[PUSF] Public sector finances time series
Updated on DBnomics on September 21, 2024 (2:27 AM).
- [A8J8] PS: BoE contribution to PS net debt: £m CPNSA
- [AACE] FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: National Savings
- [AACF] FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: Tax instruments
- [AACH] FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: Northern Ireland central govt debt
- [AACI] FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: Government liabilities under ECS
- [AACL] FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: Government foreign currency debt
- [AACM] FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: Other government overseas financing
- [AAEF] LA finance: LA temporary debt #m
- [AAEJ] LA finance: public corporations debt #m
- [AAGB] PC finance: net payments of National Savings #m
- [AAZK] LG: Other: Contribution to PS net cash requirement: £m CPNSA
- [ABEC] LG: From central government to local government: £m CPNSA
- [ABED] LA finance: Borrowing other than direct from central govt #m
- [ABEE] LA finance: central government debt #m
- [ABEG] LG: Net cash requirement: £m CPNSA
- [ABEI] PC: From central government to public corporations: £m CPNSA
- [ABEJ] Public corporations borrowing other than direct from central govt #m
- [ABEM] PC: Net cash requirement: £m CPNSA
- [ABIF] CG: Net cash requirement: Net acquisition of company securities: £m NSA
- [ABLP] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash receipts: HMRC: Social security contributions: £m
- [ACCJ] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income: Petroleum revenue tax: £m CPNSA
- [ACRV] CG: Tax instruments: £m CPNSA
- [ACUA] CG: National savings: £m CPNSA
- [ADAK] LG: Current expenditure: Subsidies: £m CPNSA
- [ADDU] LG: Net lending to private sector and Rest of World: £m CPNSA
- [ADGI] LA finance: Long term marketable debt #m
- [ADGJ] LA finance: Long term non-marketable debt #m
- [ADSE] PC: Capital grants from private sector: £m CPNSA
- [AE76] LG: Current expenditure: Market output: P11 & P131:£m
- [AHGO] CG: Receipts table: VAT refunds: £m: NSA
- [AHHY] PS: Receipts table: Total Public Sector Taxes and NICS: £m: NSA
- [AIIH] CG: Current receipts: Compulsory social contributions: Receivable: £m CPNSA
- [AIPA] Central government finance: official reserves: Asset Flow: CP NSA: £m
- [AIPD] Official reserves outstanding : total #m
- [AMIO] LA finance: Bank deposits & short-term assets #m
- [ANBO] PS: Compulsory social contributions (D61): £m CPNSA
- [ANBP] PS: Gross Operating Surplus (B.2n): £m CPNSA
- [ANBQ] PS: Interest & dividends from private sector and rest of world (D41/42):£m CPNSA
- [ANBS] PS: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
- [ANBT] PS: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
- [ANBU] CG: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
- [ANBV] CG: Total current receipts, receivable: £m CPNSA
- [ANBW] LG: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
- [ANBX] LG: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
- [ANBY] GG: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
- [ANBZ] PC: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
- [ANCU] GG: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
- [ANCW] PC: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
- [ANCY] LA Gross fixed capital formation + Land (P51+K2)
- [ANLO] PS: Current exp: Interest & dividends paid to private sector and RoW: £m CPNSA
- [ANLP] CG: Total current expenditure, payable: £m CPNSA
- [ANLQ] LG: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [ANLR] GG: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [ANLS] PC: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [ANLT] PS: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [ANLV] CG: Current Budget Deficit: £m CPNSA
- [ANLW] GG: Current budget deficit (-B8n+D91): £m CPNSA
- [ANLY] PS: Current expenditure: Net social benefits (D62): £m CPNSA
- [ANML] LG: Accounts receivable/payable (F7 net): £m CPNSA
- [ANMU] PS: Current Budget Deficit (including public sector banks): £m: CPNSA
- [ANMW] LG: Other financial transactions: £m CPNSA
- [ANMY] CG: Increase in inventories and valuables (P52&P52): £m CPNSA
- [ANMZ] LG: Increase in inventories and valuables (P52&P53): £m CPNSA
- [ANND] CG: Capital grants (net) within public sector (D92&D99): £m CPNSA
- [ANNE] LG: Net investment:Capital grants (net) within public sector (D92&D99): £m CPNSA
- [ANNG] PC: Capital grants (net) within public sector (D92&D99): £m CPNSA
- [ANNI] CG: Capital transfers to private sector (D92&D99): £m CPNSA
- [ANNJ] LG: Net Investment: Capital grants to private sector (D92 & D99): £m CPNSA
- [ANNN] CG: Capital transfers from private sector (D92&D99): £m CPNSA
- [ANNO] LG: Capital grants from private sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANNQ] PC: Gross fixed capital formation (K2): £m CPNSA
- [ANNS] CG: Total Net Investment: £m CPNSA
- [ANNT] LG: Net investment: £m CPNSA
- [ANNU] PC: Total net investment: £m CPNSA
- [ANNV] GG: Total net investment: £m CPNSA
- [ANNW] PS: Net Investment (including public sector banks): £m: CPNSA
- [ANNX] PS: Net Borrowing (including public sector banks): £m: CPNSA
- [ANNY] CG: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANNZ] PS: Depreciation: Consumption of fixed capital (K1): £m CPNSA
- [ANPI] CG: Gross fixed capital formation (P51+K2): £m CPNSA
- [ANPM] CG: Savings, gross plus capital taxes: £m CPNSA
- [ANPZ] LG: Current receipts: Interest and dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANRH] CG: Net lending to private sector and rest of world (F.4): £m CPNSA
- [ANRS] CG: Net acquisition of company securities (F.5): £m CPNSA
- [ANRT] CG: Accounts receivable/payable (F7): £m CPNSA
- [ANRU] CG: Adjustment for interest on gilts (F.3): £m CPNSA
- [ANRV] CG: Other financial transactions: £m CPNSA
- [ANRW] PC: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector (D41&D42): £m CPNSA
- [ANRY] PC: Net lending to private sector and Rest of World: £m CPNSA
- [ANRZ] PC: Net acquisition of company securities: £m CPNSA
- [ANSA] GG: Saving, gross plus capital taxes: £m CPNSA
- [ANSC] GG: Interest & dividends from private sector and rest of world: £m CPNSA
- [ANSD] GG: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANSE] GG: Gross fixed capital formation: £m CPNSA
- [ANSF] GG: Increase in inventories and valuables: £m CPNSA
- [ANSG] GG: Capital grants (net) within public sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANSH] GG: Net lending to private sector and Rest of World: £m CPNSA
- [ANSI] GG: Net acquisition of company securities: £m CPNSA
- [ANSJ] GG: Accounts receivable/payable: £m CPNSA
- [ANSK] GG: Adjustment for interest on gilts: £m CPNSA
- [ANSL] GG: Other financial transactions: £m CPNSA
- [ANSM] GG: Capital grants to private sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANSN] GG: Capital grants from private sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANSO] PS: Current receipts: Taxes on income and wealth: £m CPNSA
- [ANSP] PS: Saving, gross plus capital taxes: £m CPNSA
- [ANSQ] PS: Gross fixed capital formation: £m CPNSA
- [ANSR] PS: Increase in inventories and valuables: £m CPNSA
- [ANSS] PS: Capital grants to private sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANST] PS: Capital grants from private sector: £m CPNSA
- [ANSU] PS: Net lending to private sector and Rest of World: £m CPNSA
- [ANSV] PS: net acquisition of company securities: £m CPNSA
- [ANSW] PS: Accounts receivable/payable: £m CPNSA
- [ANSX] PS: Adjustment for interest on gilts: £m CPNSA
- [ANSY] PS: Other financial transactions: £m CPNSA
- [ANSZ] Financing of CGNCR: Deposits with MFIs
- [ANTA] Financing of CGNCR: BGS
- [ANTB] Financing of CGNCR: Loans from MFIs
- [ANTC] Financing of CGNCR: Deposits with CG by other sectors
- [ANTD] Financing of CGNCR: NILO (except PWLB)
- [ANVQ] PC: Accounts receivable/payable: £m CPNSA
- [ANVU] PC: Other financial transactions: £m CPNSA
- [APEI] FA: LA: Asset: Level: British government securities
- [BKPJ] CG: Sterling treasury bills: £m CPNSA
- [BKPM] CG: British government stock (gilts): £m CPNSA
- [BKPW] CG: Total central government gross debt: £m CPNSA
- [BKPX] GG: General government condolidated gross debt (Maastricht): £m CPNSA
- [BKQA] PS: Consolidated gross debt (exc BoE): £m CPNSA
- [BKQG] GG: Local government other liquid assets (short term assets): £m CPNSA
- [BKQK] PS: Net debt (PSND): £m CPNSA
- [BKSM] GG: CG deposits & short term assets: Bank and building society deposits:£m CPNSA
- [BKSN] GG: CG deposits and other short term assets: Other liquid assets: £m CPNSA
