[QNA] Quarterly National Accounts
Updated on DBnomics on February 3, 2024 (6:18 PM).
[LOCATION] Country
- [ARG] Argentina
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BRA] Brazil
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China (People's Republic of)
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [EA20] Euro area (20 countries)
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [EU15] European Union (15 countries)
- [EU27_2020] European Union – 27 countries (from 01/02/2020)
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [G-20] G20
- [G-7] G7
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MEX] Mexico
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [OECD] OECD - Total
- [OECDE] OECD - Europe
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russia
- [SAU] Saudi Arabia
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [USA] United States
- [ZAF] South Africa
[SUBJECT] Subject
- [B11] External balance of goods and services
- [B1G] Gross value added at basic prices, total activity
- [B1GVA] Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVB_E] Industry, including energy (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVC] of which: Manufacturing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVF] Construction (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVG_I] Distrib. trade, repairs; transp.; accommod., food serv. activ. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVG_U] Services (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVJ] Information and communication (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVK] Financial and insurance activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVL] Real estate activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVM_N] Prof., scientif., techn. activ.; admin., support service activ.(ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVO_Q] Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1GVR_U] Other service activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [B1_GA] Gross domestic product at market prices - output approach
- [B1_GE] Gross domestic product - expenditure approach
- [B1_GI] Gross domestic product - income approach
- [B1_GS1] Gross domestic product
- [B2G_B3G] Gross operating surplus and mixed income
- [B2N_B3N] Net operating surplus and mixed income
- [B5_GS1] Gross national income at market prices
- [B5_NS1] Net national income at market prices
- [B6GS1] Gross national disposable income
- [B6NS1] Net national disposable income
- [B8GS1] Gross saving
- [B8NS1] Net saving
- [B9S1] Net lending/net borrowing
- [D1] Compensation of employees, total
- [D11] Wages and salaries, total
- [D11VA] Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VB_E] Industry, including energy (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VC] of which: Manufacturing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VF] Construction (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VG_I] Distrib. trade, repairs; transp.; accommod., food serv. activ. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VJ] Information and communication (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VK] Financial and insurance activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VL] Real estate activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VM_N] Prof., scientif., techn. activ.; admin., support service activ.(ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VO_Q] Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D11VR_U] Other service activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12] Employers' social contributions, total
