[CSPCUBE] Country statistical profiles
Updated on DBnomics on October 30, 2024 (5:48 PM).
[SUB] Subject
- [AGEDPOPGEO_G1] Elderly population
- [AGEDPOPGEO_G2A] Regional elderly population: Maximum
- [AGEDPOPGEO_G2B] Regional elderly population: Country average
- [AGEDPOPGEO_G2C] Regional elderly population: Minimum
- [AGEDPOPGEO_G3A] Elderly dependency rate in urban regions
- [AGEDPOPGEO_G3B] Elderly dependency rate
- [AGEDPOPGEO_G3C] Elderly dependency rate in rural regions
- [AIRQTY_T1] CO? emissions from fuel combustion
- [BOP_T1] Current account balance
- [CHILDEDU_T1A] Pupils enrolled in pre-primary education (ISCED 02) as a percentage of total enrolment in early childhood education (ISCED 01+ ISCED 02)
- [CHILDEDU_T1B] Ratio of pupils to teaching staff and contact staff (teachers and teachers aides) full-time (ISCED 01)
- [CHILDEDU_T1C] Ratio of pupils to teaching staff full-time(ISCED 01)
- [CHILDEDU_T1D] Ratio of pupils to teaching staff and contact staff (teachers and teachers aides) full-time (ISCED 02)
- [CHILDEDU_T1E] Ratio of pupils to teaching staff full-time(ISCED 02)
- [CHILDEDU_T1F] Proportions of total public expenditure in early childhood educational development
- [CHILDEDU_T1G] Proportions of total public expenditure in pre-primary education
- [CHILDEDU_T1H] Proportions of total public expenditure in all early childhood education
- [CHILDEDU_T1I] Annual expenditure per student in early childhood educational development
- [CHILDEDU_T1J] Annual expenditure per student in pre-primary education
- [CHILDEDU_T1K] Annual expenditure per student in all early childhood education
- [CPI_T1A] CPI: all items
- [CPI_T1B] CPI: all items non food non energy
- [CPI_T1C] CPI: food
- [CPI_T1D] CPI: energy
- [DOCTOR_G1] Practising physicians
- [DOCTOR_G2A] General practitioners as a percentage of total physicians
- [DOCTOR_G2B] Specialists as a percentage of total physicians
- [DOCTOR_G2C] Other physicians as a percentage of total physicians
- [DOCTOR_G3] Medical graduates
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1A] Annual expenditure per student in short cycle tertiary education
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1B] Annual expenditure per student in Bachelor’s; master’s; doctoral or equivalent level
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1C] Annual expenditure per student in all tertiary education
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1D] Annual expenditure per student in all tertiary education excluding R&D activities
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1E] Change in expenditure in tertiary education
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1F] Change in the number of students in tertiary education
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1G] Change in expenditure per student in tertiary education
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1H] Public expenditure in tertiary education as a percentage of total expenditures
- [EDUTEREXPND_T1I] Private expenditure in tertiary education as a percentage of total expenditures
- [EMPLAGE_T1A] Employment rates for age group 15-24
- [EMPLAGE_T1B] Employment rates for age group 25-54
- [EMPLAGE_T1C] Employment rates for age group 55-64
- [EMPLGNDR_T1A] Employment rates: women
- [EMPLGNDR_T1B] Employment rates: men
- [EMPLGNDR_T1C] Employment rates: total
- [EVOGDP_T1] Real GDP growth
- [EVOPOP_G1] Population growth rates
- [EVOPOP_T1] Population levels
- [EVOVA_T1A] Real value added in agriculture; hunting and forestry; fishing
- [EVOVA_T1B] Real value added in industry; including energy
- [EVOVA_T1C] Real value added in construction
- [EVOVA_T1D] Real value added in distributive trade; repairs; transport; accommodation and food services activities
- [EVOVA_T1E] Real value added in Information and communication
- [EVOVA_T1F] Real value added in financial and insurance activities
- [EVOVA_T1G] Real value added in real estate activities
- [EVOVA_T1H] Real value added in professional; scientific; technical; administration and support services activities
- [EVOVA_T1I] Real value added in public administration; defence; education human health and social work activities
