 6 years and over reading books in the last 12 months: 12 books and over
  • [6_BOOK_1_3] persons aged 6 years and over reading books in the last 12 months: from 1 to 3 books
  • [6_BOOK_W] persons aged 6 years and over reading books in the last 12 months: at least one book
  • [6_BREAD] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: bread, pasta at least once a day
  • [6_CCUT] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cold cuts ai least once a week
  • [6_CHEESE] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cheese at least once a day
  • [6_CHRONIC_ALLER] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - suffering from allergic diseases
  • [6_CHRONIC_ARTH] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - suffering from osteoarthritis, arthritis
  • [6_CHRONIC_BRONC] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - suffering from chronic bronchitis
  • [6_CHRONIC_DIAB] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - suffering from diabetes
  • [6_CHRONIC_GASTR] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcer
  • [6_CHRONIC_GH] persons aged 6 years and over with chronic diseases in good health
  • [6_CHRONIC_HEART] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - suffering from heart disease
  • [6_CHRONIC_HYP] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - with hypertension
  • [6_CHRONIC_NERVOUS] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - suffering from nervous disorders
  • [6_CHRONIC_OSTEO] chronic patients aged 6 years and over - with osteoporosis
  • [6_CINEMA] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: cinema
  • [6_CONCER_CLAS_OPE] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: classical music concerts, opera
  • [6_CONF] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: confectionery at least once a week
  • [6_DISCOT] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: discos, dance halls, night clubs or other dancing places
  • [6_DOM_ACC] persons aged 6 years and over who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: persons who have suffered a domestic accident
  • [6_DRES_VOIL] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: drizzle with olive oil or vegetables fats
  • [6_DRUGS_D] persons aged 6 years and over who consumed drugs for the last two days
  • [6_EGG] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: eggs at least once a week
  • [6_EVERYD] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: everyday
  • [6_FA] first aid of the persons aged 6 yers and over: persons who used the first aid in the 3 months preceding the inteview
  • [6_FISH] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: fish at least once a week
  • [6_FRUIT] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: fruit at least once a day
  • [6_GE1PWEEK] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: some times a week
  • [6_GE5_PORTION] persons aged 6 years and over by vegetables, green and fruit portions consumed a day: 5 portions and over
  • [6_GOOD_H] persons aged 6 years and over by health conditions and the presence of chronic diseases: in good health
  • [6_GREN] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: greens at least once a day
  • [6_HFOOD_Q] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: food: very much and quite
  • [6_HFOOD_V] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: food: very much
  • [6_HOLID] persons aged 6 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year
  • [6_HOLID_1PERIOD] persons aged 6 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: one period
  • [6_HOLID_2PERIOD] persons aged 6 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: two periods
  • [6_INTNO] persons aged 6 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: they don't use Internet
  • [6_INTSI] persons aged 6 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: they use Internet
  • [6_INTTUTTI] persons aged 6 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: everyday
  • [6_INT_1P_SETT] persons aged 6 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: one or more times a week
  • [6_INT_QV_ANNO] persons aged 6 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: some times during the year
  • [6_INT_QV_MESE] persons aged 6 and over by use of Internet and frequency of use: frequency of use of Internet: some times a month
  • [6_IODINE_SALT] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: use of iodine enriche salt
  • [6_LEGUM] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: legumes at least once a week
  • [6_LUNCH_CAF] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: lunch in a caf├¿
  • [6_LUNCH_CANT] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: lunch in a school/company canteen
  • [6_LUNCH_HOME] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: lunch at home
  • [6_LUNCH_REST] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: lunch in a restaurant
  • [6_LUNCH_WORK] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: lunch at workplace
  • [6_MED_CAREQ] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: medical care: very much and quite
  • [6_MED_CAREV] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: medical care: very much