- [D12VA] Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VB_E] Industry, including energy (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VC] of which: Manufacturing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VF] Construction (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VG_I] Distr. Trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food serv. Act. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VJ] Information and communication (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VK] Financial and insurance activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VL] Real estate activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VM_N] Prof., scientific, techn. Act.; admin., support service act. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VO_Q] Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D12VR_U] Other service activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1S1] Compensation of employees
- [D1VA] Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VB_E] Industry, including energy (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VC] of which: Manufacturing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VF] Construction (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VG_I] Distrib. trade, repairs; transp.; accommod., food serv. activ. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VJ] Information and communication (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VK] Financial and insurance activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VL] Real estate activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VM_N] Prof., scientif., techn. activ.; admin., support service activ.(ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VO_Q] Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1VR_U] Other service activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [D1_D4FRS2] Primary incomes receivable from the rest of the world
- [D1_D4NFRS2] Net primary incomes from the rest of the world
- [D1_D4TOS2] Primary incomes payable to the rest of the world
- [D21S1] Taxes on products
- [D21_D31] Taxes less subsidies on products
- [D2S1] Taxes on production and imports
- [D2_D3] Taxes less subsidies on production and imports
- [D31S1] Subsidies on products
- [D3S1] Subsidies on production and imports
- [D5_D7FRS2] Current transfers receivable from the rest of the world
- [D5_D7NFRS2] Net current transfers from the rest of the world
- [D5_D7TOS2] Current transfers payable to the rest of the world
- [D8S1] Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
- [D9FRS2] Capital transfers receivable from the rest of the world
- [D9NFRS2] Net capital transfers from the rest of the world
- [D9TOS2] Capital transfers payable to the rest of the world
- [DB1_GA] Statistical discrepancy
- [DB1_GE] Statistical discrepancy
- [DB1_GI] Statistical discrepancy
- [EEM] Employees, total
- [EEMA_B] Agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing
- [EEMC_E] Industry, including energy
- [EEMD] Manufacturing
- [EEMF] Construction
- [EEMG_I] Wholesale and retail trade, repairs; hotels and restaurants; transport
- [EEMJ_K] Financial intermediation; real estate, renting and business activities
- [EEML_P] Other service activities
- [EEMNC] Employees
- [EEMVA] Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVB_E] Industry, including energy (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVC] of which: Manufacturing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVF] Construction (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVG_I] Distrib. trade, repairs; transp.; accommod., food serv. activ. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVJ] Information and communication (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVK] Financial and insurance activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVL] Real estate activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVM_N] Prof., scientif., techn. activ.; admin., support service activ.(ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVO_Q] Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC Rev.4)