- [BKSO] GG: Local government bank and building society depostits: £m CPNSA
- [BKST] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Stamp duty (shares) HMRC : £m CPNSA
- [C626] LG Net current grants abroad (PSAT2)
- [C627] Public sector Net current grants abroad (PSAT2)
- [CDDZ] CG: Current receipts: Other taxes: Vehicle duty paid by households: £m CPNSA
- [CORN] BoE: Term Funding Scheme Loan Liability: £m CPNSA
- [CPCM] Public Corporations (S.11001): Net Lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) (B.9N): CP £m: NSA
- [CPMU] Pub Sect: Liabilities: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Right liabilities:NSA:£m
- [CPMV] Pub Sect: Liabilities: Pensions: (AF.6M) :NSA:£m
- [CPMW] Pub Sect: Liabilities:Provisions for standardised guarantees (AF.66) :NSA:£m
- [CPMX] Pub Sect: Liabilities: Financial derivative liabilities (AF.7) :NSA:£m
- [CPMY] Pub Sect: Liabilities: Other accounts payable (AF.8): NSA:£m
- [CPMZ] Pub Sect: Assets:Loan assets (AF.4) :NSA:£m
- [CPNA] Pub Sect: Assets: Equity assets (AF.5) :NSA:£m
- [CPNB] Pub Sect: Assets: Non-life insurance technical reserve assets (AF.61) :NSA:£m
- [CPNC] Pub Sect: Assets: Other accounts receivable (AF.8) :NSA:£m
- [CPND] Pub Sect: Assets: Other assets not included as liquid assets in PSND ex :NSA:£m
- [CPNE] CG: Net Financial Liabilities: NSA:£m
- [CPNF] Public Sector Net Financial Liabilities (PSNFL ex) :NSA:£m
- [CPNG] Public Sector:Liabilities: Total Liabilities:NSA: £m
- [CPNH] Public Sector: Liabilities: Currency & Deposits (AF.2) :NSA: £m
- [CPNI] Public Sector: Liabilities: Debt securities (AF.3): NSA: £m
- [CPNN] Public Sector: Liabilities: Loans (AF.4): NSA: £m
- [CPNO] Public Sector: Liabilities: Equity (AF.5):NSA: £m
- [CPNP] Public Sector: Liabilities: Non-life insurance tech reserves (AF.61) :NSA: £m
- [CPNR] Public Sector: Total Assets: NSA: £m
- [CPNT] Public Sector: Assets: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (AF.1): NSA: £m
- [CPNU] Public Sector: Assets: Currency & Deposits (AF.2): NSA: £m
- [CPNV] Public Sector: Assets: Debt securities (AF.3): NSA: £m
- [CPNW] Public Sector: Assets: Pensions (AF.6M): NSA: £m
- [CPNX] Public Sector: Assets: Provisions standardised guarantees (AF.66): NSA: £m
- [CPNY] Public Sector: Assets: Financial derivatives & employee stock ops (AF.7):NSA: £m
- [CPNZ] Public Sector: Borrowing ex PS banks ex BoE: NSA: £m
- [CPOA] Public Sector: PSND (ex PS banks ex BoE) as a % GDP: NSA
- [CPOE] Public Sector: PSNFL (net financial liabilities) as a % GDP: NSA
- [CPOF] Public Sector: PSND (ex PS banks ex BoE): £m: CPNSA
- [CPPH] Public Sector: PSND (ex PS banks ex BoE): £ billion: CPNSA
- [CPPI] LG: Net Financial Liabilities: NSA:£m
- [CPPJ] GG: Net Financial Liabilities: NSA:£m
- [CPPK] PC: Net Financial Liabilities: NSA:£m
- [CPPL] BoE: Net Financial Liabilities: NSA:£m
- [CPRN] CG: Receipts: Corporation tax: Accrued: Gross of tax credits: £m:NSA
- [CT9G] CG: AS: F424N1 K.7 Nominal holding gains/losses: Student Loan Stock Revaluations
- [CUDG] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Fuel duty: £m CPNSA
- [CUKY] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Business rates (NNDR): £m CPNSA
- [CWNY] Public Sector Pensions: Net Borrowing (B.9n): (£m) CP NSA
- [CWP2] Public Sector Pensions: Net cash requirement (Own account): £m CPNSA
- [CWP3] Public Sector Pensions: Gross Debt Held by All Other Sectors (including CG)
- [CWP4] Public Sector Pensions: Consolidated Gross Debt: cross holdings of CG debt
- [CWP5] Public Sector Pensions: deposits and other short term assets: Other liquid assets: £m CP NSA
- [CWPL] APF: Corporate Bond purchases: Level of purchases £m
- [CWQG] Public Sector Pensions: AF.2: Level: Liability: Currency and Deposits: £m CP NSA
- [CWQK] Public Sector Pensions: AF.4: Level: Liability: Loans: £m CP NSA
- [CWVM] Pub Sec: AF.62: Level: Asset: Life insurance and annuity entitlements: £m CP NSA
- [CWVN] Pub sector pensions: Net Financial Liabilities: NSA:£m
- [CXLP] CG: D39: CV19 HMRC Job Retention Scheme: Accrued: £m: NSA
- [CXLQ] CG: D39: CV19 HMRC Self-Employment Income Support Scheme: Accrued: £m: NSA
- [DH7A] Television Licence Tax (excl licence fees paid by DWP for over-75s 2000/01)
- [DHHL] Public corporations (S.11001): Changes in inventories (P.52): Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
- [DMHD] LG : D2 Taxes on Imports and Production, received NSA
- [DU3N] CG: Total expenditure: £mn: NSA
- [DUHO] PC: Housing Association Net Cash Requirement: NSA: £m
- [DZLS] Public sector net borrowing, excluding public sector banks (£ million)
- [DZLT] Public sector current budget deficit, excluding public sector banks (£ million)
- [DZLW] Public sector net investment, excluding public sector banks (£ million)
- [E3VL] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Other gilt related adjustments: £m CPNSA
- [E3VM] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Reclassification & imputed liabilities: £m CPNSA
- [E3VX] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Official reserves SDRs: £m CPNSA
- [E3VY] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Other sterling debt: £m CPNSA
- [E3VZ] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Other liquid assets: £m CPNSA
- [EBFE] LG: Current expenditure: Net current grants abroad (D75): £m CPNSA
- [EBFT] PS: Total managed expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [EKED] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Vehicle duty paid by businesses: £m
- [EYJQ] LA Finance: Total transactions in assets #m
- [EYJR] MS Finance: Total bank lending to PC's (sterling & ECS) #m
- [EYJS] PC Finance: Other borrowing (other than from bank's or LA's) #m
- [EYJT] PC Finance: Total transactions in assets #m
- [EYJU] PC Finance: Bank deposits & other short term assets #m
- [EYJV] PC Finance: Transactions in LA debt #m
- [EYJW] PC Finance: Transactions in other CG debt (Gilts TBs etc) #m
- [EYKP] LG Gross Debt (Unconsolidated) Total: Maastricht News Release Table 2
- [EYMW] FA: CG: Liabs: Flows: Notes and coin: Coin
- [EYOO] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash receipts: HMRC: VAT: £m CPNSA
- [EYYD] PC: PC Gross Debt Held by All Other Sectors (including CG)
- [FCCS] Public corporations (S.11001): Taxes on income (D.51): Uses: Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
- [FDDP] PC: Current budget deficit (B.6n): £m CPNSA
- [FSVQ] BoE: Term Funding Scheme (TFS) Small & Medium-sized Enterprises Loan Liability: £m CPNSA
- [FSX6] CG: Covid Corp Finance Facility: Commercial Paper: £m: NSA
- [FV2H] CG: D.2121: Customs Duties (UK Receipts): Accrued Receipts: £M: CPNSA
- [FV5N] CG: Current expenditure: UK payments to EU under the withdrawal agreement (D.74) : £m CPNSA
- [FZEU] BoE: Assets: Level: L-t debt securities issued by UK central government: F.32N1A: Face value: £m: CP NSA
- [FZIQ] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility: Total Asset purchases: BoE code YWWB9R9: £m CPNSA
- [FZIU] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility: Total gilt purchases: £m CPNSA
- [FZIW] BoE: Banking & Issue department: Total Liabilities: £m CPNSA
- [FZIY] BoE: Banking & Issue department: Liabilities not recognised in PSND: £m CPNSA
- [FZJ4] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility: Total cash held within the APF: £m CPNSA
- [FZKV] BoE: Banking & Issue department: AF.4: Level: Asset: APF Loan: £m CP NSA
- [GTAO] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Tobacco: £m CPNSA
- [GTI9] Financial Level: GG Consolidation: F29 LG Deposits with CG
- [GTK4] Financial Level: GG Consolidated: F2 Liabilities
- [GTK7] Financial Level: GG Consolidated: F4 Liabilities
- [GVHE] CG: Interest & dividends from private sector and rest of world (D41/42):£m CPNSA
- [GVHF] LG: Interest & dividends from private sector and rest of world (D41/42):£m CPNSA
- [GVHG] PC: Interest & dividends from private sector and rest of world (D41/42):£m CPNSA
- [GZSI] CG: Current expenditure: Net current grants aborad (D74): £m CPNSA
- [GZSJ] CG: Current expenditure: Net social benefits payable: £m CPNSA
- [GZSK] LG: Current expenditure: Net social benefits: Total (D62): £m CPNSA
- [GZSL] GG: Current expenditure: Net social benefits (D62): £m CPNSA
- [GZSM] LG: Current expenditure: Goods and services (P3): Total £m CPNSA
- [GZSN] GG: Current expenditure: Goods and services (P3): £m CPNSA
- [GZSO] PC: Current exp: Interest & divs paid to private sector and RoW (D4): £m CPNSA
- [H2OH] Pub Sec: AF.62: Level: Asset: Pensions entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to no: £m CP NSA
- [HF6W] PS: Net Debt (excluding public sector banks): £bn: CPNSA
