[EO] Economic Outlook No 115 - May 2024
Updated on DBnomics on May 3, 2024 (10:40 AM).
[LOCATION] Country
- [ARG] Argentina
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BRA] Brazil
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China (People's Republic of)
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DAE] Dynamic Asian Economies
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [EA17] Euro area (17 countries)
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [EUR] 22 OECD European countries (break 1991,1993)
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MEX] Mexico
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NMEC] Non-OECD Economies
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [OIL] Oil producers
- [OOP] Other oil producers
- [OTO] OECD - Total
- [PAC] OECD Pacific countries (Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Korea)
- [PER] Peru
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [ROU] Romania
- [ROW] Remaining countries that are not oil producers
- [RUS] Russia
- [RWD] Rest of the World
- [SOV] ex USSR
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [USA] United States
- [WLD] World
- [ZAF] South Africa
[VARIABLE] Variable
- [BSII] Balance of primary income (balance of payments basis)
- [BSIID] Balance of primary income in USD (balance of payments basis)
- [BSIIQ] Balance of primary income as a percentage of GDP
- [CAPOG] Net capital outlays of the government
- [CB] Current account balance
- [CBD] Current account balance in USD
- [CBGDPR] Current account balance as a percentage of GDP
- [CBR] Current account balance, residual item
- [CBRD] Current account balance in USD, residual item
- [CFKG] General government consumption of fixed capital
- [CG] Government final consumption expenditure, nominal value, GDP expenditure approach
- [CGAA] General government final consumption expenditure, nominal value, appropriation account
- [CGV] Government final consumption expenditure, volume
- [CGV_ANNPCT] Government final consumption expenditure, volume, growth
- [CLF] Employment coefficient
- [CLFS] Trend employment coefficient
- [CP] Private final consumption expenditure, nominal value, GDP expenditure approach
- [CPAA] Private final consumption expenditure, nominal value, appropriation account
- [CPI] Consumer price index
- [CPIDR] Indicator of competitiveness based on relative consumer prices
- [CPIH] Consumer price index, harmonised
- [CPIH_YTYPCT] Harmonised headline inflation
- [CPI_YTYPCT] Headline inflation
- [CPV] Private final consumption expenditure, volume
- [CPV_ANNPCT] Private final consumption expenditure, volume, growth
- [CQ_FBGSV] Net exports, contributions to changes in real GDP
- [CQ_ISKV] Change in inventories, contributions to changes in real GDP
- [CTGSVD] Contribution to world trade growth, goods and services (in USD, OECD reference year prices)
- [ECSA] Employment, country specific
- [EE] Dependent employment, total economy
- [EFFLABS] Trend labour efficiency
- [EG] General government employment
- [EQPF] Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension fund reserves
- [ES] Total self-employed
- [ET] Total employment (labour force survey basis)
- [ETPT] Potential employment of total economy
- [ET_ANNPCT] Total employment, growth
- [ET_NA] Total employment (national accounts basis)
- [EXCH] Exchange rate, USD per national currency
- [EXCHEB] Nominal effective exchange rate, chain-linked, overall weights
- [EXCHER] Real effective exchange rate, constant trade weights
- [EXCHUD] Exchange rate, national currency per USD
- [FBGS] Net exports of goods and services, nominal value (national accounts basis)
- [FBGSD] Net exports of goods and services, nominal value in USD (national accounts basis)
- [FBGSQ] Net exports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP
- [FDD] Final domestic expenditure, nominal value
- [FDDV] Final domestic expenditure, volume
- [FDDV_ANNPCT] Final domestic expenditure, volume, growth
- [GAP] Output gap as a percentage of potential GDP
- [GDP] Gross domestic product, nominal value, market prices
- [GDPML] Mainland gross domestic product , nominal value, market prices
- [GDPMLV] Mainland gross domestic product, volume, market prices
- [GDPOFS] Offshore gross domestic product, nominal value, market prices
- [GDPOFSV] Offshore gross domestic product, volume, market prices
- [GDPTR] Potential output, nominal value
- [GDPV] Gross domestic product, volume, market prices
- [GDPVCSA] Gross domestic product, volume, country specific
- [GDPVD] Gross domestic product, volume in USD, at constant purchasing power parities
- [GDPVD_CAP] Gross domestic product per capita, volume in USD, at constant purchasing power parities
- [GDPVTR] Potential output volume
- [GDPVTR_ANNPCT] Potential output, volume, growth
- [GDPV_ANNPCT] Gross domestic product, volume, growth
- [GDPV_CAP] Gross domestic product per capita, volume
- [GDPV_USD] Gross domestic product, volume in USD, constant exchange rates
- [GDP_ANNPCT] Gross domestic product, nominal value, growth
- [GDP_USD] Gross domestic product, nominal value in USD, constant exchange rates
- [GFAR] General government gross financial assets as a percentage of GDP
- [GGFL] General government gross financial liabilities
- [GGFLM] Gross public debt, Maastricht criterion
- [GGFLMQ] Gross public debt, Maastricht criterion as a percentage of GDP
- [GGFLQ] General government gross financial liabilities as a percentage of GDP
- [GGINTP] Gross general government interest payments
- [GGINTR] Gross general government interest receipts
- [GNFL] General government net financial liabilities
- [GNFLQ] General government net financial liabilities as a percentage of GDP
- [GNINTP] Net general government interest payments
- [GNINTQ] Net general government interest payments as a percentage of GDP
- [GNP] Gross national product, nominal value, market prices
- [GNPV] Gross national product, volume, market prices
- [HRS] Hours worked per worker, total economy
- [IBGV] Private non-residential and government fixed capital formation, volume
- [IBV] Private non-residential gross fixed capital formation, volume
- [ICSA] Fixed investment, country specific, volume
- [IFU3] Ratio of potential to actual real GDP of the total economy
- [IGAA] General government fixed capital formation, nominal value, appropriation account
- [IGV] Government gross fixed capital formation, volume
- [IHV] Gross fixed capital formation, housing, volume
- [IOBV] Gross fixed capital formation of private non-residential industry excluding shipping and oil, volume
- [IOILV] Gross fixed capital formation of the oil industry, volume
- [IRCB] Central bank key interest rate
- [IRL] Long-term interest rate on government bonds
- [IRS] Short-term interest rate
- [ISHV] Gross fixed capital formation of the shipping industry, volume
- [IT] Gross fixed capital formation, total, nominal value
- [ITISK] Gross capital formation, total, nominal value
- [ITISKV] Gross capital formation, total, volume
- [ITV] Gross fixed capital formation, total, volume
- [ITV_ANNPCT] Gross fixed capital formation, total, volume, growth
- [KTPV] Productive capital stock, volume
- [KTPV_ANNPCT] Productive capital stock, volume, growth
- [KTPV_AV] Productive capital stock, volume, annual average
- [KTPV_AV_ANNPCT] Productive capital stock, volume, annual average, growth
- [LF] Labour force
- [LFPR1574] Labour force participation rate, as a percentage of population aged 15-74
- [MGS] Imports of goods and services, nominal value (national accounts basis)
- [MGSD] Imports of goods and services, nominal value in USD (national accounts basis)