- [EEMVR_U] Other service activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESE] Self-employed, total
- [ESEA_B] Agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing
- [ESEC_E] Industry, including energy
- [ESED] Manufacturing
- [ESEF] Construction
- [ESEG_I] Wholesale and retail trade, repairs; hotels and restaurants; transport
- [ESEJ_K] Financial intermediation; real estate, renting and business activities
- [ESEL_P] Other service activities
- [ESENC] Self-employed
- [ESEVA] Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVB_E] Industry, including energy (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVC] of which: Manufacturing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVF] Construction (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVG_I] Distrib. trade, repairs; transp.; accommod., food serv. activ. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVJ] Information and communication (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVK] Financial and insurance activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVL] Real estate activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVM_N] Prof., scientif., techn. activ.; admin., support service activ.(ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVO_Q] Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ESEVR_U] Other service activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETO] Employment, total
- [ETOA_B] Agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing
- [ETOC_E] Industry, including energy
- [ETOD] Manufacturing
- [ETOF] Construction
- [ETOG_I] Wholesale and retail trade, repairs; hotels and restaurants; transport
- [ETOJ_K] Financial intermediation; real estate, renting and business activities
- [ETOL_P] Other service activities
- [ETONC] Total employment
- [ETOVA] Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVB_E] Industry, including energy (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVC] of which: Manufacturing (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVF] Construction (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVG_I] Distrib. trade, repairs; transp.; accommod., food serv. activ. (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVJ] Information and communication (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVK] Financial and insurance activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVL] Real estate activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVM_N] Prof., scientif., techn. activ.; admin., support service activ.(ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVO_Q] Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health (ISIC Rev.4)
- [ETOVR_U] Other service activities (ISIC Rev.4)
- [GDIS1] Gross domestic income
- [K1] Consumption of fixed capital
- [K1MS1] Consumption of fixed capital
- [K1S1] Consumption of fixed capital
- [K2S1] Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
- [P3] Final consumption expenditure
- [P311B] Durable goods
- [P312B] Semi-durable goods
- [P312N] Other goods and services
- [P313B] Non-durable goods
- [P314B] Services
- [P31DC] Households consumption expenditure (Domestic Concept)
- [P31NC] Households consumption expenditure (National Concept)
- [P31S13] Individual consumption expenditure of general government
- [P31S14] Final consumption expenditure of households
- [P31S14_S15] Private final consumption expenditure
- [P31S14_S15B] Private final consumption expenditure by durability
- [P31S15] Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households
- [P31S15B] Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households
- [P32S13] Collective consumption expenditure of general government