- [EVOVA_T1J] Real value added in other services activities
- [EXEDULV_T1A] Expenditure per student in primary education
- [EXEDULV_T1B] Expenditure per student in lower secondary education
- [EXEDULV_T1C] Expenditure per student in upper secondary education
- [EXEDULV_T1D] Expenditure per student in all secondary education
- [EXEDULV_T1E] Change in expenditure in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expenditures
- [EXEDULV_T1F] Change in the number of students in primariy; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expenditures
- [EXEDULV_T1G] Change in expenditure per student in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education
- [EXEDULV_T1H] Public expenditure per student in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expenditures
- [EXEDULV_T1I] Private expenditure per student in primary; secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education as a percentage of total expenditures
- [FDIFLSTK_T1A] Outflows of foreign direct investment
- [FDIFLSTK_T1B] Inflows of foreign direct investment
- [FDINDEX_T1A] Total FDI Index
- [FDINDEX_T1B] Primary sector
- [FDINDEX_T1C] Manufacturing
- [FDINDEX_T1D] Electricity
- [FDINDEX_T1E] Distribution
- [FDINDEX_T1F] Transport
- [FDINDEX_T1G] Media
- [FDINDEX_T1H] Communications
- [FDINDEX_T1I] Financial services
- [FDINDEX_T1J] Business services
- [FDISTOCK_T1A] Outward FDI stocks
- [FDISTOCK_T1B] Inward FDI stocks
- [FERTILITY_T1] Total fertility rates
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1A] Structure of central government expenditures; general public services
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1B] Structure of central government expenditures; defence
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1C] Structure of central government expenditures; public order and safety
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1D] Structure of central government expenditures; economic affairs
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1E] Structure of central government expenditures; environmental protection
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1F] Structure of central government expenditures; housing and community amenities
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1G] Structure of central government expenditures; health
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1H] Structure of central government expenditures; recreation; culture and religion
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1I] Structure of central government expenditures; education
- [GENGOVDISTRI_T1J] Structure of central government expenditures; social protection
- [GENGOVEXPEND_T1A] General government revenues per capita
- [GENGOVEXPEND_T1B] General government expenditures per capita
- [GENGOVPROD_T1A] Production costs for general government; compensation of employees
- [GENGOVPROD_T1B] Production costs for general government; costs of goods and services used and financed by general government
- [GENGOVPROD_T1C] Production costs for general government; Other production costs
- [GENGOVPROD_T1D] Production costs for general government; total
- [GERD_T1] Gross domestic expenditure on R&D
- [GOVDEBT_T1] Adjusted general government debt-to-GDP (excluding unfunded pension liabilities)
- [GOVDEBT_T2] Adjusted general government debt-to-GDP (including unfunded pension liabilities)
- [GOVDEFCT_T1] General government net lending
- [GOVDEFCT_T2] General government revenues
- [GOVDEFCT_T3] General government expenditures
- [GREENHOUSE_T1] Greenhouse gas emissions
- [HOURSWKD_T1] Average hours actually worked
- [HOUSDEBT_T1] Households debt
- [HOUSINC_T1] Real household disposable income
- [HOUSNONFIN_T1A] Non-financial assets of households: dwellings
- [HOUSNONFIN_T1B] Non-financial assets of households: lands
- [HOUSNONFIN_T1C] Non-financial assets of households: other
- [HOUSSAVE_T1] Household net saving rates
- [HOUSWEALTH_T1A] Financial asset of households: Currency and deposits
- [HOUSWEALTH_T1B] Financial asset of households: Debt securities
- [HOUSWEALTH_T1C] Financial asset of households: equity
- [HOUSWEALTH_T1D] Financial asset of households: investment funds shares
- [HOUSWEALTH_T1E] Financial asset of households: Life insurance and annuities