- [MGSV] Imports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis)
- [MGSVD] Imports of goods and services, volume in USD (national accounts basis)
- [MGSV_ANNPCT] Imports of goods and services, volume, growth (national accounts basis)
- [MPEN] Import penetration, goods and services
- [MSHA] Share of value imports of goods and services in world imports in USD
- [NLG] General government net lending
- [NLGA] Cyclically-adjusted general government net lending
- [NLGC] Central government net lending
- [NLGCQ] Central government net lending as a percentage of GDP
- [NLGML] General government net lending, mainland
- [NLGMLQ] General government net lending, mainland, as a percentage of mainland GDP
- [NLGQ] General government net lending as a percentage of GDP
- [NLGQA] Cyclically-adjusted general government net lending as a percentage of potential GDP
- [NLGQU] Underlying general government net lending as a percentage of potential GDP
- [NLGU] Underlying general government net lending
- [NLGX] General government primary balance
- [NLGXA] Cyclically-adjusted general government primary balance
- [NLGXQ] General government primary balance as a percentage of GDP
- [NLGXQA] Cyclically-adjusted general government primary balance as a percentage of potential GDP
- [NLGXQU] Underlying general government primary balance as a percentage of potential GDP
- [NLGXU] Underlying general government primary balance
- [NOO] Net one-offs of general government
- [NOOQ] Net one-offs of general government as a percentage of potential GDP
- [NTR] Balance of secondary income (balance of payments basis)
- [NTRD] Balance of secondary income in USD (balance of payments basis)
- [NTRQ] Balance of secondary income as a percentage of GDP
- [OILCON] Oil market conditions, demand
- [OILSUP] Oil market conditions, supply
- [OILXNT] Oil market conditions, trade
- [PCG] Government final consumption expenditure, deflator
- [PCORE] Core inflation index
- [PCOREH] Core inflation index, harmonised
- [PCOREH_YTYPCT] Harmonised core inflation
- [PCORE_YTYPCT] Core inflation
- [PCP] Private final consumption expenditure, deflator
- [PCP_YTYPCT] Private final consumption expenditure, deflator, growth
- [PDTY] Labour productivity, total economy
- [PFDD] Final domestic expenditure, deflator
- [PGDP] Gross domestic product, market prices, deflator
- [PGDPML] Mainland gross domestic product, market prices, deflator
- [PGDPOFS] Offshore gross domestic product, market prices, deflator
- [PGDP_ANNPCT] Gross domestic product, market prices, deflator, growth
- [PGNP] Gross national product, market prices, deflator
- [PIGAA] General government fixed capital formation, deflator, based on appropriation account
- [PIT] Gross total fixed capital formation, deflator
- [PITISK] Gross capital formation, deflator
- [PMGS] Imports of goods and services, deflator (national accounts basis)
- [PMGSD] Imports of goods and services in USD, deflator (national accounts basis)
- [PMGSX] Price of non-commodity imports of goods and services
- [PMNW] Price of commodity imports
- [PMSH] Shadow price of goods and services imports
- [PMSHX] Shadow price of non-commodity goods and services imports
- [POP] Total population
- [POP1574] Working-age population, age 15-74
- [POPS1574] Trend working-age population, age 15-74
- [PPP] Purchasing power parity, national currency per USD
- [PSBR] Public sector borrowing requirement
- [PSBRQ] Public sector borrowing requirement as a percentage of GDP
- [PTDD] Total domestic expenditure, deflator
- [PXC] Competitors' price of goods and services exports
- [PXCX] Competitors' price of non-commodity goods and services exports
- [PXGS] Exports of goods and services, deflator (national accounts basis)
- [PXGSD] Exports of goods and services in USD, deflator (national accounts basis)
- [PXGSX] Price of non-commodity exports of goods and services