- [P3S1] Final consumption expenditure
- [P3S13] General government final consumption expenditure
- [P3_P5] add. Total domestic demand
- [P3_P51] add. Final domestic demand
- [P3_P6] add. Total demand
- [P41] add. Actual individual consumption
- [P5] Gross capital formation
- [P51] Gross fixed capital formation
- [P51A] Gross fixed capital formation by asset
- [P51N1111] Dwellings
- [P51N1112] Other buildings and structures
- [P51N1113] Machinery and equipment+weapon system
- [P51N11131] Transport equipment
- [P51N1113I] ICT equipment
- [P51N1113O] Other machinery and equipment+weapon systems
- [P51N1114] Cultivated biological resources
- [P51N112] Intellectual property products
- [P51N11321G] Computer hardware
- [P51N11322G] Telecommunication equipment
- [P51N1171G] Research and development
- [P51N1172G] Mineral exploration and evaluation
- [P51N11731G] Computer software
- [P51N1173G] Computer software and databases
- [P51N1174G] Entertainment, literary and artistic originals
- [P51S] GFCF by institutional sector
- [P51S13] General government
- [P51S1LESSS13] Non-government
- [P52] Changes in inventories
- [P52_P53] Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables
- [P53] Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
- [P5S1] Gross capital formation
- [P6] Exports of goods and services
- [P61] Exports of goods
- [P62] Exports of services
- [P7] Imports of goods and services
- [P71] Imports of goods
- [P72] Imports of services
- [PCGNPA] Net purchases abroad
- [POPNC] Total population
- [PPPGDP] add. Purchasing power parity of GDP
- [RB1_GA] Residual item
- [RB1_GE] Residual item
- [RB1_GI] Residual item
- [RB1_GS1] Residual item
- [RB9S1] Residual item
- [RP31DC] Residual item
- [RP51] Residual item
- [TGLS1] Trading gains or losses
[MEASURE] Measure
- [CAR] National currency, current prices, annual levels
- [CARSA] National currency, current prices, annual levels, seasonally adjusted
- [CD] National currency per US Dollar
- [CPCARSA] US dollars, current prices, current PPPs, annual levels, seasonally adjusted
- [CQR] National currency, current prices, quarterly levels
- [CQRSA] National currency, current prices, quarterly levels, seasonally adjusted
- [CTQRGPSA] Contributions to Q-o-Q GDP growth, seasonally adjusted
- [DNBSA] Deflator, national base/reference year, seasonally adjusted
- [DOBSA] Deflator, OECD reference year, seasonally adjusted
- [GCUMSA] Cumulative growth based on seasonally adjusted volume data, percentage change on Q4-2019
- [GPSA] Growth rate based on seasonally adjusted volume data, percentage change on the previous quarter
- [GYSA] Growth rate based on seasonally adjusted volume data, percentage change on the same quarter of the previous year
- [HCPCARSA] Per Head, US $, current prices, current PPPs, seasonally adjusted
- [HRS] Hours worked
- [HRSSA] Hours worked, seasonally adjusted
- [HVPVOBARSA] Per Head, US dollars, volume estimates, fixed PPPs, OECD reference year, seasonally adjusted
- [JOB] Jobs
- [JOBSA] Jobs, seasonally adjusted
- [LNBARSA] National currency, chained volume estimates, national reference year, annual levels, seasonally adjusted
- [LNBQR] National currency, chained volume estimates, national reference year, quarterly levels
- [LNBQRSA] National currency, chained volume estimates, national reference year, quarterly levels, seasonally adjusted
- [PER] Persons
- [PERSA] Persons, seasonally adjusted
- [VIXOBSA] Volume index, OECD reference year, seasonally adjusted
- [VNBAR] National currency, constant prices, national base year, annual levels
- [VNBARSA] National currency, constant prices, national base year, annual levels, seasonally adjusted
- [VNBQR] National currency, constant prices, national base year, quarterly levels
- [VNBQRSA] National currency, constant prices, national base year, quarterly levels, seasonally adjusted
