[DSD_NAMAIN10_IDC@DF_TABLE5_IDC] Annual final consumption expenditure of households International Transfer
Updated by provider on January 18, 2025 (7:43 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment indicator
- [N] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [AT] Austria
- [AU] Australia
- [BE] Belgium
- [BR] Brazil
- [CA] Canada
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CL] Chile
- [CO] Colombia
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GB] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- [GR] Greece
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IL] Israel
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [JP] Japan
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MX] Mexico
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [NZ] New Zealand
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [US] United States
- [ZA] South Africa
[COUNTERPART_AREA] Counterpart area
- [W0] World (all areas, including reference area, including IO)
- [W1] Rest of the World
- [W2] Domestic (home or reference area)
[REF_SECTOR] Reporting institutional sector
- [S14] Households
[COUNTERPART_SECTOR] Counterpart institutional sector
- [S1] Total economy
[ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] Accounting Entry
- [C] Credit (Resources)
- [D] Debit (Uses)
[STO] Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
- [P31] Individual consumption expenditure
- [P311] Individual consumption expenditure of durable goods
- [P312] Individual consumption expenditure of semi-durable goods
- [P313] Individual consumption expenditure of non-durable goods
- [P314] Individual consumption expenditure of services
[INSTR_ASSET] Instrument and Assets Classification
- [_Z] Not applicable
[ACTIVITY] Activity classification
- [_Z] Not applicable
- [CP01] Food and non-alcoholic beverages
- [CP011] Food
- [CP012] Non-alcoholic beverages
- [CP02] Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics
- [CP021] Alcoholic beverages
- [CP022] Tobacco
- [CP023] Narcotics
- [CP03] Clothing and footwear
- [CP031] Clothing
- [CP032] Footwear
- [CP04] Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels
- [CP041] Actual rentals for housing
- [CP042] Imputed rentals for housing
- [CP043] Maintenance and repair of the dwelling
- [CP044] Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling
- [CP045] Electricity, gas and other fuels
- [CP05] Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance
- [CP051] Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings
- [CP052] Household textiles
- [CP053] Household appliances
- [CP054] Glassware, tableware and household utensils
- [CP055] Tools and equipment for house and garden
- [CP056] Goods and services for routine household maintenance
- [CP06] Health
- [CP061] Medical products, appliances and equipment
- [CP062] Out-patient services
- [CP063] Hospital services
- [CP07] Transport
- [CP071] Purchase of vehicles
- [CP072] Operation of personal transport equipment
- [CP073] Transport services
- [CP08] Communications
- [CP081] Postal services
- [CP082] Telephone and telefax equipment
- [CP083] Telephone and telefax services
- [CP09] Recreation and culture
- [CP091] Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
- [CP092] Other major durables for recreation and culture
- [CP093] Other recreational items and equipment, gardens and pets
- [CP094] Recreational and cultural services
- [CP095] Newspapers, books and stationery
- [CP096] Package holidays
- [CP10] Education
- [CP101] Pre-primary and primary education
- [CP102] Secondary education
- [CP103] Post-secondary non-tertiary education
- [CP104] Tertiary education
- [CP105] Education not definable by level
- [CP11] Restaurants and hotels
- [CP111] Catering services
- [CP112] Accommodation services
- [CP12] Miscellaneous goods and services
- [CP121] Personal care
- [CP122] Prostitution
- [CP122_127] Prostitution; other services n.e.c.
- [CP123] Personal effects n.e.c.
- [CP124] Social protection
- [CP125] Insurance
- [CP126] Financial services n.e.c.
- [CP127] Other services n.e.c.
