[IOTSI4_2018] Input-Output Tables (IOTs) 2018 ed.
Updated on DBnomics on February 7, 2024 (9:47 AM).
[VAR] Variable
- [DOMIMP] Domestic output and imports
- [ICESHR] Imports content of exports, as % of exports
- [LEONTFD] Leontief inverse matrix (domestic)
- [LEONTFT] Leontief inverse matrix (total)
- [TTL] Total
- [VAL] Value added
[COU] Country
- [ARG] Argentina
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BRA] Brazil
- [BRN] Brunei Darussalam
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China (People's Republic of)
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HKG] Hong Kong, China
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KAZ] Kazakhstan
- [KHM] Cambodia
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MAR] Morocco
- [MEX] Mexico
- [MLT] Malta
- [MYS] Malaysia
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [PER] Peru
- [PHL] Philippines
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russian Federation
- [SAU] Saudi Arabia
- [SGP] Singapore
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [THA] Thailand
- [TUN] Tunisia
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [TWN] Chinese Taipei
- [USA] United States
- [VNM] Viet Nam
- [ZAF] South Africa
[ROW] From: (sector in row)
- [DOM_01T03] Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [DOM_05T06] Mining and extraction of energy producing products
- [DOM_07T08] Mining and quarrying of non-energy producing products
- [DOM_09] Mining support service activities
- [DOM_10T12] Food products, beverages and tobacco
- [DOM_13T15] Textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products
- [DOM_16] Wood and of products of wood and cork (except furniture)
- [DOM_17T18] Paper products and printing
- [DOM_19] Coke and refined petroleum products
- [DOM_20T21] Chemicals and pharmaceutical products
- [DOM_22] Rubber and plastics products
- [DOM_23] Other non-metallic mineral products
- [DOM_24] Manufacture of basic metals
- [DOM_25] Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
- [DOM_26] Computer, electronic and optical products
- [DOM_27] Electrical equipment
- [DOM_28] Machinery and equipment n.e.c.
- [DOM_29] Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
- [DOM_30] Other transport equipment
- [DOM_31T33] Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment
- [DOM_35T39] Electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, waste and remediation services
- [DOM_41T43] Construction
- [DOM_45T47] Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
- [DOM_49T53] Transportation and storage
- [DOM_55T56] Accomodation and food services
- [DOM_58T60] Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities
- [DOM_61] Telecommunications
- [DOM_62T63] IT and other information services
- [DOM_64T66] Financial and insurance activities
- [DOM_68] Real estate activities
- [DOM_69T82] Other business sector services
- [DOM_84] Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- [DOM_85] Education
- [DOM_86T88] Human health and social work
- [DOM_90T96] Arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities
- [DOM_97T98] Private households with employed persons
- [GOPS] Gross operating surplus and mixed income
- [IMP_01T03] Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [IMP_05T06] Mining and extraction of energy producing products
- [IMP_07T08] Mining and quarrying of non-energy producing products
- [IMP_09] Mining support service activities
- [IMP_10T12] Food products, beverages and tobacco
- [IMP_13T15] Textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products
- [IMP_16] Wood and of products of wood and cork (except furniture)
- [IMP_17T18] Paper products and printing
- [IMP_19] Coke and refined petroleum products
- [IMP_20T21] Chemicals and pharmaceutical products
- [IMP_22] Rubber and plastics products
- [IMP_23] Other non-metallic mineral products
- [IMP_24] Manufacture of basic metals
- [IMP_25] Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
- [IMP_26] Computer, electronic and optical products
- [IMP_27] Electrical equipment
- [IMP_28] Machinery and equipment n.e.c.