- [HOUSWEALTH_T1F] Financial asset of households: Pension funds
- [INCINEQUAL_T1A] Income inequality: Gini (at disposable income; post taxes and transfers)
- [INCINEQUAL_T1B] Income inequality: Palma (S90/S40 disposable income decile share)
- [INCINEQUAL_T1D] Income inequality: S80/S20 disposable income quintile share
- [INCINEQUAL_T1E] Income inequality: P90/P10 disposable income decile ratio
- [INCINEQUAL_T1F] Income inequality: P90/P50 disposable income decile ratio
- [INCINEQUAL_T1G] Income inequality: P50/P10 disposable income decile ratio
- [INCOMPOVERTY_T1A] Relative poverty rates: Entire population
- [INCOMPOVERTY_T1B] Relative poverty rates: Children (age 0-17)
- [INCOMPOVERTY_T1C] Relative poverty rates: Working-age population (age 18-65)
- [INCOMPOVERTY_T1D] Relative poverty rates: Retirement-age population (over 65)
- [INCOMPOVERTY_T1E] Poverty gap entire population
- [INFMORTY_G1] Infant mortality
- [INTLCOMP_T1] Real effective exchange rates
- [INVRATES_T1] Gross fixed capital formation
- [ITLEARNING_T1A] Number of 15-year-old students per school computer: mean
- [ITLEARNING_T1B] Number of 15-year-old students per school computer: standard-error
- [ITLEARNING_T1C] Students using computers at school: Percentage
- [ITLEARNING_T1D] Students using computers at school: standard-error
- [ITLEARNING_T1E] Students browsing the Internet for schoolwork at least once a week Percentage (at school)
- [ITLEARNING_T1F] Students browsing the Internet for schoolwork at least once a week : standard-error (at school)
- [ITLEARNING_T1G] Students with at least one computer at home: percentage
- [ITLEARNING_T1H] Students with at least one computer at home: standard-error
- [ITLEARNING_T1I] Students with three or more computers at home : percentage (at school)
- [ITLEARNING_T1J] Students with three or more computers at home : standard-error (at school)
- [LIFEEXPY_G1] Life expectancy at birth: total
- [LIFEEXPY_G2A] Life expectancy at birth: women
- [LIFEEXPY_G2B] Life expectancy at birth: men
- [LTINTRST_T1] Long-term interest rates
- [LTUNEMP_T1] Long-term unemployment
- [MERTRADE_T1] Trade balance of goods
- [MERTRADE_T2] Imports of goods
- [MERTRADE_T3] Exports of goods
- [MIGEDUEMP_T1A] Employment rates of native-born population by educational attainment: low
- [MIGEDUEMP_T1B] Employment rates of native-born population by educational attainment: High
- [MIGEDUEMP_T1C] Employment rates of native-born population by educational attainment: Total
- [MIGEDUEMP_T1D] Employment rates of foreign-born population by educational attainment: low
- [MIGEDUEMP_T1E] Employment rates of foreign-born population by educational attainment: High
- [MIGEDUEMP_T1F] Employment rates of foreign-born population by educational attainment: Total
- [MIGFORPOP_T1A] Foreign-born population
- [MIGFORPOP_T1B] Foreign population
- [MIGFORPOP_T1C] Foreign-born nationals
- [MIGUNEMP_T1A] Unemployment rates of native-born populations: Men
- [MIGUNEMP_T1B] Unemployment rates of foreign-born populations: Men
- [MIGUNEMP_T1C] Unemployment rates of native-born populations: Women
- [MIGUNEMP_T1D] Unemployment rates of foreign-born populations: Women
- [MIGUNEMP_T1E] Unemployment rates of native-born populations: Total
- [MIGUNEMP_T1F] Unemployment rates of foreign-born populations: Total
- [NATINCCAP_T1] Gross national income per capita
- [NETMIGR_T1A] Permanent inflows by category of entry: work
- [NETMIGR_T1B] Permanent inflows by category of entry: free movements
- [NETMIGR_T1C] Permanent inflows by category of entry: accompanying family of workers
- [NETMIGR_T1D] Permanent inflows by category of entry: family
- [NETMIGR_T1E] Permanent inflows by category of entry: humanitarian
- [NETMIGR_T1F] Permanent inflows by category of entry: Other
- [NETMIGR_T1G] Permanent inflows by category of entry: total
- [NUCLEARNRJ_T1A] Nuclear electricity generation; Terawatt hours
- [NUCLEARNRJ_T1B] Nuclear electricity generation; As a percentage of total electricity generation
- [NUCLEARNRJ_T1C] Nuclear power plants connected to the grid
- [NUCLEARNRJ_T1D] Nuclear power plants under construction
- [NURSE_G1] Practising nurses
- [NURSE_G2] Ratio of nurses to physicians