- [_T] Total
- [XDC] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity)
[PRICES] Prices
- [L] Chain linked volume
- [V] Current prices
[TRANSFORMATION] Transformation
- [N] Non transformed data
[TABLE_IDENTIFIER] Table identifier
- [T0117] Table 0117 - Final consumption expenditure of households by durability
- [T0501] Table 0501 - Final consumption expenditure of households by purpose
- [T0502] Table 0502 - Final consumption expenditure of households
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT] (1)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (39)
Counterpart area [COUNTERPART_AREA] (3)
Reporting institutional sector [REF_SECTOR] (1)
Counterpart institutional sector [COUNTERPART_SECTOR] (1)
Accounting Entry [ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] (2)
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows [STO] (5)
Instrument and Assets Classification [INSTR_ASSET] (1)
Activity classification [ACTIVITY] (1)
Prices [PRICES] (2)
Transformation [TRANSFORMATION] (1)
Table identifier [TABLE_IDENTIFIER] (3)
This dataset has 3,954 series:
- from
- 1995=132,456.88
- to
- 2022=184,051.43
- min:
- 132,456.88
- max:
- 184,051.43
- avg:
- 162,996.679
- σ:
- 14,931.574
- from
- 1995=94,076.69
- to
- 2022=218,882.85
- min:
- 94,076.69
- max:
- 218,882.85
- avg:
- 147,659.09
- σ:
- 34,356.985
- from
- 1995=12,709.1
- to
- 2022=13,138.05
- min:
- 6,697.22
- max:
- 16,744.72
- avg:
- 13,497.44
- σ:
- 1,920.281
- from
- 1995=8,666.56
- to
- 2022=16,679.96
- min:
- 7,729.79
- max:
- 18,194.43
- avg:
- 12,133.765
- σ:
- 2,867.675
- from
- 1995=8,028.61
- to
- 2022=8,209.87
- min:
- 3,338.13
- max:
- 9,183.84
- avg:
- 7,819.418
- σ:
- 1,111.681
- from
- 1995=4,724.35
- to
- 2022=9,609.05
- min:
- 3,502.04
- max:
- 9,651.79
- avg:
- 6,618.316
- σ:
- 1,422.113
- from
- 1995=16,641.52
- to
- 2022=18,477.9
- min:
- 16,641.52
- max:
- 19,716.16
- avg:
- 17,888.442
- σ:
- 744.782
- from
- 1995=11,106.47
- to
- 2022=22,564.11
- min:
- 11,106.47
- max:
- 22,564.11
- avg:
- 15,617.468
- σ:
- 3,374.747
- from
- 1995=14,963.98
- to
- 2022=16,433.47
- min:
- 14,963.98
- max:
- 17,643.97
- avg:
- 15,946.317
- σ:
- 621.785
- from
- 1995=9,841.87
- to
- 2022=20,092.65
- min:
- 9,841.87
- max:
- 20,092.65
- avg:
- 13,885.75
- σ:
- 3,028.753
Series code | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z._T.XDC.L.N.T0502] | 132456.88 | 136380.68 | 136847.85 | 140829.42 | 144221.9 | 148767.2 | 150613.93 | 151344.37 | 153972.42 | 157529.87 | 161082.22 | 164392.4 | 165943.92 | 167418.02 | 168666.68 | 170327.12 | 172715.31 | 173486.05 | 173083.18 | 173400.42 | 173920.96 | 176760.59 | 180074.59 | 182058.33 | 182971.55 | 166815.38 | 173774.35 | 184051.43 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z._T.XDC.V.N.T0502] | 94076.69 | 98268.04 | 100120.71 | 103262.15 | 105832.93 | 111403.24 | 115508.16 | 117323.78 | 121223.66 | 126174.89 | 132206.15 | 137812.91 | 142646.36 | 146896.31 | 148384.62 | 152497.08 | 159575.99 | 164097.19 | 167274.06 | 170934.85 | 173920.96 | 179350.39 | 186015.53 | 191859.07 | 196136.17 | 180628.07 | 192141.72 | 218882.85 |
