[SOCR] SOCR - Detailed data
Updated on DBnomics on November 16, 2023 (1:36 PM).
[COUNTRY] Country
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MEX] Mexico
- [MLT] Malta
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [ROU] Romania
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [USA] United States
[SOURCE] Source
- [10] Public
- [20] Mandatory Private
- [ALL] All
[BRANCH] Programme Name
- [AUS_1_1_1_1] Age Pension
- [AUS_1_1_1_3] Superannuation Guarantee (private pension funds)
- [AUS_1_1_1_4] Service Pension
- [AUS_2_1_1_2] Widow Class B Pension
- [AUS_3_1_1_1] Disability Support Pension
- [AUS_3_1_1_3] Carer Payment
- [AUS_3_1_4_1] Sickness Allowance
- [AUS_5_1_2_1] Parenting Payment Partnered
- [AUS_5_1_2_2] Parenting Payment Single
- [AUS_7_1_1_1] Job Seeker Allowance (Newstart and Youth allowance for non-students)
- [AUS_7_1_2_2] Widow Allowance
- [AUS_8_1_1_1] Rent Assistance
- [AUS_9_1_1_1] Special Benefit
- [AUS_9_1_1_2] Youth Allowance for full-time student and apprentice
- [AUS_9_1_2_1] ABSTUDY scheme
- [AUS_9_1_2_2] AUSTUDY scheme
- [AUT_10_1_1_1] Old-age part-time pay
- [AUT_10_1_1_2] Short Time Working Allowance
- [AUT_1_1_1_1] Regular old-age pension
- [AUT_1_1_1_2] Invalidity pension (>= 60/65 years)
- [AUT_1_1_1_3] Civil servant's pension (>= 60/65 years)
- [AUT_1_1_1_4] Disability pension - industrial injuries (>= 60/65 years)
- [AUT_1_1_1_5] Care allowance over retirement age (including disability) - Federal and Laender
- [AUT_1_1_2_2] Pension for long-term insured persons, corridor pension, heavy work pension
- [AUT_1_1_2_3] Special pension
- [AUT_2_1_1_1] Survivors' pension
- [AUT_2_1_1_2] Civil servants' survivors' pension
- [AUT_2_1_1_3] Survivors' pension from maintenance acts
- [AUT_2_1_1_4] Survivors' pension from occupational accident insurance
- [AUT_3_1_1_1] Invalidity pension (< 60/65 years)
- [AUT_3_1_1_2] Civil servants' pension (< 60/65 Jahre)
- [AUT_3_1_2_1] Disability pension - industrial injuries (< 60/65 years)
- [AUT_3_1_2_2] Care allowance under retirement age - Federal and Laender
- [AUT_3_1_4_1] Sickness benefit
- [AUT_3_1_4_2] Guaranteed remuneration by employers in the event of sickness
- [AUT_5_1_2_1] Confinement benefit
- [AUT_5_1_2_2] Child care benefit
- [AUT_7_1_1_1] Unemployment benefit
- [AUT_7_1_1_2] Unemployment assistance
- [AUT_7_1_2_1] Special benefit for mining industry
- [AUT_7_1_2_2] Transition benefit
- [AUT_8_1_1_1] Rent allowance (State Wien)
- [AUT_8_1_1_2] Housing assistance in Vienna
- [AUT_9_1_1_1] Cash benefit of social assistance
- [AUT_9_1_1_2] Minimum income benefit
- [BEL_10_1_1_1] Temporary Unemployment Benefit
- [BEL_10_1_1_2] Guaranteed income benefit for part time workers registered as unemployed
- [BEL_10_1_1_3] Paid part time or full time leave for special reasons
- [BEL_1_1_1_1] Income guarantee for the elderly
- [BEL_1_1_1_2] Old Age Pension - Self-employed
- [BEL_1_1_1_3] Old Age Pension - Salaried Persons
- [BEL_1_1_1_4] Old Age Pension - Civil servants
- [BEL_1_1_2_1] Early retirement - self employed
- [BEL_1_1_2_2] Early retirement - Salaried persons
- [BEL_1_1_2_3] Early Retirement - Civil Servants
- [BEL_2_1_1_1] Survivors' Pension - Self Employed
- [BEL_2_1_1_2] Survivors' Pension - Salaried Persons
- [BEL_2_1_1_3] Survivors' Pension - Civil Servants
- [BEL_2_1_1_4] Widows' Pension
- [BEL_3_1_1_1] Income Replacement Benefit, Integration Benefit
- [BEL_3_1_1_2] Invalidity Benefit - Self Employed
- [BEL_3_1_1_3] Invalidity Benefit - Salaried
- [BEL_3_1_1_4] Invalidity Benefit - Civil Servants
- [BEL_3_1_2_1] Permanent Incapacity due to work accident - Salaried
- [BEL_3_1_4_1] Primary Incapacity - Salaried
- [BEL_3_1_4_2] Primary Incapacity - Self Employed
- [BEL_5_1_2_1] Daily maternity Benefit - Salaried
- [BEL_5_1_2_2] Daily Maternity Benefit - Self employed
- [BEL_5_1_2_3] Paternity, adoption and absence of work benefits - Salaried
- [BEL_7_1_1_1] Unemployment benefit (for jobseekers)
- [BEL_7_1_1_2] Unemployment benefit (for non-jobseekers)
- [BEL_7_1_2_1] Pre-pension
- [BEL_8_1_1_1] Monthly housing benefit
- [BEL_9_1_1_1] Integration income
- [BEL_9_1_1_2] Assistance equivalent to integration income
- [BGR_10_1_1_1] Monthly allowances for people employed without mediation of Employment Agency
- [BGR_1_1_1_1] Pensions Fund - Old-Age Pension
- [BGR_1_1_1_3] Pensions Fund - Pension of persons having performed individual activity or crafts
- [BGR_1_1_2_1] Anticipated Old-Age Pension for insurance period and hazardous work
- [BGR_1_1_2_3] Pensions for persons under Art. 69 CSR - Old Age Pension
- [BGR_2_1_1_1] Pensions Fund - Survivor pension
- [BGR_3_1_1_1] Pensions Fund - Disability pension due to general disease
- [BGR_3_1_1_4] Pensions not Related to Labour Activity Fund - Social pension for disability
- [BGR_3_1_2_2] Work Injury and Occupational Disease Fund - Disability Pension due to work injury and occupational disease