- [NURSE_G3] Nursing graduates
- [OBESITY_G1] Obesity rate among the adult population
- [ODA_T1A] Net official development assistance; as a percentage of gross national income
- [ODA_T1B] Net official development assistance; as a percentage of gross national income
- [ODA_T2] Distribution of net ODA from all sources by income group and by region
- [OILPRICES_T1] Crude oil import prices
- [OILPROD_T1] Production of crude oil
- [PATENTS_T1] Triadic patent families
- [PENSION_T1A] Public pension expenditure
- [PENSION_T1B] Private pension expenditure
- [PISA_T1A] Mean scores on the science scale in PISA 2012: men
- [PISA_T1B] Standard error on the science scale in PISA 2012: men
- [PISA_T1C] Mean scores on the science scale in PISA 2012: women
- [PISA_T1D] Standard error on the science scale in PISA 2012: women
- [PISA_T1E] Mean scores on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: men
- [PISA_T1F] Standard error on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: men
- [PISA_T1G] Mean scores on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: women
- [PISA_T1H] Standard error on the mathematics scale in PISA 2012: women
- [PISA_T1I] Mean scores on the reading scale in PISA 2012: men
- [PISA_T1J] Standard error on the reading scale in PISA 2012: men
- [PISA_T1K] Mean scores on the reading scale in PISA 2012: women
- [PISA_T1L] Standard error on the reading scale in PISA 2012: women
- [POPGEO_G1] Share of national population in the ten per cent of regions with the largest population
- [POPGEO_G2A] Percentage of urban population by city size: Small urban areas
- [POPGEO_G2B] Percentage of urban population by city size: Medium-sized urban areas
- [POPGEO_G2C] Percentage of urban population by city size: Metropolitan areas
- [POPGEO_G3A] Distribution of the national population into urban regions
- [POPGEO_G3B] Distribution of the national population into intermediate regions
- [POPGEO_G3C] Distribution of the national population into rural regions
- [POPGEO_G4A] Distribution of the national area into urban regions
- [POPGEO_G4B] Distribution of the national area into intermediate regions
- [POPGEO_G4C] Distribution of the national area into rural regions
- [PPHLTHXP_T1C] Total expenditure on health
- [PRODINCOM_G1] GDP per hour worked
- [PRODINCOM_G2A] Levels of GDP per capita and labour productivity - Percentage gap with respect to US GDP per capita
- [PRODINCOM_G2B] Levels of GDP per capita and labour productivity - Effect of labour utilisation
- [PRODINCOM_G2C] Levels of GDP per capita and labour productivity - Percentage gap with respect to US GDP per hour worked
- [PTEMPL_T1] Incidence of part-time employment
- [RDDEATH_T1] Road fatalities
- [REGDISPLABOUR_G1A] Differences in annual employment growth across regions: Maximum
- [REGDISPLABOUR_G1B] Differences in annual employment growth across regions: Minimum
- [REGDISPLABOUR_G1C] Differences in annual employment growth across regions: Average
- [REGDISPLABOUR_G3A] Regional difference in the employment rate of women: Maximum
- [REGDISPLABOUR_G3B] Regional difference in the employment rate of women: Minimum
- [REGDISPLABOUR_G3C] Regional difference in the employment rate of women: Average
- [REGDISPUNEMP_G1] Gini index of regional unemployment rates
- [REGDISPUNEMP_G2A] Regional variation of the youth unemployment rate: maximum
- [REGDISPUNEMP_G2B] Regional variation of the youth unemployment rate: minimum
- [REGDISPUNEMP_G3A] Regional variation of the long-term unemployment rate: maximum
- [REGDISPUNEMP_G3B] Regional variation of the long-term unemployment rate: minimum
- [RESEARCH_T1] Researchers
- [RNEWABLE_T1] Contribution of renewables to energy supply
- [RTSCONV_T1A] Purchasing power parities
- [RTSCONV_T1B] Indices of price levels
- [SELFEMPL_T1A] Self-employment rates: women
- [SELFEMPL_T1B] Self-employment rates: men
- [SELFEMPL_T1C] Self-employment rates: total
- [SIZEGDP_T1] GDP per capita
- [SME_T1A] Number of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with less than 10 persons engaged
- [SME_T1B] Number of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with 10-19 persons engaged
- [SME_T1C] Number of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with 20-49 persons engaged