- [PXNW] Price of commodity exports
- [RFSH] Share of outstanding marketable debt to refinance within coming period
- [RPMGS] Relative price of imported goods and services
- [RPXGS] Relative price of exported goods and services
- [RSCRP] Productive capital stock scrapping rate
- [R_GDPVWDS] Ratio of GDPV (sa) to GDPV (adjusted for working days and seasonal correction)
- [SAVG] Net general government saving
- [SAVGML] Net general government saving, mainland
- [SAVH] Net saving of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [SAVH_G] Gross saving of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [SHTGSVD] Share of country's trade in world trade (volume, in USD at OECD reference year prices)
- [SRATIO] Net saving ratio of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [SRATIO_G] Gross saving ratio of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [SSPG] Social security benefits paid by general government
- [SSRG] Social security contributions received by general government
- [SSRGA] Cyclically-adjusted social security contributions received by general government
- [TAXQ] Taxes and social security contributions received by general government as a percentage of GDP
- [TDD] Total domestic expenditure, nominal value
- [TDDV] Total domestic expenditure, volume
- [TDDV_ANNPCT] Total domestic expenditure, volume, growth
- [TEV] Total expenditure, volume
- [TEVD] Total expenditure, volume in USD
- [TGSVD] Goods and services trade, volume in USD
- [TGSVD_ANNPCT] Goods and services trade, volume in USD, growth
- [TIND] Taxes on production and imports
- [TINDA] Cyclically-adjusted taxes on production and imports
- [TINDML] Taxes on production and imports, mainland
- [TINDOFS] Taxes on production and imports, offshore
- [TKPG] Capital transfers paid and other capital payments
- [TKTRG] Capital tax and transfers receipts
- [TOCR] Other current receipts of general government
- [TOCRML] Other current receipts of general government, mainland
- [TOCROFS] Other current receipts of general government, offshore
- [TRPESH] Employees and self-employed contributions to social security
- [TRPTSH] Total employers social contributions
- [TTRADE] Terms of trade, goods and services
- [TY] Total direct taxes received by general government
- [TYA] Cyclically-adjusted total direct taxes received by general government
- [TYB] Direct taxes on business
- [TYBA] Cyclically-adjusted direct taxes on business
- [TYBML] Direct taxes on business, mainland
- [TYBOFS] Direct taxes on business, offshore
- [TYH] Direct taxes on households
- [TYHA] Cyclically-adjusted direct taxes on households
- [TYML] Total direct taxes received by general government, mainland
- [ULC] Unit labour cost in total economy
- [ULCDR] Indicator of competitiveness based on relative unit labour costs in total economy
- [UN] Unemployment, level
- [UNR] Unemployment rate
- [WAGE] Wages, total economy
- [WPBRENT] Crude oil price, FOB, USD per barrel, spot Brent
- [WPHAMD] Agricultural raw materials, world price, HWWI (USD basis)
- [WPHD] Primary commodities excluding energy, world price, HWWI (USD basis)
- [WPHFBD] Food and tropical beverages, world price, HWWI (USD basis)
- [WPHFD] Food, world price, HWWI (USD basis)
- [WPHMMD] Minerals, ores and metals, world price, HWWI (USD basis)
- [WPHTBD] Tropical beverages, world price, HWWI (USD basis)
- [WPI] Wholesale price
- [WPOIL] OECD crude oil import price, CIF, USD per barrel
- [WRT] Wage rate, total economy
- [WSSH] Compensation of employees received by households
- [WSSS] Compensation of employees, total economy
- [WSST] Compensation rate, total economy
- [XGS] Exports of goods and services, nominal value (national accounts basis)
- [XGSD] Exports of goods and services, nominal value in USD (national accounts basis)
