[DSD_NAMAIN10@DF_TABLE3_POP_EMPNC] Annual population and employment, national concept
Updated by provider on January 23, 2025 (7:29 AM).
This table presents population and employment data according to the national concept. The national concept is defined by the residence of the person: employees are residents employed by either resident or non-resident producer units; and the self-employed are resident self-employed people in either resident or non-resident producer units. Users should note that population data corresponds to mid-year estimates (or the average of the reference year).
These indicators were presented in the previous dissemination system in the SNA_TABLE3 dataset.
See ANA Changes for information on changes in methodology: ANA Changes
Explore also the GDP and non-financial accounts webpage: GDP and non-financial accounts webpage
OECD statistics contact: STAT.Contact@oecd.org
[FREQ] Frequency of observation
- [A] Annual
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [ALB] Albania
- [ARG] Argentina
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BRA] Brazil
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China (People’s Republic of)
- [CMR] Cameroon
- [COL] Colombia
- [CPV] Cabo Verde
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DEU_F] Former Federal Republic of Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [EA20] Euro area (20 countries)
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [EU15] European Union (15 countries)
- [EU27_2020] European Union (27 countries from 01/02/2020)
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GEO] Georgia
- [GRC] Greece
- [HKG] Hong Kong (China)
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MAR] Morocco
- [MDG] Madagascar
- [MEX] Mexico
- [MKD] North Macedonia
- [MLT] Malta
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [OECD26] OECD (26 countries)
- [OECDE] OECD Europe
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russia
- [SAU] Saudi Arabia
- [SEN] Senegal
- [SGP] Singapore
- [SRB] Serbia
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [USA] United States
- [ZAF] South Africa
- [ZMB] Zambia
[SECTOR] Institutional sector
- [S1] Total economy
[COUNTERPART_SECTOR] Counterpart institutional sector
- [S1] Total economy
[TRANSACTION] Transaction
- [EMP] Total employment
- [POP] Total population
- [SAL] Employees
- [SELF] Self employed
[INSTR_ASSET] Financial instruments and non-financial assets
- [_Z] Not applicable
[ACTIVITY] Economic activity
- [_T] Total - all activities
- [_Z] Not applicable
[EXPENDITURE] Expenditure
- [_Z] Not applicable
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of measure
- [PS] Persons
[PRICE_BASE] Price base
- [_Z] Not applicable
[TRANSFORMATION] Transformation
- [N] Non transformed data
[TABLE_IDENTIFIER] Table identifier
- [T0110] Table 0110 - Population and employment
This dataset has 211 series:
- from
- 1995=3,177.909
- to
- 2021=2,811.666
- min:
- 2,811.666
- max:
- 3,177.909
- avg:
- 2,974.081
- σ:
- 105.685
- from
- 2000=36,784
- to
- 2022=46,234.83
- min:
- 36,784
- max:
- 46,234.83
- avg:
- 41,331.628
- σ:
- 2,929.705
- from
- 1978=6,053.997
- to
- 2017=12,571.678
- min:
- 6,053.997
- max:
- 12,571.678
- avg:
- 8,913.038
- σ:
- 1,942.567
- from
- 1959=10,160.968
- to
- 2023=26,648.878
- min:
- 10,160.968
- max:
- 26,648.878
- avg:
- 17,557.887
- σ:
- 4,590.958
- from