- [HF6X] PS: Net Debt (excluding public sector banks) as a % of GDP: NSA
- [HZS7] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on capital: £m CPNSA
- [IL64] PS: Public Sector Banks: Gross Operating Surplus: £m CPNSA
- [IL65] PS: Public Sector Banks: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
- [IL66] PS: PS Banks: Saving, gross plus capital taxes: £m CPNSA
- [IL67] PS: PS Banks: Depreciation: Consumption of fixed capital: £m CPNSA
- [IL68] PS: PS Banks: Current budget deficit (B.6n): £m CPNSA
- [IL69] PS: PS Banks: Gross fixed capital formation: £m CPNSA
- [IL6A] PS: PS Banks: Total net investment: £m CPNSA
- [IL6B] PS: Public Sector Banks Net Borrowing: £m CPNSA
- [IL6C] PS: PS Banks: Other financial transactions: £m CPNSA
- [IL6D] PS: Public Sector Banks net cash requirement: £m CPNSA
- [IL6K] PS: PS Banks: Capital grants to private sector: £m CPNSA
- [IL6L] PS: PS Banks: Capital grants from private sector: £m CPNSA
- [J42X] S.1311: K.7 Nominal holding gains and losses: FL: F.66: Covid-19 Loan Guarantee Schemes: £m
- [J4DD] PS: Net Borrowing as a % of GDP: CPNSA
- [J5IH] PC: Net cash requirement / market and overseas borrowing: £m CPNSA
- [J5II] PS: Net Borrowing (excluding public sector banks): £m: CPNSA
- [J5IJ] PS: Net Borrowing (exc PS Banks) as a % of GDP: CPNSA
- [J5IK] PS: PS Banks: Capital grants (net) within public sector: £m CPNSA
- [J5IL] PS: PS Banks: Net acquisition of company securities: £m CPNSA
- [J67M] Public Sector: Asset: Total Assets £m: CP: NSA
- [J67N] Public Sector: Asset: Produced Non-Financial Assets: (AN.1): £m: CP: NSA
- [J67O] Public Sector: Asset: Fixed Assets: (AN.11): £m: CP: NSA
- [J67P] Public Sector: Asset: Dwellings: (AN.111): £m: CP: NSA
- [J67Q] Public Sector: Asset: Other Buildings and Structures: (AN.112): £m: CP: NSA
- [J67R] "Public Sector: Asset: Machinery, Equipment and Weapons Systems: (AN.113+114): £m: CP: NSA"
- [J67S] Public Sector: Asset: Intellectual Property Products: (AN.117): £m: CP: NSA
- [J67T] Public Sector: Asset: Inventories: (AN.12): £m: CP: NSA
- [J67W] Public Sector: Asset: Non-Produced Non-Financial Assets: (AN.2): £m: CP: NSA
- [J67Y] Public Sector: Asset: Land: (AN.211): £m: CP: NSA
- [J682] Public Sector: Asset: Monetary Gold: (AF.11): £m: CP: NSA
- [J687] Public Sector: Asset: Special Drawing Rights: (AF.12): £m: CP: NSA
- [J688] Public Sector: Asset: Currency: (AF.21): £m: CP: NSA
- [J68B] Public Sector: Asset: Transferrable Deposits: (AF.22): £m: CP: NSA
- [J68C] Public Sector: Asset: Other Deposits: (AF.29): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6BF] Public Sector: Asset: Short-Term Debt Securities: (AF.31): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6BR] Public Sector: Asset: Short-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK MFIs and Other UK Residents: (AF.31N5-6): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6BS] Public Sector: Asset: Short-Term Debt Securities; MMIs Issued by Rest of the World: (AF.31N9 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6BY] Public Sector: Asset: Long-Term Debt Securities: (AF.32): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6BZ] Public Sector: Asset: Long-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK MFIs and Other UK Residents: (AF.32N5-6): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6C2] Public Sector: Asset: Long-Term Debt Securities; Bonds Issued by the Rest of the World: (AF.32N9): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6C6] Public Sector: Asset: Short-Term Loans: (AF.41): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6FS] Public Sector: Asset: Long-Term Loans: (AF.42): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6FT] Public Sector: Asset: Direct Investment: (AF.421): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6FU] Public Sector: Asset: Loans Secured on Dwellings: (AF.422 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6FY] Public Sector: Asset: Finance Leases: (AF.423): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6GF] Public Sector: Asset: Other Long-Term Loans: (AF.424): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6GI] Public Sector: Asset: Other Long-Term Loans;of Which Student Loans: (AF.424): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6GN] Public Sector: Asset: Equity: (AF.51): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6HH] Public Sector: Asset: Listed Shares: (AF.511): £m: CP: NSA
- [J6KA] Public Sector: Asset: Unlisted Shares and Other Equity: (AF.512 + AF.519): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8CN] Public Sector: Asset: Investment Fund Shares and Units: (AF.52): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8DR] "Public Sector: Asset: Insurance, Pension and Standardised Guarantee Schemes: (AF.6 ): £m: CP: NSA"
- [J8EW] Public Sector: Asset: Trade Credits and Advances: (AF.81): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8K8] Public Sector: Asset: Other Accounts Receivable, Excluding Trade Credits and Advances: (AF.89): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8K9] Public Sector: Liability: Long-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK local government: (AF.32N2): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8KB] Public Sector: Liability: Special Drawing Rights: (AF.12): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8KC] Public Sector: Liability: Currency: (AF.21): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MH] Public Sector: Liability: Transferrable Deposits: (AF.22): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MJ] Public Sector: Liability: Other Deposits: (AF.29): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8ML] Public Sector: Liability: Short-Term Debt Securities: (AF.31): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MN] Public Sector: Liability: Short-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK Central Government: (AF.31N1 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MP] Public Sector: Liability: Short-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK Local Government: (AF.31N2 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MR] Public Sector: Liability: Short-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK MFIs and Other UK Residents: (AF.31N5-6): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MT] Public Sector: Liability: Long-Term Debt Securities: (AF.32): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MV] Public Sector: Liability: Long-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK Central Government: (AF.32N1): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MX] Public Sector: Liability: Long-Term Debt Securities; British Government Securities: (AF.32N11): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8MZ] Public Sector: Liability: Long-Term Debt Securities; Other UK Central Government Sterling Bonds: (AF.32N12): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8N5] Public Sector: Liability: Long-Term Debt Securities; Issued by UK MFIs and Other UK Residents: (AF.32N5-6): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8N7] Public Sector: Liability: Short-Term Loans: (AF.41): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8N9] Public Sector: Liability: Short Term Loans by UK MFIs: (AF.41N1 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NB] Public Sector: Liability: Long-Term Loans: (AF.42): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8ND] Public Sector: Liability: Direct Investment: (AF.421 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NF] Public Sector: Liability: Loans Secured on Dwellings: (AF.422 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NH] Public Sector: Liability: Finance Leases: (AF.423 ): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NJ] Public Sector: Liability: Other Long-Term Loans: (AF.424): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NL] Public Sector: Liability: Equity: (AF.51): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NN] Public Sector: Liability: Listed Shares: (AF.511): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NP] Public Sector: Liability: Unlisted Shares and Other Equity: (AF.512 + AF.519): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NR] Public Sector: Liability: Investment Fund Shares and Units: (AF.52): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8NT] "Public Sector: Liability: Insurance, Pension and Standardised Guarantee Schemes: (AF.6 ): £m: CP: NSA"