- [IMP_29] Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
- [IMP_30] Other transport equipment
- [IMP_31T33] Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment
- [IMP_35T39] Electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, waste and remediation services
- [IMP_41T43] Construction
- [IMP_45T47] Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
- [IMP_49T53] Transportation and storage
- [IMP_55T56] Accomodation and food services
- [IMP_58T60] Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities
- [IMP_61] Telecommunications
- [IMP_62T63] IT and other information services
- [IMP_64T66] Financial and insurance activities
- [IMP_68] Real estate activities
- [IMP_69T82] Other business sector services
- [IMP_84] Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- [IMP_85] Education
- [IMP_86T88] Human health and social work
- [IMP_90T96] Arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities
- [IMP_97T98] Private households with employed persons
- [LABR] Compensation of employees
- [OTXS] Other taxes less subsidies on production
- [OUTPUT] Output at basic prices
- [TOTAL] Total
- [TTL_01T03] Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [TTL_05T06] Mining and extraction of energy producing products
- [TTL_07T08] Mining and quarrying of non-energy producing products
- [TTL_09] Mining support service activities
- [TTL_10T12] Food products, beverages and tobacco
- [TTL_13T15] Textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products
- [TTL_16] Wood and of products of wood and cork (except furniture)
- [TTL_17T18] Paper products and printing
- [TTL_19] Coke and refined petroleum products
- [TTL_20T21] Chemicals and pharmaceutical products
- [TTL_22] Rubber and plastics products
- [TTL_23] Other non-metallic mineral products
- [TTL_24] Manufacture of basic metals
- [TTL_25] Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
- [TTL_26] Computer, electronic and optical products
- [TTL_27] Electrical equipment
- [TTL_28] Machinery and equipment n.e.c.
- [TTL_29] Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
- [TTL_30] Other transport equipment
- [TTL_31T33] Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment
- [TTL_35T39] Electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, waste and remediation services
- [TTL_41T43] Construction
- [TTL_45T47] Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
- [TTL_49T53] Transportation and storage
- [TTL_55T56] Accomodation and food services
- [TTL_58T60] Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities
- [TTL_61] Telecommunications
- [TTL_62T63] IT and other information services
- [TTL_64T66] Financial and insurance activities
- [TTL_68] Real estate activities
- [TTL_69T82] Other business sector services
- [TTL_84] Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- [TTL_85] Education
- [TTL_86T88] Human health and social work
- [TTL_90T96] Arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities
- [TTL_97T98] Private households with employed persons
- [TTL_INT_FNL] Total intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices
- [TXS_IMP_FNL] Taxes less subsidies on intermediate and final products (paid in foreign countries)
- [TXS_INT_FNL] Taxes less subsidies on intermediate and final products (paid in domestic agencies, includes duty on imported products)
- [VALU] Value added at basic prices
[COL] To: (sector in column)
- [CONS_ABR] Direct purchases abroad by residents (imports)
- [CONS_NONRES] Direct purchases by non-residents (exports)
- [D01T03] Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [D05T06] Mining and extraction of energy producing products
- [D07T08] Mining and quarrying of non-energy producing products
- [D09] Mining support service activities
- [D10T12] Food products, beverages and tobacco
- [D13T15] Textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products
- [D16] Wood and products of wood and cork
- [D17T18] Paper products and printing
- [D19] Coke and refined petroleum products
