[NAAG] National Accounts at a Glance
Updated on DBnomics on July 3, 2024 (7:12 AM).
[LOCATION] Country
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BRA] Brazil
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China (People's Republic of)
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [EMU] Euro area
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [EUU] European Union
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MEX] Mexico
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [OTO] OECD - Total
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [RUS] Russia
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [USA] United States
- [ZAF] South Africa
[INDICATOR] Indicator
- [AN1111NS14_S15HCPC] Dwellings of households per capita, current PPPs, US dollars
- [AN11NVIXOB] Net capital stock, volume, year 2015 = 100
- [AN211NS14_S15HCPC] Land of households per capita, current PPPS, US dollars
- [ANNS14_S15HCPC] Non financial assets of households, per capita, current PPPs, US dollars
- [ANOTHNS14_S15HCPC] Other non financial assets of households per capita, current PPPs, US dollars
- [B11CG] Net exports of goods and services, contribution to GDP growth
- [B1GG] Gross value added (GVA) at basic prices, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GSB1G] Gross value added (GVA) by activity
- [B1GVACG] Gross value added, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVAG] Gross value added, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVASB1G] Gross value added, Agriculture, forestry and fishing , percentage of total activity
- [B1GVB_ECG] Gross value added, Industry, including energy, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVB_EG] Gross value added, Industry, including energy, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVB_ESB1G] Gross value added, Industry, including energy , percentage of total activity
- [B1GVB_FCG] Gross value added, Industry, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVB_FSB1G] Gross value added, Industry, percentage of total activity
- [B1GVCCG] Gross value added, of which : Manufacturing, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVCG] Gross value added, of which : Manufacturing, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVCSB1G] Gross value added, of which : Manufacturing , percentage of total activity
- [B1GVFCG] Gross value added, Construction, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVFG] Gross value added, Construction, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVFSB1G] Gross value added, Construction , percentage of total activity
- [B1GVG_ICG] Gross value added, Distributive trade, repairs, transport; accommodation and food service activities, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVG_IG] Gross value added, Distributive trade, repairs, transport; accommodation and food service activities, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVG_ISB1G] Gross value added, Distributive trade, repairs, transport; accommodation and food service activities, percentage of total activity
- [B1GVG_UCG] Gross value added, Services, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVG_USB1G] Gross value added, Services , percentage of total activity
- [B1GVJCG] Gross value added, Information and communication, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVJG] Gross value added, Information and communication, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVJSB1G] Gross value added, Information and communication, percentage of total activity
- [B1GVKCG] Gross value added, Financial and insurance activities, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVKG] Gross value added, Financial and insurance activities, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVKSB1G] Gross value added, Financial and insurance activities, percentage of total activity
- [B1GVLCG] Gross value added, Real estate activities, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVLG] Gross value added, Real estate activities, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVLSB1G] Gross value added, Real estate activities, percentage of total activity
- [B1GVM_NCG] Gross value added, Professional, scientific, technical, administration and support services activities, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVM_NG] Gross value added, Professional, scientific, technical, administration and support services activities, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVM_NSB1G] Gross value added, Professional, scientific, technical, administration and support services activities, percentage of total activity