- [J8Q7] Public Sector: Liability: Life Insurance and Annuity Entitlements: (AF.62): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8RL] Public Sector: Liability: Trade Credits and Advances: (AF.81): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8RM] Public Sector: Liability: Other Accounts Payable, Excluding Trade Credits and Advances: (AF.89): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8RQ] Public Sector: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8RR] Public Sector: Net Financial Worth: (BF.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8RS] Central Government: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [J8UP] Local Government: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [J99M] Other Public Corporations: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [JCHY] Public Sector Pensions: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [JCXN] Public Sector: Asset: Valuables: (AN.13): £m: CP: NSA
- [JDBP] Public Sector: Liability: Monetary gold: (AF.11): £m: CP: NSA
- [JDBQ] Public Sector: Liability: Sterling Treasury Bills: (AF.31N11): £m: CP: NSA
- [JDCE] Public Sector: Liability: Short term loans by RoW: (AF.41N9): £m: CP: NSA
- [JDUX] General Government: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [JDUY] Public Corporations: Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [JE4Q] Net difference in valuation of British Government Securities: £m: CP: NSA
- [JE4R] Assets associated with Public-Private Partnerships: £m: CP: NSA
- [JEJR] Unfunded public sector pension liabilities: Pension entitlements (AF.63): £m: CP: NSA
- [JEJT] Liabilities associated with additional Public-Private Partnerships: Imputed finance lease loans (AF.423): £m: CP: NSA
- [JEJU] Public Sector Net Worth: IMF GFSM: £m: CP: NSA
- [JEJV] Public Sector: Net capital formation plus acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets (P.5LN): £m: CP: NSA
- [JEJW] Public Sector: Net capital transfers (payable) (D.9n): £m: CP: NSA
- [JEPL] Public Sector: Statistical discrepancy: £m: CP: NSA
- [JF4C] Public Sector: Total changes in Net Worth £m: CP: NSA
- [JFX7] Public Sector: Illiquid instruments outside the boundary of PSND ex: £m CP NSA
- [JFXV] Bank of England (inc. APF): Net Worth: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [JI5V] Public Sector: Asset: Non-Financial Assets: (AN): £m: CP: NSA
- [JI63] Public Sector: Net Worth: Opening: (B.90): £m: CP: NSA
- [JI66] Public sector: changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers: £m CP NSA
- [JIS6] CG: Energy Profits Levy: Accrued basis: CPNSA £m
- [JJ7A] GG: Level: AF.3 (excluding gilts): CG/LG cross holdings
- [JJ7D] Financial Level: GG Consolidated: F3 Liabilities (excluding gilts)
- [JJ7G] Central Government:LI:LEVEL:Debt securities excluding gilts: CP NSA
- [JJI9] APF: Term Funding Scheme Loan Liability: £m CPNSA (On APF balance sheet)
- [JK7N] BoE: Cross holdings with CG: AF.32N11: British government securities: face value: £m CP NSA
- [JK7O] BoE: Cross holdings with CG: AF.424: Other long-term loans: £m CP NSA
- [JKF4] BoE: Banking & Issue department: Liquid assets: £m CPNSA
- [JKF5] Public Sector: AF.63: Level: Asset: Pension entitlements: £m CP NSA
- [JKF6] Public Sector: AF.64: Level: Asset: Claims of pension funds on pension managers: £m CP NSA
- [JKF7] Public Sector: AF.63: Level: Liability: Pension entitlements: £m CP NSA
- [JKF8] Public Sector: AF.64: Level: Liability: Claims of pension funds on pension managers: £m CP NSA
- [JKG5] BoE: AF.2: Level: Liability: Currency and deposits: £m CP NSA
- [JKR9] PC: Level: AF.2: PC/GG cross holdings: £m CP NSA
- [JKSR] GG: Level: AF.4: CG/LG cross holdings
- [JKW2] PC: Level: AF.4: PC/GG cross holdings: £m CP NSA
- [JL37] BoE: Level: AF.4: BoE/GG cross holdings: £m CP NSA
- [JL4K] Public sector pensions: Level: AF.31: PSP/PS cross holdings (face value): £m CP NSA
- [JL9R] Public sector pensions: Level: AF.32N11: PSP/PS cross holdings (face value): £m CP NSA
- [JLL6] Public Sector Pensions: AF.3: Level: Liability: Debt Securities: Face value: £m CP NSA
- [JLS4] Public Sector: AF.65: Level: Asset: Entitlements to non-pension benefits: £m CP NSA
- [JLS5] Public Sector: AF.65: Level: Liability: Entitlements to non-pension benefits: £m CP NSA
- [JLS6] Public sector: changes in net worth due to other economic flows: B.102+B.103: £m CP NSA
- [JLS8] Public sector: changes in net worth due to other changes in vol, of w/ changes in assumptions for funded pension schem : £m CP NSA
- [JM76] Public Sector: Asset: Cultivated Biological Resources: (AN.115): £m: CP: NSA
- [JM9S] Central Government:LI:LEVEL:Debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JM9T] Local Government:LI:LEVEL:Debt securities and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JM9U] GG: Level: CG/LG cross holdings: debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JM9V] Financial Level: GG Consolidated: British government securities: £m CP NSA
- [JMB8] Public sector: Level: Cross-holdings between general government and public corporations (incl BoE & PS pensions): £m CP NSA
- [JMB9] Financial Level: GG Consolidated: Debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JMC2] PC:LI:LEVEL:Debt securities and loans: CP NSA: £m
- [JMC3] Bank of England (incl APF): Gross debt: £m CP NSA
- [JMC4] Public Sector Pensions: Level: Liability: Debt securities and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JMC5] PC: Level: AF.3: PC/GG cross holdings: Debt securities (excl gilts): £m CP NSA
- [JMC9] PC: Level: AF.3: PC/GG cross holdings: Debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JMD2] Public sector pensions: Level: AF.4: PSP/PS cross holdings: loans: £m CP NSA
- [JMD3] Public sector pensions: Level: PSP/PS cross holdings: debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JMD4] Public sector gross debt (excl public sector banks and BoE): Currency and deposits: £m CP NSA
- [JMD5] Public sector gross debt (excl public sector banks and BoE): British government securities: £m CP NSA
- [JMD6] Public sector gross debt (excl public sector banks and BoE): Debt securities (excl gilts): £m CP NSA
- [JMEK] Public sector gross debt (excl public sector banks and BoE): Loans: £m CP NSA
- [JMEL] Public sector gross debt (excl public sector banks and BoE): Debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m CP NSA
- [JMEM] Public Sector (excl public sector banks and BoE): Deposits and other short term assets: Liquid assets: £m CP NSA
- [JMEN] BoE: Level: Liability: Other debt liabilities: £m CP NSA
- [JMEP] Public Sector gross debt: Debt securities (excl gilts) and loans: £m: CP: NSA
- [JMEQ] Public Sector gross debt (excl public sector banks): £m: CP: NSA
- [JMER] Bank of England: Level: Liquid assets: £m CP NSA
- [JMES] Public sector (excluding public sector banks): Level: Liquid assets: £m CP NSA
- [JMET] Public sector (excluding public sector banks): Level: Liabilities outside the boundary of PSND: £m CP NSA
- [JMEU] Public sector (excluding public sector banks): Level: Iliquid financial assets: £m CP NSA
- [JNV3] Public sector: Current budget deficit ex PS banks as % GDP (monthly & quarterly): CPNSA
- [JNV4] Public sector: Public sector net investment ex PS banks as % GDP (monthly & quarterly): CPNSA
- [JNV5] Public sector: Public sector borrowing ex PS banks as % GDP (monthly & quarterly): CPNSA
- [JNV6] Public sector: Current budget deficit inc PS banks as % GDP (monthly & quarterly): CPNSA
- [JNV8] Public sector: Public sector net investment inc PS banks as % GDP (monthly & quarterly): CPNSA
- [JNVA] Public sector: Public sector borrowing inc PS banks as % GDP (monthly & quarterly): CPNSA
- [JNYX] CG: Interest payable excluding capital uplift on index linked gilts: £m CPNSA
- [JNYY] CG: Capital uplift on index linked gilts excluding uplift paid at redemption: £m CPNSA
- [JW27] BoE: Current Receipts: Taxes on income and wealth: £m CPNSA
- [JW28] BoE: Gross Operating Surplus: £m CPNSA
- [JW29] BoE: Interest & divs from private sector and rest of world (D41/42): £m CPNSA
- [JW2A] BoE: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
- [JW2B] BoE: Saving, gross plus capital taxes: £m CPNSA
- [JW2C] BoE: Depreciation: Consumption of fixed capital: £m CPNSA
- [JW2D] BoE: Current budget deficit (B.6n): £m CPNSA
- [JW2E] BoE: Gross fixed capital formation: £m CPNSA
- [JW2G] BoE: Total net investment: £m CPNSA
- [JW2H] BoE: Net Borrowing (inc APF & SLS): £m CPNSA
- [JW2I] BoE: Net Cash Requirement: £m CPNSA
- [JW2J] PS: exc PS Banks: Current receipts: Taxes on income and wealth: £m CPNSA
- [JW2K] PS: exc PS Banks: Gross Operating Surplus: £m CPNSA
- [JW2L] PS: exc PS Banks: Interest & Divs from Private Sector and RoW: £m CPNSA
- [JW2M] PS: exc PS Banks Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
- [JW2N] PS: exc PS Banks: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