- [BGR_3_1_4_1] Work Injury and Occupational Disease Fund - Paid sick leave due to occupational disease or work injury
- [BGR_3_1_4_2] General Disease and Maternity Fund - Paid Sick Leave due to General Disease or Non-Occupational Injury
- [BGR_3_1_4_3] General Disease and Maternity Fund - other disease compensation
- [BGR_5_1_2_1] General Disease and Maternity Fund - Paid parental leave for bringing up a small child & Cash benefits for pregnancy and birth
- [BGR_5_1_2_2] Assistance of Families with Children & Child Protection- Monthly benefit for bringing up a child
- [BGR_5_1_2_3] Assistance of Families with Children & Child Protection - Monthly benefit for bringing up child with permanent disabilities
- [BGR_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Fund - Unemployment Benefit
- [BGR_9_1_1_1] Social Aids - Monthly social allowance
- [CAN_10_1_1_1] Unemployment Insurance: Work Sharing benefits
- [CAN_1_1_1_1] Old Age Security (OAS)
- [CAN_1_1_1_2] CPP retirement pension
- [CAN_1_1_1_3] QPP retirement pension
- [CAN_1_1_1_4] Guaranteed income supplement (GIS)
- [CAN_2_1_1_1] Widowed spouses allowance
- [CAN_2_1_1_2] CPP surviving spouse's pension
- [CAN_2_1_1_3] QPP*: surviving spouse's pension
- [CAN_3_1_1_3] CPP disability pension
- [CAN_3_1_1_4] QPP disability pension
- [CAN_3_1_2_1] VAC : Disability Pension
- [CAN_3_1_2_4] VAC : Permanent Impairment Allowance
- [CAN_3_1_4_1] Unemployment Insurance Sickness Benefits
- [CAN_5_1_2_1] Parental Benefit
- [CAN_5_1_2_3] Maternity Benefit
- [CAN_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Insurance: Regular benefits
- [CAN_7_1_1_2] Unemployment Insurance: Fishing benefits
- [CAN_9_1_1_1] Social Assistance (by Province, Income Support)
- [CHE_10_1_1_1] Reduced Working Hours Allowance
- [CHE_1_1_1_1] AVS - old age pension
- [CHE_2_1_1_1] AVS - Survivors pension (widow/er)
- [CHE_2_1_1_3] Accident and Occupational Disease Insurance - Survivors pension
- [CHE_3_1_1_1] Invalidity pension
- [CHE_3_1_1_5] Accident and Occupational Disease Insurance - Invalidity pension for non-professional accidents
- [CHE_3_1_2_1] Accident and Occupational Disease Insurance - Invalidity pension, Work accidents (AP)
- [CHE_3_1_4_1] Accident and Occupational Disease Insurance - daily indemnities
- [CHE_3_1_4_2] Sickness Insurance - daily indemnities
- [CHE_3_1_4_3] Disability Insurance (AI) - daily indemnities
- [CHE_5_1_2_1] Loss of Gains Insurance - Maternity
- [CHE_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Insurance - unemployment benefit
- [CHE_8_1_1_1] Housing Benefits
- [CHE_9_1_1_1] Social Assistance
- [CHL_10_1_1_1] Youth employment subsidy
- [CHL_10_1_1_2] Working women subsidy
- [CHL_1_1_1_1] Basic Solidarity Pension: old-age pension
- [CHL_1_1_1_2] Institute of Social Security: Old Age Pension
- [CHL_1_1_1_3] Mandatory Individual Account: Old Age Pension
- [CHL_1_1_2_1] Mandatory Individual Account: Early retirement
- [CHL_2_1_1_1] Survival pensions - Law N ° 16.744
- [CHL_2_1_1_2] Mandatory Individual Account: Survivors' Pension (widows, orphans, other)
- [CHL_2_1_1_3] Institute of Social Security: Survivors Pension
- [CHL_2_1_1_5] Special Laws Pensions - Political victims
- [CHL_3_1_1_1] Basic Solidarity Pension: disability pension
- [CHL_3_1_1_2] Mandatory Individual Account : Disability Pension
- [CHL_3_1_1_4] Social Security Invalidity Pensions
- [CHL_3_1_1_5] Institute of Social Security: Invalidity Pension
- [CHL_3_1_4_1] Work accidents (law 16.744)
- [CHL_3_1_4_2] Paid Sick leave (common sickness)
- [CHL_3_1_4_3] National Health Fund (FONASA): sickness benefits
- [CHL_5_1_2_1] Social Security: Maternity leave, parental leave, child sickness leave
- [CHL_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Insurance
- [CHL_7_1_1_2] Unemployment aid
- [CHL_8_1_1_1] Rental Subsidy
- [CYP_1_1_1_1] Social Insurance Scheme- Old Age Pension
- [CYP_1_1_1_2] Social Pension + Pensions to Chairmen Village Commission + Other Governmental Social Protection
- [CYP_1_1_1_3] Government, Civil Service Social Protection (Old Age)+ Local Government Scheme (Old Age and Anticipated Old Age)
- [CYP_1_1_1_4] Occupational Social Insurance Institutions: Old Age Pension+ Anticipated old age pension
- [CYP_2_1_1_1] Widow´s pension + Orphan´s benefit + Missing Person allowance, Social Insurance Scheme
- [CYP_2_1_1_2] Government Widow´s and Survivors´ pension: Civil Service Social Protection + Local Government Scheme
- [CYP_3_1_1_1] Social Insurance Scheme: Invalidity Pension
- [CYP_3_1_1_2] Other Governmental Social Protection: Severe Motor Disability Allowance
- [CYP_3_1_1_5] Other Governmental Social Protection: Care Allowance Scheme for Paraplegic
- [CYP_3_1_1_6] Other Governmental Social Protection: Care Allowance Scheme for Quadriplegic
- [CYP_3_1_1_7] Other Governmental Social Protection: Special Allowance for Blind Persons
- [CYP_3_1_1_8] Other Governmental Social Protection: Mobility Allowance.