- [B1GVO_QCG] Gross value added, Public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVO_QG] Gross value added, Public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVO_QSB1G] Gross value added, Public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities, percentage of total activity
- [B1GVR_UCG] Gross value added, Other services, Contribution to GVA growth
- [B1GVR_UG] Gross value added, Other services, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B1GVR_USB1G] Gross value added, Other services, percentage of total activity
- [B2NSB1NS11] Net operating surplus, non financial corporations, percentage of net value added
- [B2NSB1NS12] Net operating surplus, financial corporations, percentage of net value added
- [B5NG] Real net national income (NNI), annual growth rates, percentage
- [B5NVIXOB] Real net national income (NNI), year 2015 = 100
- [B6GS14_S15HCPC] Gross household disposable income per capita, US dollars, current prices and current PPPs
- [B6NS14_S15DEF] Real household net disposable income, deflated by household Final consumption, millions of national currency
- [B6NS14_S15DEFG] Real household net disposable income, deflated by final consumption of household, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B7GS14_S15HCPC] Gross household adjusted disposable income per capita, US dollars, current prices and current PPPs
- [B7NS14_S15DEFG] Real household net adjusted disposable income, deflated by actual individual consumption, annual growth rates in percentage
- [B7NS14_S15P41DEF] Real household net adjusted disposable income, deflated by actual individual consumption, millions of national currency
- [B7NS14_S15VIXOB] Net real household adjusted disposable income growth, year 2001 = 100
- [B8NS] Net saving, percentage of GDP
- [B8NS13S] Net saving of General Government, percentage of GDP
- [B8NS14_S15SB6NS14] Net household saving, percentage of households net disposable income
- [B9S11_S12S] Net lending/net borrowing, Corporations, percentage of GDP
- [B9S13S] Net lending/net borrowing, General government, percentage of GDP
- [B9S14_S15S] Net lending/net borrowing, Households and NPISHs, percentage of GDP
- [B9S1S] Net lending/net borrowing, Total economy, percentage of GDP
- [D1S13S] Compensation of employees paid by government , percentage of GDP
- [D1SB1G] Compensation of employees, percentage of gross value added (GVA)
- [D1SB1NS11] Compensation of employees, non financial corporations, percentage of net value added
- [D1SB1NS12] Compensation of employees, financial corporations, percentage of net value added
- [D1VASB1G] Compensation of employees, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, percentage of GVA
- [D1VB_ESB1G] Compensation of employees, Industry, including energy, percentage of GVA
- [D1VB_FSB1G] Compensation of employees, Industry, percentage of GVA
- [D1VCSB1G] Compensation of employees, of which : Manufacturing, percentage of GVA
- [D1VFSB1G] Compensation of employees, Construction, percentage of GVA
- [D1VG_ISB1G] Compensation of employees, Distributive trade, repairs, transport; accommodation and food service activities, percentage of GVA
- [D1VG_USB1G] Compensation of employees, Services, percentage of GVA
- [D1VJSB1G] Compensation of employees, Information and communication, percentage of GVA
- [D1VKSB1G] Compensation of employees, Financial and insurance activities, percentage of GVA
- [D1VLSB1G] Compensation of employees, Real estate activities, percentage of GVA
- [D1VM_NSB1G] Compensation of employees, Professional, scientific, technical, administration and support services activities, percentage of GVA
- [D1VO_QSB1G] Compensation of employees, Public administration and defence, education, human health and social work activities, percentage of GVA
- [D1VR_USB1G] Compensation of employees, Other service activities, percentage of GVA
- [D2D5D91RS13S] Total taxes, percentage of GDP
- [D2RS13S] Taxes on production and imports, percentage of GDP
- [D2_D3SB1NS11] Taxes less subsidies, non financial corporations, percentage of net value added
- [D2_D3SB1NS12] Taxes less subsidies, financial corporations, percentage of net value added
- [D5RS13S] Current taxes on income, wealth, etc., percentage of GDP
- [D61RS1311S] Social contributions received by central government, percentage of GDP
- [D61RS1312S] Social contributions received by state government, percentage of GDP
- [D61RS1313S] Social contributions received by local government, percentage of GDP
