[DSD_FIN_DASH@DF_7II_INDIC] Institutional Investors' Indicators
Updated by provider on March 24, 2025 (8:11 AM).
The Institutional Investors’ Indicators table shows total financial assets and liabilities of the three types of institutional investor - investment funds, insurance corporations and pension funds - as a percentage of GDP. It also provides a breakdown of the total assets (liabilities) of each type of institutional investor by main financial instrument category: currency and deposits; debt securities; loans; equity and investment fund shares; insurance, pensions and standardised guarantees; financial derivatives and employee stock options; and other accounts receivable/payable. The financial instrument categories are shown as a share (percentage) of the total assets (liabilities) of each type of institutional investor.
For investment funds, there is also a breakdown of total assets by type of investment fund: real estate, equity, bond, mixed, hedge and other funds; and a breakdown of total assets and liabilities by whether they belong to money market funds (MMFs) or non-MMFs and to open-ended or closed-ended funds.
All the indicators in this dataset are derived from the Institutional Investors' Assets and Liabilities dataset.
[FREQ] Frequency of observation
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MEX] Mexico
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [RUS] Russia
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [USA] United States
[MEASURE] Measure
- [LES123_FAS] Financial assets of money market funds
- [LES123_FLI] Financial liabilities of money market funds
- [LES124B_FAS] Financial assets of closed-end investment funds
- [LES124B_FLI] Financial liabilities of closed-end investment funds
- [LES124_FAS] Financial assets of non-money market funds
- [LES124_FLI] Financial liabilities of non-money market funds
- [LES128_F2AS] Share of currency and deposits in financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F2LI] Share of currency and deposits in financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F3AS] Share of debt securities in financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F3LI] Share of debt securities in financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F4AS] Share of loans in financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F4LI] Share of loans in financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F5AS] Share of equity and investment fund shares in financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F5LI] Share of equity and investment fund shares in financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F6AS] Share of insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes in financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F6LI] Share of insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes in financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F7AS] Share of financial derivatives and employee stock options in financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F7LI] Share of financial derivatives and employee stock options in financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F8AS] Share of other accounts receivable in financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_F8LI] Share of other accounts payable in financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES128_FAS] Financial assets of insurance corporations
- [LES128_FLI] Financial liabilities of insurance corporations
- [LES129_F2AS] Share of currency and deposits in financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_F2LI] Share of currency and deposits in financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES129_F3AS] Share of debt securities in financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_F3LI] Share of debt securities in financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES129_F4AS] Share of loans in financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_F4LI] Share of loans in financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES129_F5AS] Share of equity and investment fund shares in financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_F5LI] Share of equity and investment fund shares in financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES129_F6AS] Share of insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes in financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_F6LI] Share of insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes in financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES129_F7AS] Share of financial derivatives and employee stock options in financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_F7LI] Share of financial derivatives and employee stock options in financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES129_F8AS] Share of other accounts receivable in financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_F8LI] Share of other accounts payable in financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES129_FAS] Financial assets of pension funds
- [LES129_FLI] Financial liabilities of pension funds
- [LES12L1_FAS] Financial assets of real estate funds
- [LES12L2_FAS] Financial assets of equity funds
- [LES12L3_FAS] Financial assets of bond funds
- [LES12L4_FAS] Financial assets of mixed funds
- [LES12L5_FAS] Financial assets of hedge funds
- [LES12L9_FAS] Financial assets of other funds
- [LES12LO_FAS] Financial assets of open-end investment funds
- [LES12LO_LI] Financial liabilities of open-end investment funds
- [LES12L_F2AS] Share of currency and deposits in financial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_F2LI] Share of currency and deposits in financial liabilities of investment funds
- [LES12L_F3AS] Share of debt securities in financial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_F3LI] Share of debt securities in financial liabilities of investment funds
- [LES12L_F4AS] Share of loans in financial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_F4LI] Share of loans in financial liabilities of investment funds
- [LES12L_F5AS] Share of equity and investment fund shares in financial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_F5LI] Share of equity and investment fund shares in financial liabilities of investment funds
- [LES12L_F6AS] Share of insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes infinancial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_F6LI] Share of insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes in financial liabilities of investment funds
- [LES12L_F7AS] Share of financial derivatives and employee stock options in financial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_F7LI] Share of financial derivatives and employee stock options in financial liabilities of investment funds
- [LES12L_F8AS] Share of other accounts receivable in financial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_F8LI] Share of other accounts payable in financial liabilities of investment funds
- [LES12L_FAS] Financial assets of investment funds
- [LES12L_FLI] Financial liabilities of investment funds
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of measure
- [PT_B1GQ] Percentage of GDP
- [PT_FAS] Percentage of financial assets
- [PT_FAS_S12L] Percentage of financial assets of investment funds
- [PT_FAS_S12Q] Percentage of financial assets of insurance corporations and pension funds
- [PT_LI] Percentage of liabilities
- [PT_LI_S12L] Percentage of liabilities of investment funds
- [PT_LI_S12Q] Percentage of liabilities of insurance corporations and pension funds
This dataset has 5,616 series:
- from
- 1988=19.06
- to
- 2023=2.021
- min:
- 2.021
- max:
- 20.982
- avg:
- 8.959
- σ:
- 5.382
- from
- 1988=16.472
- to
- 2023=1.619
- min:
- 1.619
- max:
- 19.776
- avg:
- 8.329
- σ:
- 5.252
- from
- 1988=32.086
- to
- 2023=68.89
- min:
- 18.949
- max:
- 68.89
- avg:
- 37.184
- σ:
- 10.282
- from
- 1988=33.182
- to
- 2023=71.169
- min:
- 29.561
- max:
- 71.169
- avg:
- 44.942
- σ:
- 12.955
- from
- 1988=80.94
- to
- 2023=97.979
- min:
- 79.018
- max:
- 97.979
- avg:
- 91.041
- σ:
- 5.382
- from
- 1988=83.528
- to
- 2023=98.381
- min:
- 80.224
- max:
- 98.381
- avg:
- 91.671
- σ:
- 5.252
- from
- 1988=4.843
- to
- 2023=4.099
- min:
- 2.576
- max:
- 6.452
- avg:
- 4.411
- σ:
- 0.853
- from
- 1988=0
- to
- 2023=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 1988=40.281
- to
- 2023=26.029
- min:
- 17.844
- max:
- 45.634
- avg:
- 28.764
- σ:
- 8.955
- from
- 1988=1.319
- to
- 2023=2.386
- min:
- 0.14
- max:
- 2.629
- avg:
- 1.567
- σ:
- 0.795
