Lending to business – business finance outstanding by business size and interest rate type [D14]



Data are compiled based on monthly returns collected by APRA from banks and registered financial corporations that have $2 billion of business credit or more. This threshold captures over 95 per cent of total business credit.

Data are subject to series breaks relating to changes in institution reporting and changes in the sample of reporting institutions. Data are not break adjusted.

'Outstanding' is the total outstanding business finance of each lender participating in the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) collection and measures the value of lending to resident non-related businesses. Lending includes loans, finance leases and bill acceptances. It excludes reverse repos.

For all data prior to April 2023, reporting entities applied common definitions of business sizes. A business was classified as small if the reporting entity had exposure to the business of less than $1 million and the business had turnover of less than $50 million. A business was classified as medium if the reporting entity had exposure to the business of $1 million or more and the business had turnover less than $50 million. A business was classified as large if it had a turnover of $50 million or more. 'Exposure' refers to all liabilities that a borrower has owing to the reporting entity. From April 2023, ADIs using the internal ratings-based approach to credit risk report business lending consistent with the business size definitions in APRA’s Prudential Standards APS 112 and APS 113. Business size definitions for other reporting entities are unchanged.

For definitions and inclusion criteria for each series, please see Australian Reporting Standard ARS 742.0, available at https://www.apra.gov.au/absrba-business-credit-stocks-flows-and-interest-rates

Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.

Series excluding lending to selected financials exclude lending to authorised deposit-taking institutions, registered financial corporations, central borrowing authorities, and the Reserve Bank of Australia. Series excluding lending to selected financials are only available for total small, medium and large business lending. They are unavailable for residentially-secured lending, fixed-rate lending or variable-rate lending.

From April 2023, series excluding lending to selected financials were revised to remove lending to all financial businesses, to align with changes to the financial aggregates (see Statistical Tables D1 and D2). This has impacted the following series: DLBOSTXSF – Business; Outstanding; Small business; Total excluding lending to financial businesses DLBOMTXSF – Business; Outstanding; Medium business; Total excluding lending to financial businesses DLBOLTXSF – Business; Outstanding; Large business; Total excluding lending to financial businesses

Updated on DBnomics on February 8, 2024 (3:02 AM)

Frequency [FREQ]
Units [units]

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Dimension codes and labels
[FREQ] Frequency
  • [M] Monthly
[units] Units
  • [$-million] $ million
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