  • [6_MG] medical guard of persons aged 6 years and over: persons who used the medical guard in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [6_MILK] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: milk at least once a day
  • [6_MILK_BREAK] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: having breakfast with milk and food
  • [6_MMEAL_DIN] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: dinner as main meal
  • [6_MMEAL_LUNCH] persons aged 6 years and overby food habits: lunch as main meal
  • [6_MUS_SHOW] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: museums, exhibitions
  • [6_NDOM_ACC] persons aged 6 years and over who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: number of domestic accidents
  • [6_NEVER] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: never
  • [6_NEVER_RELIG] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of a place of worship in the last 12 months: never
  • [6_NEV_SPORT] persons aged 6 and over practising / non practising sports: never
  • [6_NEWP_5] persons aged 6 years and over reading newspapers at least once a week: five times and over a week
  • [6_NEWP_W] persons aged 6 years and over reading newspapers at least once a week: at least once a week
  • [6_NFRIEND] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: he/she has no friends
  • [6_NHOLID] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year
  • [6_NO_HOLID_AGE] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: for age
  • [6_NO_HOLID_ECON] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: economic reasons
  • [6_NO_HOLID_FAM] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: family reasons
  • [6_NO_HOLID_HEAL] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: health reasons
  • [6_NO_HOLID_NHABIT] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: lack of habit
  • [6_NO_HOLID_RES] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: resident in holiday resorts
  • [6_NO_HOLID_WOSTU] persons aged 6 years and over who didn't go on holiday in the last year by main reasons: reasons of work or study
  • [6_NURS_Q] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: nursing: very much and quite
  • [6_NURS_V] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: nursing: very much
  • [6_OLIV_OIL] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: cooking with olive oil or vegetables fats
  • [6_OTHER_CONCER] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: other music concerts
  • [6_PCNO] persons aged 6 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: they don't use personal computer
  • [6_PCSI] persons aged 6 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: they use personal computer
  • [6_PCTUTTI] persons aged 6 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: everyday
  • [6_PC_1P_SETT] persons aged 6 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: one or more times a week
  • [6_PC_QV_ANNO] persons aged 6 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: some times during the year
  • [6_PC_QV_MESE] persons aged 6 and over by use of personal computer and frequency of use: frequency of use of personal computer: some times a month
  • [6_PHYS_ACTIV] persons aged 6 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: some type of physical activity
  • [6_PORK] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: pork at least once a week
  • [6_RADIO] persons aged 6 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: listening to radio
  • [6_RAD_ED] persons aged 6 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: listening to radio: everyday
  • [6_SALT_ATT] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: for attention to the consumption of salt
  • [6_SANFAC_Q] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: sanitary facilities: very much and quite
  • [6_SANFAC_V] persons aged 6 years and over with at least an hospitalization one hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview by satisfaction with some aspects: sanitary facilities: very much
  • [6_SNACK] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: snack at least once a week
  • [6_SPORT_CONT] persons aged 6 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: continuosly
  • [6_SPORT_ENTERT] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: sport events
  • [6_SPORT_OCCAS] persons aged 6 and over practising / non practising sports: they practice sports: occasionally
  • [6_STIM_WEEK] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: some times a month
  • [6_STIM_YEAR] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of meeting with friends in the spare time: some times during the year
  • [6_THEATR] persons aged 6 and over by entertainments attended at least once in the last year: theatre
  • [6_TV] persons aged 6 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: watching tv
  • [6_TV_FD] persons aged 6 years and over by use and frequency of use of TV and radio: watching tv: everyday
  • [6_VEG] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: vegetables at least once a day
  • [6_VEG_FRUIT] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: vegetables, green or fruit at least once a day
  • [6_WEEK_RELIG] persons aged 6 and over by frequency of a place of worship in the last 12 months: at least once a week
  • [6_WH_MEAT] persons aged 6 years and over by consumption of certain foods: white meat at least once a week