- [XGSV] Exports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis)
- [XGSVD] Exports of goods and services, volume in USD (national accounts basis)
- [XGSV_ANNPCT] Exports of goods and services, volume, growth (national accounts basis)
- [XMKT] Export market for goods and services, volume in USD
- [XPERF] Export performance for goods and services, volume
- [XPERF_ANNPCT] Export performance for goods and services, volume, growth
- [XSHA] Share of value exports of goods and services in world exports in USD
- [YDH] Net disposable income of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YDH_G] Gross disposable income of household and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YDRH] Real net disposable income of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YDRH_G] Real gross disposable income of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YPEPG] Property income paid by general government
- [YPEPGX] Property income paid by general government, excluding interest payments
- [YPERG] Property income received by general government
- [YPERGML] Property income received by general government, mainland
- [YPERGOFS] Property income received by general government, offshore
- [YPERGX] Property income received by general government, excluding interest receipts
- [YPG] Current disbursements of general government
- [YPGA] Cyclically-adjusted current disbursements of general government
- [YPGCT] Total disbursements of central government
- [YPGQ] Current disbursements of general government as a percentage of GDP
- [YPGQA] Cyclically-adjusted current disbursements of general government as a percentage of potential GDP
- [YPGT] Total disbursements of general government
- [YPGTQ] Total disbursements of general government as a percentage of GDP
- [YPGTX] Total disbursements of general government excluding gross interest payments
- [YPGX] Current disbursements of general government excluding gross interest payments
- [YPGXA] Cyclically-adjusted current disbursements of general government excluding gross interest payments
- [YPGXQA] Cyclically-adjusted current disbursements of general government excluding gross interest payments, as a percentage of potential GDP
- [YPH] Current disbursements of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YPOTG] Other current outlays of general government
- [YPOTH] Other current income payable by households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YRG] Current receipts of general government
- [YRGA] Cyclically-adjusted current receipts of general government
- [YRGCT] Total receipts of central government
- [YRGML] Current receipts mainland, general government
- [YRGOFS] Current receipts offshore, general government
- [YRGQ] Current receipts of general government as a percentage of GDP
- [YRGQA] Cyclically-adjusted current receipts of general government as a percentage of potential GDP
- [YRGT] Total receipts of general government
- [YRGTML] Total receipts, mainland, general government
- [YRGTQ] Total receipts of general government as a percentage of GDP
- [YRGX] Current receipts of general government excluding gross interest receipts
- [YRH] Net current receipts of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YRH_G] Gross current receipts of households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YROTH] Other current income received by households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [YSE] Net self-employment income received by households
- [YSE_G] Gross self-employment income received by households
[FREQUENCY] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
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Country [LOCATION] (63)
Variable [VARIABLE] (282)
Frequency [FREQUENCY] (2)
This dataset has 13,558 series:
- from
- 1994=-5604786198358.4
- to
- 2025=-5604786198358.4
- min:
- -6,512,736,162,063.72
- max:
- -3,599,308,613.385
- avg:
- -693,851,798,058.867
- σ:
- 1,600,116,068,700.115
- from
- 1994=-6496419818.4392
- to
- 2025=-6496419818.4392
- min:
- -18,650,230,325
- max:
- -3,603,186,643.105
- avg:
- -10,115,466,675.783
- σ:
- 3,755,035,993.172
- from
- 1994=-0.5659786499
- to
- 2025=-0.5659786499
- min:
- -6.907
- max:
- -0.566
- avg:
- -2.752
- σ:
- 1.32
- from
- 1994=11050298367105.1
- to
- 2025=11050298367105.1
- min:
- -6,076,075,020,123.7
- max:
- 11,050,298,367,105.1
- avg:
- 116,253,716,169.355
- σ:
- 2,237,003,188,118.06
- from
- 1994=12808227606.0332
- to
- 2025=12808227606.0332
- min:
- -30,976,697,915.665
- max:
- 12,808,227,606.033
- avg:
- -4,776,764,450.174
- σ:
- 10,612,768,271.983
- from
- 1994=1.1158735997
- to
- 2025=1.1158735997
- min:
- -4.848
- max:
- 8.413
- avg:
- -0.604
- σ:
- 3.01
- from
- 1994=1320840739610.15
- to
- 2025=1320840739610.15
- min:
- -198,282,752,237.338
- max:
- 1,320,840,739,610.15
- avg:
- 79,353,954,374.712
- σ:
- 322,933,670,783.037
- from
- 1994=1530965794.96975
- to
- 2025=1530965794.96975
- min:
- -1,894,053,674.225
- max:
- 2,204,587,654.693
- avg:
- 86,781,036.82
- σ:
- 878,738,094.367
- from
- 1993=134455996263017
- to
- 2025=134455996263017
- min:
- 34,577,689,875.844
- max:
- 134,455,996,263,017
- avg:
- 8,555,742,252,361.919
- σ:
- 26,485,752,956,675.816
- from
- 1993=88849626825.6164
- to
- 2025=88849626825.6164
- min:
- 48,879,955,686.353
- max:
- 98,823,549,515
- avg:
- 73,124,376,736.412
- σ:
- 18,540,235,808.644
Series code | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
[ARG.BSII.A] | - | -3599308613.38465 | -4679073995.82101 | -5510173986.24274 | -6192620141.65113 | -7467573593.9822 | -7535674696.03429 | -7609341638.03121 | -7806123222.68547 | -23395782100.0195 | -23738584926.9995 | -27773542772.5396 | -22157872681.5198 | -23734610975.4769 | -23662556565.6555 | -28585971489.5915 | -38536542425.7246 | -56872427202.8158 | -62268810134.6686 | -62483614221.6481 | -72081357346.5476 | -94383681643.278 | -111827885245.535 | -180363883912.822 | -272019365243.354 | -526142389042.43 | -848337100619.072 | -734435956386.245 | -935653973600.849 | -1566595237292.97 | -4300284141744.04 | -6512736162063.72 | -5604786198358.4 |
[ARG.BSIID.A] | - | -3603186643.10473 | -4676539198.71519 | -5509884957.36116 | -6192710208.52963 | -7468765809.71072 | -7538956123.55257 | -7611890641.18993 | -7805595551.23741 | -7619436915.58044 | -8109662755.7294 | -9497288486.08841 | -7595242343.71541 | -7722609982 | -7594655763.99999 | -9034190699 | -10318875001.5 | -14547533203.8 | -15073067100.4 | -13753840626.9 | -13164827574.2 | -11613847481.4 | -12104598578.6 | -12192210740.9 | -16380283706.1 | -18650230325 | -17732164563 | -10505577750.4 | -9851708085.69999 | -11858200368.7 | -14253311953 | -7617620667.50371 | -6496419818.4392 |
[ARG.BSIIQ.A] | - | -1.2901210466 | -1.6733002308 | -1.8682917356 | -1.9512071582 | -2.3049986264 | -2.4525684818 | -2.4706124646 | -2.6807751455 | -6.9065874304 | -5.8271878466 | -5.7251438575 | -3.8036773747 | -3.3153330567 | -2.6380244792 | -2.4865018657 | -3.0880389931 | -3.4225017162 | -2.8576466885 | -2.3686753178 | -2.1527693044 | -2.0611902216 | -1.8780364535 | -2.1920319201 | -2.5517217137 | -3.5683224461 | -3.9350571624 | -2.6991582981 | -2.0188352472 | -1.9003675521 | -2.26592689 | -1.1537899511 | -0.5659786499 |
[ARG.CB.A] | - | -10969731767.7797 | -5106426366.32344 | -6755926272.59879 | -12115347677.4214 | -14462280531.1567 | -11904580348.0131 | -8951557313.59759 | -3778101421.21329 | 28499577335.9044 | 23600377877.2518 | 8948331504.56559 | 14728469138.578 | 20438166440.1401 | 19288678749.6517 | 17050156906.2453 | 27022871840.7008 | -7258752412.77347 | -22374091692.947 | -9520005257.027 | -75763881795.1139 | -77900099438.6351 | -166268716872.122 | -224861185248.379 | -516844480934.659 | -691033593106.485 | -113721442590.828 | 162039855004.857 | 575473999010.583 | -481971203026.725 | -6076075020123.7 | 310366490703.294 | 11050298367105.1 |