- [D61RS1314S] Social contributions received by social security funds, percentage of GDP
- [D61RS13S] Social contributions, percentage of GDP
- [D62PS13S] Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, percentage of GDP
- [D62PS13STE] Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, percentage of total expenditure of GG
- [D62_D631XXS13S] Social benefits and social transfers in kind for products supplied to HH via market producers, paid by government, percentage of GDP
- [D62_D63PS13S] Social benefits and social transfers in kind, percentage of GDP
- [D62_D63PS13STE] Social benefits and social transfers, percentage of total expenditure of general government (GG)
- [D63PS13S] Social transfers in kind, percentage of GDP
- [D63PS13STE] Social transfers in kind, percentage of total expenditure of GG
- [D91RS13S] Capital taxes, percentage of GDP
- [D91_OTHRS13S] Capital taxes and other revenues, percentage of GDP
- [DBTADJS13GDP] Adjusted debt of general government, percentage of GDP
- [DBTEQS12] Financial corporations debt, debt to equity, number of times
- [DBTS11GOSC] Non financial corporations debt, debt to gross operating surplus, number of times
- [DBTS13GDP] Gross debt of general government, percentage of GDP
- [DBTS14_S15NDI] Debt of households, percentage of net disposable income
- [EXC] Exchange rates
- [FB9FS14_S15NDI] Net financial transactions of households, percentage of household net disposable income
- [GDPCPC] Gross domestic product (GDP), current PPPs, billions US dollars
- [GDPCXC] Gross domestic product (GDP), current exchange rates, billions US dollars
- [GDPG] Gross domestic product (GDP), volume, annual growth rates, percentage
- [GDPHCPC] GDP per capita at current prices and current PPPs, US dollars
- [GDPHCPIXOE] GDP per capita, current PPPs, OECD = 100
- [GDPHVPIXOEOB] Volume index of GDP per capita, OECD = 100 in 2015, at 2015 price levels and PPPs
- [GDPHVPVOB] GDP per capita, at constant 2015 prices and PPPs, US dollars
- [GDPVIXOB] Real Gross domestic product (GDP), volume, 2001=100
- [GDPVPVOB] GDP at 2015 constant prices and PPPs, billions US dollars
- [K1S] Consumption of fixed capital, percentage of GDP
- [LBF90S13GDP] Financial net worth, general government, percentage of GDP
- [LBF90S14_S15PPC] Financial net worth of households per capita, at current PPPs, US dollars
- [LEVS121_2_3] Leverage of the banking sector, ratio of selected assets to equity, number of times
- [LF2FASS14_S15] Share of households and NPISHs’ currency and deposits, as a percentage of their total financial assets
- [LF3FASS14_S15] Share of households and NPISHs’ debt securities, as a percentage of their total financial assets
- [LF51FASS14_S15] Share of households and NPISHs’ equity, as a percentage of their total financial assets
- [LF52FASS14_S15] Share of households and NPISHs’ investment fund shares, as a percentage of their total financial assets
- [LF62FASS14_S15] Share of households and NPISHs’ life insurance and annuity entitlements, as a percentage of their total financial assets
- [LF6MFASS14_S15] Share of households and NPISHs’ pension entitlements, as a percentage of their total financial assets
- [OTHS13S] Other, percentage of GDP
- [P040B7NS14_S15] Household housing consumption, percentage of households net adjusted disposable income
- [P2S13S] Intermediate consumption, percentage of GDP
- [P31S13S] Individual consumption expenditure, general government, percentage of GDP
- [P31S14_S15CG] Household final consumption expenditure, contribution to GDP growth
- [P31S14_S15G] Household final consumption expenditure, volume, annual growth rates, percentage
- [P31S14_S15HCPIXOE] Household final consumption expenditure per capita, current PPPs, OECD=100
- [P31S14_S15PPPPRC] Household final consumption expenditure, current PPPs , in US dollars
- [P31S14_S15S] Household final consumption expenditure, percentage of GDP
- [P32S13S] Collective consumption expenditure, general government, percentage of GDP
- [P3S13CG] General government final consumption expenditure, contribution to GDP growth
- [P3S13S] General government consumption expenditure, percentage of GDP
- [P41CPC] Actual individual consumption, at current prices and current PPPs, billions US dollars
- [P41HCPIXOE] Actual individual consumption per capita, current PPPs, OECD = 100
- [P41S] Actual individual consumption, percentage of GDP
- [P41VPVOB] Actual individual consumption, at 2015 prices and PPPs, billions US dollars
- [P51] Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) by type of asset, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51CG] Gross fixed capital formation, contribution to GDP growth