- [VOBARSA] National currency, volume estimates, OECD reference year, annual levels, seasonally adjusted
- [VPVOBARSA] US dollars, volume estimates, fixed PPPs, OECD reference year, annual levels, seasonally adjusted
[FREQUENCY] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
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Country [LOCATION] (58)
Subject [SUBJECT] (211)
Measure [MEASURE] (30)
Frequency [FREQUENCY] (2)
This dataset has 45,477 series:
- from
- 2004=781999.7
- to
- 2022=781999.7
- min:
- -282,393.1
- max:
- 1,419,655.2
- avg:
- 179,423.521
- σ:
- 420,099.303
- from
- 2004-Q1=-3887150.8
- to
- 2023-Q3=-3887150.8
- min:
- -3,887,150.8
- max:
- 2,819,431.1
- avg:
- 50,243.873
- σ:
- 859,152.182
- from
- 2004=781999.7
- to
- 2022=781999.7
- min:
- -282,393.1
- max:
- 1,419,655.2
- avg:
- 179,423.521
- σ:
- 420,099.303
- from
- 2004-Q1=-3678817.1
- to
- 2023-Q3=-3678817.1
- min:
- -3,678,817.1
- max:
- 2,026,611.7
- avg:
- 86,601.096
- σ:
- 717,875.727
- from
- 2004=781999.7
- to
- 2022=781999.7
- min:
- -282,393.1
- max:
- 1,419,655.2
- avg:
- 179,423.521
- σ:
- 420,099.303
- from
- 2004-Q1=-971787.7
- to
- 2023-Q3=-971787.7
- min:
- -971,787.7
- max:
- 704,857.8
- avg:
- 12,560.967
- σ:
- 214,788.049
- from
- 2004=781999.7
- to
- 2022=781999.7
- min:
- -282,393.1
- max:
- 1,419,655.2
- avg:
- 179,423.521
- σ:
- 420,099.303
- from
- 2004-Q1=-919704.3
- to
- 2023-Q3=-919704.3
- min:
- -919,704.3
- max:
- 506,652.9
- avg:
- 21,650.276
- σ:
- 179,468.935
- from
- 2004=-1778.1
- to
- 2022=-1778.1
- min:
- -15,015.7
- max:
- 573.3
- avg:
- -1,799.837
- σ:
- 4,229.618
- from
- 2004-Q1=5243.4
- to
- 2023-Q3=5243.4
- min:
- -68,066.4
- max:
- 8,782.6
- avg:
- -1,287.199
- σ:
- 8,505.897
Series code | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[ARG.B11.CAR.A] | 33970.6 | 34605.6 | 40233.2 | 39290.7 | 42756.8 | 63205.7 | 48134 | 36874.8 | 51417.6 | -3334.3 | 18507 | -64006.3 | -85548 | -282393.1 | -278553.7 | 693996.9 | 818234.5 | 1419655.2 | 781999.7 |
[ARG.B11.CARSA.A] | 33970.6 | 34605.6 | 40233.2 | 39290.7 | 42756.8 | 63205.7 | 48134 | 36874.8 | 51417.6 | -3334.3 | 18507 | -64006.3 | -85548 | -282393.1 | -278553.7 | 693996.9 | 818234.5 | 1419655.2 | 781999.7 |
[ARG.B11.CQR.A] | 33970.6 | 34605.6 | 40233.2 | 39290.7 | 42756.8 | 63205.7 | 48134 | 36874.8 | 51417.6 | -3334.3 | 18507 | -64006.3 | -85548 | -282393.1 | -278553.7 | 693996.9 | 818234.5 | 1419655.2 | 781999.7 |
[ARG.B11.CQRSA.A] | 33970.6 | 34605.6 | 40233.2 | 39290.7 | 42756.8 | 63205.7 | 48134 | 36874.8 | 51417.6 | -3334.3 | 18507 | -64006.3 | -85548 | -282393.1 | -278553.7 | 693996.9 | 818234.5 | 1419655.2 | 781999.7 |
[ARG.B11.DNBSA.A] | 100 | 96.3 | 122.7 | 167.9 | 573.3 | 320.7 | -2031.3 | -120.4 | -182.5 | 8.2 | -63.1 | 155.6 | 193.5 | 406 | 472.2 | -11303.8 | -15015.7 | -6318.4 | -1778.1 |
Series code | 2004-Q1 | 2004-Q2 | 2004-Q3 | 2004-Q4 | 2005-Q1 | 2005-Q2 | 2005-Q3 | 2005-Q4 | 2006-Q1 | 2006-Q2 | 2006-Q3 | 2006-Q4 | 2007-Q1 | 2007-Q2 | 2007-Q3 | 2007-Q4 | 2008-Q1 | 2008-Q2 | 2008-Q3 | 2008-Q4 | 2009-Q1 | 2009-Q2 | 2009-Q3 | 2009-Q4 | 2010-Q1 | 2010-Q2 | 2010-Q3 | 2010-Q4 | 2011-Q1 | 2011-Q2 | 2011-Q3 | 2011-Q4 | 2012-Q1 | 2012-Q2 | 2012-Q3 | 2012-Q4 | 2013-Q1 | 2013-Q2 | 2013-Q3 | 2013-Q4 | 2014-Q1 | 2014-Q2 | 2014-Q3 | 2014-Q4 | 2015-Q1 | 2015-Q2 | 2015-Q3 | 2015-Q4 | 2016-Q1 | 2016-Q2 | 2016-Q3 | 2016-Q4 | 2017-Q1 | 2017-Q2 | 2017-Q3 | 2017-Q4 | 2018-Q1 | 2018-Q2 | 2018-Q3 | 2018-Q4 | 2019-Q1 | 2019-Q2 | 2019-Q3 | 2019-Q4 | 2020-Q1 | 2020-Q2 | 2020-Q3 | 2020-Q4 | 2021-Q1 | 2021-Q2 | 2021-Q3 | 2021-Q4 | 2022-Q1 | 2022-Q2 | 2022-Q3 | 2022-Q4 | 2023-Q1 | 2023-Q2 | 2023-Q3 |
