[AlderKlByggvYtaSma] General assessment of real estate by region, type of property, year of value, observations and year
Updated on DBnomics on April 6, 2022 (11:25 AM).
[Region] region
- [00] Sweden
- [01] Stockholm county
- [03] Uppsala county
- [04] Södermanland county
- [05] Östergötland county
- [06] Jönköping county
- [07] Kronoberg county
- [08] Kalmar county
- [09] Gotland county
- [10] Blekinge county
- [12] Skåne county
[Typkod] type of property
- [Tot] Total
- [220T] One- or two-dwelling building, developed in total
- [2201F] One- or two-dwelling building, developed with detached settlement
- [2202R] One- or two-dwelling building, developed with row buildings
- [2203K] One- or two-dwelling building, developed with linked buildings
- [2204] One- or two-dwelling building, developed with unknown use
- [221] One- or two-dwelling building, dwelling for seasonal and secondary use with 1-2 families
- [222] One- or two-dwelling building, several one- or two-dwelling buildings for more than 2 families
- [223] One- or two-dwelling building, with residential buildings and premises
- [225] One- or two-dwelling building, dwelling with leasehold
- [230] One- or two-dwelling building, group house area under Chapter 12. 3§ FTL
[VardeArsKlass] year of value
- [Tot] total
- [-1929] - 1929
- [1930-1939] 1930 - 1939
- [1940-1949] 1940 - 1949
- [1950-1959] 1950 - 1959
- [1960-1964] 1960 - 1964
- [1965-1969] 1965 - 1969
- [1970-1974] 1970 - 1974
- [1975-1979] 1975 - 1979
- [1980-1984] 1980 - 1984
- [1985-1989] 1985 - 1989
- [1990-1994] 1990 - 1994
- [1995-1999] 1995 - 1999
- [2000-] 2000 -
- [UB] under construction
[ContentsCode] observations
- [BO0601Y4] Assessed units, total
- [BO0601U1] Assessed units with residential floor space
- [BO0601U2] Valuation units with non-residential floor space
- [BO0601U3] Average value of buildings, 1000 SEK
- [BO0601U4] Average residential floor space, square metres
- [BO0601U5] Average non-residential floor space, square metres
- [BO0601U6] Average value of buildings per square metre, SEK per square metre
Search filters
region [Region] (11)
type of property [Typkod] (11)
year of value [VardeArsKlass] (15)
observations [ContentsCode] (7)
This dataset has 25,410 series:
- from
- 2003=252012
- to
- 2021=252012
- min:
- 192,017
- max:
- 255,681
- avg:
- 220,309.714
- σ:
- 29,015.059
- from
- 2003=155924
- to
- 2021=155924
- min:
- 129,398
- max:
- 157,469
- avg:
- 142,402
- σ:
- 12,307.231
- from
- 2003=821
- to
- 2021=821
- min:
- 354
- max:
- 821
- avg:
- 551.714
- σ:
- 150.405
- from
- 2003=114
- to
- 2021=114
- min:
- 113
- max:
- 125
- avg:
- 119.286
- σ:
- 4.949
- from
- 2003=47
- to
- 2021=47
- min:
- 47
- max:
- 50
- avg:
- 48.571
- σ:
- 1.4
- from
- 2003=7186
- to
- 2021=7186
- min:
- 2,900
- max:
- 7,186
- avg:
- 4,670.429
- σ:
- 1,403.634
- from
- 2003=252170
- to
- 2021=252170
- min:
- 192,064
- max:
- 255,824
- avg:
- 220,407
- σ:
- 29,062.697
- from
- 2003=127073
- to
- 2021=127073
- min:
- 113,337
- max:
- 130,397
- avg:
- 121,528.286
- σ:
- 6,461.326
- from
- 2003=98795
- to
- 2021=98795
- min:
- 93,948
- max:
- 100,851
- avg:
- 97,833.714
- σ:
- 2,234.531
- from
- 2003=961
- to
- 2021=961
- min:
- 391
- max:
- 961
- avg:
- 623.429
- σ:
- 188.635
Series code | 2003 | 2006 | 2009 | 2012 | 2015 | 2018 | 2021 |
[00.2201F.-1929.BO0601U1] | 197568 | 197051 | 194320 | 192017 | 255681 | 253519 | 252012 |
[00.2201F.-1929.BO0601U2] | 133772 | 132950 | 131113 | 129398 | 157469 | 156188 | 155924 |
[00.2201F.-1929.BO0601U3] | 354 | 417 | 493 | 576 | 501 | 700 | 821 |
[00.2201F.-1929.BO0601U4] | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 113 | 114 | 114 |
[00.2201F.-1929.BO0601U5] | 49 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 47 | 47 | 47 |
[00.2201F.-1929.BO0601U6] | 2900 | 3407 | 3990 | 4622 | 4431 | 6157 | 7186 |
[00.2201F.-1929.BO0601Y4] | 197634 | 197125 | 194358 | 192064 | 255824 | 253674 | 252170 |
[00.2201F.1930-1939.BO0601U1] | 118822 | 117328 | 115142 | 113337 | 130397 | 128599 | 127073 |
[00.2201F.1930-1939.BO0601U2] | 98793 | 97303 | 95513 | 93948 | 100851 | 99633 | 98795 |
[00.2201F.1930-1939.BO0601U3] | 391 | 456 | 530 | 619 | 578 | 829 | 961 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 25,410