[A.N.AT.W1.S14.S1.C.P31._Z._Z._T.XDC.L.N.T0502] | 12709.1 | 12498.29 | 12256.93 | 12101.24 | 12622.04 | 12972.68 | 13275.87 | 13392.23 | 13467.37 | 13376.46 | 13625.81 | 13530.08 | 14049.09 | 14737.64 | 14045.39 | 14141.63 | 14043.61 | 14133.38 | 14274.9 | 14377.65 | 14955.73 | 15308.23 | 15702.79 | 16368.38 | 16744.72 | 9381.81 | 6697.22 | 13138.05 |
[A.N.AT.W1.S14.S1.C.P31._Z._Z._T.XDC.V.N.T0502] | 8666.56 | 8661.91 | 8651.31 | 8673.9 | 9115.3 | 9611.47 | 10087.94 | 10472.37 | 10754.68 | 10962.4 | 11401.53 | 11457.29 | 11940.72 | 12952.77 | 12233.94 | 12438.44 | 12945.11 | 13444.62 | 13839.4 | 14208.56 | 14955.73 | 15531.51 | 16292.58 | 17457.14 | 18194.43 | 10384.07 | 7729.79 | 16679.96 |
[A.N.AT.W1.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z._T.XDC.L.N.T0502] | 8028.61 | 8376.81 | 8334.27 | 7852.9 | 7806.64 | 8162.04 | 8632.72 | 8294.61 | 8626.42 | 8330.47 | 8297.92 | 8257.74 | 8033.55 | 7869.78 | 8083.51 | 7921.57 | 7506.91 | 7427.17 | 7150.69 | 7433.92 | 7478.27 | 7678.24 | 8390.13 | 9006.31 | 9183.84 | 3338.13 | 5230.65 | 8209.87 |
[A.N.AT.W1.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z._T.XDC.V.N.T0502] | 4724.35 | 5037.68 | 5281.83 | 5124.63 | 5209.29 | 5571.32 | 6055.15 | 5998.36 | 6364.95 | 6281.81 | 6413.69 | 6586.88 | 6617.6 | 6665.69 | 6937.86 | 6910.51 | 6887.35 | 6957.29 | 6872.46 | 7344.72 | 7478.27 | 7806.07 | 8556.07 | 9230.5 | 9651.79 | 3502.04 | 5635.64 | 9609.05 |
[A.N.AT.W2.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z.CP01.XDC.L.N.T0501] | 16641.52 | 16820.24 | 16889.72 | 16718.7 | 16797.9 | 17072.43 | 17133.36 | 17278.29 | 17282.38 | 17746.7 | 18150.13 | 18250.97 | 18369.72 | 18114.75 | 18077.89 | 18267.37 | 18087.1 | 18014.83 | 18090.93 | 18006.43 | 18150.6 | 18090.35 | 18263.7 | 18599.06 | 18673.48 | 19716.16 | 19093.77 | 18477.9 |
[A.N.AT.W2.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z.CP01.XDC.V.N.T0501] | 11106.47 | 11289.82 | 11501.12 | 11626.23 | 11587.43 | 11917.42 | 12399.41 | 12626.8 | 12837.48 | 13370.65 | 13783.22 | 14098.51 | 14714.56 | 15384.8 | 15401.82 | 15626.74 | 16195.65 | 16868.45 | 17497.02 | 17746.9 | 18150.6 | 18340.07 | 18936.25 | 19442.61 | 19828.38 | 21399.49 | 21047.09 | 22564.11 |
[A.N.AT.W2.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z.CP011.XDC.L.N.T0501] | 14963.98 | 15160.09 | 15211.87 | 15037.39 | 15011.28 | 15343.45 | 15331.5 | 15462.64 | 15381.97 | 15768.85 | 16129.49 | 16258.3 | 16257.88 | 15999.4 | 16054.94 | 16096.7 | 16048.17 | 15999.31 | 16065.42 | 16015.94 | 16141.88 | 16136.73 | 16246.31 | 16589.61 | 16716.98 | 17643.97 | 16989.35 | 16433.47 |
[A.N.AT.W2.S14.S1.D.P31._Z._Z.CP011.XDC.V.N.T0501] | 9841.87 | 10035.85 | 10189.04 | 10289.45 | 10243.88 | 10586.81 | 11040.4 | 11278.19 | 11436.29 | 11906.88 | 12248.08 | 12515.74 | 13019.99 | 13624.21 | 13694.29 | 13803.29 | 14331.99 | 14918.1 | 15538.58 | 15806.95 | 16141.88 | 16370.02 | 16831.54 | 17314.7 | 17760.43 | 19170.44 | 18769.47 | 20092.65 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 3,954