[ARG.B11.CAR.Q] | 30700.8 | 42631.1 | 32924.2 | 29626.5 | 28296.1 | 35630.4 | 39715.2 | 34780.6 | 32022.1 | 45474.1 | 37151.2 | 46285.4 | 29342.7 | 43675.5 | 24176.6 | 59967.9 | 42286.7 | 28667.8 | 59283.3 | 40789.4 | 46229.4 | 97639.8 | 49975.7 | 58977.8 | 32669.6 | 82173.8 | 46340.2 | 31352.2 | 19260.6 | 65441.3 | 29118.9 | 33678.5 | 35813.2 | 61925.5 | 64674.5 | 43257.1 | -14102.2 | 54686.1 | 2581.6 | -56502.8 | -99198 | 107774.1 | 47029.7 | 18422.1 | -82621.2 | 8868.1 | -55413.3 | -126859 | -155464.1 | -21905.5 | -39332.4 | -125490 | -250023.4 | -210417 | -320803.6 | -348328.5 | -441163.2 | -463857.5 | -406024.6 | 196830.4 | 124392 | 508273.9 | 641534.4 | 1501787.2 | 722768.7 | 1358618.5 | 996511.2 | 195039.7 | 915530.4 | 1690981 | 2189109.6 | 882999.8 | 281847.3 | 589187.9 | -562467.4 | 2819431.1 | -2090508.8 | -3689261.2 | -3887150.8 |
[ARG.B11.CARSA.Q] | 35110.2 | 35879.2 | 33622.7 | 31270.5 | 32764.3 | 29363.3 | 41228.9 | 35065.8 | 36324.4 | 40982.4 | 40464.3 | 43161.5 | 36241.3 | 39110.6 | 29050.5 | 52760.4 | 56369.2 | 13925.5 | 66463.2 | 34269.3 | 61846.9 | 73541 | 58283.3 | 59151.4 | 52165.5 | 47324.7 | 50994.1 | 42051.6 | 50758.4 | 28964.9 | 22805.4 | 44970.5 | 82874.4 | 26188.3 | 48509.1 | 48098.6 | 42148.4 | -3656.9 | -8475.5 | -43353.2 | -7391.7 | 26061.9 | 26093.4 | 29264.4 | -554 | -39228.7 | -75772.4 | -140470.3 | -79134.8 | -41908 | -47936 | -173213.1 | -212945.7 | -191636.6 | -287334.5 | -437655.7 | -371972.6 | -355188.4 | -316578.3 | -70475.6 | 350929.2 | 651571.4 | 707987.8 | 1065499.1 | 1125379.7 | 1248760.7 | 872417.5 | 26380.1 | 1598518 | 1305672.6 | 1887805.2 | 886625 | 1236408.9 | 348815.2 | -483836.9 | 2026611.7 | -644454 | -2471429.2 | -3678817.1 |
[ARG.B11.CQR.Q] | 7675.2 | 10657.8 | 8231.1 | 7406.6 | 7074 | 8907.6 | 9928.8 | 8695.1 | 8005.5 | 11368.5 | 9287.8 | 11571.3 | 7335.7 | 10918.9 | 6044.2 | 14992 | 10571.7 | 7167 | 14820.8 | 10197.4 | 11557.3 | 24409.9 | 12493.9 | 14744.5 | 8167.4 | 20543.4 | 11585.1 | 7838.1 | 4815.1 | 16360.3 | 7279.7 | 8419.6 | 8953.3 | 15481.4 | 16168.6 | 10814.3 | -3525.6 | 13671.5 | 645.4 | -14125.7 | -24799.5 | 26943.5 | 11757.4 | 4605.5 | -20655.3 | 2217 | -13853.3 | -31714.7 | -38866 | -5476.4 | -9833.1 | -31372.5 | -62505.9 | -52604.2 | -80200.9 | -87082.1 | -110290.8 | -115964.4 | -101506.2 | 49207.6 | 31098 | 127068.5 | 160383.6 | 375446.8 | 180692.2 | 339654.6 | 249127.8 | 48759.9 | 228882.6 | 422745.3 | 547277.4 | 220750 | 70461.8 | 147297 | -140616.9 | 704857.8 | -522627.2 | -922315.3 | -971787.7 |
[ARG.B11.CQRSA.Q] | 8777.5 | 8969.8 | 8405.7 | 7817.6 | 8191.1 | 7340.8 | 10307.2 | 8766.5 | 9081.1 | 10245.6 | 10116.1 | 10790.4 | 9060.3 | 9777.7 | 7262.6 | 13190.1 | 14092.3 | 3481.4 | 16615.8 | 8567.3 | 15461.7 | 18385.3 | 14570.8 | 14787.9 | 13041.4 | 11831.2 | 12748.5 | 10512.9 | 12689.6 | 7241.2 | 5701.4 | 11242.6 | 20718.6 | 6547.1 | 12127.3 | 12024.7 | 10537.1 | -914.2 | -2118.9 | -10838.3 | -1847.9 | 6515.5 | 6523.3 | 7316.1 | -138.5 | -9807.2 | -18943.1 | -35117.6 | -19783.7 | -10477 | -11984 | -43303.3 | -53236.4 | -47909.2 | -71833.6 | -109413.9 | -92993.2 | -88797.1 | -79144.6 | -17618.9 | 87732.3 | 162892.9 | 176996.9 | 266374.8 | 281344.9 | 312190.2 | 218104.4 | 6595 | 399629.5 | 326418.2 | 471951.3 | 221656.3 | 309102.2 | 87203.8 | -120959.2 | 506652.9 | -161113.5 | -617857.3 | -919704.3 |
[ARG.B11.DNBSA.Q] | 102.7 | 105.8 | 96.2 | 95.3 | 82 | 86.2 | 104.3 | 116.3 | 102.3 | 129.7 | 129.2 | 131.9 | 145.5 | 167.9 | 137.6 | 217.2 | 724.2 | -109 | 323.9 | 239.6 | 219.2 | 257.5 | 511.2 | 554.9 | 2005.1 | 746 | 8782.6 | -221.3 | -206.7 | -86.3 | -65.9 | -151.2 | -409.4 | -87.1 | -178.8 | -136.3 | -117.4 | 9.5 | 21.9 | 87.3 | 15.7 | -87.3 | -114.7 | -165.9 | 1.5 | 114.2 | 180.3 | 274.1 | 200.5 | 91.1 | 109.5 | 363.9 | 389.9 | 298.7 | 396.2 | 503.6 | 486.7 | 418.7 | 511.2 | 552 | -2063.4 | -4314.2 | -5713.5 | 5342.5 | -68066.4 | 8766.4 | -24362.9 | -85.6 | -9044.8 | -6837.7 | -11256.5 | -2440.1 | -2791.3 | -714 | 846.5 | -7912.4 | 1066.2 | 3445.6 | 5243.4 |
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