- [CYP_3_1_4_1] Occupational Social Insurance Institutions + Employer Provider Social Protection + Social Insurance Scheme: Sickness + Injury benefits
- [CYP_3_1_4_2] Central Government Health Services + Local Government Scheme: Paid Sick Leave
- [CYP_5_1_2_1] Social Insurance Scheme: Maternity allowance
- [CYP_5_1_2_2] Other Governmental Social Protection: Mother´s Benefit
- [CYP_7_1_1_1] Social Insurance Scheme: Unemployment benefit
- [CYP_8_1_1_1] Housing: Rent Subsidy
- [CYP_9_1_1_1] Income support - General schemes : Local Government Scheme, Monetary Allowances to Distressed Persons, Other Governmental Social Protection
- [CYP_9_1_1_2] Income Support - Other schemes
- [CZE_1_1_1_1] Pension Insurance for full old-age pension
- [CZE_1_1_1_2] Pension Insurance for proportional old-age pension
- [CZE_1_1_1_3] Pension Insurance and Health Care in Forces: Old age pension
- [CZE_1_1_2_1] Pension Insurance for permanently reduced old-age pension
- [CZE_1_1_2_2] Pension Insurance for temporarily reduced old-age pension
- [CZE_1_1_2_3] Pension Insurance and Health Care in Forces: Anticipated old age pension
- [CZE_2_1_1_1] Pension Insurance for Widows and Widowers
- [CZE_2_1_1_2] Pension Insurance for Orphans
- [CZE_2_1_1_3] Pension Insurance and Health Care in Forces: Survivors' pension
- [CZE_3_1_1_1] Pension Insurance for Full Disability - Pension for Degree III of Disability (since 2010)
- [CZE_3_1_1_2] Pension Insurance for Partial Disability - Pension for Degree I and II of Disability (since 2010)
- [CZE_3_1_1_3] Mobility allowance
- [CZE_3_1_2_1] Pension Insurance and Health Care in Forces: Invalidity pension
- [CZE_3_1_4_1] Sickness Insurance for Sickness leave
- [CZE_3_1_4_2] Pension Insurance and Health Care in Forces: paid sick leave
- [CZE_5_1_2_1] State Social Support: Parental Allowance
- [CZE_5_1_2_2] Sickness Insurance for Maternity benefit
- [CZE_7_1_1_1] Unemployment benefits
- [CZE_8_1_1_1] State Social Support: Housing Allowance
- [CZE_9_1_1_1] State Social Support: Social benefit
- [CZE_9_1_1_2] Care Allowance
- [CZE_9_1_1_3] Assistance in Material Need: Allowance for Living
- [DEU_10_1_1_1] Short term work benefit
- [DEU_1_1_1_1] Regular old age pension
- [DEU_1_1_1_2] Old-age pension for the long-term insured
- [DEU_1_1_1_3] Old-age pension for particularly long-term period insured
- [DEU_1_1_1_4] Old age pension of the Mineworkers scheme
- [DEU_1_1_1_5] Old age pension for civil servants
- [DEU_1_1_1_6] Old age pension for farmers
- [DEU_1_1_1_7] Old age pension of the liberal professions' pension scheme
- [DEU_1_1_1_8] Old age pension for women
- [DEU_1_1_1_9] Basic income support for old age or reduced earning capacity
- [DEU_2_1_1_1] Survivors' Pension
- [DEU_2_1_1_3] Orphans' Pension
- [DEU_2_1_1_4] Survivors' Pension paid to the insured individual after an occupational accident
- [DEU_2_1_1_6] Survivors' pension for farmers
- [DEU_2_1_1_7] Survivors' Pension liberal professions
- [DEU_2_1_1_8] Survivors' Pension for civil servants
- [DEU_3_1_1_1] Pension for reduced earning capacity
- [DEU_3_1_1_10] Long-term care insurance – serious impairments (care level 2 & 3)
- [DEU_3_1_1_11] Long-term care insurance – severe impairments (care level 4 & 5)
- [DEU_3_1_1_2] Disability Pension for liberal professions
- [DEU_3_1_1_3] Disablility pension for civil servants
- [DEU_3_1_1_4] Farmers' pension for reduced earning capacity
- [DEU_3_1_1_5] Retirement pension for the severely disabled
- [DEU_3_1_1_6] Long-term care pension, in care level 1
- [DEU_3_1_1_7] Long-term care pension, in care level 2
- [DEU_3_1_1_8] Long-term care pension, in care level 3
- [DEU_3_1_1_9] Long-term care insurance – minor impairments (care level 1)
- [DEU_3_1_2_1] Pension to the insured person after an occupational accident
- [DEU_3_1_4_1] Paid Sick leave from accident insurance
- [DEU_3_1_4_2] Paid sick leave of the statutory health insurance
- [DEU_3_1_4_3] Paid sick leave for civil servants
- [DEU_5_1_2_1] Parental Allowance
- [DEU_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Benefit
- [DEU_7_1_1_2] Basic income support for job seekers
- [DEU_7_1_2_1] Pension for the unemployed or those taking partial retirement
- [DEU_8_1_1_1] Housing Benefits
- [DEU_9_1_1_1] Subsistence Payments
- [DNK_1_1_1_1] Old age pension
- [DNK_1_1_1_2] ATP
- [DNK_3_1_1_1] Disability Pensions/Early retirement pension
- [DNK_3_1_1_2] FlexJob/Flex allowance
- [DNK_3_1_4_1] Sickday Benefit
- [DNK_5_1_2_1] Maternity Benefit
- [DNK_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Benefit
- [DNK_7_1_1_2] Social assistance - jobseekers
- [DNK_7_1_1_3] Unemployment benefit (flexjob)
- [DNK_7_1_2_1] Early retirement pay
- [DNK_8_1_1_1] Lower rent subsidy
- [DNK_8_1_1_2] Highest rent subsidy
- [DNK_9_1_1_1] Cash benefits - non-jobssekers
- [DNK_9_1_1_2] Social Assistance - integration programmes for foreigners
- [ESP_10_1_1_1] The Public Employment Service: Partial unemployment benefit
- [ESP_1_1_1_1] The Social Security System, old age pensions (general scheme)
- [ESP_1_1_1_2] Old age pensions: Other Social protection schemes
- [ESP_1_1_1_3] Non contributive old age pension of the Social Security
- [ESP_2_1_1_1] The Social Security System: survivors' pension (general scheme)
- [ESP_2_1_1_2] Contributory old age survivors pensions,other schemes (including SOVI)
- [ESP_3_1_1_1] Contributory Incapacity Pensions, general regime