- [SME_T1D] Number of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with 50-249 persons engaged
- [SME_T1E] Number of employees in manufacturing in enterprises with 250 or more persons engaged
- [SME_T1F] Number of enterprises in manufacturing with less than 10 persons engaged
- [SME_T1G] Number of enterprises in manufacturing with 10-19 persons engaged
- [SME_T1H] Number of enterprises in manufacturing with 20-49 persons engaged
- [SME_T1I] Number of enterprises in manufacturing with 50-249 persons engaged
- [SME_T1J] Number of enterprises in manufacturing with 250 or more persons engaged
- [SMOKE_G1] Adult population smoking daily
- [SOCEXCLUS_T1A] Youths who are not in education nor in employment: aged between 15 and 19
- [SOCEXCLUS_T1B] Youths who are not in education nor in employment: aged between 20 and 24
- [SOCEXPND_T1A] Public social expenditure
- [SOCEXPND_T1B] Private social expenditure
- [SOCEXPND_T1C] Net social expenditure
- [SOXNOX_T1A] Sulphur Oxides Emmissions
- [SOXNOX_T1B] Nitrogene Oxides Emmissions
- [STUDYABROAD_T1A] International students in total tertiary education
- [STUDYABROAD_T1B] International students in short-cycle tertiary programmes
- [STUDYABROAD_T1C] International students in Bachelor’s or equivalent level
- [STUDYABROAD_T1D] International students in Master’s or equivalent level
- [STUDYABROAD_T1E] International students in Doctoral or equivalent level
- [STUDYABROAD_T1F] Foreign students in total tertiary education
- [STUDYABROAD_T1G] Foreign students in short-cycle tertiary programmes
- [STUDYABROAD_T1H] Foreign students in Bachelor’s or equivalent level
- [STUDYABROAD_T1I] Foreign students in Master’s or equivalent level
- [STUDYABROAD_T1J] Foreign students in Doctoral or equivalent level
- [SVCTRADE_T1] Trade balance of services
- [SVCTRADE_T2] Imports of services
- [SVCTRADE_T3] Exports of services
- [TAXAPW_T1] Taxes on the average worker
- [TEACHERS_T1A] Change in teachers'salary after 15 years of experience
- [TEACHERS_T1B] Teachers'starting salary
- [TEACHERS_T1C] Teachers’salary after 10 years of experience
- [TEACHERS_T1D] Teachers’salary after 15 years of experience
- [TEACHERS_T1E] Teachers’salary at top of scale
- [TERTIARY_T1A] Population aged 25-34 below upper secondary
- [TERTIARY_T1B] Population aged 25-34 below upper secondary
- [TERTIARY_T1C] Population aged 25-34 in upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary
- [TERTIARY_T1D] Population aged 25-64 below upper secondary
- [TERTIARY_T1E] Population aged 25-64 below upper secondary
- [TERTIARY_T1F] Population aged 25-64 in upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1A] Re-exported intermediates: Agriculture; hunting; forestry and fishing
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1B] Re-exported intermediates: Food products; beverages and tobacco
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1C] Re-exported intermediates: Textiles; textile products; leather and footwear
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1D] Re-exported intermediates: Wood paper; paper products; printing and publishing
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1E] Re-exported intermediates: Chemicals and non-metallic mineral products
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1F] Re-exported intermediates: Basic metals and fabricated metal products
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1G] Re-exported intermediates: Machinery and equipment
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1H] Re-exported intermediates: Transport equipment
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1I] Re-exported intermediates: Transport and storage; post and telecommunication
- [TIVA_INTERMEDIATES_T1J] Re-exported intermediates: Business services
- [TIVA_T1] Foreign value added as a share of gross exports
- [TOTALTAX_T1] Total tax revenue
- [TPES_T1] Total primary energy supply per unit of GDP
- [TRADEGDP_T1A] International imports in goods and services
- [TRADEGDP_T1B] International exports in goods and services
- [TRANSPGOOD_T1] Inland goods transport
- [TRANSPPASSENG_T1] Inland passenger transport
- [UNEMPLRT_T1A] Unemployment rates: women