[ARG.CBD.A] | - | -10981452970.0946 | -5104172254.29085 | -6755412694.18526 | -12115533959.8394 | -14464598042.2511 | -11909644610.7158 | -8954517892.62763 | -3780435241.19361 | 8701653553.32827 | 8073070841.5259 | 3076451472.19356 | 5054984621.49975 | 6645975971.30462 | 6179901854.18235 | 5459660569.60445 | 7326600016.89924 | -1836402408.88685 | -5382321564.92165 | -2065646463.90188 | -13387935120.9169 | -9762742248.46663 | -17826342007.1436 | -15191910691.568 | -30976697915.6653 | -26738406703.4703 | -3422043269.41491 | 2807231412.33804 | 6150179229.1053 | -3895443047.75011 | -20904893492.0734 | 316153045.781095 | 12808227606.0332 |
[ARG.CBGDPR.A] | - | -3.9319445343 | -1.8261272262 | -2.2906792513 | -3.8173749676 | -4.4640385983 | -3.8744770347 | -2.9064050648 | -1.2974738034 | 8.4132610638 | 5.7932617114 | 1.8445786901 | 2.5283268674 | 2.8548742125 | 2.1504019049 | 1.4830787533 | 2.1654169445 | -0.436821388 | -1.0267941349 | -0.3608914394 | -2.2627509403 | -1.7012148756 | -2.792315268 | -2.7328248037 | -4.8483433649 | -4.6866223529 | -0.5275030137 | 0.595519889 | 1.2416846675 | -0.5846579981 | -3.2016353617 | 0.0549842231 | 1.1158735997 |
[ARG.CBR.A] | - | -253876326.045723 | -301455201.901865 | -344146825.012315 | -400261731.840313 | -396322457.580619 | -339061035.832145 | -340557491.110628 | -308368580.279768 | 2312984394.96297 | 2666317428.40762 | 927470720.316437 | 720451391.919908 | 999470479.470087 | 298815711.99655 | -669307324.723815 | -1065381949.90473 | -796485875.00903 | 769809308.8216 | -1549380502.89389 | -4184989498.5108 | -14473342271.9111 | -424145554.299099 | 24810797173.0173 | 30945526761.4032 | 77730829740.857 | -463357095.505157 | -333522170.08461 | -41820127912.1965 | 22209429701.2976 | -198282752237.338 | 1320840739610.15 | 1320840739610.15 |
[ARG.CBRD.A] | - | -253937268.076331 | -301562510.434699 | -343969617.009443 | -400309511.365703 | -396433294.685959 | -339052245.704696 | -340649319.222627 | -307837747.248499 | 572367429.869255 | 982137138.682149 | 320656255.006328 | 252354979.078208 | 326844547.316789 | 90806225.3585735 | -240928654.605101 | -252040304.29066 | -195197530.958767 | 197413088.661493 | -377006168.281653 | -723915945.997853 | -1894053674.22469 | -150927627.134252 | 1615522832.7975 | 1828077575.94295 | 2204587654.69337 | -403701434.92823 | -12807769.187943 | -409524007.346457 | 105560460.876101 | -1450357630.0162 | 1543911455.71072 | 1530965794.96975 |
[ARG.CG.A] | 34577689875.8441 | 36737285684.1038 | 37275621040.9978 | 36818358260.5574 | 38226681229.1336 | 40421519709.5967 | 42104860448.641 | 42393500515.7516 | 41162293542.9046 | 41386825957.4889 | 46529001501.6929 | 53918788365 | 70730976615 | 88982715644.9999 | 116511660077.5 | 156737152150 | 198469382400 | 251978673325 | 341866144050 | 439092309125 | 562724686650 | 776149459000 | 1077669994575 | 1452646862250 | 1886529328500 | 2330431652750 | 3544907053500 | 4591113949500 | 7294196819000 | 12692675906750 | 29982515080000 | 79536015832932.1 | 134455996263017 |
[ARG.CGV.A] | 48879955686.3527 | 49097314550.1891 | 49470721450.2424 | 50544085246.6571 | 52171394659.5167 | 53922725843.3439 | 55336492754.7518 | 55655815412.4196 | 54504072116.3297 | 51736279580.7738 | 52492054330.3552 | 53918788630 | 59232719842.5 | 61437671452.5 | 66248105092.5 | 69570499542.5 | 73490278327.5 | 77497097367.5 | 81034769762.5 | 83473345880 | 87916287690 | 90505449102.5 | 96791963227.5 | 96284409672.5 | 98823549515 | 96954391712.5 | 90749186262.5 | 88914625767.5 | 94529138760 | 96321791060 | 97443535200 | 89306289977.5579 | 88849626825.6164 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 13,558