- [ESP_3_1_1_2] Contributory Incapacity Pensions, other regimes
- [ESP_3_1_1_3] Non-contributory Social Security Incapacity Pension
- [ESP_3_1_1_4] LISMI - Minimal income subsidy
- [ESP_3_1_4_1] Sick leave (common sickness)
- [ESP_3_1_4_2] Sick leave (professional sickness)
- [ESP_3_1_4_3] Sick leave (independent workers)
- [ESP_5_1_2_1] The Social Security System: maternity benefit
- [ESP_5_1_2_2] The Social Security System: paternity benefit
- [ESP_5_1_2_3] Risk during pregnancy
- [ESP_7_1_1_1] The Public Employment Service: Contributory full unemployment benefit
- [ESP_7_1_1_2] The Public Employment Service: Non-contributory full unemployment benefit
- [ESP_7_1_1_3] Assistance subsidy casual agricultural workers
- [ESP_7_1_1_4] Agricultural rent
- [ESP_7_1_1_5] Active insertion rent
- [ESP_7_1_1_6] Activation Program for Employment
- [ESP_9_1_1_1] Minimal Insertion Income
- [EST_1_1_1_1] Old age pension
- [EST_1_1_1_3] Superannuated pension
- [EST_2_1_1_1] Survivors Pension
- [EST_3_1_1_1] Pension for incapacity for work
- [EST_3_1_1_2] Disabled adult allowance
- [EST_3_1_4_1] Sickness benefit (occupational accidents)
- [EST_3_1_4_2] Sickness benefit
- [EST_5_1_2_1] Maternity Benefit
- [EST_5_1_2_2] Parental benefit
- [EST_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Insurance Benefit
- [EST_7_1_1_2] Unemployment Allowance
- [EST_9_1_1_1] Subsistence Benefit
- [FIN_1_1_1_1] Old-age pension
- [FIN_1_1_2_1] Special pensions for farmers
- [FIN_1_1_2_2] Part-time pension
- [FIN_2_1_1_1] Survivors' pension-surviving spouses
- [FIN_2_1_1_2] Survivors' pension-children (Orphan's pension)
- [FIN_3_1_1_1] Disability pension (including individual early retirement pension)
- [FIN_3_1_1_2] Disability benefits (Disability allowances only)
- [FIN_3_1_2_1] Daily Allowance
- [FIN_3_1_4_1] Sickness allowances
- [FIN_3_1_4_2] Rehabilitation allowances
- [FIN_5_1_2_1] Maternity allowance + Special maternity allowance
- [FIN_5_1_2_3] Parental allowances (including partial allowance)
- [FIN_7_1_1_1] Basic unemployment allowance
- [FIN_7_1_1_2] Earnings-related allowance
- [FIN_7_1_1_3] Labour market subsidy
- [FIN_7_1_1_6] Labour market subsidy paid to immigrants as integration allowance
- [FIN_7_1_2_1] Unemployment pension
- [FIN_8_1_1_1] General housing allowance
- [FIN_8_1_1_2] Housing allowance for pensioners
- [FIN_9_1_1_1] Social Assistance
- [FIN_9_1_2_2] Special assistance for immigrants
- [FRA_10_1_1_1] In-work Tax Benefit (PPE)
- [FRA_10_1_1_3] Minimum Income Guarantee for workers - All schemes
- [FRA_10_1_1_4] Work bonus
- [FRA_1_1_1_1] Old Age Pension - General Regime
- [FRA_1_1_1_2] Old Age Pension for employed or self employed farmers
- [FRA_1_1_1_3] Basic Old Age Pension for civil and military servants
- [FRA_1_1_1_4] Basic Old age Pension - regime for liberal professions RSI (craftsmen and merchants)
- [FRA_1_1_1_5] Basic Old Age Pension - other special regimes
- [FRA_1_1_1_6] Solidary Old Age Pension
- [FRA_1_1_2_1] Anticipated Old Age Pension after long working time - general regime
- [FRA_2_1_1_1] Survivors' Pension - general scheme (CNAVTS)
- [FRA_2_1_1_2] Survivors' Pension - civil servants and military personel
- [FRA_2_1_1_3] Survivors' Pension - other schemes
- [FRA_3_1_1_1] Allocation for handicapped adults (CAF)
- [FRA_3_1_1_2] Allocation for handicapped adults - MSA
- [FRA_3_1_1_3] Invalidity Pension - general scheme (CNAMTS)
- [FRA_3_1_2_1] Daily Sick Leave for occupational disease - France
- [FRA_3_1_2_2] Employees' scheme : Daily leave for work injuries
- [FRA_3_1_2_3] Other schemes: Daily leaves for work injuries and professional disease
- [FRA_3_1_4_1] General Employees' scheme: Daily leave for illness and non-work related injuries
- [FRA_3_1_4_2] Other schemes: Daily leave for illness and non-work related injuries
- [FRA_3_1_4_3] Independent's scheme (RSI) - Daily leave for illness and injuries
- [FRA_5_1_2_1] Parental leave PAJE - CLCA
- [FRA_5_1_2_2] Parental leave: all schemes (except civil servants)
- [FRA_5_1_2_3] Parental leave PreParE
- [FRA_5_1_3_1] Single parent's benefit
- [FRA_7_1_1_1] Jobseeker's benefit
- [FRA_7_1_1_3] Specific solidarity benefit
- [FRA_7_1_2_1] Old-age pension equivalence benefit (AER/ATS/PTS)
- [FRA_8_1_1_1] Family Housing benefit - All schemes ( except railroads)
- [FRA_8_1_1_2] Social housing benefit - All schemes
- [FRA_8_1_1_3] Individualised housing benefit - all schemes
- [FRA_9_1_1_1] Minimum Income Guarantee - All schemes
- [FRA_9_1_1_2] Minimum Income Guarantee - RSA
- [FRA_9_1_1_3] Solidarity Income - All schemes
- [FRA_9_1_2_1] Asylum seeker's waiting allowance - All schemes
- [GBR_10_1_1_1] Working Tax Credit
- [GBR_10_1_1_2] Universal Credit - In Employment
- [GBR_1_1_1_1] State Pension
- [GBR_1_1_1_2] Pension Credit
- [GBR_1_1_1_3] New State Pension
- [GBR_2_1_1_1] Widow's Benefit (Pension and Mother's Allowance)
- [GBR_2_1_1_2] Bereavement Benefit (Bereavement and Widowed Parents Allowance)
- [GBR_2_1_1_4] Bereavement Support Benefit
- [GBR_3_1_1_1] Incapacity Benefit
- [GBR_3_1_1_2] Severe Disablement Allowance
- [GBR_3_1_1_3] Employment and Support Allowance (contributions based)
- [GBR_3_1_1_4] Employment and Support Allowance (income based)
- [GBR_3_1_1_5] Income Support for Disabled (top-up of Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disablement Allowance/Employment and Support Allowance)