- 1985=5,824.244
- to
- 2017=11,361.319
- min:
- 5,824.244
- max:
- 11,361.319
- avg:
- 8,262.225
- σ:
- 1,663.899
- from
- 1985=1,035.707
- to
- 2017=1,210.359
- min:
- 1,035.707
- max:
- 1,260.367
- avg:
- 1,197.7
- σ:
- 52.797
- from
- 1976=3,312.637
- to
- 2023=4,586.926
- min:
- 3,312.637
- max:
- 4,586.926
- avg:
- 3,806.699
- σ:
- 377.599
- from
- 1970=7,466.531
- to
- 2023=9,130.731
- min:
- 7,466.531
- max:
- 9,130.731
- avg:
- 8,040.968
- σ:
- 483.342
- from
- 1976=2,703.377
- to
- 2023=4,031.411
- min:
- 2,703.377
- max:
- 4,031.411
- avg:
- 3,259.281
- σ:
- 377.427
- from
- 1976=586.669
- to
- 2023=555.515
- min:
- 494.734
- max:
- 586.669
- avg:
- 542.682
- σ:
- 22.267
Series code | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.ALB.S1.S1.POP._Z._Z._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3177.909 | 3158.157 | 3138.405 | 3118.654 | 3098.902 | 3078.383 | 3060.173 | 3051.01 | 3039.616 | 3026.939 | 3011.487 | 2992.547 | 2970.017 | 2947.314 | 2927.519 | 2913.021 | 2905.195 | 2900.401 | 2895.092 | 2889.104 | 2880.703 | 2876.101 | 2873.457 | 2866.376 | 2854.191 | 2837.849 | 2811.666 | - | - |
[A.ARG.S1.S1.POP._Z._Z._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 36784 | 37156 | 37516 | 37870 | 38226 | 38592 | 38971 | 39356 | 39746 | 40134 | 40788.453 | 41261.49 | 41733.271 | 42202.935 | 42669.5 | 43131.966 | 43590.368 | 44044.811 | 44494.502 | 44938.712 | 45376.8 | 45808.8 | 46234.83 | - |
[A.AUS.S1.S1.EMP._Z._T._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6053.997333 | 6193.108632 | 6361.200275 | 6439.938546 | 6328.899133 | 6387.558215 | 6579.294144 | 6859.951081 | 7044.345081 | 7256.271374 | 7548.626808 | 7831.957228 | 7703.716449 | 7631.400055 | 7620.506789 | 7857.908786 | 8165.2016 | 8297.125431 | 8330.18644 | 8482.540018 | 8606.520123 | 8864.999781 | 9004.629114 | 9134.673081 | 9380.077847 | 9533.473324 | 9850.755076 | 10082.055875 | 10412.007344 | 10690.306356 | 10786.798714 | 10957.426609 | 11196.181067 | 11393.152978 | 11491.664766 | 11553.348763 | 11781.440931 | 11999.94942 | 12256.633911 | 12571.678451 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
[A.AUS.S1.S1.POP._Z._Z._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | 10160.968 | 10391.92 | 10642.654 | 10846.059 | 11055.482 | 11280.429 | 11505.408 | 11704.843 | 11912.253 | 12145.582 | 12407.217 | 12663.469 | 13198.38 | 13409.288 | 13614.344 | 13831.978 | 13968.881 | 14110.107 | 14281.533 | 14430.83 | 14602.481 | 14807.37 | 14923.3 | 15184.2 | 15393.5 | 15579.4 | 15788.3 | 16018.4 | 16263.9 | 16532.2 | 16814.4 | 17065.1 | 17284 | 17478.6 | 17634.8 | 17805.5 | 18004.9 | 18224.8 | 18423 | 18607.6 | 18812.3 | 19028.8 | 19274.7 | 19495.2 | 19720.7 | 19932.7 | 20176.8 | 20451 | 20827.6 | 21249.2 | 21691.7 | 22031.8 | 22340 | 22733.5 | 23128.1 | 23475.7 | 23816 | 24190.9 | 24592.588 | 24963.258 | 25334.826 | 25649.248 | 25685.412 | 26014.399 | 26648.878 |
[A.AUS.S1.S1.SAL._Z._T._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5824.244333 | 5966.230977 | 6165.525713 | 6428.548321 | 6717.188709 | 6519.744802 | 6439.715379 | 6421.009813 | 6645.862538 | 6930.945044 | 7039.5997 | 7115.344387 | 7255.007597 | 7407.99437 | 7678.241646 | 7791.379162 | 7880.783123 | 8146.185565 | 8324.718673 | 8604.098237 | 8859.638783 | 9213.435322 | 9474.890096 | 9575.372616 | 9697.059667 | 9945.878113 | 10205.185498 | 10320.610271 | 10363.423378 | 10557.914808 | 10767.591209 | 11008.737922 | 11361.319158 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