- [JW2O] PS: exc PS Banks: Total current receipts: £m CPNSA
- [JW2P] PS:exc PS Banks: Current exp: Interest & divs paid to private sector and RoW: £m
- [JW2Q] PS: exc PS Banks: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [JW2R] PS: exc PS Banks: Saving, gross plus capital taxes: £m CPNSA
- [JW2S] PS: exc PS Banks: Depreciation: Consumption of fixed capital: £m CPNSA
- [JW2T] PS: Current Budget Deficit (excluding public sector banks): £m: CPNSA
- [JW2U] PS: exc PS Banks: Gross fixed capital formation: £m CPNSA
- [JW2V] PS: Current Budget Deficit (exc PS Banks) as a % of GDP: CPNSA
- [JW2W] PS: exc PS Banks: Increase in inventories and valuables: £m CPNSA
- [JW2X] PS: exc PS Banks: Capital grants to private sector: £m CPNSA
- [JW2Y] PS: exc PS Banks: Capital grants from private sector: £m CPNSA
- [JW2Z] PS: Net Investment (excluding public sector banks): £m: CPNSA
- [JW33] PS: Net lending to private sector and rest of world (exc PS Banks) F.4: £m CPNA
- [JW34] PS: Net acquisition of company securities (exc PS Banks) (F.5): £m CPNSA
- [JW35] PS: Accounts receivable/payable (exc PS Banks): £m CPNSA
- [JW36] PS: Adjustment for interest on gilts (exc PS Banks) (F.3): £m CPNSA
- [JW37] PS: Other financial transactions (exc PS Banks): £m CPNSA
- [JW38] PS: Net cash requirement (exc PS Banks) (PSNCR exc): £m CPNSA
- [JW39] PS: Public Sector Banks: Current receipts: Taxes on income and wealth: £m CPNSA
- [JW3A] PS: PS Banks Interest & divs from private sector and rest of world (D41/42): £m
- [JW3B] PS: Public Sector Banks: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
- [JW3C] PS: Public Sector Banks: Current expenditure: Other current grants: £m CPNSA
- [JW3D] PS: PS Banks: Current exp: Interest & divs paid to private sector & RoW:£m CPNSA
- [JW3E] PS: PS Banks: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [JW3F] PS: Current expenditure: Other current grants: £m CPNSA
- [JW3G] PS: PS Banks: Net lending to private sector and Rest of World: £m CPNSA
- [JW3H] PS: PS Banks: Accounts receivable/payable: £m CPNSA
- [JW3I] PS: PS Banks: Adjustment for interest on gilts: £m CPNSA
- [JX9R] PS: Public sector banks gross debt: £m CPNSA
- [JXJ4] BoE: Accounts receivable/payable: £m CPNSA
- [K9UL] PS: PS Banks: Current receipts: Rent and other current transfers: £m CPNSA
- [K9UM] PS: exc PS Banks: Capital grants (net) within public sector: £m CPNSA
- [KB3E] PS: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
- [KIH3] CG: Current receipts: Other taxes: Bank levy: £m CPNSA
- [KSC7] GG consolidated gross debt less LG/CG holdings
- [KSC8] PS Consolidated Gross Debt: Less cg/nfpcs cross holdings of debt
- [KSC9] PS Consolidated Gross Debt: Less lg/nfpcs cross holdings of debt
- [KSD2] PS Ex Consolidated Gross Debt
- [KSD3] PS Consolidated Gross Debt Less cg/psbgs cross holdings of debt
- [KSD4] PS Consolidated Gross Debt Less lg/psbgs cross holdings of debt
- [KSD5] PS liquid assets: cg deposits and other short term assets
- [KSD6] PS liquid assets: lg deposits and other short term assets
- [KSD7] PS liquid assets: nfpcs deposits and other short term assets
- [KSD8] Total PS liquid assets
- [KSD9] PS liquid assets: psbgs liquid assets
- [KSE2] PS liquid assets: less cg deposits and other short term assets with psbgs
- [KSE3] PS liquid assets: less lg deposits and other short term assets with psbgs
- [KSE6] PSNDX (millions)
- [KSS6] CG: Current expenditure (exc debt interest payments): £m CPNSA
- [KSS8] CG: Income tax and compulsory social contributions (NICs): £m CPNSA
- [KW6Q] CG: Other sterling debt and foreign currency debt: £m CPNSA
- [KW6R] CG: NRAM and B&B (element of CG Gross Debt): £m CPNSA
- [KX5Q] PS: exc PS Banks: Total managed expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [L6BD] CG: Current receipts: Interest and dividends: APF, receivable: £m CPNSA
- [LIBP] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income: Other (mainly corporation tax): £m CPNSA
- [LIBR] CG: Current receipts:Taxes on income: Income tax and capital gains tax: £m CPNSA
- [LIQP] CG: Current receipts: Interest and dividends receivable: £m CPNSA
- [LIQQ] CG: Current receipts: Other income receivable: £m CPNSA
- [LIQR] CG: Current receipts:Other taxes (not on production/income) receivable: £m CPNSA
- [LIQS] CG: Current expenditure: Other payable: £m: CPNSA
- [LISB] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income: Self assessed income tax: £m CPNSA
- [LSIB] LG: Net acquisition of company securities (F5 assets): £m CPNSA
- [LSIW] Net premia/discounts of gilt issuances: £m CPNSA
- [LSJP] PC Notes and coin: Coin
- [M98R] CG: Net cash requirement (exc NRAM and B&B, Network Rail): £m CPNSA
- [M98S] CG: Net cash requirement (own account) (exc NRAM and B&B, Network Rail):£m CPNSA
- [M98W] CG: Net cash requirement (NRAM and B&B contribution (UKAR)): £m CPNSA
- [M9LE] GG: Current expenditure: VAT & GNI based EU contributions (D76u): £m CPNSA
- [M9LH] CG: Current expenditure: UK contributions to EU (D.76u) VAT & GNI: £m CPNSA
- [MDD6] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility: Interest receivable: £m CPNSA
- [MDD7] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility: Interest payable: £m CPNSA
- [MDD8] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility: Net interest receivable: £m CPNSA
- [MDK2] GG: General government net debt: £m CPNSA
- [MDK3] PS: GG and NFPC liquid assets: General government: £m CPNSA
- [MDL3] CG: Network Rail (element of CG Gross Debt): £m CPNSA
- [MDL5] GG: CG deposits and other short term assets: NRAM and B&B liquid assets:£m CPNSA
- [MDL7] PS: General government/PS Banks cross holdings of debt: £m CPNSA
- [MEX2] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility gilt holdings (at nominal value): £m CPNSA
- [MF6P] CG: Current Receipts: Taxes receivable: £m CPNSA
- [MF6Q] CG: Net social benefits:Public service pension contributions: £m CPNSA
- [MF6R] CG: Total revenue: £m CPNSA
- [MF6S] CG: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [MF6T] CG: Total capital expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [MF6U] CG: Total expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [MF6V] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Alcohol: £m CPNSA
- [MF6W] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: Other: £m CPNSA
- [MF6X] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income: Other income tax: £m CPNSA
- [MF6Z] CG: Current receipts: Other taxes on income and wealth: £m CPNSA
- [MF72] CG: Current receipts: Other taxes: Other (residual): £m CPNSA
- [MF73] CG: Current receipts: Total taxes: £m CPNSA
- [MF74] CG: Current receipts: Interest and dividends: Other: £m CPNSA
- [MF75] CG: Current receipts: Other receipts: Other (residual): £m CPNSA
- [MF76] CG: Current expenditure:Goods/services:Purchase of goods and services: £m CPNSA
- [MF77] CG: Net social benefits:Public service pension payments: £m CPNSA
- [MF78] CG: Capital transfers to LG: £m CPNSA
- [MF79] CG: Capital transfers to PC: £m CPNSA
- [MF7A] CG: Capital transfers to Asset Purchase Facility (APF): £m CPNSA
- [MFO7] CG: Capital transfers to central government: £m CPNSA
- [MHA8] CG: Current grants to central government: £m CPNSA
- [MIYZ] Public corporations: Capital transfers to the private sector: Total
- [MIZX] CG Cash receipts: HM Revenue and Customs
- [MJBB] Local Government: Current receipts: Other current taxes (nmis-ebfs)
- [MJBC] GG Other current taxes
- [MM9F] CG: Current receipts:Taxes on production:Stamp duty (land and property):£m CPNSA
- [MM9G] CG: Capital transfers from PC: £m CPNSA
- [MS5Z] CG: Gross capital formation: £m CPNSA
- [MS62] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income: Capital gains and legacy tax: £m CPNSA
- [MS6W] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income: PAYE income tax: £m CPNSA
- [MS6X] CG: Capital transfers from CG: £m CPNSA
- [MSD9] LG: Current receipts: Interest and dividends: £m CPNSA
- [MSE2] LG: Current receipts: Other receipts: £m CPNSA
- [MSE3] LG: Current expenditure: Other: £m CPNSA
- [MSE4] LG: Total revenue: £m CPNSA
- [MSE5] LG: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [MSE6] LG: Total capital expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [MSE7] LG: Total expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [MSE8] LG: Current receipts: Other current taxes: Other: £m CPNSA
- [MSE9] LG: Current expenditure: Purchase of goods and services: £m CPNSA
- [MSF2] LG: Current expenditure: Net social benefits: Other: £m CPNSA
- [MSF3] LG: Total revenue: Current receipts: Taxes: £m CPNSA
- [MT6A] BoE: Asset Purchase Facility: Total cash transfers to HMT: £m CPNSA