- [GBR_3_1_1_6] Carer's Allowance
- [GBR_3_1_1_7] Income Support for Carers (top-up of Carer's Allowance)
- [GBR_3_1_1_8] Disability Living Allowance
- [GBR_3_1_1_9] Personal Independence Payment
- [GBR_3_1_2_1] Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
- [GBR_5_1_2_1] Maternity Allowance
- [GBR_5_1_2_2] Statutory Maternity Pay
- [GBR_5_1_2_3] Statutory Paternity Pay
- [GBR_5_1_3_1] Income Support for Lone Parents
- [GBR_7_1_1_1] Jobseeker's Allowance - insurance
- [GBR_7_1_1_2] Jobseeker's Allowance - assistance
- [GBR_7_1_1_3] Universal Credit - Not in Employment
- [GBR_8_1_1_1] Housing Benefit
- [GBR_9_1_1_1] Income Support (Others)
- [GRC_1_1_1_1] Old-age pension, (non means-tested, all schemes)
- [GRC_1_1_1_2] Old-age pension, (means-tested, all schemes)
- [GRC_1_1_2_1] Anticipated old age pension (all schemes)
- [GRC_2_1_1_1] Survivors Pension (non-means tested, all schemes)
- [GRC_2_1_1_2] Survivors Pension (means tested, all schemes)
- [GRC_3_1_1_1] Disability pension (non means-tested, all schemes)
- [GRC_3_1_1_2] Disability pension (means-tested, all schemes)
- [GRC_3_1_1_3] Other benefits linked to incapacity to work (means-tested, all schemes)
- [GRC_3_1_2_1] Occupational injury and disease
- [GRC_3_1_4_1] Paid Sick Leave
- [GRC_5_1_2_1] Maternity leave
- [GRC_5_1_2_2] Special maternity leave and special maternity protection benefit
- [GRC_5_1_2_3] Parental leave
- [GRC_5_1_2_4] Parental leave for uninsured individuals
- [GRC_7_1_1_1] Unemployment benefit
- [GRC_7_1_1_2] Long-term unemployment benefit
- [GRC_7_1_1_3] Special allowance after a three month waiting period
- [GRC_7_1_1_4] Special allowance after the receipt of unemployment benefit
- [GRC_7_1_2_1] Early retirement for labour market reasons
- [GRC_8_1_1_1] Housing allowance
- [GRC_9_1_1_1] Social solidarity income
- [HRV_1_1_1_1] Old-age pension, (non means-tested, all schemes)
- [HRV_1_1_2_1] Early retirement pension (all schemes)
- [HRV_2_1_1_1] Survivors Pension (widow(er)/partner/cohabiting - children - parents)
- [HRV_2_1_1_2] Family disability benefit
- [HRV_3_1_1_1] Disability pension (non means-tested, all schemes)
- [HRV_3_1_1_2] Personal disability benefit
- [HRV_3_1_1_3] Personal disability benefit for Croatian Military War invalids
- [HRV_3_1_2_1] Physical impairment benefit
- [HRV_3_1_4_1] Paid Sick Leave
- [HRV_5_1_2_1] Maternity Leave
- [HRV_5_1_2_2] Maternity and Parental support
- [HRV_7_1_1_1] Unemployment benefit
- [HRV_8_1_1_1] Housing allowance
- [HRV_9_1_1_1] Guaranteed minimum income
- [HRV_9_1_1_2] Living costs allowance / Benefit for unemployed Croatian Homeland War defenders and their families
- [HUN_10_1_1_1] Family tax allowance
- [HUN_10_1_1_2] Personal allowances
- [HUN_1_1_1_1] Old-age pension
- [HUN_1_1_1_3] Pension for women with 40 years of eligibility period
- [HUN_1_1_2_1] Benefit under retirement age
- [HUN_1_1_2_2] Old-age pension prior to retirement age (reclassified from service pensions of armed forces members' born before 1955)
- [HUN_1_1_2_3] Early pension for hazardous working conditions
- [HUN_1_1_2_4] Advanced old age pension
- [HUN_1_1_2_5] Allowance for the official members of the armed forces
- [HUN_2_1_1_1] Widow(er) and parental pensions
- [HUN_2_1_1_2] Orphans' allowance
- [HUN_3_1_1_1] Disability benefit below retirement age
- [HUN_3_1_1_2] Disability benefit (above the retirement age)
- [HUN_3_1_1_3] Disability support
- [HUN_3_1_1_4] Rehabilitation benefit
- [HUN_3_1_1_5] Annuity for reduced working capacity
- [HUN_3_1_1_6] Disability annuity
- [HUN_3_1_4_1] Sickness benefit
- [HUN_5_1_2_1] Infant Care Allowance
- [HUN_5_1_2_2] Child Care Allowance
- [HUN_5_1_2_3] Child raising support
- [HUN_5_1_2_4] Child care fee
- [HUN_7_1_1_1] Job seekers' allowance
- [HUN_7_1_1_2] Job-seeker aid before pension
- [HUN_8_1_1_1] Home maintenance support
- [HUN_9_1_1_1] Regular social allowance
- [HUN_9_1_1_2] Benefit for people suffering from health problems or taking care of a child
- [HUN_9_1_1_3] Employment substituting support
- [IRL_10_1_1_1] Working Family Payment
- [IRL_1_1_1_1] State-pension (non-contributory)
- [IRL_1_1_1_2] State-pension (contributory)
- [IRL_1_1_1_3] State-pension (transition)
- [IRL_2_1_1_1] Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Non-Contributory) Pension
- [IRL_2_1_1_2] Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner’s Contributory Pension
- [IRL_3_1_1_1] Disability allowance
- [IRL_3_1_1_3] Invalidity Pension
- [IRL_3_1_4_1] Illness Benefit (previously called Disability Benefit)
- [IRL_3_1_4_2] Disablement Benefit
- [IRL_5_1_2_1] Maternity Benefit
- [IRL_5_1_2_4] Paternity Benefit
- [IRL_5_1_3_2] Deserted Wife's Benefit
- [IRL_5_1_3_3] One Parent Payment benefit
- [IRL_7_1_1_1] Jobseeker's allowance (JA)
- [IRL_7_1_1_2] Jobseeker's Benefit (JB)
- [IRL_7_1_2_1] Pre-retirement allowance (PRETA)
- [IRL_8_1_1_1] Rent Supplement
- [IRL_8_1_1_2] Housing Assistance Payment
- [IRL_9_1_1_1] Farm Assist
- [IRL_9_1_1_2] Supplementary Welfare Allowance
- [IRL_9_1_1_3] Carer's Allowance
- [IRL_9_1_1_4] Carer's Benefit
- [ISL_1_1_1_1] Basic retirement pension (TR)
- [ISL_1_1_1_2] Pension Funds (Old Age)
- [ISL_2_1_1_2] Pension Funds (Survivors)
- [ISL_2_1_1_3] Child pension - all types
- [ISL_3_1_1_1] Basic Disability Pension (TR)
- [ISL_3_1_1_2] Pension Funds (Disability Pension)
- [ISL_3_1_1_5] Rehabilitation Pension (TR)
