Demand and income [H2]



The data for this table are from ABS Cat No 5206.0.

Chain volume measures are referenced to 2021/2022 values.

‘Business investment’ and ‘Public demand’ have been adjusted to exclude the effects of net sales of existing capital assets between the private and other (public and external) sectors.

The change in inventories is expressed as a contribution to year-ended GDP growth.

The expenditure components will not sum to GDP because some components of GDP are not presented here; for example, exports and imports are presented in Table I1. There is also a minor loss of additivity among chain volume measures of output when the base and reference years do not coincide. This affects GDP and its components prior to the latest reference year, noted above.

Shares of gross domestic product are expressed in current prices terms.

Real household disposable income' is household disposable income after the deduction of interest payments, deflated by the implicit price deflator for household consumption expenditure; includes income from unincorporated enterprises.

'Household saving ratio' is the ratio of household net saving to household net disposable income. Household net disposable income includes income from unincorporated enterprises but excludes household consumption of fixed capital.

Updated on DBnomics on December 7, 2023 (2:39 AM)

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[FREQ] Frequency
  • [Q] Quarterly
[units] Units
  • [$-million] $ million
  • [per-cent] Per cent
  • [percentage-points] Percentage points
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