[A.AUS.S1.S1.SELF._Z._T._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1035.706748 | 1078.114104 | 1090.745661 | 1120.078487 | 1114.768518 | 1183.971647 | 1191.684676 | 1199.496977 | 1212.046248 | 1234.256557 | 1257.52573 | 1214.842053 | 1227.532422 | 1198.525753 | 1186.758135 | 1213.249952 | 1253.889959 | 1233.892282 | 1208.754651 | 1246.656839 | 1222.417092 | 1198.572022 | 1215.416261 | 1211.426098 | 1260.366942 | 1250.302954 | 1187.96748 | 1171.054495 | 1189.925385 | 1223.526123 | 1232.358211 | 1247.895989 | 1210.359293 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
[A.AUT.S1.S1.EMP._Z._T._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3312.636757 | 3364.187464 | 3390.696799 | 3403.022018 | 3438.118251 | 3422.475945 | 3379.154429 | 3357.92761 | 3355.841969 | 3366.23108 | 3383.07258 | 3388.590635 | 3410.409721 | 3463.64536 | 3535.100547 | 3587.867064 | 3610.015514 | 3585.776537 | 3592.747894 | 3600.722 | 3614.068 | 3637.102 | 3672.283 | 3724.045 | 3761.163 | 3784.86 | 3782.552 | 3806.48 | 3824.526 | 3865.233 | 3932.147 | 4001.18 | 4074.008 | 4050.993 | 4074.74 | 4127.056 | 4158.077 | 4160.422 | 4185.045 | 4195.131 | 4250.873 | 4316.495 | 4387.126 | 4428.792 | 4367.68 | 4450.278 | 4554.038 | 4586.926 |
[A.AUT.S1.S1.POP._Z._Z._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7466.531215 | 7500.529081 | 7543.526381 | 7585.523744 | 7598.522928 | 7578.524184 | 7565.525 | 7568.43 | 7562.305 | 7549.425 | 7549.433 | 7568.71 | 7574.14 | 7561.91 | 7561.434 | 7564.984 | 7569.794 | 7574.586 | 7585.317 | 7619.566 | 7677.85 | 7754.891 | 7840.709 | 7905.632 | 7936.118 | 7948.278 | 7959.016 | 7968.041 | 7976.789 | 7992.323 | 8011.566 | 8042.293 | 8082.121 | 8118.245 | 8169.441 | 8225.278 | 8267.948 | 8295.189 | 8321.541 | 8341.483 | 8361.069 | 8388.534 | 8426.311 | 8477.23 | 8543.932 | 8629.519 | 8739.806 | 8795.073 | 8837.707 | 8877.637 | 8916.845 | 8951.541 | 9052.872 | 9130.731 |
[A.AUT.S1.S1.SAL._Z._T._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 2703.376933 | 2765.603136 | 2799.349804 | 2817.766263 | 2857.371304 | 2852.246228 | 2816.77186 | 2799.773976 | 2803.802608 | 2817.874307 | 2840.808596 | 2852.269238 | 2871.775138 | 2929.042333 | 2996.449634 | 3059.649232 | 3083.268798 | 3067.865559 | 3083.039705 | 3105.988 | 3101.507 | 3126.317 | 3158.524 | 3209.513 | 3249.868 | 3267.916 | 3262.239 | 3278.763 | 3287.807 | 3320.731 | 3376.223 | 3441.663 | 3504.233 | 3478.546 | 3501.994 | 3555.065 | 3594.255 | 3602.948 | 3620.094 | 3645.55 | 3702.119 | 3767.568 | 3844.902 | 3889.499 | 3822.953 | 3888.22 | 3990.953 | 4031.411 |
[A.AUT.S1.S1.SELF._Z._T._Z.PS._Z.N.T0110] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 586.668751 | 578.59651 | 572.954053 | 568.003989 | 564.86303 | 555.572483 | 548.003103 | 543.966556 | 538.70658 | 535.773083 | 530.912663 | 525.952355 | 528.365916 | 525.997604 | 530.891319 | 523.050446 | 522.241088 | 514.212389 | 507.352478 | 494.734 | 512.561 | 510.785 | 513.759 | 514.532 | 511.295 | 516.944 | 520.313 | 527.717 | 536.719 | 544.502 | 555.924 | 559.517 | 569.775 | 572.447 | 572.746 | 571.991 | 563.822 | 557.474 | 564.951 | 549.581 | 548.754 | 548.927 | 542.224 | 539.293 | 544.727 | 562.058 | 563.085 | 555.515 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 211