- [ISL_3_1_4_1] Sickness and injury leave day benefits - Public
- [ISL_3_1_4_2] Sickness benefits, employees collective scheme
- [ISL_3_1_4_3] Salary during sick-leave (sick-pay)
- [ISL_5_1_2_1] Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund
- [ISL_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Benefit
- [ISL_8_1_1_1] Household Supplement (TR)
- [ISL_9_1_1_1] Single Parents Allowance (TR)
- [ISL_9_1_1_2] Benefits and allow. for carers of sick and disabled children (TR)
- [ISL_9_1_2_1] Municipal Income Support
- [ISR_10_1_1_1] Income Support Benefit (working families)
- [ISR_1_1_1_1] Old-Age Pension
- [ISR_1_1_1_2] Special Old-Age Pension (for immigrants)
- [ISR_1_1_1_3] Old Pension Funds (Old Pension funds and Old Pension Funds under Special Management)
- [ISR_1_1_1_4] New Pension Funds (New Comprehensive Pension Funds, New General Pension Funds, Central Pension-Paying Provident Funds)
- [ISR_2_1_1_1] Survivors' Pension
- [ISR_3_1_1_1] (General) Disablity Pension
- [ISR_3_1_1_2] Benefits for Polio Victims
- [ISR_3_1_1_5] Special Disablity Benefits (for new immigrants)
- [ISR_3_1_2_1] Disability Pension for Work Injured
- [ISR_3_1_4_1] Work Injury Allowance
- [ISR_3_1_4_3] Volunteer's benefit in case of injury
- [ISR_5_1_2_1] Maternity and Paternity Allowance
- [ISR_7_1_1_1] (Daily) Unemployment Benefit
- [ISR_7_1_1_3] Bankruptcy or liquidation of company benefit
- [ISR_8_1_1_1] Housing Support (Further information could not be obtained)
- [ISR_9_1_1_2] Income Support Benefit
- [ITA_10_1_1_1] Partial Employment Benefit (Ordinary, Extraordinary and In derogation)
- [ITA_10_1_1_2] Partial Employment Benefit (Solidarity funds)
- [ITA_1_1_1_1] Old-age pension, (non means-tested, all schemes)
- [ITA_1_1_1_2] Old-age pension, (means-tested, all schemes)
- [ITA_1_1_2_1] Early retirement pension (all schemes)
- [ITA_2_1_1_1] Survivors Pension (all schemes)
- [ITA_3_1_1_1] Disability pension (non means-tested, all schemes)
- [ITA_3_1_1_2] Other early retirement benefits for incapacity to work (non means-tested, all schemes)
- [ITA_3_1_1_3] Disability pensions and other benefits linked to incapacity to work (means-tested, all schemes)
- [ITA_3_1_4_1] INPS/INAIL : Sickness Allowance
- [ITA_5_1_2_1] INPS : Compulsory Parental leave
- [ITA_5_1_2_2] INPS : Discretionary Parental leave
- [ITA_5_1_2_3] Comuni's Maternity Allowance
- [ITA_7_1_1_1] INPS : Unemployment Benefit for Agricultural sector
- [ITA_7_1_1_2] INPS : Unemployment Benefit for non-Agricultural sector
- [ITA_7_1_1_3] INPS : Unemployment Benefit with reduced requirements for non-Agricultural sector
- [ITA_7_1_1_4] INPS : Social Insurance for Employment (ASpI and mini-ASpI)
- [ITA_7_1_1_5] INPS : NASPI
- [ITA_7_1_1_6] INPS : Mobility Allowance
- [ITA_8_1_1_1] Rent Allowance
- [ITA_9_1_1_1] Inclusion Income
- [JPN_1_1_1_1] New system?Basic pension for the aged
- [JPN_1_1_1_2] Old system?National pension (pensions for the aged)
- [JPN_1_1_1_3] Old system?National welfare pension
- [JPN_1_1_1_4] Old system?National pension (Aggregate pension for the aged)
- [JPN_1_1_1_5] New system?Employees' pension for the aged
- [JPN_1_1_1_7] Old system?Employees' pension insurance (pensions for the aged)
- [JPN_2_1_1_1] New system?Survivor's basic pension
- [JPN_2_1_1_2] Old system?National pension (Survivors' pension)
- [JPN_2_1_1_3] New system?Survivor's employees' pension
- [JPN_2_1_1_4] Old system?Employees' pension insurance (Survivors' pensions)
- [JPN_2_1_1_5] Old system?Employees' pension insurance (Aggregate survivor pension)
- [JPN_3_1_1_1] New system?Disability basic pension
- [JPN_3_1_1_2] Old system?National pension (Disability pension)
- [JPN_3_1_1_3] New system?Disability employees' pension
- [JPN_3_1_1_4] Old system?Employees' pension insurance (Disability pension)
- [JPN_3_1_2_1] Workmen's accident compensation insurance (Sickness & injury compensation pension)
- [JPN_3_1_2_2] Workmen's accident compensation insurance (Compensation for suspension to work)
- [JPN_3_1_4_1] Paid sick leave - Health insurance, Japan health insurance association (Sickness and injury allowance)
- [JPN_3_1_4_2] Paid sick leave - Health insurance, Seasonal workers (Sickness and injury allowance)
- [JPN_3_1_4_3] Paid sick leave - Health insurance, Health insurance managed by associations (Sickness and injury allowance)
- [JPN_3_1_4_5] Paid sick leave - Mutual aid association of national government employees (Sickness and injury allowance)
- [JPN_3_1_4_6] Paid sick leave -Mutual aid association of local government employees (Sickness and injury allowance)
- [JPN_3_1_4_7] Paid sick leave -Mutual aid corporation of private school personel (Sickness and injury allowance)
- [JPN_5_1_2_1] Health insurance, Japan health insurance association (Child-birth allowance)
- [JPN_5_1_2_10] Mutual aid association of local government employees (Allowance for child-care leave)
- [JPN_5_1_2_3] Health insurance - Health insurance managed by associations (Child-birth allowance)
- [JPN_5_1_2_8] Employment insurance (Allowance for child-care leave (Basic allowance))
- [JPN_5_1_2_9] Mutual aid association of national government employees (Allowance for child-care leave)
- [JPN_7_1_1_1] Employment insurance (Basic allowances)
- [JPN_8_1_1_1] Social assistance (Housing assistance)
- [JPN_9_1_1_1] Social assistance (Livelihood assistance)
- [KOR_10_1_1_1] Employment promotion allowance