- [UNEMPLRT_T1B] Unemployment rates: men
- [UNEMPLRT_T1C] Unemployment rates: total
- [VALADDAC_T1A] Value added in agriculture; hunting and forestry; fishing
- [VALADDAC_T1B] Value added in industry; including energy
- [VALADDAC_T1C] Value added in construction
- [VALADDAC_T1D] Value added in distributive trade; repairs; transport; accommodation and food services activities
- [VALADDAC_T1E] Value added in Information and communication
- [VALADDAC_T1F] Value added in financial and insurance activities
- [VALADDAC_T1G] Value added in real estate activities
- [VALADDAC_T1H] Value added in professional; scientific; technical; administration and support services activities
- [VALADDAC_T1I] Value added in public administration; defence; education human health and social work activities
- [VALADDAC_T1J] Value added in other services activities
- [WASTE_T1A] Generation intensities of municipal waste
- [WASTE_T1B] Total amount generated of municipal waste
- [WATER_T1A] Water abstractions per capita
- [WATER_T1B] Total abstractions
- [WELECGEN_T1] Electricity generation
- [WENERGYS_T1] Total primary energy supply
[LOCATION] Country
- [062] South-central Asia
- [10024] Developing countries unallocated
- [10025] More advanced developing countries and territories
- [10100] Developing countries
- [199] Least developed countries
- [AFRN] Africa - North of Sahara
- [AFRS] Africa - South of Sahara
- [AMEC] North & Central America
- [AMERS] South America
- [ASFE] Far East Asia
- [ASME] Middle East
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BRA] Brazil
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China (People's Republic of)
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DAC] DAC Countries
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [EA19] Euro area (19 countries)
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [EU28] European Union (28 countries)
- [EUROP] Europe
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LMIC] Low Middle Income Countries (LMIC)
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MEX] Mexico
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [OCEAN] Oceania
- [OECD] OECD - Total
- [OLIC] Other Low Income Countries (OLIC)
- [PER] Peru
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [RUS] Russia
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [UNMIC] Upper Middle Income Countries (UMIC)
- [UNSPE] Unspecified
- [USA] United States
- [WLD] World
- [ZAF] South Africa
Search filters
Subject [SUB] (315)
Country [LOCATION] (67)
This dataset has 11,588 series:
- from
- 2000=12.4
- to
- 2014=14.7
- min:
- 12.4
- max:
- 14.7
- avg:
- 13.55
- σ:
- 1.15
- from
- 2000=15.4
- to
- 2014=18.3
- min:
- 15.4
- max:
- 18.3
- avg:
- 16.85
- σ:
- 1.45
- from
- 2000=16.8
- to
- 2014=17.8
- min:
- 16.8
- max:
- 17.8
- avg:
- 17.3
- σ:
- 0.5
- from
- 2000=6.8
- to
- 2014=7.4
- min:
- 6.8
- max:
- 7.4
- avg:
- 7.1
- σ:
- 0.3
- from
- 2000=12.5
- to
- 2014=15.7
- min:
- 12.5
- max:
- 15.7
- avg:
- 14.1
- σ:
- 1.6
- from
- 2000=15.3
- to
- 2014=17.6
- min:
- 15.3
- max:
- 17.6
- avg:
- 16.45
- σ:
- 1.15
- from
- 2000=7.2
- to
- 2014=10
- min:
- 7.2
- max:
- 10
- avg:
- 8.6
- σ:
- 1.4
- from
- 2000=NA
- to
- 2014=9.7
- min:
- 9.7
- max:
- 9.7
- avg:
- 9.7
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2000=5.8
- to
- 2014=7.3
- min:
- 5.8
- max:
- 7.3
- avg:
- 6.55
- σ:
- 0.75
- from
- 2000=5.3
- to
- 2014=6.6
- min:
- 5.3
- max:
- 6.6
- avg:
- 5.95
- σ:
- 0.65
Series code | 2000 | 2014 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.AUS] | 12.4 | 14.7 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.AUT] | 15.4 | 18.3 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.BEL] | 16.8 | 17.8 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.BRA] | 6.8 | 7.4 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.CAN] | 12.5 | 15.7 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.CHE] | 15.3 | 17.6 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.CHL] | 7.2 | 10 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.CHN] | NA | 9.7 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.COL] | 5.8 | 7.3 |
[AGEDPOPGEO_G1.CRI] | 5.3 | 6.6 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 11,588