  • [AV0_DOM_ACC] persons who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: average number of domestic accidents per injured
  • [AV0_HOLID_PERIOD] persons who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: average number of periods
  • [AV14_FUMO_SIGAR] average number of cigarettes per day
  • [AV15_DOM_ACC] persons aged 15 years and over who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: average number of domestic accidents per injured
  • [AV15_FUMO_SIGAR] average number of cigarettes per day
  • [AV15_HOLID_PERIOD] persons aged 15 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: average number of periods
  • [AV6_DOM_ACC] persons aged 6 years and over who have suffered a domestic accident in the last three months: average number of domestic accidents per injured
  • [AV6_HOLID_PERIOD] persons aged 6 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: average number of periods
  • [AV_D_HOSP_0] days of hospitalization: average hospitalization
  • [AV_D_HOSP_15] days of hospitalization of persons aged 15 years and over: average hospitalization
  • [AV_D_HOSP_6] days of hospitalization of persons aged 6 years and over: average hospitalization
  • [AV_P_HOSP_0] days of hospitalization: average per person hospitalized
  • [AV_P_HOSP_15] days of hospitalization of persons aged 15 years and over: average per person hospitalized
  • [AV_P_HOSP_6] days of hospitalization of persons aged 6 years and over: average per person hospitalized
  • [DAY_HOSP_0] days of hospitalization in the 3 months preceding yhe interview
  • [DAY_HOSP_15] days of hospitalization of persons aged 15 years and over: days of hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [DAY_HOSP_6] days of hospitalization of persons aged 6 years and over: days of hospitalization in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [FA_0] first aid: access to the first aid in the 3 months precedin the interview
  • [FA_15] first aid of the persons aged 15 yers and over: access to the first aid in the 3 months precedin the interview
  • [FA_6] first aid of the persons aged 6 yers and over: access to the first aid in the 3 months precedin the interview
  • [MG_0] medical guard: access to the medical guard in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [MG_15] medical guard of persons aged 15 years and over: access to the medical guard in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [MG_6] medical guard of persons aged 6 years and over: access to the medical guard in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [N0_HOLID_PERIOD] persons who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: number of periods
  • [N15_HOLID_PERIOD] persons aged 15 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: number of periods
  • [N6_HOLID_PERIOD] persons aged 6 years and over who went on holiday (4 or more overnight stays) in the last year by number of periods: number of periods
  • [NHOSP_0] hospitalizations in the 3 months preceding the interview
  • [NHOSP_15] hospitalizations in the 3 months preceding the interview of persons aged 15 years and over
  • [NHOSP_6] hospitalizations in the 3 months preceding the interview of persons aged 6 years and over
[MEASURE] Measure
  • [AVE] average
  • [HSC] per 100 people with the same characteristics
  • [MED] median value
  • [THV] thousands value
  • [TSC] per 1000 people with the same characteristics
[SEX] Gender
  • [1] males
  • [2] females
  • [9] total
[AGE] Age
  • [Y0-14] 0-14 years
  • [Y0-5] 0-5 years
  • [Y11-13] 11-13 years
  • [Y11-14] 11-14 years
  • [Y11-24] 11-24 years
  • [Y14-17] 14-17 years
  • [Y14-24] 14-24 years
  • [Y15-17] 15-17 years
  • [Y15-19] 15-19 years
  • [Y15-24] 15-24 years
  • [Y18-19] 18-19 years
  • [Y18-24] 18-24 years
  • [Y18-34] 18-34 years
  • [Y20-24] 20-24 years
  • [Y25-29] 25-29 years
  • [Y25-34] 25-34 years
  • [Y25-44] 25-44 years
  • [Y3-5] 3-5 years
  • [Y30-34] 30-34 years
  • [Y35-44] 35-44 years
  • [Y45-54] 45-54 years
  • [Y45-64] 45-64 years
  • [Y55-59] 55-59 years
  • [Y55-64] 55-64 years
  • [Y6-10] 6-10 years
  • [Y6-13] 6-13 years
  • [Y6-14] 6-14 years
  • [Y6-24] 6-24 years
  • [Y60-64] 60-64 years
  • [Y65-69] 65-69 years
  • [Y65-74] 65-74 years
  • [Y70-74] 70-74 years
  • [Y75-79] 75-79 years
  • [Y_GE0] 0 year and over
  • [Y_GE11] 11 years and over
  • [Y_GE14] 14 years and over
  • [Y_GE15] 15 years and over
  • [Y_GE18] 18 years and over
  • [Y_GE3] 3 years and over
  • [Y_GE6] 6 years and over
  • [Y_GE65] 65 years and over
  • [Y_GE75] 75 years and over
  • [Y_GE80] 80 years and over
  • [Y_UN34] until 34 years
[EDU_LEV_HIGHEST] Highest level of education attained
  • [11] tertiary (university, doctoral and specialization courses)
  • [3] primary school certificate, no educational degree
  • [4] lower secondary school certificate
  • [7] upper and post secondary
  • [99] total
[LABOUR_PROFESS_STATUS_B] Occupational status
  • [1] employed person
  • [1A] executive, employer, professional
  • [1B] middle management, white collar
  • [1C] blu collar, apprentice
  • [1D] self-employed, family worker,
  • [2] unemployed person with work experience
  • [3] unemployed person without work experience
  • [4] housewife
  • [5] student
  • [6] retired
  • [7] other condition
  • [99] total
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