- [MU73] BoE: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
- [MU74] BoE: Current exp: Interest & dividends paid to private sector and RoW: £m CPNSA
- [MU75] BoE: Total current expenditure: £m CPNSA
- [MU76] BoE: Net acquisition of company securities: £m CPNSA
- [MU77] BoE: Adjustment for interest on gilts: £m CPNSA
- [MU78] BoE: Other financial transactions: £m CPNSA
- [MUB2] PS: Net Investment (exc PS Banks) as a % of GDP: CPNSA
- [MUF5] GG: Local government gross debt: Loans: £m CPNSA
- [MUI2] CG: Net cash requirement (Network rail contribution): £m CPNSA
- [MUT5] CG: Current expenditure: Market output and output for own final use: £m: NSA
- [MW4W] CG: Changes in net debt (exc NRAM and B&B, Network Rail): £m CPNSA
- [MW7L] CG: Gross Index-linked gilt capital uplift: £m CPNSA
- [N42A] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Official reserves: £m CPNSA
- [N42C] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: National savings: £m CPNSA
- [N42E] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Debt management account: £m CPNSA
- [N42F] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Foreign currency: £m CPNSA
- [N42H] CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Other: £m CPNSA
- [N445] CG: Corporation Tax (gross of tax credits): £m: NSA
- [NAVG] ESA: CG: LI: FLOW: F.33111, Sterling treasury bills
- [NCBV] ESA95:DIM: LA F.33211 accr adj
- [NCXS] ESA95:DIM PC F.33211 accr adj
- [NIIJ] Central Government:LI:LEVEL:Currency and deposits: CP NSA
- [NIJU] Central Government:LI:LEVEL:Loans: CP NSA
- [NJHY] Local Government:LI:LEVEL:Securities other than shares: CP NSA
- [NJHZ] GG: Local government gross debt: Money market instruments: £m CPNSA
- [NJIM] GG Local government gross debt: Bonds: £m CPNSA
- [NKGV] Public corporations (S.11001): Currency and deposits (AF.2): Level: Liability: Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
- [NKHE] Public corporations (S.11001): Debt securities (AF.3): Level: Liability: Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
- [NKIG] Public corporations (S.11001): Loans (AF.4): Level: Liability: Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
- [NMBG] CG: Current expenditure: Goods and services: Staff costs (D1): £m CPNSA
- [NMBJ] CG: Current expenditure:Current expenditure on goods and services (P3): £m CPNSA
- [NMBY] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production, receivable: £m CPNSA
- [NMCD] CG: Current expenditure: Subsidies: £m CPNSA
- [NMCK] CG: Current receipts: Other receipts: Rent received (D45): £m CPNSA
- [NMCU] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on income and wealth, receivable: £m
- [NMCV] CG: Current receipts: Other current taxes (D.59): £m CPNSA
- [NMDL] CG: Current expenditure: Current transfers received from abroad (D74): £m CPNSA
- [NMDZ] CG: Current expenditure: Current transfers paid abroad (D74): £m CPNSA
- [NMFC] CG: Current expenditure: Other current grants: £m CPNSA
- [NMFJ] Central government (S.1311): Net Lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) (B.9N): CP £m: NSA
- [NMFX] CG: Current expenditure: Net Interest payable: £m CPNSA
- [NMGL] CG: Capital transfers from LG: £m CPNSA
- [NMHM] LG: Current receipts: Other current taxes: Council tax (D591a): £m CPNSA
- [NMJE] LG: Current expenditure: Goods and services: Staff costs (D1): £m CPNSA
- [NMMX] LG: Current budget deficit (B8N): £m CPNSA
- [NMOE] Local government (S.1313): Net Lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) (B.9N): CP £m: NSA
- [NMRL] GG: Subsidies, Total paid (D3): CP NSA
- [NMXO] GG: PA: Resources: Consumption of fixed capital: P51c NSA CP
- [NMXV] GG: Gross Operating Surplus: £m CPNSA
- [NMYE] GG: Current receipts: Taxes on production (D.2): £m CPNSA
- [NMYX] GG: Current exp: Interest & dividends paid to private sector and RoW: £m CPNSA
- [NMZJ] GG: Current receipts: Taxes on income and wealth (D51): £m CPNSA
- [NNAI] PS: exc PS Banks: Current expenditure: Other current grants (D75): £m CPNSA
- [NNBK] General Government (S.13): Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) (B.9N): CP £m: NSA
- [NRJT] Public corporations (S.11001): Operating Surplus, gross (B.2g): Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
- [NRKD] Public corporations (S.11001): Disposable income, gross (B.6g): Current price: £million: Not seasonally adjusted
- [NRLN] CG: Gross operating surplus: £m CPNSA
- [NRLT] LG: Gross operating surplus: £m CPNSA
- [NRLX] Local Government: Gross Saving: B.8g: CP NSA
- [NSMM] LG: Pension contributions (D61): £m CPNSA
- [NSRM] Consumption of fixed capital for public corporations
- [NSRN] Public sector finances: Central Government: Depreciation: £m: CPNSA
- [NSRO] Local Govt: P.51c: Consumption of fixed capital
- [NUGW] LG: Current expenditure: Interest: £m CPNSA
- [NZGF] CG: Current receipts: Taxes on production: VAT, receivable: £m CPNSA
- [NZGO] CG: Current expenditure:Net social benefits: Social assistance (D623): £m CPNSA
- [QYJR] CG: Current transfers from central government to local government: £m CPNSA
- [QYRJ] CG: Net social benefits: National insurance fund benefits (D621): £m CPNSA
- [RURC] CG: Net cash requirement (own account): Cash receipts: Income tax: £m CPNSA
- [RURQ] PS: Net cash requirement: £m CPNSA
- [RUTN] PS: Net Debt (including public sector banks): £bn: CPNSA
- [RUTO] PS: Net Debt (including public sector banks) as a % of GDP: NSA
- [RUUI] GG: Net cash requirement / market and overseas borrowing: £m CPNSA
- [RUUL] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash receipts: Interest and dividends: £m CPNSA
- [RUUM] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash receipts: Other receipts: £m CPNSA
- [RUUN] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash receipts: Total: £m CPNSA
- [RUUO] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash outlays: Interest payments: £m CPNSA
- [RUUP] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash outlays: Net departmental outlays: £m CPNSA
- [RUUQ] CG: Net cash requirement: Cash outlays: Total: £m CPNSA
- [RUUS] GG: Net cash requirement: £m CPNSA
- [RUUW] CG: Net cash requirement: £m CPNSA
- [RUUX] CG: Net cash requirement (Own account): £m CPNSA
[freq] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [M] Monthly
- [Q] Quarterly
Search filters
CDID [CDID] (633)
Frequency [freq] (3)
This dataset has 1,899 series:
- from
- 1938=NA
- to
- 2023=249,973
- min:
- -2,948
- max:
- 316,152
- avg:
- 46,242.55
- σ:
- 89,827.643
- from
- 1963-01=NA
- to
- 2024-08=221,678
- min:
- -5,464
- max:
- 333,113
- avg:
- 47,340.648
- σ:
- 90,259.546
- from
- 1946-Q1=NA
- to
- 2024-Q2=222,318
- min:
- -5,464
- max:
- 330,749
- avg:
- 46,008.185
- σ:
- 88,788.783
- from
- 1938=NA
- to
- 2023=-18,850
- min:
- -32,236
- max:
- 3,299
- avg:
- -6,175.556
- σ:
- 7,821.619
- from
- 1963-01=NA
- to
- 2024-08=-1,291
- min:
- -9,291
- max:
- 6,446
- avg:
- -509.574
- σ:
- 1,301.061
- from
- 1946-Q1=NA
- to
- 2024-Q2=-675
- min:
- -24,108
- max:
- 9,526
- avg:
- -1,516.101
- σ:
- 3,395.074
- from
- 1938=NA
- to
- 2023=208
- min:
- -816
- max:
- 851
- avg:
- 27.481
- σ:
- 289.456
- from
- 1963-01=NA
- to
- 2024-08=2
- min:
- -534
- max:
- 358
- avg:
- 2.462
- σ:
- 59.197
- from
- 1946-Q1=NA
- to
- 2024-Q2=13
- min:
- -761
- max:
- 574
- avg:
- 7.385
- σ:
- 128.873
- from
- 1938=NA
- to
- 2023=-7
- min:
- -23
- max:
- 20
- avg:
- 1.148
- σ:
- 10.61
Series code | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A8J8.A] | -215 | -259 | -321 | -334 | -418 | -533 | -571 | -647 | -722 | -667 | -474 | -649 | -771 | -848 | -897 | -976 | -1184 | -1237 | -1121 | -1278 | -1431 | -2028 | -2045 | -1961 | -2948 | 14416 | 6945 | -2158 | 14273 | 43027 | 43058 | 48125 | 83078 | 166839 | 188545 | 182183 | 240235 | 316152 | 279546 | 249973 |
[AACE.A] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | -1550 | -1323 | 1023 | 537 | 847 | 524 | -4340 | -1525 | -4145 | -6121 | -5708 | -10844 | -3855 | -1311 | -4167 | 1833 | -2975 | -6225 | -22219 | -8578 | -10361 | -11887 | -9929 | -32236 | 3299 | -6654 | -18850 |
[AACF.A] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 169 | 130 | 122 | 15 | -10 | 89 | 37 | -23 | 105 | -41 | -116 | -816 | 93 | 308 | 135 | -9 | -166 | -519 | 164 | -368 | -173 | 851 | 355 | 82 | 31 | 89 | 208 |
[AACH.A] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 19 | 18 | 13 | 15 | 13 | 8 | 9 | 4 | 2 | -3 | -4 | -3 | 8 | -1 | -1 | -5 | 2 | -5 | -5 | -2 | -8 | -7 | -8 | 20 | -23 | -18 | -7 |