- [D20T21] Chemicals and pharmaceutical products
- [D22] Rubber and plastic products
- [D23] Other non-metallic mineral products
- [D24] Basic metals
- [D25] Fabricated metal products
- [D26] Computer, electronic and optical products
- [D27] Electrical equipment
- [D28] Machinery and equipment, nec
- [D29] Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
- [D30] Other transport equipment
- [D31T33] Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment
- [D35T39] Electricity, gas, water supply, sewerage, waste and remediation services
- [D41T43] Construction
- [D45T47] Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles
- [D49T53] Transportation and storage
- [D55T56] Accomodation and food services
- [D58T60] Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities
- [D61] Telecommunications
- [D62T63] IT and other information services
- [D64T66] Financial and insurance activities
- [D68] Real estate activities
- [D69T82] Other business sector services
- [D84] Public admin. and defence; compulsory social security
- [D85] Education
- [D86T88] Human health and social work
- [D90T96] Arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities
- [D97T98] Private households with employed persons
- [EXPO] Exports (cross border)
- [GFCF] Gross Fixed Capital Formation
- [GGFC] Final consumption expenditure of general government
- [HFCE] Final consumption expenditure of households
- [ICESHR] Imports content of exports shares
- [IMPO] Imports (cross border)
- [INVNT] Changes in inventories
- [NPISH] Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households
- [TOTAL] Total
Search filters
Variable [VAR] (6)
Country [COU] (64)
From: (sector in row) [ROW] (117)
To: (sector in column) [COL] (47)
This dataset has 524,436 series:
- from
- 2005=8.7
- to
- 2015=18.7
- min:
- 8.7
- max:
- 21.1
- avg:
- 16.309
- σ:
- 3.569
- from
- 2005=3,214.5
- to
- 2015=13,014.6
- min:
- 3,214.5
- max:
- 13,014.6
- avg:
- 7,706.718
- σ:
- 3,247.414
- from
- 2005=3.4
- to
- 2015=8
- min:
- 3.4
- max:
- 8
- avg:
- 5.573
- σ:
- 1.475
- from
- 2005=4.9
- to
- 2015=24.8
- min:
- 4.9
- max:
- 24.8
- avg:
- 13.664
- σ:
- 6.201
- from
- 2005=1
- to
- 2015=4.1
- min:
- 1
- max:
- 4.1
- avg:
- 2.273
- σ:
- 1.017
- from
- 2005=11,011.2
- to
- 2015=34,292.8
- min:
- 11,011.2
- max:
- 34,292.8
- avg:
- 23,687.2
- σ:
- 8,067.703
- from
- 2005=199.2
- to
- 2015=964.7
- min:
- 199.2
- max:
- 964.7
- avg:
- 530.855
- σ:
- 252.91
- from
- 2005=201.5
- to
- 2015=545.8
- min:
- 201.5
- max:
- 545.8
- avg:
- 393.982
- σ:
- 122.339
- from
- 2005=76.4
- to
- 2015=240.1
- min:
- 76.4
- max:
- 240.1
- avg:
- 168.227
- σ:
- 57.956
Series code | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.CONS_ABR] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.CONS_NONRES] | 8.7 | 11.1 | 14.7 | 16.8 | 14.5 | 19.1 | 21.1 | 19.2 | 17.6 | 17.9 | 18.7 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D01T03] | 3214.5 | 3875.7 | 4378.2 | 5169.9 | 6488.5 | 7119.9 | 8515.1 | 10454 | 11340.7 | 11202.8 | 13014.6 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D05T06] | 3.4 | 3.6 | 3.8 | 4.6 | 5.5 | 5.8 | 6 | 7.1 | 6.8 | 6.7 | 8 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D07T08] | 4.9 | 6.4 | 7.3 | 9.1 | 11.8 | 12.9 | 14.6 | 18.7 | 19.9 | 19.9 | 24.8 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D09] | 1 | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 2.7 | 3.4 | 3.2 | 3.1 | 4.1 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D10T12] | 11011.2 | 13359.3 | 15677.4 | 19022 | 19561.3 | 23051.3 | 28552 | 31612.8 | 32934.2 | 31484.9 | 34292.8 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D13T15] | 199.2 | 253.3 | 270 | 317 | 424.9 | 481.6 | 570.2 | 735.9 | 814.7 | 807.9 | 964.7 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D16] | 201.5 | 233.4 | 276 | 337.6 | 311.7 | 391 | 480.4 | 520.9 | 535.9 | 499.6 | 545.8 |
[DOMIMP.ARG.DOM_01T03.D17T18] | 76.4 | 92.3 | 111.2 | 141.1 | 133.8 | 165 | 204.1 | 230.1 | 235 | 221.4 | 240.1 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 524,436