- [P51G] Gross fixed capital formation, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [P51N1111SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Dwellings, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51N1112SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Other buildings and structures, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51N11131SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Transport equipment, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51N111321SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Computer hardware, percentage of GFCF
- [P51N111322SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Telecommunication equipment, percentage of GFCF
- [P51N11132SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, ICTs equipment and Other machinery and equipment and weapon system, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51N1114SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Cultivated biological ressources, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51N1122SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Computer software and database, percentage of GFCF
- [P51N112SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51NICTSP51] Of which: Gross fixed capital formation, Information and communication technology, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51S] Gross fixed capital formation, percentage of GDP
- [P51S11_S12SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Corporations, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51S13S] Gross fixed capital formation, percentage of GDP
- [P51S13SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, General government, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51S14_S15SP51] Gross fixed capital formation, Households and NPISHs, percentage of total GFCF
- [P51S1SP51] Gross fixed capital formation by institutional sector, percentage of total GFCF
- [P52CG] Change in inventories, contribution to GDP growth
- [P5CG] Gross capital formation, contribution to GDP growth
- [P6CG] Exports of goods and services, contribution to GDP growth
- [P6G] Exports of goods and services, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [P6S] Exports of goods and services, percentage of GDP
- [P7CG] Imports of goods and services, contribution to GDP growth
- [P7G] Imports of goods and services, volume, annual growth rates in percentage
- [P7S] Imports of goods and services, percentage of GDP
- [POPNC] Population, National concept, thousands
- [PPPGDP] Purchasing power parities for GDP
- [PPPP41] Purchasing power parities for actual individual consumption
- [SAFASS14HCPC] Financial assets held by household, per capita, current PPPs, US dollars
- [SAFASS14STOT] Composition of households portfolio, percentage of total household financial assets
- [TES13S] Total expenditure of general government, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG010GS13S] General government expenditure by function, general public services, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG020GS13S] General government expenditure by function, defence, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG030GS13S] General government expenditure by function, public order and safety, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG040GS13S] General government expenditure by function, economic affairs, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG050GS13S] General government expenditure by function, environment protection, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG060GS13S] General government expenditure by function, housing and community amenities, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG070GS13S] General government expenditure by function, health, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG080GS13S] General government expenditure by function, recreation, culture and religion, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG090GS13S] General government expenditure by function, education, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCG100GS13S] General government expenditure by function, social protection, percentage of GDP
- [TLYCGTGS13S] General government expenditure by function, total expenditure, percentage of GDP
- [TOT] Terms of trade
- [TOTNETWORTHS14_S15NDI] Total net worth of households, percentage of net disposable income
- [TRS13S] Total general government (GG) revenue, percentage of GDP