Series code | 1984-01 | 1984-02 | 1984-03 | 1984-04 | 1984-05 | 1984-06 | 1984-07 | 1984-08 | 1984-09 | 1984-10 | 1984-11 | 1984-12 | 1985-01 | 1985-02 | 1985-03 | 1985-04 | 1985-05 | 1985-06 | 1985-07 | 1985-08 | 1985-09 | 1985-10 | 1985-11 | 1985-12 | 1986-01 | 1986-02 | 1986-03 | 1986-04 | 1986-05 | 1986-06 | 1986-07 | 1986-08 | 1986-09 | 1986-10 | 1986-11 | 1986-12 | 1987-01 | 1987-02 | 1987-03 | 1987-04 | 1987-05 | 1987-06 | 1987-07 | 1987-08 | 1987-09 | 1987-10 | 1987-11 | 1987-12 | 1988-01 | 1988-02 | 1988-03 | 1988-04 | 1988-05 | 1988-06 | 1988-07 | 1988-08 | 1988-09 | 1988-10 | 1988-11 | 1988-12 | 1989-01 | 1989-02 | 1989-03 | 1989-04 | 1989-05 | 1989-06 | 1989-07 | 1989-08 | 1989-09 | 1989-10 | 1989-11 | 1989-12 | 1990-01 | 1990-02 | 1990-03 | 1990-04 | 1990-05 | 1990-06 | 1990-07 | 1990-08 | 1990-09 | 1990-10 | 1990-11 | 1990-12 | 1991-01 | 1991-02 | 1991-03 | 1991-04 | 1991-05 | 1991-06 | 1991-07 | 1991-08 | 1991-09 | 1991-10 | 1991-11 | 1991-12 | 1992-01 | 1992-02 | 1992-03 | 1992-04 | 1992-05 | 1992-06 | 1992-07 | 1992-08 | 1992-09 | 1992-10 | 1992-11 | 1992-12 | 1993-01 | 1993-02 | 1993-03 | 1993-04 | 1993-05 | 1993-06 | 1993-07 | 1993-08 | 1993-09 | 1993-10 | 1993-11 | 1993-12 | 1994-01 | 1994-02 | 1994-03 | 1994-04 | 1994-05 | 1994-06 | 1994-07 | 1994-08 | 1994-09 | 1994-10 | 1994-11 | 1994-12 | 1995-01 | 1995-02 | 1995-03 | 1995-04 | 1995-05 | 1995-06 | 1995-07 | 1995-08 | 1995-09 | 1995-10 | 1995-11 | 1995-12 | 1996-01 | 1996-02 | 1996-03 | 1996-04 | 1996-05 | 1996-06 | 1996-07 | 1996-08 | 1996-09 | 1996-10 | 1996-11 | 1996-12 | 1997-01 | 1997-02 | 1997-03 | 1997-04 | 1997-05 | 1997-06 | 1997-07 | 1997-08 | 1997-09 | 1997-10 | 1997-11 | 1997-12 | 1998-01 | 1998-02 | 1998-03 | 1998-04 | 1998-05 | 1998-06 | 1998-07 | 1998-08 | 1998-09 | 1998-10 | 1998-11 | 1998-12 | 1999-01 | 1999-02 | 1999-03 | 1999-04 | 1999-05 | 1999-06 | 1999-07 | 1999-08 | 1999-09 | 1999-10 | 1999-11 | 1999-12 | 2000-01 | 2000-02 | 2000-03 | 2000-04 | 2000-05 | 2000-06 | 2000-07 | 2000-08 | 2000-09 | 2000-10 | 2000-11 | 2000-12 | 2001-01 | 2001-02 | 2001-03 | 2001-04 | 2001-05 | 2001-06 | 2001-07 | 2001-08 | 2001-09 | 2001-10 | 2001-11 | 2001-12 | 2002-01 | 2002-02 | 2002-03 | 2002-04 | 2002-05 | 2002-06 | 2002-07 | 2002-08 | 2002-09 | 2002-10 | 2002-11 | 2002-12 | 2003-01 | 2003-02 | 2003-03 | 2003-04 | 2003-05 | 2003-06 | 2003-07 | 2003-08 | 2003-09 | 2003-10 | 2003-11 | 2003-12 | 2004-01 | 2004-02 | 2004-03 | 2004-04 | 2004-05 | 2004-06 | 2004-07 | 2004-08 | 2004-09 | 2004-10 | 2004-11 | 2004-12 | 2005-01 | 2005-02 | 2005-03 | 2005-04 | 2005-05 | 2005-06 | 2005-07 | 2005-08 | 2005-09 | 2005-10 | 2005-11 | 2005-12 | 2006-01 | 2006-02 | 2006-03 | 2006-04 | 2006-05 | 2006-06 | 2006-07 | 2006-08 | 2006-09 | 2006-10 | 2006-11 | 2006-12 | 2007-01 | 2007-02 | 2007-03 | 2007-04 | 2007-05 | 2007-06 | 2007-07 | 2007-08 | 2007-09 | 2007-10 | 2007-11 | 2007-12 | 2008-01 | 2008-02 | 2008-03 | 2008-04 | 2008-05 | 2008-06 | 2008-07 | 2008-08 | 2008-09 | 2008-10 | 2008-11 | 2008-12 | 2009-01 | 2009-02 | 2009-03 | 2009-04 | 2009-05 | 2009-06 | 2009-07 | 2009-08 | 2009-09 | 2009-10 | 2009-11 | 2009-12 | 2010-01 | 2010-02 | 2010-03 | 2010-04 | 2010-05 | 2010-06 | 2010-07 | 2010-08 | 2010-09 | 2010-10 | 2010-11 | 2010-12 | 2011-01 | 2011-02 | 2011-03 | 2011-04 | 2011-05 | 2011-06 | 2011-07 | 2011-08 | 2011-09 | 2011-10 | 2011-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-01 | 2012-02 | 2012-03 | 2012-04 | 2012-05 | 2012-06 | 2012-07 | 2012-08 | 2012-09 | 2012-10 | 2012-11 | 2012-12 | 2013-01 | 2013-02 | 2013-03 | 2013-04 | 2013-05 | 2013-06 | 2013-07 | 2013-08 | 2013-09 | 2013-10 | 2013-11 | 2013-12 | 2014-01 | 2014-02 | 2014-03 | 2014-04 | 2014-05 | 2014-06 | 2014-07 | 2014-08 | 2014-09 | 2014-10 | 2014-11 | 2014-12 | 2015-01 | 2015-02 | 2015-03 | 2015-04 | 2015-05 | 2015-06 | 2015-07 | 2015-08 | 2015-09 | 2015-10 | 2015-11 | 2015-12 | 2016-01 | 2016-02 | 2016-03 | 2016-04 | 2016-05 | 2016-06 | 2016-07 | 2016-08 | 2016-09 | 2016-10 | 2016-11 | 2016-12 | 2017-01 | 2017-02 | 2017-03 | 2017-04 | 2017-05 | 2017-06 | 2017-07 | 2017-08 | 2017-09 | 2017-10 | 2017-11 | 2017-12 | 2018-01 | 2018-02 | 2018-03 | 2018-04 | 2018-05 | 2018-06 | 2018-07 | 2018-08 | 2018-09 | 2018-10 | 2018-11 | 2018-12 | 2019-01 | 2019-02 | 2019-03 | 2019-04 | 2019-05 | 2019-06 | 2019-07 | 2019-08 | 2019-09 | 2019-10 | 2019-11 | 2019-12 | 2020-01 | 2020-02 | 2020-03 | 2020-04 | 2020-05 | 2020-06 | 2020-07 | 2020-08 | 2020-09 | 2020-10 | 2020-11 | 2020-12 | 2021-01 | 2021-02 | 2021-03 | 2021-04 | 2021-05 | 2021-06 | 2021-07 | 2021-08 | 2021-09 | 2021-10 | 2021-11 | 2021-12 | 2022-01 | 2022-02 | 2022-03 | 2022-04 | 2022-05 | 2022-06 | 2022-07 | 2022-08 | 2022-09 | 2022-10 | 2022-11 | 2022-12 | 2023-01 | 2023-02 | 2023-03 | 2023-04 | 2023-05 | 2023-06 | 2023-07 | 2023-08 | 2023-09 | 2023-10 | 2023-11 | 2023-12 | 2024-01 | 2024-02 | 2024-03 | 2024-04 | 2024-05 | 2024-06 | 2024-07 | 2024-08 |
[A8J8.M] | -208 | -210 | -211 | -211 | -212 | -212 | -213 | -213 | -214 | -214 | -215 | -215 | -216 | -216 | -220 | -225 | -229 | -233 | -238 | -242 | -246 | -251 | -255 | -259 | -264 | -268 | -273 | -279 | -284 | -289 | -294 | -300 | -305 | -310 | -315 | -321 | -326 | -331 | -331 | -332 | -332 | -332 | -332 | -333 | -333 | -333 | -333 | -334 | -334 | -334 | -342 | -351 | -359 | -368 | -376 | -385 | -393 | -401 | -410 | -418 | -427 | -435 | -445 | -455 | -464 | -474 | -484 | -494 | -503 | -513 | -523 | -533 | -542 | -552 | -554 | -556 | -558 | -560 | -562 | -564 | -565 | -567 | -569 | -571 | -573 | -575 | -582 | -589 | -597 | -604 | -611 | -618 | -625 | -632 | -640 | -647 | -654 | -661 | -667 | -673 | -679 | -685 | -691 | -698 | -704 | -710 | -716 | -722 | -728 | -734 | -727 | -721 | -714 | -707 | -701 | -694 | -687 | -681 | -674 | -667 | -661 | -654 | -665 | -677 | -688 | -699 | -711 | -722 | -440 | -452 | -463 | -474 | -486 | -497 | -512 | -528 | -543 | -558 | -573 | -588 | -604 | -619 | -635 | -649 | -664 | -680 | -689 | -698 | -707 | -716 | -725 | -735 | -743 | -753 | -761 | -771 | -779 | -789 | -795 | -801 | -807 | -812 | -818 | -824 | -831 | -837 | -843 | -848 | -854 | -860 | -864 | -868 | -871 | -875 | -879 | -882 | -885 | -889 | -893 | -897 | -900 | -904 | -911 | -919 | -926 | -933 | -940 | -947 | -954 | -961 | -968 | -976 | -987 | -1057 | -1070 | -1082 | -1095 | -1108 | -1120 | -1133 | -1146 | -1158 | -1171 | -1184 | -1196 | -1209 | -1212 | -1215 | -1218 | -1220 | -1223 | -1226 | -1229 | -1232 | -1235 | -1237 | -1240 | -1243 | -1231 | -1219 | -1207 | -1194 | -1182 | -1170 | -1158 | -1146 | -1134 | -1121 | -1109 | -1097 | -1115 | -1133 | -1151 | -1169 | -1187 | -1206 | -1224 | -1242 | -1260 | -1278 | -1296 | -1314 | -1326 | -1337 | -1349 | -1361 | -1372 | -1384 | -1396 | -1407 | -1419 | -1431 | -1442 | -1454 | -1511 | -1569 | -1626 | -1684 | -1741 | -1799 | -1856 | -1913 | -1971 | -2028 | -2086 | -2143 | -2133 | -2123 | -2114 | -2104 | -2094 | -2084 | -2074 | -2064 | -2055 | -2045 | -2035 | -2025 | -2017 | -2010 | -2002 | -1995 | -1987 | -1980 | -1972 | -1931 | -1946 | -1961 | -1976 | -1991 | -2105 | -2218 | -2332 | -2446 | -2559 | -2673 | -2787 | -2840 | -2894 | -2948 | -3001 | -3055 | -524 | 4695 | 7884 | 10654 | 12530 | 13436 | 13431 | 15037 | 15803 | 14416 | 14761 | 14706 | 12452 | 12436 | 12599 | 11019 | 11032 | 10946 | 8570 | 8602 | 8645 | 6945 | 6944 | 6852 | 4630 | 4738 | 4920 | 2773 | 2588 | 2616 | -445 | -230 | -22 | -2158 | -2323 | -2290 | -5464 | 11290 | 14459 | 12115 | 19347 | 14740 | 11726 | 16652 | 16800 | 14273 | 17695 | 21422 | 22343 | 26378 | 30434 | 31828 | 36805 | 40666 | 39400 | 45339 | 45528 | 43027 | 44919 | 44900 | 41763 | 46013 | 46159 | 43578 | 43723 | 43678 | 39557 | 45555 | 45700 | 43058 | 45413 | 47957 | 46402 | 53169 | 57135 | 54528 | 56713 | 55866 | 49416 | 52966 | 50971 | 48125 | 50328 | 48289 | 47776 | 55656 | 57740 | 56296 | 61071 | 64240 | 51671 | 69817 | 76505 | 83078 | 88049 | 109779 | 125068 | 140235 | 144771 | 145838 | 153323 | 150929 | 151274 | 164250 | 165772 | 166839 | 174495 | 195026 | 182434 | 200504 | 198770 | 190847 | 191366 | 196044 | 190031 | 194841 | 193112 | 188545 | 188174 | 190642 | 176342 | 195877 | 195324 | 191196 | 188952 | 180573 | 179709 | 192399 | 190291 | 182183 | 178593 | 177748 | 171742 | 230386 | 247489 | 242119 | 235953 | 244374 | 222668 | 244416 | 249258 | 240235 | 236195 | 246672 | 221914 | 232643 | 237470 | 220312 | 235261 | 233647 | 230715 | 305068 | 327040 | 316152 | 326011 | 318212 | 330749 | 331698 | 333113 | 327663 | 322506 | 323570 | 312325 | 302170 | 301093 | 279546 | 283678 | 282050 | 289589 | 266871 | 272288 | 268142 | 235728 | 235826 | 227649 | 249105 | 252559 | 249973 | 230044 | 241700 | 247205 | 218087 | 225785 | 222318 | 212470 | 221678 |