Series code | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.AUS.LES123_FAS.PT_FAS_S12L] | 19.060314 | 19.664384 | 20.981778 | 20.551122 | 11.733291 | 8.9155727 | 9.4549112 | 10.26962 | 12.934489 | 14.475937 | 16.293473 | 13.24953 | 12.587747 | 11.6521 | 10.474939 | 8.6607728 | 8.2982596 | 7.9845999 | 7.4170815 | 7.8363152 | 9.2512037 | 7.4316003 | 5.5920314 | 5.9653851 | 5.0047978 | 3.8756447 | 3.8137962 | 3.8986101 | 4.1370831 | 3.6388308 | 4.0524144 | 3.6970541 | 3.0154801 | 2.5433655 | 2.0854424 | 2.0209085 |
[A.AUS.LES123_FLI.PT_LI_S12L] | 16.471635 | 17.953379 | 19.775517 | 19.125978 | 11.612046 | 9.178484 | 9.6373506 | 10.032591 | 12.889155 | 15.129947 | 15.835931 | 12.884258 | 12.108791 | 11.388953 | 10.413381 | 8.3572331 | 7.4782775 | 7.0617409 | 6.5030544 | 6.8797441 | 8.097003 | 6.5866443 | 5.0106054 | 5.1091925 | 4.3806458 | 3.3971367 | 3.2630401 | 3.2563543 | 3.3684964 | 2.8825172 | 3.1225602 | 2.8844399 | 2.465105 | 2.0139331 | 1.6559165 | 1.619397 |
[A.AUS.LES124B_FAS.PT_FAS_S12L] | 32.085921 | 29.494169 | 29.48094 | 30.252246 | 33.928121 | 29.961993 | 34.853257 | 33.175007 | 31.659219 | 31.299374 | 31.80674 | 30.948894 | 30.95775 | 30.523837 | 35.080261 | 37.996189 | 40.254999 | 18.948512 | 23.109869 | 31.675781 | 40.57436 | 34.880912 | 36.943985 | 42.536467 | 35.967125 | 33.949318 | 36.840963 | 36.15788 | 39.261279 | 42.107068 | 38.580067 | 44.170118 | 56.742464 | 60.455559 | 63.070656 | 68.890086 |
[A.AUS.LES124B_FLI.PT_LI_S12L] | 33.182218 | 30.347702 | 29.560594 | 30.17218 | 33.673751 | 30.093177 | 34.845838 | 33.989146 | 32.246242 | 31.274989 | 32.19216 | 31.485853 | 31.411085 | 31.01266 | 35.671787 | 38.86494 | 41.437217 | 40.186412 | 42.93132 | 47.196848 | 55.479339 | 48.429993 | 49.760155 | 53.517913 | 52.842273 | 50.801259 | 52.2742 | 54.0934 | 57.432111 | 58.962903 | 59.483613 | 60.418594 | 65.64192 | 67.436845 | 68.405193 | 71.168963 |
[A.AUS.LES124_FAS.PT_FAS_S12L] | 80.939686 | 80.335616 | 79.018222 | 79.448878 | 88.266709 | 91.084427 | 90.545089 | 89.73038 | 87.065511 | 85.524063 | 83.706527 | 86.75047 | 87.412253 | 88.3479 | 89.525061 | 91.339227 | 91.70174 | 92.0154 | 92.582918 | 92.163685 | 90.748796 | 92.5684 | 94.407969 | 94.034615 | 94.995202 | 96.124355 | 96.186204 | 96.10139 | 95.862917 | 96.361169 | 95.947586 | 96.302946 | 96.98452 | 97.456634 | 97.914558 | 97.979092 |
[A.AUS.LES124_FLI.PT_LI_S12L] | 83.528365 | 82.046621 | 80.224483 | 80.874022 | 88.387954 | 90.821516 | 90.362649 | 89.967409 | 87.110845 | 84.870053 | 84.164069 | 87.115742 | 87.891209 | 88.611047 | 89.586619 | 91.642767 | 92.521723 | 92.938259 | 93.496946 | 93.120256 | 91.902997 | 93.413356 | 94.989395 | 94.890807 | 95.619354 | 96.602863 | 96.73696 | 96.743646 | 96.631504 | 97.117483 | 96.87744 | 97.11556 | 97.534895 | 97.986067 | 98.344084 | 98.380603 |
[A.AUS.LES128_F2AS.PT_FAS] | 4.8427973 | 5.4671288 | 6.4524206 | 5.7332252 | 5.199142 | 3.764847 | 4.4405894 | 4.8647507 | 4.9205538 | 3.9173097 | 4.1340805 | 3.9288969 | 3.9528508 | 4.1361854 | 4.5888133 | 3.7817513 | 3.1984325 | 3.166385 | 2.6654914 | 2.5761013 | 4.8169908 | 4.4345893 | 4.0621024 | 5.352255 | 5.9471734 | 5.4041997 | 4.9677126 | 4.512878 | 5.0994856 | 4.3215255 | 3.8900021 | 3.522026 | 4.445611 | 3.8724393 | 4.3131246 | 4.0988462 |
[A.AUS.LES128_F2LI.PT_LI] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.AUS.LES128_F3AS.PT_FAS] | 40.280531 | 40.664047 | 42.960253 | 45.633916 | 44.085455 | 42.809445 | 43.395767 | 40.908157 | 39.864498 | 39.104982 | 35.627288 | 32.008772 | 28.661333 | 26.7583 | 27.303919 | 25.485921 | 24.907006 | 23.501746 | 20.674403 | 17.843538 | 23.292468 | 21.34661 | 20.059061 | 21.485834 | 21.788058 | 20.026033 | 20.190296 | 19.065401 | 21.102848 | 19.761673 | 20.944897 | 21.427838 | 25.553 | 25.054113 | 25.9081 | 26.028921 |
[A.AUS.LES128_F3LI.PT_LI] | 1.3189777 | 1.1045252 | 1.5752371 | 0.89520878 | 0.84576915 | 0.29495718 | 0.33058698 | 0.27581693 | 0.14038571 | 0.24132921 | 0.14834064 | 0.40473853 | 1.7554263 | 1.5754636 | 1.3253749 | 1.8664617 | 1.2427989 | 1.3848007 | 1.5197246 | 1.6689563 | 2.1836407 | 1.881925 | 1.9784419 | 2.1586809 | 2.4002797 | 2.5996833 | 1.7821424 | 1.9646828 | 2.6289082 | 2.3702801 | 2.3679654 | 2.4732873 | 2.529422 | 2.3239207 | 2.4710352 | 2.3862554 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 5,616