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Country [LOCATION] (47)
Indicator [INDICATOR] (188)
This dataset has 7,663 series:
- from
- 1988=16,065.451
- to
- 2022=80,137.849
- min:
- 16,065.451
- max:
- 80,137.849
- avg:
- 38,003.162
- σ:
- 16,216.996
- from
- 1970=20.652
- to
- 2022=113.818
- min:
- 20.652
- max:
- 113.818
- avg:
- 59.858
- σ:
- 28.212
- from
- 1988=21,963.249
- to
- 2022=208,632.958
- min:
- 21,641.589
- max:
- 208,632.958
- avg:
- 81,535.31
- σ:
- 52,367.242
- from
- 1988=45,703.279
- to
- 2022=311,698.552
- min:
- 45,703.279
- max:
- 311,698.552
- avg:
- 133,426.73
- σ:
- 72,850.62
- from
- 1988=7,674.579
- to
- 2022=22,927.745
- min:
- 7,438.625
- max:
- 22,927.745
- avg:
- 13,888.258
- σ:
- 4,524.83
- from
- 1970=0.848
- to
- 2022=-0.186
- min:
- -4.192
- max:
- 2.675
- avg:
- -0.214
- σ:
- 1.525
- from
- 1971=4.379
- to
- 2022=3.397
- min:
- -3.434
- max:
- 6.625
- avg:
- 3.267
- σ:
- 1.726
- from
- 1970=100
- to
- 2022=100
- min:
- 100
- max:
- 100
- avg:
- 100
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 1990=0.251
- to
- 2022=0.093
- min:
- -0.928
- max:
- 0.812
- avg:
- 0.078
- σ:
- 0.33
- from
- 1975=8.272
- to
- 2022=3.244
- min:
- -21.863
- max:
- 43.3
- avg:
- 3.006
- σ:
- 12.152
Series code | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[AUS.AN1111NS14_S15HCPC] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16065.4512461378 | 16931.3535688527 | 17290.9382983286 | 17838.7814310745 | 18729.2428223664 | 19920.1656916449 | 21069.1446678768 | 21461.0000962521 | 21832.1929091103 | 22694.4284924516 | 24281.4152196574 | 26161.3237388978 | 29318.3414644987 | 30307.128025848 | 32538.6890095668 | 35181.2126334257 | 37601.6962368121 | 39146.7017943814 | 40923.4611750229 | 42247.0073816481 | 41891.0977691276 | 43918.9950601291 | 43166.513110524 | 43597.0184946288 | 43641.9202561878 | 48053.1241659753 | 49803.2047091532 | 50915.4056579768 | 53722.0297997301 | 54501.1436418422 | 55658.4017535721 | 56805.640040099 | 61743.6235518217 | 71015.0116441564 | 80137.8490098538 |
[AUS.AN11NVIXOB] | 20.6518123003037 | 21.8183620305546 | 22.9745565020089 | 24.1752005776919 | 25.1301634616605 | 26.1326504063101 | 27.1756100463448 | 28.2513944801423 | 29.4896968234135 | 30.6969639819014 | 32.1550364261906 | 33.7011668097589 | 34.8386545138451 | 36.0376313469744 | 37.4156608528848 | 38.8749722572369 | 40.2341879251564 | 41.7198387026956 | 43.4430791920328 | 45.0385538368681 | 46.1312554290542 | 46.9802795797509 | 47.9380415957133 | 48.9884197003216 | 50.3312382671629 | 51.6490176040929 | 53.111082253029 | 54.8036240652543 | 56.5465961407771 | 58.4932930197143 | 59.8128925572304 | 61.4351195619404 | 63.5369158857777 | 65.9176158859765 | 68.3660915903521 | 71.0606461773264 | 73.7386354093868 | 76.7981784533832 | 79.6571935168432 | 82.4770207323906 | 85.3375041929621 | 88.772574502416 | 92.2271010735971 | 95.2998290999903 | 97.8745563643466 | 100 | 101.976829611329 | 104.169314752603 | 106.138052884016 | 107.805157775446 | 109.597672957678 | 111.72622164139 | 113.817616819021 |
[AUS.AN211NS14_S15HCPC] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 21963.2486347025 | 21730.4800749643 | 21641.5891915742 | 22047.2565881407 | 22946.8802804079 | 25547.9910043116 | 26546.0848185128 | 27609.0801950005 | 31995.1665726267 | 33914.9394494554 | 37276.4612590071 | 41649.9094210685 | 44345.9940840068 | 53493.7418978476 | 63787.8050647559 | 71596.3931726507 | 75074.7328423516 | 81395.5815806759 | 90541.2840648858 | 91403.9180579524 | 81023.6066148286 | 101528.521651772 | 95298.3789440029 | 89569.8478768496 | 91139.6384407691 | 105730.019577278 | 118627.937256227 | 122077.306705186 | 139709.774090766 | 137004.162488478 | 129480.02252286 | 141263.489885918 | 178180.683240856 | 207960.952600451 | 208632.957651209 |
[AUS.ANNS14_S15HCPC] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 45703.2785016068 | 46268.1627067634 | 46371.152709154 | 47388.2891410465 | 49451.5835698999 | 53574.6475767693 | 56044.6164585603 | 57649.388752032 | 62793.7047106031 | 66085.1122932309 | 71528.6058498307 | 78488.0698104173 | 84786.8812106521 | 95529.0054756711 | 108991.94273339 | 120418.764691766 | 127192.911476189 | 135978.207008005 | 147947.079717761 | 150294.603857562 | 139001.700458748 | 162186.780055054 | 154620.638779529 | 149139.899171848 | 150567.481030461 | 171145.371221242 | 186429.155585688 | 190908.552921493 | 211952.02184703 | 209787.021804566 | 203356.130224847 | 216294.757400432 | 259622.879124609 | 300738.584778258 | 311698.552030636 |
