Job openings and vacancies, private sector (KV) by region, industrial classification SE-SIC92, observations and quarter [KVLedVakRegBr]

Documentation on provider website

Updated on DBnomics on April 8, 2022 (1:30 PM)

region [Region]
industrial classification SE-SIC92 [SNI92]
observations [ContentsCode]

Dataset has 64 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 2001-Q12001-Q22001-Q32001-Q42002-Q12002-Q22002-Q32002-Q42003-Q12003-Q22003-Q32003-Q42004-Q12004-Q22004-Q32004-Q42005-Q12005-Q22005-Q32005-Q42006-Q12006-Q22006-Q32006-Q42007-Q12007-Q22007-Q32007-Q42008-Q12008-Q22008-Q32008-Q4
00.A+B+F.AM0701A2 1664 5197 3349 2842 3900 3883 3488 3041 3517 1986 1911 1399 2149 2627 2038 1342 2232 2842 2027 2646 2993 3921 3451 4462 4957 5699 4159 4039 4419 4054 2951 1854
00.A+B+F.AM0701A3 1036 841 580 544 1179 911 927 1444 1369 500 440 389 644 658 745 428 593 588 433 585 826 838 711 1052 1051 1360 864 897 995 1078 822 781
00.A+B+F.AM0701A4 456 2825 1932 1549 1945 2141 1830 1757 1516 1009 968 767 1088 1542 1189 550 1005 1680 1015 1189 1155 1959 2129 2551 2736 3238 2155 2630 2004 2570 1531 1171
00.A+B+F.AM0701A5 231 643 469 393 622 805 785 1379 692 371 342 283 518 548 612 292 332 460 285 410 417 564 588 806 792 1119 709 749 623 919 587 558
00.A-OexklL.AM0701A2 57913 49404 44693 38838 38362 39066 35175 31912 36020 30616 26390 23710 25675 27799 26777 26243 28517 30270 27219 30952 35671 39126 38051 38674 43809 50985 44875 44438 47490 45773 40785 28821
00.A-OexklL.AM0701A3 3430 2986 2986 2468 3042 2755 2527 2444 3228 2461 2053 1640 2021 1910 2493 1711 2036 2035 2171 2177 3611 2674 2780 2452 2596 3980 4288 2795 3053 2773 3117 2495
00.A-OexklL.AM0701A4 24564 19499 19300 16030 15143 15552 14343 12892 16063 11015 9466 8928 10874 10905 9626 10672 12045 12510 11659 12808 10876 13684 13629 14509 17938 19300 18117 20630 20594 20435 16729 12425
00.A-OexklL.AM0701A5 2046 1798 1555 1728 1602 1778 1813 1819 2493 1526 1195 1114 1272 1161 1297 1154 1509 1299 1347 1640 1489 1365 1520 1652 1812 2382 2836 2029 2131 1872 1826 1625
00.C-E.AM0701A2 12885 10139 8196 8250 7591 8310 7276 6332 7124 7149 5008 4847 4972 5678 5475 6036 5707 5667 5212 6120 7310 7847 7367 8128 9131 10189 9008 8948 9705 9987 7396 4599
00.C-E.AM0701A3 1337 1288 879 1022 943 790 510 615 839 805 459 446 411 552 539 462 612 613 750 616 1037 683 642 739 838 859 717 650 824 779 600 598
Dimension codes and labels
[Region] region
  • [00] Sweden
  • [01+12+14] Storstadslän
  • [17-25exkl18+19] Skogslän
  • [03-10+13+18+19] övriga län
[SNI92] industrial classification SE-SIC92
  • [A-OexklL] total private sector
  • [A+B+F] companies in agriculture, forestry and fishing; construction industry
  • [C-E] Mining, quarrying, manufacturing and energy
  • [G-OexklL] service industries
[ContentsCode] observations
  • [AM0701A2] Job openings (KV)
  • [AM0701A3] Job openings (KV), margin of error
  • [AM0701A4] Vacancies(KV)
  • [AM0701A5] Vacancies (KV), margin of error
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