- [KOR_10_1_1_2] Self support protection
- [KOR_10_1_1_3] Earned Income Tax Credit
- [KOR_1_1_1_1] Natinonal Pension (full + special)
- [KOR_1_1_1_2] Government employees pension
- [KOR_1_1_1_4] Private school teacher's pension
- [KOR_1_1_1_5] Military pension
- [KOR_1_1_1_6] Ageing allowance (basic old-age pension)
- [KOR_1_1_2_1] National Pension (Early old age pension only)
- [KOR_2_1_1_1] National pension - survivors
- [KOR_2_1_1_2] Government employees pension - survivors
- [KOR_2_1_1_4] Private school teacher's pension - survivors
- [KOR_2_1_1_5] Military pension - survivors
- [KOR_2_1_1_6] Patriots and veteran pensions
- [KOR_2_1_1_7] Occupational injury insurance - survivors pension
- [KOR_3_1_1_1] National pension - disability
- [KOR_3_1_1_2] Government employees pension - disability
- [KOR_3_1_1_5] Patriots and veteran pensions - disability
- [KOR_3_1_1_6] Disability pension and Disabilty allowance
- [KOR_3_1_2_1] Occupational injury insurance - disability pension
- [KOR_3_1_4_1] Occupational injury insurance - sick leave for work injury
- [KOR_5_1_2_1] Maternity leave allowance (Employment insurance) + Prenatal and postnatal leave allowance (Employment insurance)
- [KOR_7_1_1_1] Job seeking allowance
- [KOR_8_1_1_1] Housing benefit
- [KOR_9_1_1_1] Basic Livelihood Security Program - Livelihood benefit
- [LTU_1_1_1_1] State Social Insurance Pensions: Old age pension
- [LTU_1_1_1_2] Social assistance pension for those who reached retirement age
- [LTU_1_1_1_4] State pensions: State pensions for casualties (old-age pension)
- [LTU_1_1_2_1] Officials and military personnel pensions for service (anticipated old age pension)
- [LTU_1_1_2_3] State Social Insurance Pensions: Compensation for extraordinary working conditions
- [LTU_1_1_2_4] State Social Insurance Pensions: Early old-age pension
- [LTU_2_1_1_1] State Social Insurance Pensions: Survivor’s pension (Includes: Widow, Widower, Orphan and Loss of Breadwinner)
- [LTU_3_1_1_1] State Social Insurance Pensions: Work incapacity pension
- [LTU_3_1_1_3] State Social Insurance Pensions: Disability pension
- [LTU_3_1_1_4] Social Integration of Disabled (children and adults)
- [LTU_3_1_2_1] Social Insurance of Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases: Periodic compensation for loss of capacity for work
- [LTU_3_1_4_2] Social Insurance of Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases: Sickness benefit in case of accidents at work and occupational diseases
- [LTU_3_1_4_3] Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance: Sickness benefit (paid sick leave)
- [LTU_5_1_2_1] Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance: maternity benefit (in the period of pregnancy and childbirth)
- [LTU_5_1_2_2] Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance: paternity benefit (aggregation: until 1 month )
- [LTU_5_1_2_3] Sickness and Maternity Social Insurance: Maternity / paternity benefit (parental leave)
- [LTU_7_1_1_1] Employment Fund: Unemployment benefit
- [LTU_8_1_1_1] Compensations for housing utility (compensations for heating costs, drinking water and hot water costs)
- [LTU_9_1_1_1] Social Assistance Benefit - Assistance for Socially Supported Families
- [LUX_10_1_1_1] Occupational-reintegration measures for workers
- [LUX_10_1_1_2] Part time unemployment benefit
- [LUX_1_1_1_1] General pension scheme: Old-age Pension
- [LUX_1_1_1_2] Statutory pension schemes: Old-age Pension (for civil servants)
- [LUX_1_1_2_1] General pension scheme: Anticipated Old-age Pension
- [LUX_1_1_2_2] Statutory pension schemes: Anticipated Old-age Pension (for civil servants)
- [LUX_2_1_1_1] General pension scheme: Survivor Pension
- [LUX_2_1_1_2] Statutory pension schemes: Survivor Pension (for civil servants)
- [LUX_3_1_1_1] General pension scheme: Disability benefits
- [LUX_3_1_1_2] Statutory pension schemes: Disability benefits (for civil servants)
- [LUX_3_1_2_1] Occupational injury: permanent disability pension
- [LUX_3_1_2_3] Occupational injury: complete and partial disability pension
- [LUX_3_1_4_1] Occupational injury: Paid Sick Leave
- [LUX_3_1_4_2] Employers mutuel insurance: Paid Sick Leave (short term)
- [LUX_3_1_4_3] Health care and paid sick leave: Paid sick leave (long term)
- [LUX_5_1_2_1] Health care and paid sick leave: Paid Maternity Leave
- [LUX_5_1_2_2] Health care and paid sick leave: Special parental leave
- [LUX_5_1_2_3] Family allowances: Parental leave - old
- [LUX_5_1_2_4] Family allowances: Parental leave
- [LUX_7_1_1_1] Unemployment benefit
- [LUX_7_1_1_2] Temporary unemployment due to bad weather conditions, technical incidents or transitory unfavorable economic situation of the corporation
- [LUX_7_1_2_1] Early retirement
- [LUX_8_1_1_1] Accomodation allowance
- [LUX_8_1_1_2] Rent Subsidy
- [LUX_9_1_1_1] Guaranteed minimum income
- [LUX_9_1_1_2] Income for people severely disabled
- [LVA_1_1_1_1] Old Age Pension
- [LVA_1_1_2_1] Service Pensions
- [LVA_2_1_1_1] Survivors Pension
- [LVA_2_1_1_4] State social benefit to participants of the ChNPS nuclear clean- up or the family members of the deceased participant
- [LVA_3_1_1_1] Disability Pension
- [LVA_3_1_1_3] State Social Security Benefit (persons with invalidity who are not entitled to receive disability pension)
- [LVA_3_1_2_1] Insurance compensation for the loss of capacity for work, if the job injury has occured after 01.01.1997.