[AACE.M] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | -148 | -34 | -97 | -90 | -141 | -161 | -155 | -175 | -60 | -284 | -160 | -49 | -134 | -67 | -197 | -162 | -37 | -57 | -256 | -6 | 86 | -124 | 223 | 385 | 128 | 177 | 37 | 53 | 138 | 231 | 54 | 15 | -294 | 256 | 24 | 195 | 11 | 7 | -135 | -16 | -94 | -27 | -37 | -58 | 411 | 97 | 198 | 373 | 148 | 217 | 141 | 114 | -3 | 11 | -204 | -169 | -76 | -74 | -7 | 229 | 111 | 132 | 100 | 257 | -49 | 37 | -60 | -83 | -69 | -332 | -426 | -316 | -333 | -757 | -619 | -387 | -219 | -242 | -325 | -272 | -112 | -221 | -83 | 97 | -133 | -63 | -72 | -164 | -90 | -124 | -241 | -266 | -165 | -262 | -303 | -18 | -185 | -187 | -275 | -413 | -561 | -612 | -536 | -514 | -279 | -533 | -451 | -318 | -420 | -316 | -429 | -319 | -365 | -371 | -1471 | -944 | -184 | -167 | -341 | -201 | -955 | -1037 | -383 | -173 | -183 | -419 | -843 | -649 | -357 | -221 | -328 | -210 | -707 | -260 | -220 | -501 | -441 | -1438 | -5365 | -765 | -388 | -1731 | -558 | -150 | -2 | 553 | 377 | 305 | 328 | 266 | 286 | -3051 | -478 | 138 | -143 | -202 | -727 | -694 | -1074 | -467 | -89 | -33 | -33 | 1906 | 107 | 634 | 79 | 212 | 21 | -2255 | -1825 | -440 | -371 | -40 | -157 | 149 | -174 | -103 | 192 | 615 | 103 | 221 | -34 | 245 | 408 | 101 | -81 | 182 | -16 | 11 | -272 | 65 | -499 | -500 | -667 | -523 | -136 | -161 | -204 | -59 | -30 | -126 | -207 | -50 | -436 | -230 | -1305 | -818 | -657 | -680 | -731 | -484 | -501 | -4937 | -4827 | -2108 | -2279 | -1875 | -1322 | -1186 | -633 | -748 | -866 | -640 | -798 | 339 | -685 | -624 | -983 | 912 | 297 | -193 | -655 | -1004 | -1555 | -2325 | -2102 | -1523 | -1625 | -724 | -733 | -445 | -427 | -482 | -703 | -514 | -778 | -869 | -1538 | -424 | -1484 | -1010 | -1098 | -996 | -1151 | -899 | -867 | -668 | -1284 | -1012 | -994 | -399 | -787 | -582 | -907 | -486 | -634 | -909 | -904 | -1020 | -1459 | -813 | -1029 | -104 | -638 | -2411 | -3151 | -4436 | -6914 | -8765 | -9291 | -6052 | 550 | 6446 | 2530 | 4031 | 1349 | 136 | 17 | 210 | 44 | -679 | -183 | 27 | -772 | -416 | -465 | 82 | -1051 | -1453 | -632 | -420 | -427 | -147 | -1292 | -723 | -121 | 127 | -597 | 63 | -2311 | -3564 | -1534 | -1027 | 200 | 280 | -34 | -7039 | -3135 | -336 | -413 | 799 | 119 | 753 | 52 | -186 | -541 | -1104 | -1291 |
[AACF.M] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 34 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 8 | -2 | 17 | 8 | 46 | 3 | -9 | 22 | 13 | 27 | 13 | 6 | 28 | 0 | 10 | 3 | 14 | 4 | -3 | 20 | 20 | 16 | 3 | 15 | 5 | 15 | 16 | -2 | 13 | -4 | -61 | 1 | 5 | 20 | 6 | 8 | 19 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 1 | -2 | -31 | -2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 5 | -14 | -1 | 11 | 4 | 14 | 5 | -21 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 34 | 9 | -3 | 46 | 4 | 2 | 2 | -6 | -4 | 11 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 34 | -11 | 6 | -3 | -1 | -2 | -8 | -61 | 2 | -4 | 4 | 23 | -7 | 17 | 5 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | -2 | 14 | 7 | 52 | 15 | 16 | -2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | -7 | -54 | 10 | -2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | -11 | -26 | -17 | -2 | -2 | 4 | -7 | -5 | -1 | -12 | -12 | -25 | -13 | 8 | -10 | 12 | -2 | -17 | -18 | 9 | -24 | -534 | -129 | -98 | 51 | -20 | 78 | 25 | 30 | 16 | 64 | 16 | 8 | 9 | -22 | -162 | -47 | 358 | 7 | 8 | -6 | -63 | -71 | 68 | 73 | 0 | -8 | -11 | -6 | 146 | 10 | -2 | 13 | 19 | 3 | 5 | -12 | -20 | -11 | -10 | 2 | 59 | -5 | -17 | -2 | -21 | -12 | -6 | -12 | 11 | 21 | -27 | -10 | 38 | 41 | -59 | -29 | -22 | 11 | -56 | -34 | -21 | -14 | -11 | 54 | -19 | -49 | -36 | -276 | -4 | -40 | 20 | -77 | -30 | -5 | -57 | -5 | 126 | 105 | 6 | 0 | 7 | -5 | -20 | 36 | -20 | -5 | -61 | -17 | 241 | 19 | -47 | -65 | -67 | -85 | 44 | -81 | -67 | -181 | -62 | -18 | 179 | 72 | -74 | -61 | -79 | -55 | 58 | -130 | -15 | -65 | 15 | 40 | 326 | 208 | 22 | 16 | 18 | 5 | 137 | 12 | 29 | 18 | 20 | 30 | 219 | 19 | 19 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 14 | 17 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 33 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 13 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 5 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 54 | 2 | 5 | 50 | 4 | 4 | 14 | 9 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 60 | 26 | 18 | 34 | 6 | 48 | 5 | 0 | 8 | 3 | 2 |
Series code | 1984-Q1 | 1984-Q2 | 1984-Q3 | 1984-Q4 | 1985-Q1 | 1985-Q2 | 1985-Q3 | 1985-Q4 | 1986-Q1 | 1986-Q2 | 1986-Q3 | 1986-Q4 | 1987-Q1 | 1987-Q2 | 1987-Q3 | 1987-Q4 | 1988-Q1 | 1988-Q2 | 1988-Q3 | 1988-Q4 | 1989-Q1 | 1989-Q2 | 1989-Q3 | 1989-Q4 | 1990-Q1 | 1990-Q2 | 1990-Q3 | 1990-Q4 | 1991-Q1 | 1991-Q2 | 1991-Q3 | 1991-Q4 | 1992-Q1 | 1992-Q2 | 1992-Q3 | 1992-Q4 | 1993-Q1 | 1993-Q2 | 1993-Q3 | 1993-Q4 | 1994-Q1 | 1994-Q2 | 1994-Q3 | 1994-Q4 | 1995-Q1 | 1995-Q2 | 1995-Q3 | 1995-Q4 | 1996-Q1 | 1996-Q2 | 1996-Q3 | 1996-Q4 | 1997-Q1 | 1997-Q2 | 1997-Q3 | 1997-Q4 | 1998-Q1 | 1998-Q2 | 1998-Q3 | 1998-Q4 | 1999-Q1 | 1999-Q2 | 1999-Q3 | 1999-Q4 | 2000-Q1 | 2000-Q2 | 2000-Q3 | 2000-Q4 | 2001-Q1 | 2001-Q2 | 2001-Q3 | 2001-Q4 | 2002-Q1 | 2002-Q2 | 2002-Q3 | 2002-Q4 | 2003-Q1 | 2003-Q2 | 2003-Q3 | 2003-Q4 | 2004-Q1 | 2004-Q2 | 2004-Q3 | 2004-Q4 | 2005-Q1 | 2005-Q2 | 2005-Q3 | 2005-Q4 | 2006-Q1 | 2006-Q2 | 2006-Q3 | 2006-Q4 | 2007-Q1 | 2007-Q2 | 2007-Q3 | 2007-Q4 | 2008-Q1 | 2008-Q2 | 2008-Q3 | 2008-Q4 | 2009-Q1 | 2009-Q2 | 2009-Q3 | 2009-Q4 | 2010-Q1 | 2010-Q2 | 2010-Q3 | 2010-Q4 | 2011-Q1 | 2011-Q2 | 2011-Q3 | 2011-Q4 | 2012-Q1 | 2012-Q2 | 2012-Q3 | 2012-Q4 | 2013-Q1 | 2013-Q2 | 2013-Q3 | 2013-Q4 | 2014-Q1 | 2014-Q2 | 2014-Q3 | 2014-Q4 | 2015-Q1 | 2015-Q2 | 2015-Q3 | 2015-Q4 | 2016-Q1 | 2016-Q2 | 2016-Q3 | 2016-Q4 | 2017-Q1 | 2017-Q2 | 2017-Q3 | 2017-Q4 | 2018-Q1 | 2018-Q2 | 2018-Q3 | 2018-Q4 | 2019-Q1 | 2019-Q2 | 2019-Q3 | 2019-Q4 | 2020-Q1 | 2020-Q2 | 2020-Q3 | 2020-Q4 | 2021-Q1 | 2021-Q2 | 2021-Q3 | 2021-Q4 | 2022-Q1 | 2022-Q2 | 2022-Q3 | 2022-Q4 | 2023-Q1 | 2023-Q2 | 2023-Q3 | 2023-Q4 | 2024-Q1 | 2024-Q2 |
[A8J8.Q] | -211 | -212 | -214 | -215 | -220 | -233 | -246 | -259 | -273 | -289 | -305 | -321 | -331 | -332 | -333 | -334 | -342 | -368 | -393 | -418 | -445 | -474 | -503 | -533 | -554 | -560 | -565 | -571 | -582 | -604 | -625 | -647 | -667 | -685 | -704 | -722 | -727 | -707 | -687 | -667 | -665 | -699 | -440 | -474 | -512 | -558 | -604 | -649 | -689 | -716 | -743 | -771 | -795 | -812 | -831 | -848 | -864 | -875 | -885 | -897 | -911 | -933 | -954 | -976 | -1070 | -1108 | -1146 | -1184 | -1212 | -1220 | -1229 | -1237 | -1231 | -1194 | -1158 | -1121 | -1115 | -1169 | -1224 | -1278 | -1326 | -1361 | -1396 | -1431 | -1511 | -1684 | -1856 | -2028 | -2133 | -2104 | -2074 | -2045 | -2017 | -1995 | -1972 | -1961 | -2105 | -2446 | -2787 | -2948 | -524 | 10654 | 13431 | 14416 | 12452 | 11019 | 8570 | 6945 | 4630 | 2773 | -445 | -2158 | -5464 | 12115 | 11726 | 14273 | 22343 | 31828 | 39400 | 43027 | 41763 | 43578 | 39557 | 43058 | 46402 | 54528 | 49416 | 48125 | 47776 | 56296 | 51671 | 83078 | 125068 | 145838 | 151274 | 166839 | 182434 | 190847 | 190031 | 188545 | 176342 | 191196 | 179709 | 182183 | 171742 | 242119 | 222668 | 240235 | 221914 | 220312 | 230715 | 316152 | 330749 | 327663 | 312325 | 279546 | 289589 | 268142 | 227649 | 249973 | 247205 | 222318 |
[AACE.Q] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | -279 | -392 | -390 | -493 | -398 | -256 | -176 | 484 | 342 | 422 | -225 | 475 | -117 | -137 | 316 | 668 | 506 | 122 | -449 | 148 | 343 | 245 | -212 | -1074 | -1709 | -848 | -709 | -207 | -268 | -378 | -672 | -583 | -647 | -1586 | -1329 | -1302 | -1165 | -1055 | -2599 | -709 | -2375 | -775 | -1849 | -759 | -1187 | -2380 | -6518 | -2439 | 928 | 899 | -3243 | -207 | -2495 | -589 | 1980 | 925 | -4059 | -851 | -182 | 704 | 290 | 754 | 85 | -196 | -1666 | -820 | -293 | -383 | -1971 | -2155 | -1716 | -11872 | -5476 | -2567 | -2304 | -970 | 226 | -1852 | -5982 | -3872 | -1605 | -1699 | -3185 | -2918 | -3245 | -2434 | -3290 | -1768 | -2027 | -2833 | -3301 | -3153 | -14501 | -24108 | 9526 | 5516 | 271 | -835 | -1653 | -2422 | -1479 | -2162 | -591 | -5812 | -2361 | -6793 | -3884 | 1671 | -675 |
[AACF.Q] | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 50 | 10 | 71 | 16 | 53 | 34 | 27 | 21 | 39 | 35 | 27 | -64 | 31 | 31 | 17 | -35 | 6 | -10 | 29 | -11 | 40 | 52 | 8 | 1 | 13 | 29 | -6 | -67 | 23 | 15 | 6 | 12 | 74 | 15 | 4 | -51 | 0 | 3 | 7 | -54 | 0 | -13 | -49 | -15 | -7 | -33 | -761 | 109 | 71 | 88 | -175 | 318 | -61 | 70 | -19 | 150 | 30 | -4 | -41 | 56 | -40 | -30 | 5 | 69 | -110 | -79 | -46 | -14 | -316 | -97 | -92 | 226 | 13 | 11 | -86 | 243 | -179 | -122 | -310 | 233 | -214 | -127 | -65 | 574 | 56 | 154 | 67 | 268 | 37 | 40 | 10 | 39 | 3 | 20 | 20 | 12 | 4 | 12 | 3 | 12 | 5 | 14 | 58 | 59 | 27 | 18 | 104 | 88 | 13 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,899