[AUS.ANOTHNS14_S15HCPC] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7674.57862076645 | 7606.32906294634 | 7438.62521925115 | 7502.25112183129 | 7775.46046712562 | 8106.49088081273 | 8429.38697217066 | 8579.30846077932 | 8966.3452288661 | 9475.74435132384 | 9970.72937116617 | 10676.836650451 | 11122.5456621466 | 11728.1355519755 | 12665.4486590671 | 13641.1588856897 | 14516.4823970252 | 15435.9236329478 | 16482.3344778523 | 16643.6784179613 | 16086.9960747918 | 16739.2633431533 | 16155.7467250017 | 15973.0328003695 | 15785.9223335046 | 17362.2274779881 | 17998.0136203082 | 17915.84055833 | 18520.2179565344 | 18281.7156742455 | 18217.7059484159 | 18225.6274744149 | 19698.5723319313 | 21762.620533651 | 22927.7453695733 |
[AUS.B11CG] | 0.847880474239296 | 1.97654030874207 | 0.107184212410689 | -4.19183881224384 | 0.945067760406851 | 1.27837539631752 | -0.307576113507342 | 1.00074177151131 | -0.209887616904297 | 0.994287287139536 | -2.2993656609399 | -1.58178750728869 | 1.48876738182149 | 0.101278255064451 | -0.400233546275323 | 0.616796400227095 | 2.35358491868525 | -0.60773335803703 | -3.96804135636467 | -0.245950586445814 | 2.67514284480547 | 0.950082134839058 | 0.153891866016059 | 0.324550020278886 | -2.22817381082298 | 0.850456666009986 | 0.142060459881095 | -1.05578039348876 | -0.670297244840348 | -0.688443853896514 | 1.88581151551312 | -0.406452567836668 | -2.630290457166 | -2.60100456109679 | -1.88711835095998 | -1.22682307064342 | -1.42428469372079 | -2.3503624783713 | 1.33043535975414 | -0.494600754123518 | -1.99205229888671 | -1.31896249709168 | 0.989165433918154 | 1.83262553416622 | 1.12790971891622 | 1.35266256228999 | -0.073361258234909 | -0.568384321598413 | 0.804848118880454 | 0.869634496322091 | -1.37324513830002 | -1.32747086337253 | -0.186351828652322 |
[AUS.B1GG] | - | 4.37891469430741 | 3.28819499761034 | 6.09556714069779 | 6.60748276476846 | 1.81889102602286 | 3.63186530110795 | 1.21317410195616 | 5.02302986685858 | 2.53084537396483 | 3.37665896396103 | 3.89041538710198 | -3.43435443471225 | 4.90256889454563 | 5.79381839124592 | 4.00827466066631 | 2.04882052198236 | 6.62485980797112 | 5.14394344625354 | 4.07806480105603 | 0.244166896220272 | -0.200306833117394 | 3.49125633439761 | 4.17617676095244 | 3.86835318678621 | 4.00835361400526 | 4.04531297783645 | 4.39553427176664 | 5.02528851879945 | 4.00238448182054 | 2.40413231969855 | 3.97684932187391 | 2.901486737221 | 4.28058684141692 | 3.25976608881501 | 2.78688501026988 | 3.82995950284712 | 3.77339813239183 | 2.15316189887841 | 2.38740910560615 | 2.45073830500061 | 4.07866282403996 | 2.67186143559021 | 2.75834593317814 | 2.32974584239857 | 2.58099077925011 | 2.35323600817283 | 3.02299080675711 | 2.37655718828955 | -0.09714020407229 | 1.9472263277938 | 4.20205491561773 | 3.39720343599874 |
[AUS.B1GSB1G] | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
[AUS.B1GVACG] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.251329524592589 | -0.182728272811974 | 0.174215996946963 | 0.145331399328269 | -0.527673587242788 | 0.69018153885258 | 0.295533741722425 | 0.025352904404725 | 0.330945711690206 | 0.227110955146103 | 0.134116502836899 | 0.122544003347776 | -0.928298241952945 | 0.811566003255126 | 0.143866178211384 | 0.091355907024424 | -0.449228883675654 | 0.195925461551096 | 0.438109235405372 | -0.018090656521588 | 0.080840655874496 | 0.022596801980943 | -0.020586476667572 | 0.027137170200637 | 0.034963484795087 | -0.181706300563846 | 0.242967129156779 | -0.080506385462829 | -0.277846707223324 | -0.220075054183757 | 0.493165450025571 | 0.387047025900718 | 0.092861112792547 |
[AUS.B1GVAG] | - | - | - | - | - | 8.27196517067296 | 2.66929032810028 | -3.27069705428942 | 21.7091660923501 | -12.2982729331823 | -12.3279932206126 | 16.3582804013624 | -21.8631329113924 | 43.2997519364147 | 0.194305094326294 | -6.98494411339516 | 1.07278241091737 | -2.16029704084312 | 4.4121593130678 | 8.19443424627359 | 5.54462164913472 | -5.30799897119342 | 5.25922656435677 | 4.14166827946585 | -14.6534101468129 | 21.0705861005262 | 8.03333233416265 | 0.721400627063622 | 10.0548194264621 | 6.85589847563265 | 3.96814242211292 | 3.19935111751981 | -21.533053881757 | 25.6336774157647 | 4.28754927581167 | 2.90719898067529 | -15.1365071503745 | 8.18500145900205 | 17.2780400089908 | -0.734039902639101 | 3.41159207630227 | 0.920445846791518 | -0.851000851000845 | 1.11206478337126 | 1.47075106108139 | -7.13077636532271 | 9.38393451611639 | -2.77131297217944 | -10.5339716442644 | -9.72853938134145 | 22.9880078427796 | 15.7215682639726 | 3.24384070739756 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 7,663