- [LVA_3_1_2_2] Compensation for damages to the participants of the ChNPS nuclear clean-up (both)
- [LVA_3_1_4_1] Sickness Benefit
- [LVA_5_1_2_3] Parents Benefit
- [LVA_7_1_1_1] Unemployment Benefit
- [LVA_8_1_1_1] Compensation for housing costs
- [LVA_9_1_1_1] Guaranteed Minimal Income
- [MEX_10_1_1_1] National Employment Service (SNE) - Temporary work
- [MEX_1_1_1_1] Old age pension and old age retirement (IMSS)
- [MEX_1_1_1_2] Retirement wages (ISSFAM)
- [MEX_1_1_1_3] Old age pension (ISSSTE)
- [MEX_1_1_1_4] Old age pension (PEMEX)
- [MEX_1_1_1_5] 70 and over (SEDESOL)
- [MEX_1_1_2_1] Early retirement pensions (ISSSTE)
- [MEX_2_1_1_1] Widow(er)s pension (IMSS)
- [MEX_2_1_1_2] Widow(er)s pension due to work injuries (IMSS)
- [MEX_2_1_1_5] Decease pension (ISSSTE)
- [MEX_2_1_1_6] Decease pension (PEMEX)
- [MEX_2_1_1_8] Decease pension (ISSSTE) due to work injury
- [MEX_3_1_1_1] Disability pensions (ISSSTE)
- [MEX_3_1_2_1] Disability occupational pension due to work injuries (permanent incapacity, IMSS)
- [MEX_3_1_2_2] Disability occupational pension due to work injuries (ISSSTE)
- [MEX_3_1_2_3] Assistance to the disabled (DIF)
- [MEX_3_1_4_1] Subsidy for ordinary sickness and professional sickness and accident
- [MEX_5_1_2_1] Maternity Leave (ISSFAM)
- [MEX_5_1_2_2] Maternity Leave (PEMEX)
- [MEX_9_1_1_1] Human Development Program - PROSPERA (SEDESOL)
- [MLT_1_1_1_1] Retirement Pensions
- [MLT_1_1_1_2] Old Age Pension - non-contributory Social Security Benefits
- [MLT_2_1_1_1] Survivors Pensions
- [MLT_3_1_1_1] Non means-tested incapacity benefits
- [MLT_3_1_1_2] Means-tested Incapacity benefits
- [MLT_3_1_4_1] Sickness Benefit
- [MLT_3_1_4_2] Injury Benefit
- [MLT_5_1_2_1] Non means-tested Family benefits
- [MLT_5_1_2_2] Means-tested Family benefits
- [MLT_5_1_2_3] Maternity Benefit
- [MLT_5_1_2_4] Maternity Leave
- [MLT_5_1_3_1] Carer's Pension (Pensjoni Wens - PW)
- [MLT_7_1_1_1] Special Unemployment Benefit (SUB), Unemployment Assistance (UA)
- [MLT_7_1_1_2] Unemployment benefit (UB)
- [MLT_8_1_1_1] Rent Subsidy
- [MLT_9_1_1_1] Social assistance programmes
- [MLT_9_1_1_2] Supplementary Allowance
- [NLD_1_1_1_1] AOW: General Old Age Pension
- [NLD_1_1_1_2] Self-administered funds (Industry-wide and Company pension funds) for Retirement pension
- [NLD_2_1_1_1] ANW: General Survivors Pension
- [NLD_2_1_1_3] Self-administered funds (Industry-wide and Company pension funds) for Partner's pension
- [NLD_3_1_1_1] WAO: Disablement Benefits Act
- [NLD_3_1_1_2] WAJONG: Disablement Assistance for Handicapped Young Persons Act
- [NLD_3_1_1_3] WAZ: Invalidity Insurance (Self-Employed Persons) Act
- [NLD_3_1_1_4] IVA: Fully Disabled Income Scheme (WIA)
- [NLD_3_1_1_5] WGA: Resumption of Work of Partially Able Persons Scheme (WIA)
- [NLD_3_1_1_6] Self-administered funds (Industry-wide and Company pension funds) for Disability pension
- [NLD_3_1_4_1] ZW Sickness Benefits (excluding Maternity leave)
- [NLD_3_1_4_2] Sick Leave Absence Rate
- [NLD_5_1_2_1] ZEZ Pregnancy and maternity benefit for Self-Employed Persons
- [NLD_5_1_2_2] ZW Sickness Benefits - Maternity leave
- [NLD_7_1_1_1] WW: Unemployment Benefits
- [NLD_7_1_2_1] IOAW: Income Provisions for Older and Partially Disabled Unemployed Persons
- [NLD_8_1_1_1] IHS Individual Rent Subsidy
- [NLD_9_1_1_1] Participation Act (PW)
- [NOR_1_1_1_1] Basic Old Age Pension
- [NOR_1_1_2_1] Contractual Pension
- [NOR_2_1_1_1] Surviving Spouse Benefit
- [NOR_2_1_1_4] War Survivors' pension
- [NOR_3_1_1_1] Disability Allowance
- [NOR_3_1_1_2] Temporary Disability Benefit
- [NOR_3_1_1_3] Rehabilitation allowance
- [NOR_3_1_1_4] Vocational Rehabilitation allowance
- [NOR_3_1_1_5] Work Assessment Allowance
- [NOR_3_1_2_2] Occupational Injury compensation
- [NOR_3_1_4_1] Sickness Benefit
- [NOR_5_1_2_2] Parental Benefit
- [NOR_5_1_3_1] Transitional benefit and/or Childcare for Lone Parents
- [NOR_7_1_1_1] Unemployment benefit
- [NOR_9_1_1_1] Social Assistance
- [NZL_10_1_1_1] In-Work Tax Credit
- [NZL_1_1_1_1] New Zealand Superannuation
- [NZL_1_1_1_2] Veteran's Pension
- [NZL_2_1_1_1] Widow's Benefit
- [NZL_3_1_1_1] Invalid's Benefit
- [NZL_3_1_1_2] Supported Living Payment - Health Condition or Disability
- [NZL_3_1_1_3] Supported Living Payment - Carers
- [NZL_3_1_1_4] Domestic Purposes Benefit - Care of Sick or Infirm
- [NZL_3_1_2_1] Weekly Compensation - Loss of Earnings
- [NZL_3_1_4_2] Jobseeker Support - Health Conditions or Disability
- [NZL_5_̴